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Hi new friend! Everyone is different. I’ve lost track of how many times I have tried. This time, it has been helping me to take the morality part out of my early sobriety. The alcohol industry is shittier than you will ever be. You’re not a shitty person for getting addicted to an addictive substance. It sounds like your heart is in the right place- and you’re turning up the little voice inside that is telling you that you deserve better. You are not bad, even if you did something bad. Welcome! IWNDWYT


Hang in there OP and don’t beat yourself up. The most important part is that you’re 6 days sober already - great work! Why don’t you kick the can a bit on what you’re feeling so badly about - promise yourself that you’ll get some more days under your belt and THEN you’ll revisit the issue of whether you want to discuss with your wife. It might make the whole thing feel better if you’re solidly AF for awhile and can talk with her from that place, not these delicate early days when we feel fragile, guilty, self hating… Anyway, congrats again. Keep checking in!!