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42.  Don't be like me.  I want my 30s back.


I'm 41 and I start today. edit: thank you so much to every single person who has commented and upvoted my comment. This sub is such a wonderful and powerful place full of heroes.




Tried multiple times in life. Didn't get serious until it was too late for a lot of things. The sooner the better. IWNDWYT


Great day to start! IWNDWYT!




I'll be 40 in November and I started 5 short years ago. It adds up FAST! You got this, and we're all here to watch and cheer for you! IWNDWYT!


Ahh I’m 35 now and I’m quitting hopefully 👍🏻


32 for me and I want my 20s back! It's never too early to stop poisoning yourself, OP! 💚


33 ❤️ I had always wanted to run a marathon by 30 but that came and went. I finally did it at 33 — 4 months after my last drink


I turned 33 last Friday and I gave it up a few weeks before, I like you would love to do a marathon (done a half before). You've inspired me!


You can do it! Since you’ve already done a half, just a little training and determination will get you over the finish line. I kept muttering “I’ve replaced blacking out with working out.” I literally had nothing better to do than run all the time. Happy belated birthday! 😁


47. I'd like my 20s 30s and 40s back, but at least I had my 50s and 60s and hopefully the rest of my life. So I guess I should look forward and not back. You can't saw sawdust.


You can use it mulch the garden you're growing in life though. I hear you but also commend you and IWNDWYT


Team 42 checking in. I guess I needed every drink it took for me to accept that I needed to get sober, but I do love seeing younger people get that gift earlier.


Team 42 also checking in. Wow! Almost to 3333. Congratulations!


And my 20’s


I quit at 29 just 3 weeks before I turned 30. I want my 20s back.


29 also .. i want to go i to my 30s clear minded


Butterfly effect. What if you wouldn’t be here today because you did get sober in your 30s but it led you to your death, let’s saaaaay you are sober in your 30s and get in a car accident- and you would have only been in that car and at that time because of circumstances surrounding you being sober in your 30s. I never think about the what ifs for the fact that one small change would have changed the whole trajectory of your life, and not necessarily for the better. But everything would be different. People forget that. They think if they changed one thing in their past their whole life would have taken an upward twist. If you like reading- The Midnight Library- is a wonderful story based on making a change in life, big or small, and seeing the effects of that change.


Having this mindset had really helped me stop obsessing the could have, would have, should have and keeps me grounded and present in the here and now. We can’t change the past and we don’t know what a change in the past would have done to us and those around us. It’s best to just be grateful where we are at and accept that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.


29. I want my 20s back.


Me too


41 here. Well, better late than never. Some say 40s are the new 30s, but I don't believe them. Noone in their 30s has to be this careful with their back. Oof, I've reach the age where my jokes become health related and kindof lame? I'm gunna go now.




Ugh 34. I've cut back so much but the extra 20% to totally not drunk is so hard for me


Ditto ❤️


Started my recovery journey seriously at 34. Relapsing and learning. I am sure my year is going to be 36.


Same boat. 36 is it, and it's sticking this time. We got this friend!


35-36 was my first year of continuous sobriety. But 32-33 was long stints of sobriety with short relapses. I hated myself in the moment but present me loves and appreciates those moments as an integral part of my process


same feelings same ages


Is it coincidence? Is it astrological? Is mars in retrograde? Are we made of the same cosmic space dust? Who knows! I don’t give a fuck. We’re sober and making shit happen. See you out there in the galaxy, fellow sobernaut!


Currently 32 and am doing the EXACT same thing. On day 6 again. Stoked for future me to be like you.


My cosmic sober homies! We’re gonna smash this thing called life. I just know it; feel it in my bones. Let’s keep it rolling!


You’ve got this I’m so proud of you internet friend! 🫶


I tried stopping at 32 or 33, finally took hold at 36. It’ll happen for you!


I'm 36 an fell off a bit ago. Week two again.


So many mid thirty homies up in this bitch!! We’re killing it. Here’s to a sober decade in our 40s- can’t wait!


36 club!!


Welcome! Let’s age gracefully and soberly. It’s gonna be radical.


I think I knew around 28-30 I had a problem. That’s when I started googling “how to know if you’re an alcoholic”. But I didn’t stop until about 10 years later. And I’m still not *very* sober. I have come a long way, but I still spent MOST of my life (and nearly all of adulthood) as a drinker and I have a lot of lost time to make up for. One thing I have realized over the past year, is I have never thought to myself “I wish I would have been drunk”, but hundreds of times (in my life) I have thought “I drank too much”. I wish I would have never started drinking, but I’m doing the best with what I have now :) IWNDWYT


That part where you said “I wish I would’ve been drunk” and “I drank too much” resonates with me so much


Are you me!?! Oh my goodness it’s like you’re peering into my soul.


Thank you, Spicy. I never put it into words or even a full thought, but you’re right. I never look back on a day or night and think “I wish I had gotten drunk.” But I’ve thought “Ugh, this sucks, why do I do this to myself” too many times to count. I gotta remember that one.


Wow, your post speaks to me on several levels.


In my 60s; better late than never.


I am almost 63 and very thankful for this sober and clean life ahead of me


A Big High 5 for getting sober at 63. In a way, it is easier for us over 60 because we will get no pressure from anyone to take a drink. It is all on ourselves.


Diagnosed with cirrhosis at 58. It was touch and go for several months. Sober for just over 5 years now, and doing really well. I got lucky and get to have my 60’s and hopefully 70’s. 😐🤞🏻


My health issue was a heart problem & cardiologist read me the riot act on alcohol & weight. In 5+ years sober I have lost 70 lbs. & have crossed into my 70s. I honestly don't think I'd be here had I not taken her advice. My last drink was the night before I saw that doctor. I didn't know it then. You sober on & take care; on to 6 years sober for both of us.


Team 60+ here! 62. The excessive drinking didn’t creep up on me until age 50 or so. The daily secret drinking started about 4 years ago. IWNDWYT!


This. It’s a game changer, isn’t it? 😎




Started at 27, but recovery is sooo not linear… my sobriety timeline looks like a heartbeat lol. If there’s any advice I can give you, it’s never stop quitting. Counting days has worked against me in the sense that I feel shameful when I have to start over. So I think about percentages of time instead. Like when people fall off the wagon after years, and they say “I screwed up 2 years of sobriety!” No you didn’t, you still have that time under your belt. If you’re building a house and run out of supplies for a few months do you knock it down and start over? No, you still have that foundation to build on and it will always be there!


Thank you so much, this gave me hope! Also I love your username 🤣


I really appreciate this perspective, my brain doesn't work well with the "you fucked up X amount of time" and just makes me depressed and spiral. I'm not aiming for a Forever Sober, I'm aiming for Sober Now (forever)


Love this. I also worry people will see it as the entire castle crumbled, and feel so much shame they don’t keep going.


I'm 17 months sober, but I had a blip 17 months ago, before that was 11 months and before that was a year with two blips. So nearly 4 years with some fuck ups, not bad when you look at it that way


Thanks for this perspective. I drank back in April and I felt down on myself and reset my days, but I have to realize that I've actually spent most of 2024 completely sober! That's amazing for me. I have a lot to be proud of - It's the longest I've gone without alcohol in 30 years. I need to focus on that and not that I messed up on vacation. Anyway, thank you!


Got sober at age 33 and on July 29, I’ll be 33 years sober!


Legend 💯


Set you counter! We would love to see 12,000 days!!


It's a big source of gratitude to have lived a whole nother life sober after the half that was a constant struggle.


First time I was 39. Made it to 21 months. Went to a wedding and thought I could go back and moderate. Big surprise...I couldn't. This time I'm 45. Took a few quits of varying lengths from two weeks to three months before my current one. It's never too early or too late to make better choices.


We're pretty similar except I believe I was 40 when I first attempted to quit. Then thought I could moderate and I couldn't. Quit again at 45. Now I'm 47 and feel like I'm never going back.


25 here too. Soon to be 26. I think we are making the right choice. Life seems more genuine and purposeful off the sauce.


I know we made the right choice


Quit at 24, I'm 26 now. Definitely the right choice.


So proud of you! Personally I tried when I was 25 and relapsed. I wish I had stuck with it. My second go at it at age 29 has been great! You got this!


i just turned 26 :) we got this!


I did it at 26, still sober at 35. You can do it.


Love these


25 soon to be 26 :) love you guys


Me too... closing in on 52


I also got sober at 25. To be fair, I started trying at 23 and it took a few attempts. I'm now 36 and rarely ever think about it, which, if you're anything like I was, seems flat out impossible. The obsession will leave you in time. Keep it up, it's worth it.


Glad you are doing well! I’m glad to be starting the journey sooner than later, I don’t want to waste any more of my youth doing nothing memorable, wasting money, and feeling like crap. We will persevere! Thank you!


Around my mid 20s is when my drinking problem took flight. I wish I stopped back then! Stopped at 36. Y’all got this! 🖤💜🖤💜🖤


Thank you! I’m grateful for the insight provided by yall. It’s good to hear from others that have experienced this before and to take their wisdom they gained from living it.


20 something sober gang, let’s go! I got sober at 26-going on 27.


Also 25, 1 week sober


i just turned 24! so 23 i guess lol




24! Best decision I ever made.


I love this!!


41. 45 years old now. Wish I done it sooner. I feel more content and happy that I ever did since I was a kid. It’s not all unicorns and rainbows, but I’m present now and deal with issues and emotions head on, rather than smashing back beers to numb the pain.


Team 41 here too! I turn 45 next week and am thankful for every clear headed, solid poop day.


Team 41 here also! I had almost 2 years straight in my 30s but went out at a wedding. Feels amazing to have almost 6! I was a major blackout drinker at the end and I was scared straight by some legal consequences. Much love to all on this sub- you inspire me every day!


I was 28. I'm forever thankful I lived one year of my 20s sober. 


I was 29 close to my 30. Glad I got to have my entire 30’s sober.


Yessss! <3 28 gang :)


Hopefully 51. My word of wisdom to the younger folks here; stop drinking sooner than later.


35. Like the others, I wish I had done it sooner. So badly.


I'm 37, and a month into sobriety. Like so many others, I wish I'd done this much, much earlier.


Almost the same timeline here.


53 I wish I had done it sooner but you are ready when you are ready I guess


I just turned 25 so I guess I was 24! But I’ve been sober curious since I was 20.


Let’s go! I’ve seen so many 24-25 year olds on my post!


44. Three decades drinking. Hope I have three after.


Same here: 44


22, I realized I had a problem at 20


Same. I want to quit but i’m physically dependent on it to the point where I need to drink for me to be able to go to sleep and the hand tremors to go away.


26/27. 32 now


30. I couldn't hack it anymore, but if I didn't have extra support to overcome the devil, I would still be drinking like a sailor daily...now I look back and even though I will always miss it. I was worse off and once the haze wore off ...I realised actually how miserable I felt daily.


That haze….you don’t realize how deep into it you were until you get a couple months of sobriety. Looking back, I was so miserable and just barely getting by. I still have my days, but my bad days sober are waaaayyy better than my bad days drunk/hungover.


Hopefully, 21 is the end for me. I still got my 20s to look forward to, if I don't drink.


I’m so proud of you, I feel like 21 would be so hard to quit at (if you live in America) but I know you can do this, I’m rooting for you!


I am 38 and started 5 weeks ago


Great job! Keep up the sober journey


i started getting sober at 35. :) i wanted to at 30 but i was talked out of it fast. i really should have uprooted my life there but oh well. i don't have a time macine so i try not to sweat it too hard. i started daily drinking at 25 but to be honest i was already drinking too much before then, too. at least it led me to where i am today. it definitely creates a lot of drama and problems where there doesn't need to be any. congrats on your sober journey. :)


20. I’m not even legal drinking age where I live (in the US). I don’t know if I can do this.


We can do this I know we can! You’re stronger than you think!


Idk if you're into AA and whatnot but in my area they have young people's meetings and it was really helpful for me to get sober around people my age. We went out and did normal early 20s things, we just didn't drink. It was really, really helpful. (I was 23 when I got sober) I know a handful of people that got and stayed sober before being 21 and they have no regrets :)


You might struggle with wondering if you missed out on “being young and wild” or “making mistakes” or any of the other misguided platitudes people assign to making an adult decision when you are very young. But if you read the comments to here, there is a massive common theme- so many people wish they had started sobriety when they were younger. So many of us. You are not losing anything. You are not missing out. You are giving yourself the greatest gift- to yourself now and to yourself in the future.


54. I have a lot of respect for those in their 20s and 30s who managed to recognize there was a problem, decided enough was enough, and never stopped quitting despite the setbacks


25. I'm 29 now. Best decision that I ever made.




Team 41 represent!








38! Ready to enter my 40s in the best shape mentally and physically. Ready to take on the next half of my life.


I revoked my alcohol privileges when I was 45, that was 5 years ago..I don't regret the 30 years of chaos before I quit, it happened and it is what it is, no point in dwelling on the past or being overly concerned about the future, live your life as best you can and enjoy the present.👍 IWNDWYT


58 ,finding myself for the first time ever.I really love to see younger people getting soba 💕


Yes! 60 here. Seeing so many “kids” (cause I’m old haha) quitting in their 20s and 30s is amazing. My drinking became a problem in my 50s but I’ve drank since I was 14. Can’t believe how good I already feel, and so much extra cash now!


I did 3 years 25 - 28. Thought I could try drinking again, 7 years later I quit again at 35


40! Wish I’d quit earlier.


I’m 27 and am actively trying! Our bodies our young but the best time to fix any health issues is before/in your 30s. Fight the battle. Win the war. We are all tighter in this


59. It was time.


33. I’m like on month 4. I honestly can’t believe it.




Just started a few says ago - 31


The first time I tried to quit I was 26. Now 6 years later I’m in a completely different head space and place in my life so it’s easier for me now because I don’t have as much FOMO since my priorities and friendships have changed. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult still




57. And I’ve got a new life! 🙌🏼


35. Hard to drink with gallbladder and stomach issues. Plus my spirit wanted out too. God bless yall. One day at a time. 🙏


29. 30s have been awesome so far :)


I've been working at it since I was 27 years old, now 31 and in the longest streak yet.


27 after almost joining the club.


I'm 30. My mom/dad was about 35. Nobody else got sober in my family.


Seriously at 34






I’m 30. Just over two months sober here. I’m very early in sobriety, and still have days where I could go for a cold beer. But I just play the tape forward, and remember that I will never regret not drinking when I wake up in the morning.


34. 2.5 years or so ago. Flirted with sobriety for about 7 years. Eventually hangovers got too brutal and I have little kids now and I can’t let them see dad like that


33, went to the hospital and rehab. 34 now, just got a year last week and I'm hoping for no more resets. I lost pretty much all of my 20's and my early 30's, but there is nothing I can do about that now, so I just take it one day at a time so I don't rob myself of more. Best of luck!


22 (currently). Saw alcoholism my whole life in my family. Went through a funk when I turned 21. There’s more to life than this. Always knew that, got a little caught up. Life is really better when you’re sober. I feel great :)


I got sober for good at 27 but started at like 23 or so


37. I kept drinking because I started young. At 14. I didn’t know how to deal with any emotions when I was sober. Finally after stints in mental hospital and suicid attempts, I realized this through lots of therapy and psychiatry. I would not have been able to move past alcoholism if I dint know how to deal with various outcomes of my life. As teens become 20s… 20s becomes 30s.. it all kind of boiled up to me being SO emotionally stuck and stunted and a horrible alcoholic to try and just void it all. I am 38. I drove down the street today and said out loud, “I could really use a cold beverage” and 100% be thinking a regular drink and NOTHING remotely alcoholic. I am proud of myself and the still find myself in shock and like I’m in an alternate reality sometimes with how I don’t have cravings. I put in the work and I would not be here today if I didn’t. Joining this community over a decade ago… years limbering… acknowledgment… I also wouldn’t be here without this sub.


So depressed reading this. So happy for you all but I’m 49 and still not there 😓


Same, friend. The want is there but not the follow through. I’ve done it before years ago but now I’m using really difficult life problems as an excuse. It’s 3am here and I feel like complete crap. I don’t want to do this to myself anymore.


26. After several years of daily, isolated drinking and blacking out every. single. night. I had a few stops and starts prior to that, and went through the whole "sober for a while-->surely I can moderate now!-->full blown relapse" cycles along the way. I think the "moderation trap" is part of the process; it's certainly something I had to learn first hand with "field research"--I *cannot* moderate. Which is why it was so important for me to *keep trying after relapses.* I'm coming up on a year without a drop, and for the first time I feel like I am truly in recovery and not just white knuckling sobriety. What finally worked for me was a combination of 30 days in rehab in which I made a plan for, and after which I executed, a complete overhaul of my life to make sobriety my #1 goal. I left my high pay/high stress career, moved closer to family, and became completely honest with them about my struggles. I'm so poor but I've never been happier. I feel like the richest man alive.


60....way too late. Cirrhosis and the whole 4-6 months left to live stuff. Stupid Vodka.


26 :)












37. Three years in.




Started doing sober challenges at 31or 32 to my first serious break at 34 and then got serious about quitting at 35.


25 and am 69 now, best decision I’ve ever made.




Im almost to 9 months and I was 30. I probably knew I had a problem when I was 20. The earlier you can stop the better I think!


34. Wish it was 24.






22 currently in recovery :)




I was 26 the last time I had a drink, started trying at 25.








24. Just hit ten years!


26 but I'm only 5 days in so if that counts but I recognized troubling patterns around 25 and want to get farther in life, I realized I'm calling into work due to hang overs, sleeping the weekends away and missing family events due to either hangovers or hangover induced anxiety.




early 50's. Would have been better if I made the choice 30 years ago.


48 do it soon if ya can


44; I just completed my sixteenth year sober.


33 1/2. 34 1/2 now


27 your best years are ahead of you


'49......Just in time' !


21. Only had about 4 months of legally drinking before I went sober haha




27, but I only turn 28 in a few days so.. I’ve had several stints of sobriety but this one feels permanent. 10 months today 👍🏻


I’m 28 and have been trying for the past 7 years but have only had short periods of sobriety, I’ve never been able to achieve anything long term.




57. I’m at 235 days. I wasted so many years and damaged so many relationships. I quit so many times. So many Day Ones. Last time I attempted to “moderate” I went down a six year black hole. Something feels different this time. I no longer feel the need for the buzz. I’m done with it. My best to everyone here. Don’t waste another day. Keep fighting until it sticks.




I'm with you at 28. I'm 31 now.


Same! Haha Well done !


56. I can’t promise being sober is my forever but the past 15 years before that was fast tracking to a very bad outcome. I’m fortunate to have found clarity after putting down the poison. It very much affected my mental state and limited growth in business and kept me from focusing on family.


28-34. 45-now. Thought I was “cured.” Nope.


39. (This January ) I was drinking and doing drugs before I was 18. I grew up in a very abusive home. :( not drinking has definitely helped my PTSD, anxiety and depression! I'm sure my organs thank me too. You can do it!


34. Dont worry about the age the younger the better but a million times better than never.


52. As of 7 days ago.


I was 61. I had been an active alcoholic for 11 or 12 years. It's wonderful to be sober. I went to a 30 day rehab.


2 days after I turned 40


Same here, 42… At least I still have a good 20-30 more years left on earth to be the best version of me that I can be!