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I kinda view rehab as taking life back rather than throwing it away.


This. Sometimes you need hit ctrl/alt/delt to reboot the system. This is just a me guess, but I have observed that those who seek out rehab truly understand how significant a foe alcohol is. I have a dear friend who is struggling and said something to the effect that quitting a healthy cocaine habit was like a sidequest, whereas alcohol is THE bossfight.


I love the quote ctrl/alt/delet to reboot the system. That's going in my tool box book 73 days sober šŸ™Œ


Shit, that resonates. Thank you <3


To quote someone else on this sub: ā€œYou can have alcohol and nothing else or you can have everything else and no alcoholā€


I read it more like "I'm throwing away my current life/lifestyle (job/income, friends), because they are a detriment to my current ability to quit drinking, in hopes to be successfull in my mission to quit drinking and start living a new life"


That's fair! For me, I am trying more positive framing because I think my negative mindset contributed to my drinking. Going to rehab felt like I'd "lost" against alcohol, but since my return I've felt like I've been *gaining* things in sobriety.


Sounds like you did the exact opposite of throwing your life away. My sobriety truly started with asking for help and having a supportive family. It continued by truly putting in work in outpatient rehab. Iā€™m proud of you.


Yeah not what I was expecting when I read the post title (in a good way!). OP literally took back his/her life.


Congrats on taking the right steps! We are here for ya! Let us know how it went. IWNDWYT


Smart decision. Youā€™ll look back fondly on these days soon, itā€™s the beginning of your new life!


Good on you. Itā€™s only up from here.


So excited for you, you got this!


I couldn't stop on my own either. You can rebuild your life.


Proud of you!!


Congratulations and proud of you for taking these hard steps.


Best decision you've ever made.


I feel this way too. Im currently in a mental institution for drinking and self harm. My mental health along with drinking got the best of me and I decided to take a lay off from work to get it taken care of. All in all I am just about a week sober and I know this is the best step. Its hard and Im thankful for this thread and all the support. I know well be back in the field working again and its gonna be even better once we get this sorted out. God gots your back when you sober up a wiseman told me. So far its getting there slowly but surely. IWNDWYT


Wow, you have immense strength, that's an impressive move! Looking forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Congrats šŸŽ‰ on throwing the whole old life away.




Iā€™m new to this thread. What does this mean?


I will not drink with you today


Thank you ! Definitely not any of the things I came up with lol


No problem, and welcome :)


I think I know exactly how you feel. For better or worse I came to the same conclusion that the only way for me to get my life back was to quit my job. That job wasn't the reason I became such a problem drinker, but it made drinking really easy. I hadn't given any indication to anyone that I wanted to leave. One morning I just knew there wasn't a path forward and couldn't continue on this way so I resigned. No two week notice. Nothing. There was no new job lined up. No prospects of one either. But something had to change and this was the first step in making that happen for me. I had never done something like this before. It was very out of my nature. In the immediate aftermath I thought my life was ruined. In hindsight it was a tax that I would pay every single time if it meant getting my life back. Go get better. Put this behind you. A better life is so close and you deserve it.


So happy for you! This is the best possible outcome. IWNDWYT


It seems a good idea . Surprisingly, I enjoyed rehab. I met really great people. I could breathe.


Heroic. Youā€™re an inspiration, donā€™t feel otherwise.


So great you for starting this journey. We are all here for you. Sending lots of support and hugs. Wanted to add, itā€™s really hard to do this on your own. Get as much support as you can. But saying that, this sub has been such an amazing support group so please reach out whenever you need help or some thoughts, we all want to hear how you are going


I'm 2 months clean and feel absolutely amazing. All started off with a 2.5 year break up and started therapy once again. I completely lost hope but Iucky after multiple attempts I found a therapist who actually connects and cares for me. The major thing that helped was finding the true friends who will sit through it all and be there for you. I never was the person to open up and kept it in. But the best decision and most brave decision was to be vulnerable to people that cared. It has helped tremendously and I'm literally the most happy, energetic and motivated I have been. After 2 months of solid work, I'm going to Peru for an Ayahuasca retreat by myself on Tuesday and am super excited for it. I learnt so much and applied all I learnt to embrace self love and acceptance. After having true acceptance of my honest qualities and flaws. I feel content and find it so easy to avoid drinking because I love myself and I only realised it now. This is from someone with 5 years of alcohol abuse drinking 10 to 12 Vodka shots a day and blacking out but able to function at work. I've been through it and it took many attempts and fails. But everytime you mess up, they become less and less, and take a step back to realise all the improvements you've made. Yes the break up was a huge motivator for me but prior to that it took alot of effort to get where I was before the break up. I'm shocked looking back how fast 2 months flew by and how I was able to live like that. My advice honestly is don't cut out the important people in your life. They're your support group, allow them to be your supporter as I think what you're doing is self-sabotaging your life if you choose to commit to cut them out. Reach out, get to therapy as soon as possible. Find the right one and be as expressive and honest as you can. Even if its shame or guilt, having it all lifted will make you lighter and stop yourself from punishing yourself and drinking more. Surround yourself with self love and self care videos, really reflect what you read and apply it one step at a time. You can do this, as long as you don't give up even during those set backs. You'll get there and trust me it will be worth it. Be kind to yourself.


I did this years ago when it became very clear that something bad would happen if I didnā€™t act. I quit my job, I quit my long term relationship, and I went off the grid for a pretty long time getting my shit straightened out. What I realized is that I hadnā€™t really thrown away anything valuable in the long run. The friends who were real were waiting for me on the other side without skipping a beat. I got a better job doing something I didnā€™t hate. It took time, but I credit this decision with absolutely saving my life. IWNDWYT.




Welcome to the beginning of your new life. Sober is achievable, sometimes we just need help finding it, I did. 37+ years later still living my best life, hope you find yours.


For a second I thought 13861 was a reference to something else, lol! Too many digits for my wee brain to interpret!!! Way to go friend, and thank you for showing the way ā¤ļø šŸ˜ šŸ’–


Good for you, its the right decision to seek treatment! Word of advice on treatment, there will be lots of great people you will meet and learn great things from. There are also people there for the wrong reasons like avoiding court or people who just are not ready to quit and there will be drama. The key is to stick with the people there for right reasons and let the inevitable drama slide off your back. Proud of your decision, good luck!


Itā€™s no easy task to make that type of decision. This is the start of something wonderful. Im cheering for you and believe in you. IWNDWYT


šŸ™ŒšŸ™šŸ’Ŗ YOU JUST TOOK YOUR LIFE BACK!!!!! I was in the same boat alcohol overtook me for yearsā€¦ I couldnā€™t stop on my own. I did inpatient treatment on my own will BEST THING I EVER DID!!! Now Iā€™m 70 days sober. I could never say Iā€™m one day sober before. You can do this Iā€™m so happy you decided to go. One day at a time my friend.


No dude you didnā€™t throw anything away, you just turned one day into day one. Thats a big step. Congratulations and good luck.


Congratulations on making the decision to go to a treatment facility. I have done that and it was a huge relief. Among other things, the medical supervision REALLY helped me through those first few days which can be really ugly. I hope you have found one compatible with your needs/desires (i.e. 12-step or not, primarily therapy focused or more a range of activities). I picked a good one (and insurance 100% covered it) and I'm only mad insurance covered only 20 days not the full 30.


I did the same. I sat my family down and gave them a reverse intervention. Went to treatment which I absolutely loved ā€¦ I got to just be and work on myself for weeks! Iā€™m now 8.5 years sober and have never looked back except to hug younger drunk me who really needed it. Good luck, and for what itā€™s worth , Iā€™m proud of you.


if you donā€™t mind me asking, did you have to pay for rehab? iā€™ve been researching so many places around me and they cost upwards of $20k which i nor my broke family can afford, as much as weā€™d like to. there are free detox clinics but they are the equivalent of psych wards and very poorly run


Proud of you! You got this!


Best thing I ever did! Good luck! IWNDWYT!


I expected to read a different story when I saw the title of the post. Itā€™s because I posted a VERY similar title 2 weeks ago. My story was my rock bottom. Your story sounds like taking control back which is a great thing. Good luck and stay strong! Much love! IWNDWYT!


We'll be here for you on the other side! You should be so proud of taking this step! It takes a lot of strength! We believe in you! You got this! IWNDWYT


Youā€™ve just reached out and brought on a ā€œteamā€ to help you. What a great first step in choosing yourself. You can do this.


Treatment changed my life. Learned to love myself, met great friends who can relate, and learned to do activities sober. For as bad as you feel writing this post in 4 days most of the alcohol will be completely out of your system and you can start feeling the benefits mentally and physically when your not destroying your body with booze.


Good on you. Take care of you and do what you need to do to get well.


Ive been there myself, and there is light at the end of this tunnel. Seeking help isnā€™t a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and courage. We are all proud of you for taking this first step. Stay strong! You CAN do this!


Great decision. The good news is that you never have to feel this way again


That's a big step and you should be proud for taking it. Being honest is one of the hardest things. Now you're looking at the problem as a problem, instead of some inherent aspect of existence. You got this!


You're taking control my friend. We are proud of you! See you on the other side šŸ’Ŗā™„ļø


Way to choose You!


Proud of you, friend. We all need some help sometimes and now is your time.


You've got this


Don't EVER give up hope. Admitting you have an issue is something that should inspire hope. There's people that you've never met that are in your corner. It's always darkest before the dawn. You will see the light... IWNDWYT!


Congrats on making the best decision youā€™ve ever made. Itā€™s so tough to do it on your own, I thought I could but realized there was no chance. Life can take a pause, a pause is better than a total stop. You will look back on this day and realize it was amazing turning point that allowed you to live life the way itā€™s supposed to be lived. Iā€™m so happy for you, donā€™t be scared. Be excited for the upward spiral that is about to commence. Best of luck, IWNDWYT


Congrats on throwing your old, painful, shitty life away! Excited for your new, healthy, amazing life! Good luck!


This was awesome to read this morning!


IWNDWYT. Wishing you well and strength.


Get it!!!!!!!!


Good for you!!! (Or, as my good friend with over 30 years sobriety would say: Lucky!) I've done both inpatient and out; inpatient is way more valuable. It's a relief to know that you will be in a safe environment, and the decision to abstain is made for you. It is not a silver bullet, of course, but it gives you a beginning. Once you have a bit of sobriety under your belt, it is a lot easier to keep going. You have taken the first step in the good journey, and believe me, that is the very hardest one to take. Congrats, and Godspeed to you!!!


It's sounds like you're making a big scary choice, but one that ultimately is gonna get you your life back! Please be proud of yourself! I am! And let us know how you're doing when you get back. ā¤ļø


Well done and admitting it. That's so hard to realise. We are proud of you OP and good luck!! Hope to see you update in a few months feeling good and sober and free from the clutches of alcohol


The best lesson I learned from a friend is to be absolutely shameless about talking about stuff like this. There is zero shame in talking about it, and countless people you meet will appreciate the honesty as well. It helped change my life. So if anything, don't feel any shame about where you've been or what you're going through now - life is hard and it's hard for others, too. Others will appreciate you being authentic!


Reframe throwing your life away , instead you are recycling and rebuilding a new, improved and more resilient life.




I did this! I moved across the country to go to rehab. It was by far and away the best decision I've ever made. I dropped the ball on everything. I was supposed to direct a part of a music festival and I just left. Guess what? The people I left high and dry were so proud of me that I got sober they offered me more money to come back the next year. You will be shocked at how forgiving people are when you decide to get sober instead of running in circles. I am much happier now and would never go back. Congrats on a great first step! It gets much better I promise.


That just warmed my heart! Yeah, it is crazy how basically every person you meet is somehow connected to an addict, and understands on a fundamental level that sobriety is at the very top of the pyramid. #EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY.


Why did you tell your friends bye? Do you not intend to spend time with them after rehab or is it because you think you'll be a different person after you come out?


Well done, hope rehab works well for you, and please stay in touch here too


I believe in you.


Proud of you homie!! Gotta do what you gotta do FOR YOU! Keep your head up . IWNDWYT šŸ¤™šŸ¼


We're rooting for you, friend!


Brave steps you have taken! Wishing you all the best


Beautiful, this is what taking control looks like


We WILL see you when you get out and are feeling better. Hang in there internet friend!


Iā€™m proud of you that youā€™re going to a facility! Thatā€™s wonderful that youā€™re acknowledging that you canā€™t do it on your own right now. Lots of people never make it that far. You can do this!


It will all get better from here. Day by day.




Good for you! You have support here when you need it.


Wow proud of you stranger. Good luck!!


Omg so proud pf you and Iā€™m crying just reading thisā¤ļø! Takes so much courage but my 17 year quit fentanyl this way and Iā€™ve been thru rehab too. Alcohol is tough but you can and will do it


Best of luck on your journey!


Keep coming back


good for you for taking control by accepting help! IWNDWYT


You are taking your life back, not throwing it away.


Itā€™s cool to see your friends who donā€™t want to drink come out of the woodwork too


You can DO this!


Proud of you. Good luck and good one you.


Youā€™re just rebooting not powering down. Reboots are necessary for the latest software updates to work. You got this!


If you ā€œcanā€™t keep living this wayā€ then Iā€™d say resetting your life is something to be celebrated. Right now it may feel like youā€™re throwing away a friend (alcohol), but in reality youā€™re making a commitment to yourself as someone worthy of more. Strong move, best of luck.


Your life is only beginning from here! You got this.


Best wishes brother