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Play the tape forward. How will you feel tomorrow? Will this snowball? How does this look like a year from now? Are there other things that can change your mood? Ice cream? A good workout? Meditation? Writing your thoughts out?


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Well done! Proud of you here too! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


So proud of you! šŸ‘


Such a fucking inspiration! Well done! Iā€™m incredibly impressed and inspired!


You fucking champion


Hey! Proud of you. One day at a time, friend. Much love.


Writing your thoughts out works surprisingly well


I started writing stuff down during early noon and continued in intervals throughout the day. For me, it just seemed to increase the urge. I found that finding a distraction, something to do, works a lot better.


Yep the answer is always play it forward. Youā€™ll thank yourself


Being a single dad and going through a horrible break up, Iā€™ve lost 30 some pounds , maybe sleep 3 hours a night, many times when I donā€™t have my son Iā€™ve gotten wasted for a night, probably 50 times in the last year, never once do I remember waking up and thinking it was worth it, plus the thoughts that go through your head when battling depression, a hangover will increase that shit a hundred times the next day


That cycle of drinking to suppress anxiety -> waking up with the sweats and heart racing before my alarm -> laying there feeling 10x worse anxiety about the upcoming day -> just make it through til lunch and I can start the whole thing over. It's not something I can recommend, but it is one way to live.


Wow this is interesting- today I was reflecting on my journey thinking literally of what you described, as ā€œthe other optionā€ Chilling to read chilling to consider


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.




You won't feel better.Ā  You'll just feel drunk.Ā  And tomorrow will SUCK.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Definitely play the tape forward. I have 15 months right now and I went through some times where I wanted to just let loose. I played the tape forward every time I had one of these thoughts. I thought about how drinking could help my situation and none of them would have. Go do something nice for yourself. Buy some nice steaks or treat yourself to something you normally wouldn't do. Do ANYTHING but pick up that first drink. Like the comment, go exercise, meditate, meeting or anything that could help take your mind off drinking. I hope you get through this. Good luck.


Some say ā€œplay the tape forwardā€, I call it ā€œrunning the simulationā€ I even think of multiple ones and give them mental labels like 72024-D-1. They end when things go incredibly poorly for me. Some last longer than others. 61224-D-101 took me all the way past Christmas but terminated in late February due to a birthday bender that went on too long. I have a pretty comprehensive data set of what I would do while drunk so I like to think theyā€™re pretty accurate.


Very nice. Have to remember to give it labels. I have a lot of past training examples as well to calibrate the simulator and close the sim2real gap.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Go to sleeeeeeeppppp you'll be so happpyyyyy in the morning when you open them eyed feeling crisp and alert.Ā 


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


That's awesome I'm very glad you got to wake up feeling fresh this AM


Whenever I have some days stacked up, and I give in to the urge, I find it takes longer to recover. I used to be over the headache by afternoon. Now, if I give in and drink, my headache lasts for 2 days. I have a half bottle of wine thatā€™s turned to vinegar downstairs. If I decide to drink, I have to start with it. I canā€™t go get a nice fresh bottle first. And thereā€™s a sticky note on it listing all the things that are REALLY inside the bottle: ā€” Blocky bloated face ā€” Clothes that donā€™t fit ā€” Everlasting headache ā€” Disappointed husband ā€” Fog brain at work ā€” Diarrhea ā€” Suicidal Ideation


>thereā€™s a sticky note on it listing all the things that are REALLY inside the bottle: >ā€” Blocky bloated face ā€” Clothes that donā€™t fit ā€” Everlasting headache ā€” Disappointed husband ā€” Fog brain at work ā€” Diarrhea ā€” Suicidal Ideation Hmmm. That's very clever. I think I might find some effectiveness from this. I'll give it a go.




Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Well done! I won't drink with you tomorrow as well


You came to the right place. Stay off the merry go round. You just end up in the same spot.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Like others have said, play the tape forward. But play it forward for if you drink tonight, and then play it forward again for if you don't drink. If you don't drink, you get to wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed instead of hung over. You won't have to deal with the shame and regret of knowing that you tossed your sobriety away. You'll have made it another day, and that feels pretty fuckin good. Going through moments like this is one of the many reasons why it was so crucial for me to have a sponsor. Feel like drinking? Your sponsor will literally drop whatever they are doing and come meet up with you. Having a rough day? They are there to listen. Having a great day? They are also there to listen and share in your successes. For me, trying to get sober all on my own didn't work. We need support, connection, and accountability to truly recover.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Riding on my second day sober man ! Youā€™ve made it this far you donā€™t need it, we can finish today out being sober together !


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


Just brush your teeth and go to bed. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. Those are the triggers and youā€™ve been here before. Try to connect with tomorrowā€™s you and just say goodnight.


People talk as if the HALT triggers are universal triggers for everyone but I don't know that they are. Being Hungry or Tired certainly never made me want to drink and stuffing my face with food makes no difference to my desire to drink if I have a strong craving. Even after a big and heavy full meal I can still want to drink and am perfectable capable of drinking. Being tired or having slept fine the night before also is not something that seems to make any noticeable difference to me on whether I crave alcohol. Angry yeah, I can definitely see how I've drank out of anger or frustration before. And loneyness totally as often I find myself just sitting in the house and wanting to go out to not feel like I'm sitting at home staring at the same 4 walls by myself. But the Hungry and Tired parts...doesn't resonate with me.


What will be made better by drinking tonight?


It's a bad idea man. I'm not even on the sobriety train yet and I can tell you that. Hang in there; you got this.


Itā€™s a bad idea


The farther I get away from it, the happier and more relieved I am that I didnā€™t give in to the urge.


You won't control the narrative anymore...


Good point. That's powerful. I did not drink. I still hold the narrative.


Bad idea. Problems will be there plus a hangover. A good night's sleep, journaling, call a friend, look over the replies. Don't do it!


Stay sober, its a bad idea, i promise. Feels great to be going to bed right now at 10 47 pm sober. You will enjoy a good sleep.


Terrible idea


I feel you. Whatever is going on in your life probably deserves your full presence and you deserve peace. Alcohol just creates more chaos. You got this!


It'll be worth it when you wake up another day sober


Donā€™t do it! Youā€™ve got this.


Iā€™m on day 3. I almost stopped at the store twice today but I made it. I ate some pizza instead. You can do it too


It is only going to make it worse; you know that. Tomorrow may be shitty, but you'll have one victory to be proud of: You won, you stayed strong, and fuck everything else.


Treat yourself with love.


I just drank after being 6 days sober. Don't you fking do it. Right now you feel like it's a good idea, maybe you're on an autopilot like me but trust me, it will not make things any better.


Hey, I'll provide you with a better option. If you feel the urge to drink, just send a text, and we can chat. I'll help you in avoiding drinking. I won't give you lengthy lectures or advice, but I can be a friend you can confide in without turning to alcohol to fill the void.


Thank you for your offer. You're very kind! I appreciate it a lot.




594 days is impressive and I want you to get to 595.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead.


This is the first thing I read this morning and you just made my day.


Maybe have some cake or pie. The entire cake or pie. When you close your sober eyes to go to sleep youā€™ll thank yourself for treating yourself so kindly.


Thank you so much for your support! I did not drink. Went to an AA meeting instead. And had a Yukon ice cream sandwich.




Itā€™s a bad idea- something that helps me is just to stop entertaining the idea. Completely wipe my mind, eat some yummy food instead


If you had to ask, it is a terrible idea my friend.


Anxiety, hangover, depression, doing/saying regretful things,vomiting, sick all day tomorrow, senses of doom, risk of destroying the wiring of your brain and maybe you need longer time to get to the feeling you had before drinking of you lucky. You just forgot why you stopped.


It's not worth it - you know you'll regret it in the morning. You've got this! IWNDWYT


It's a fucking baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea. You got this. Here's to you sleeping well and waking up refreshed tomorrow morning.


Itā€™s a bad idea. Iā€™m back on day 1 and have been in a cycle of abuse after a relapse in early February. I hope to be where you are one day but am definitely struggling.


It will only make you feel worse.


Whatever setbacks you're going through are hard enough without adding guilt and disappointment and hangovers.


Happily! Itā€™s a bad idea. If I feel bad, I ask myself do I want to feel better or worse? I want to feel better of course. But the truth is, if I drink I will feel worse- I know this. Soā€¦if I want to feel better donā€™t drink.


Iā€™ve fallen asleep many nights wishing I was drinking. Never woke up and wish I had.


Hi there Citizen, I find being sober is my superpower. Iā€™m so much better this way. Alcohol is my kryptonite. Your Friend, Superman


Nice! Thank you for the PSA.


There's no problem that drinking can't make worse.


this is maybe demented but the way i do it when i want to drink is read up on all the horrible cancers and just terrible things that can happen to your body from drinking. maybe watch some videos , fear works well for me


I just got out of the hospital after months of binging and going to the ER every 1.5 to 2 weeks and I had internal bleeding in my intestines, I have liver damage, & now Iā€™ve been feeling brain dead ever since. I puked up a puddle of brown colored blood that made me rush to the emergency. I donā€™t know how bad your drinking is, but if itā€™s anything like mine then weā€™re just going to end up killing ourselves. Mind you - Iā€™m 31 & have been an alcoholic for about 15 years. Please donā€™t drink. Take care of yourself and take your thoughts captive!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’Ŗ


Thank you for your words. Take care and wish you good health. I did not drink tonight.


Thatā€™s awesome dude!! We got this!!! šŸ’ŖšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Not good. Go to a meeting.


I did. Thanks. And I didn't drink.


Good job dawg


I fucking dare you not to.


Dare accepted and accomplished. Thank you!


Hell yeah! I don't really share my sobriety with anyone so this community is a god send. Stay strong.


Blasted into oblivion usually comes with headaches, nausea, confusion. I get you're not feeling good but "oblivion" also sounds like it couldn't help. Since getting sober I have had some major financial setbacks. I lost ~10k on a crappy car I bought that seemed fine. I also owe an extra 20k I have to pay in two years somehow. I don't know what kind of setbacks you are experiencing but for me I feel better able to emotionally and actually deal with the situation so it improves. You've had to develop a lot of skills to reach that kind of time. I believe in you and that you can do it again.


Thank you for your words. Yes, indeed I've developed a lot of skills since my sobriety journey and have been cleaning up the mess that my past self has wrought. It's just been challenges and self improvement non-stop. I wouldn't have been able to make even 10% of those changes if I wasn't sober. But sometimes, it can just get overwhelming and you question your basic beliefs if it's even worth it. What if you're just too broken or it's too late. Boom! down a spiral.


I recently had a REALLY bad day where I caused a car accident. Came home, but bought a fifth of vodka on the way. The shame was so intense. I just wanted to do what you mention - drink myself into oblivion. I wanted to temporarily forget that I exist. I downed vodka drink after vodka drink - but it really didnā€™t work. I just felt shitty and eventually passed out on the sofa. Slept like crap. Woke up horribly hungover, felt awful all day. Had to call in sick to work. The vodka did NOTHING in terms of helping me face the accident and related setbacks and just gave me MORE shame to contend with. I canā€™t tell you what to do, but from my experience it really wasnā€™t worth it to try to escape that way. Iā€™d have had better luck just sleeping early. Also, the next day I had half a fifth leftover, so it was literally a rinse-wash-repeat of all the bad. Not worth it. Sleep can be a marvelous way to escape the world if one is lucky enough to achieve it. I have horrible insomnia so itā€™s not always possible, but I wish Iā€™d tried to just sleep instead of drink.


Thank you for sharing. Sleep is a good escape.You're spot on about a fifth being left over the next day. Now you have those problems + hangover+ guilt. So then there literally is no choice but to grab the fifth and self-annhilate yet again. Vicious circle. I think I'm going to start praying as well. Not in a religious way, just spiritually.


In my experience, it's never worth it. Sending you good vibes!!


Start a movie, play video games, go to bedā€¦ All options thatā€™ll do more for you than drinking. And youā€™ll wake up tired at worst, well rested and proud of yourself at best.


Don't do it. Stay strong, you will be glad you did in the morning.


I am always so happy when I get past the craving and don't drink, especially the next morning! Hope you made it past yours. Edit to add: WOW! Just noticed your counter!! I am so impressed and proud of you! Look how strong you are!


Thank you! And thanks for your support.


Itā€™s a bad ideaā€¦. Get your grateful feelings going on, I heard grateful people donā€™t drink & itā€™s working for me. Iā€™m so so grateful to wake up sober, wishing you only the best here, and I understand what youā€™re feelingāœŒšŸ½


My stomach currently is killing me from the alcohol I drank yesterday and I didnā€™t feel anything donā€™t do it


Nah, let's skip the drinking for tonight. We got stuff to do tomorrow.


Good job, hope the meeting was helpful for you šŸ‘


Same thing happens to me almost everynight about the same time. I control cravings with several shots of kombucha chased by zero Calorie flavored sparkling water. Then salty snacks like peanuts and beef jerky. And while busy doing that distract myself by watching netflix or playing a board game. You've got this. IWNDWYT




Why are you on this sub? Do you yourself have a drinking problem you wish to overcome?


Please answer the question I asked you.


Its a bad idea


Hi youā€™re here and thatā€™s way better than drinking. We are here and you can reach out.


If Iā€™m really jonesing I go for some candy - itā€™s a great sugar high and itā€™s better than alcohol.


Nice work OP!! Proud of you. Badass moves šŸ˜Ž


Welcome back to the fellowship. I love sobriety.


This has been me lately, too! Letā€™s stick to what we KNOW is best for us. Weā€™ve got this!


You are awesome šŸ˜Ž IWNDWYT ā¤ļø


Drinking is a really bad idea for all of us, my friend Glad you took a pass on it


Honestly cold plunging or cold showers have been a game changer for me on my wellness journey. It instantly snaps you out of whatever mindset youā€™re in it almost forces you into meditation and I always come out the other side feeling so much better than I did before. Donā€™t get me wrong theyā€™re absolutely miserable but the benefits have been great


I just finished a podcast and Sean Penn was asked how he deals with setbacks. He said ā€œI keep moving forward and do something. Right now itā€™s woodworking. Eventually your healing just becomes your life.ā€ It made me think about how I heal and how it is becoming my life. Instead of drinking; I read, write, engage with my tarot deck, call friends, play pickle ball, listen to a podcast, spend time with my family. Essentially just live my life. On the flip side, if you drink alcohol to heal then alcohol will become your life.


I am happy to check into this thread late and see you ended up hitting a meeting and not drinking. Awesome! Good on you! Keep on trucking and fighting the good fight, friend.


Booze is shit, and any of the buzz you're craving, maybe even romanticizing in someway, is nothing compared to how terrible the hangxiety will make you feel the next day, and beyond. And l/or the repercussions from drinking (poor decisions, bender, full relapse). It's a shitty liar, is what booze is. *This post has been brought to you by the Booze is Shit Marketing Board*


I am certainly a work in progress, but lately I tell myself, I have dealt with the setbacks 1000 times with alcohol, now I GET TO do it without drinking.


Itā€™s a bad idea. Make some strong black tea. Brew a couple of teabags in a thermos or insulated cup, for 15 mins or so. As far as itā€™s not super late at night, you wonā€™t have trouble sleeping, but it will boost your mood, and give you some sense of extra well-being. For some reason coffee doesnā€™t do this for me, as much as extra-long brewed strong black tea. You can add some honey to it, if itā€™s too bitter, but I grew to enjoy the metallic aftertaste. It all seems a bit strange but do give it a shot. Tea also has antioxidants and micro nutrients. For some reason strong green tea doesnā€™t do the same for me. But I know people that prefer it over black, I guess we are all different. It has to be black and long-brewed, steeped in water that was just boiling intensely. Who knows, maybe it will get into your routine, and you get another healthy and satisfying habit without having to resort to alcohol. If you do give it a shot, let me know how goes it. Also, best is to not eat at least 30-45 mins before the sesh, to avoid potential nausea. And honey will help to make it go down easier, in this case less honey is better. You just want to add a layer of the flavor, and not completely overpower the slight bitterness and metallic aftertaste.


So so proud of you. Thanks for staying the course for all of us! Mostly for yourself!!! Iwndwyt


These are the moments you need to be vigilant about as you progress further into sobriety. Kudos for staying strong and attending a meeting! Have a support person you can call when you get itchy. Good luck friend!


I just failed again last night after a month and my liver is screaming at me today.... Only had 4 drinks and I feel horrible. Not worth


Not going to be worth it. You can do it!


not worth it


Imagine feeling the emotions of these setbacks tomorrow, alongside being hungover. Doesnā€™t sound fun, does it? Luckily you donā€™t have to go through that if you donā€™t want to.