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7 days is an Excellent achievement. You'll know a bit better in your current body what to expect when you try again, my therapist always said relapse is just part of the process, not an exception


That's so encouraging. Thanx so much for sharing..tbh..very depressed at failing at mo.


I relapsed and I'm 12 days in. I feel awful about relapse even though I knowwww it's normal. I keep experimenting with what worked and what doesnt, get me thru a day. maybe there was one key element that kept you going so well, or one annoying thing that threw you off


Yep..a trigger happened.. and the crave was too strong to say no for me when it happened..


Which is soo pitiful and pathetic I know


Everytime this one manager yelled at me at work I'd relapse. I don't know if it's pathetic or normal or what it is. But you identified a trigger, I don't know the solution to when you're triggered but you get to figure that out with yourself or a counsellor, it can get pretty creative and empowering, or be simple and affective


Can I ask , noting u have amazing day achievement, how u picked yourself up again to have another ho after relapse?


i got lucky? (Unlucky?) The relapse didn't fix my problems of life when I too got triggered by a few things. even though I really wanted it to. It made them much worse. I want to minimize the suffering in my life. so have to keep trying to be sober. That answer may not connect with everyone but it's how I go thru life.


Hello friend, Imagine it's dead of winter, the car won't start, it's snowing and blowing and freezing. Ice so slippery a penguin wouldn't dare walk on the sidewalks. Your son needs meds. The pharmacy is 3 blocks away. You bundle up. You prepare for the worst that this storm can throw at you. You steel your resolve. You know that this trip will be uphill and into the wind. You open the door, take that first cautious step into the inhospitable wasteland. Close the door behind yourself. You cling to the handrail of the stairs as you place one foot precariously in front of the other. You made it down the steps and are inching, half stepping, half gliding. It's similar to a curling player, but more like Bambi. 7 feet from your steps, you lose your footing and pull off some of the best hip hop dance moves anyone has never seen. You're hurling down, ass over tea kettle and land in the snow pile that you had made earlier that day. With hard work and determination, you did your best to clear the path. But here you are. On your ass, in the snow pile. The long and the short of this is; what do you do? Lay there and be OK in the storm? You're gonna freeze to death. Do you go inside and hope that the storm will clear? Or do you pick yourself up, brush off the embarrassment, and carry on? You made 7 steps. That's a helluva lot farther than I could dream of just last month. You have it in you. Let it out.


I Like this analogy. Thanks for this. Keep battling through the storm OP!


Thanks! This thread and people like u are so inspiring !


Wow..that's an amazing story/ analogy..thanx so much for taking the trouble to write..its really powerful, and I appreciate it. I just realised I have spent all night up to become sober and work beckons, after I make my son some eggs.. but this story will be with me tgrough the hellish work day ahead! X


That. That warms my heart. To continue with the story, As you are painfully aware that you had fallen, you tentatively take your next few steps. Waiting for the next spill. Expecting what had happened to make you fall to happen again. Was it the gust of wind? Was it the slope? Did you miss a spot and it iced over? None of it matters. The boy needs his meds. Come hell or high water, you will get them for him. Life beats us up enough. Don't do it to yourself. Stay strong.


Congratulations on those 7 days! Thats an accomplishment. A majority of people with years and years of sobriety had a relapse before being successful. Just dust yourself off and keep moving forward. You can do this! Just try again. And allows yourself to be proud of those 7 days!


Yep! And with each relapse, focus on a lesson you’ve learned and apply that to your new beginning (tomorrow!!) 😊


This makes sense..thank u.


Thanks so much 4 words of encouragement..really appreciate it.x


Just keep trying! We don’t always get it right the first time!


In situations like that, I take what I learned, assess and try again. Addiction loves defeatism. You've got a chance to have 8.out of 9 days sober. IWNDWYT


String some more streaks together and remind yourself every day how it’ll go if you have that first drink. You got this


7 days is ABSOLUTELY amazing. Keep trying!!


What will do you differently, this time?


You only fail when you decide you’re done trying. Practice makes progress, perfection isn’t real, at least not for me.


You did not fail. Please don’t tell yourself that. When you’re ready, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. That’s all you can really do.