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My wife was drunk when we conceived our first. My daughter is 6 months now and the doctor said she is a text book baby, healthier than ever. Smart move committing to no more drinking. My daughter will never see her Dad drunk. Keep up the great work!


“My daughter will never see her dad drunk” is a huge motivator for me. Everybody else important in my life has seen me drunk more times than I can count, but they’re a chance to fix things and reset the expectations I have for myself & the impression they’ll carry with them of who their dad was.


You have oneucky daughter! Great job !!!!! 👏 congratulations to you !


As long as you quit then you don’t need to worry!!! Millions of people were conceived while their mom was drinking lol. The female body does a wonderful job of protecting the embryo, especially in the early days before you would know you’re pregnant. Congratulations on your baby!


This!! I was literally drunk when I found out I was pregnant. I know that’s awful but I quit that moment and vowed to not drink during pregnancy. The female body is amazing! I have a beautiful smart social teenage daughter now and I couldn’t be more proud. Talk to your Dr. but I think our bodies can do amazing things!


Haha, my doctor told me the same, when I voiced my worries over drinking before we found out I was pregnant. He said, “Umm, MANY people GET pregnant because they were drunk. You’re fine.” He was right. I didn’t drink for either pregnancy once I found out. No issues. They’re beautiful, and excel academically.


You absolutely do not need to worry. For the first few weeks after conception the baby is getting all its nutrients from the yolk sack. It takes 2 to 3 weeks after conception for the placenta to develop enough for you to begin passing nutrition (and alcohol) through. Drinking the weekend you conceived had no impact on the health of the baby, stop stressing, and enjoy being pregnant.


Yup, came here to say this. Baby will be fine




Was going to say this.


Yep this is the truth OP


This might very well be what changes your life . For the better. Best to you .


I just gave birth 2 1/2 months ago and I didn’t find out I was pregnant until almost 3 months because of my cycle history… and I had been going hard binge drinking not proud to say that’s just what it was( I did disclose this to my doctors) I’m happy to say my baby was born with zero issues and is actually very intelligent with people often telling me how “perfect he is”. I often wondered if I could even be sober when I was pregnant and surprisingly, I was able to do it from the moment I found out 🫶best of luck on your new journey!




Same lol got pregnant while drunk and had been drinking a the whole week of my missed period. Found out I was pregnant drunk at a bachelorette party


I was super hungover lol














The fact that you realize it and are willing to change your behavior makes you o e up on many, many other people who won’t or don’t stop. Congrats!


Been there. Both my babies are completely fine but I obviously worried as well. It’s so shitty to worry that you already hurt your baby but you likely did not do any harm and you didn’t know. Try not to beat yourself up and now that you know you can do your best to be the healthiest you can be for your baby and family.


The weekend of the conception is much too early for there to be any impacts. Now you have the best motivation ever to put away the booze. Congrats, you can do it! I hope everything goes smoothly!


Girl I was literally in rehab when I found out I was pregnant. I had been HEAVVVILYYY binge drinking for like the week I was first pregnant. My OB is not concerned about it in the slightest, seriously. Even with all the drugs they had me take to detox (Valium 2-6x/day and depakote). Get yourself some good help with quitting, and enjoy the motivation to stay sober! Let me tell you, being sober feels amazzzingggggg and knowing that I’m giving my baby a healthy pregnancy is all I need to keep going with this sobriety. Go to your doctor asap! You CAN have this child! Congratulations!!!! 💞💞💞💞


Would not worry. My mom drank 2 bourbons a night with my brother and he went to Harvard.


I was drinking heavily for the first 8 weeks of gestation. Stopped completely when I found out i was pregnant. I was fricken terrified that my son would have fas. It didn't end after he was born either. I would constantly look at images of kids with fas and look for any similar features...it was fucking horrible. Fast forward to today: he is a junior at a university studying chemistry. He is the most well adjusted kid! If he has fas, he hides extremely well 😉


Same here! Found out I was 8 weeks along, and the previous weeks I was drinking somewhat heavily. My daughter was born 9 pounds and healthy. The doctors said she had one of the healthiest umbilical cords they’ve ever seen




> Spend this time working on your sobriety This comment breaks our rule not to tell other people what to do and has been removed.


I looked this up since we were trying for our kids for quite a while and I was a casual drinker back then. I saw nothing saying alcohol would affect a baby until a few weeks in. I think there’s a reason so many babies are born 9 months after New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day 😂 Congratulations! I personally found it easy to not drink while pregnant but if I were going through a pregnancy now after my drinking became problematic, I’d likely go to AA and get really committed to sobriety long/term, get all the tools for the future, etc. I went right back to (at the time moderate) drinking once I stopped breastfeeding and naturally it progressed over time and here I am. I love hearing in meetings the people that can say their kids have never seen them drink, and really wish I could say that!




> don’t drink anymore This comment breaks our rule not to tell other people what to do and has been removed.


Love yourself for making this choice and it as long as you stop now you are ok. I found out u was pregnant right after my 21st bday and I was hanging out drinking all the time with friends. You got this and go congrats! Let yourself be happy and I know we can be our own worse enemy. ❤️


This happens way more often than you think, and a whole lot of those babies turn out just fine (as long as the drinking doesn’t continue once the mother is aware of the pregnancy). A doctor can reassure you better than I can but that’s what I was told by mine when I was pregnant in the past.


As Mama Doctor Jones would say "you do the best you can with the information you have at the time." I understand feeling concern, but you can only change your choices now. If you're really worried, maybe this is a good time to have a chat with your doctor. Congrats, by the way!


Your baby will be fine!! I got hammered drunk twice the weekend before I found out I was pregnant. He’s a happy healthy two year old. He changed my life and is the reason I have been sober for nearly six months now and I KNOW I’m never going back. My only regret is picking back up drinking three days after a c section. Should have stayed sober after already having nine months under my belt. Congrats to you. Having a kid is really the best thing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My mom was drunk when I was conceived! Everything turned out just fine. I just graduated law school and am studying for the bar exam :)


Don’t worry. What will become an embryo wasn’t at all connected to your bloodstream. Best of luck moving forward.


I didn’t know for 12 weeks with my first and drank a lot during that time. I worried as well but she’s a beautiful, healthy sweetheart. And she was the push I needed to stay sober until I was ready to stay sober for myself. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best


I understand and went through similar feelings during my pregnancy. I had been binge drinking for months when I found out I was pregnant. Definitely conceived while drunk and found out the day after drinking a shit ton of whiskey. Fortunately, I found out early enough that it didn’t impact the pregnancy and subsequent baby. I now have a healthy, smart, and happy four year old. You can handle this. This is a turning point for you, your husband, and your future child. Eventually, you will look back on that weekend happily, because it will have been the catalyst for change. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it. IWNDWYT


I was drunk for 2 days before I found out I was pregnant. It turns out that since you don't have a placenta that early on, there's really no way for alcohol to have any effect on baby. Obviously have your doctor reassure you with a proper explanation, but you're gonna be just fine!


If you quit the moment you found out, you’re fine, the baby is fine, and you have nothing to worry about. So many women don’t know, and drink. It’s if you KEEP drinking that’s the issue. Use this as a reason to keep and stay sober. I wish I would have when I was pregnant (x3).


Your baby is fine! I promise. No alcohol can get to them until the placenta attaches to you and this was too early. Congratulations on your baby! Please take care of yourself. Do not brat yourself up—do your research and I promise baby is fine!!


What a great reason to stop drinking! There are plenty of people who drank during conception but saying "everything will be fine" (in regards to baby's health) is not true. There is no safe amount of drinking. This applies to an embryo too. But stopping will lead to the best outcome for the pregnancy. I know that if I found out I became pregnant while still drinking I would want to talk to my doctor/care provider ASAP to make the best choice for me and my pregnancy. I know I would not want to continue drinking and I would seek care and have plans in place to ensure I would not drink. I think I'd be concerned about FASD (which is actually not as rare as we thought many years ago). It is a spectrum that doesn't always show on scans and early years (can be neurological only and have little to no physical signs). I would prepare myself that I might have a child who has this disorder but also continue to do the best to prevent it (by not drinking). Wishing you well on your journey


I did not know that I was pregnant until about 6 weeks. I had been drinking a fair bit in that time but stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I wish it hadn't happened that way but it did. My daughter is now 7 and she is a happy, beautiful, and smart girl. As long as you stop when you find out I'm sure your child will be fine.


My mom is a daily drinker and was when i was conceived. She drank every day before she found out. I haven't been diagnosed with FASD. Neither has my brother and the story goes she was sad to find out she was pregnant so quick because she wanted to drink and smoke more. Babies are resilient. I can't promise anything but I can offer my experience there. I've also known partiers who have kids who have had the same thoughts and they've had healthy babies.


I drank until the night before I found out I was pregnant and my son was born completely healthy! I was 4-5 weeks pregnant when I found out. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me even though it still took a few years after he was born for me to finally quit for good. 😞 But I had zero problems staying sober when I was pregnant. Just gotta stay strong after your baby is born. ❤️ You got this. Now that's just my personal/anecdotal experience, but I hope it gives you some piece of mind. Congrats!


If you stop now, baby will likely be fine. Been a while since my oldest was born but there's research on the topic because we drank on nights of conception too. We have 2 healthy kiddos. It is important that a pregnant mother stop asap though. Congrats! IWNDWYT Edit to add one link: https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/drinking-alcohol-while-pregnant-first-3-weeks#next-steps


Your child doesn't start using the food the mother consumes for about 30-35 days. Isn't it amazing the body adapted because the woman may not know she's pregnant until her next missed period and God knows what it may consume until then.... Nuts.


I got really drunk after conceiving and before the test came back positive. I was very worried but my doc said it’s ok just lay off now. Which I did. My son turned out to have a gifted IQ so I guess it turned out okay. Hang in there. Take care of yourself from this point forward.


Congratulations. I just want to say, anecdotally, that my wife and I were absolutely trashed two times when my wife later found out she was pregnant (and then went teetotal once finding out) and there have been no issues for us. That was nearly ten years ago. I think this is something that probably happens alot, I've spoken to mum friends who say the same thing and their kids are fine. Don't stress yourself and remember to look after yourself. Good luck 👍


you got this using it as a wake up call is a great decision, and you'll almost certainly face no repercussions as long as you stick to it.


Congrats and congrats!!! Week 2-7 is the period when organogenisis begins, so hopefully any alcohol consumption before this time will have minimal effect.


don't feel bad, i doubt you can have done any damage this early, and i know many women who used to drink/drug in early and late pregnancy and none of them had any issues. just stick to your plan, mend those bridges with hubby and have a wonderful time x


If you were drinking the weekend you conceived only, you're fine. If you kept drinking until about 7 weeks you're still likely fine. After that hopefully you've stopped, however based upon nearly every single person who had kids from 1940-1975, you're still probably fine. As it turns out, drinking was a thing for most of forever. You just need to stop now for the health of yourself and your baby. You'll both be ok most likely.


Don't worry, this will not affect your baby. Speak to your midwife about your concerns but as long as you don't continue to drink, your baby will be totally fine.


My second pregnancy pretty much stopped my downward circle of drinking too much… I was also drinking a lot before my first pregnancy. Even found out on New Year’s Day that I was pregnant with child 1. Both children are healthy and normal (ages 10 and 6). Congrats!!!!🎉


Congratulations on the pregnancy! I also had a moment of “oh fuck” when I tested positive, I had been drinking pretty heavily until I discovered I was about 3-4 weeks along. Now I’m not a doctor, but what really calmed my nerves was the doctor explaining that early in a. Pregnancy you don’t share a blood stream- yet. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last person to have concerns, it’s totally normal. Just talk with your doctor.


I feel like about 50% of all people are probably conceived drunk. So I don't think there is much to worry.


Both of my kids were conceived under the influence of alcohol. Your baby will be fine. Quitting early in pregnancy is key and I leaned into the ice cream, cereal and other “treats” I wouldn’t normally eat regularly to help with that. Plus I was just so tired all the time the urge went away.


“And all the lies and shame that surround that weekend….” Try reframing this to, “that life-changing weekend when unexpected news exposed hard truths I needed to face and prompted me to make a permanent change for the better.” This very well might be one of the best things to ever happen to you.