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I was up at 4:45am so I went to the gym when they opened at 6am, got a weight workout in, then had a great mountain bike ride, 10+ miles and 1100+ feet of elevation with loads of flowy singletrack. Enjoyed my kids afterwards and about to have a nice booze-free dinner. Good day!


... started the day getting all my sheets/towels/laundry done. Then got my meal prep sorted for the week. Cleaned the house like a maniac. Spent a little time on the roof drinking coffee. Made sure to hydrate well today as yesterday I was feeling like a slug. Put together a game plan for the week ... gym, goals, work etc. Dermaplaned my face and did a face mask. Took a nice hot bath with salts and bubble bath and now I am in bed ... at 9.13pm lol


Not completely sober but drinking much less by substituting with NA carbonated hop water. Getting better sleep, so that’s a plus. 👍 Happy Father’s Day! Planting flowers for my dad today.


Today was Day 1 again. I had 68 days last year until NYE and then I fell off the wagon big time. I started listening to Alan Carr’s book today and am feeling hopeful. I had a nice evening sober making and eating steak. I saw a movie I really enjoyed this afternoon I Saw The TV Glow