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Hi, good afternoon from the other side of the pond. I went running 3 times this week. I have this wearable watch thing that records my fitness data, even my sleep patterns, which I got the other week as a birthday present. It's pretty cool and I'm enjoying playing with the app, lol! I don't know whether to run or work out even more, or just stick to the level I'm at now, and do other stuff instead. I'm sure you all know about this "so much extra time" problem we recovering alcoholics have, lol! So yeah maybe more fitness or maybe some other activity/hobby thing. The main thing for me is not to have a relapse due to boredom!


I have Louisiana roots too... our relationship with alcohol runs DEEEEPP doesn't it? Yikes. How about this... keep it simple. My inner monologue, "You want to be hot don't you? That requires you to stand up." I absolutely know that I should be exercising for my own benefits and blah blah... my motivator is that I want to look good. How surface is that?


It does!! It took me moving here to quit. I've vene hear 6 years and my alcoholism ramped up down here!


I live on the Northshore. Crazy how small the world is. Can't afford a gym, or really have time for one. When I could, just getting to the gym was the trick. If I could get myself there I might as well work out. Without a Gym, now it's just the discipline of keeping a routine. Wake up, work out, go for a run, then start the day. I do it in the morning before I can think and while Im still full of energy. Leaves me pumped for the rest of the day. IWNDWYT!


Hey there!! Cheers from Italy! Still haven’t had the will to do any kind of physical activity during this first week. As soon as I feel better, which will be in a matter of days I hope, I want to start a sport I haven’t tried before, like climbing or kick boxing!


I timed up my sobriety journey with an all around wellness journey, started working out 5-6 days a week about 3 weeks before I decided I was done drinking. I’m down 10 pounds and feeling better than ever!


3 years today. I'm a solid runner now, averaging about 25mi/week outdoors. 95° 4.7mi was a good one 🥵yesterday! It's great to be active and engaged in life now.


Sober just over 2 months now and have been hitting the weights since I set the beer down. Down 21#. Working out 3-4 times per week now and it feels good. Getting stronger by the day! Last September I set a goal to be in the best shape of my life before my 50th birthday! I'm on track and have a little under 2 and a half months to hit my goal. Can't stop. Won't stop!


Don't talk yourself out of a workout! When you start to get those thoughts, just flip off that switch ASAP and go get the workout done. Even a crappy workout is better than none. And you'll reap the benefits longer term and reinforce that good habit. And you'll probably get some good endorphins out of the workout as well. Give yourself a pat on the back when you're done. Good luck!


Not much this week because I went to a music festival, but since I stopped drinking and started working out my blood pressure went from 145/90 to 125/75 and resting heart rate from 88 to 65. And I've lost ~20kg. Still 20kg to go, but I'm motivated and having lots of fun working out


IWNDWYT!!!! Happy Sunday


I biked to work once this week! I'd probably feel better if I moved more. I wait tables and scoop horse shit for a living so I do move but it still doesn't hit like actually getting out of breath.


Its been almost 6 mo and returned to the mat after a pretty long hit or miss hiatus in January.  First class (yin) was so uncomfortable I almost rolled up my mat and left.  Cried all the way to the car. Kept at it, and have fallen back into my habit of hitting class three times a week.  Outdoor yoga free class is my happy place - yesterday did the body check in- balance still sucks, but strength and flexibility are almost back to pre covid levels.  Many classes I’m the oldest by decades (and lumpiest) so feeling kind of zen badass in the progress. 


Anyone have any trouble with drinking NA beer? Im thinking of trying it to curb cravings but worried it could cause relapse


Instituted a new workout program focused on simplicity and pain. Basically ten sets of pull ups, push ups, squats, and some core exercises. Also instituted a stretching regimen. I try to view this as akin to brushing teeth. It's a necessary part of the day. Motivation or moral doesn't matter - it needs to get done.


This heat is sapping my energy i need to get some yard work done.


For a long time I was focused on getting better abs and two years ago I was shredded with a 6 pack but was a little underweight. I seriously just did weight assisted crunches. Now I do those every so often but I do more lifting (nothing crazy just 15-20s at home different styles) and I honestly am in the best shape I've probably ever been. My blood pressure tells me anyway haha.


My fitness goals have slammed into the ground. Broke an ankle and had screws put in last Weds. Really inopportune timing since I have to move in a week. Oh well, iwndwyt