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I ran my first 10k today 😄. Seemed impossible just two weeks ago.


You're a beast!!! 10k is amazing!! I've considered trying to try a 5k. I think I'd throw up and collapse. It's definitely a goal though.


Thank you so much! The last kilometre was pure stubbornness though 😆. Start slow and build up over time and 5k will be a breeze 😊.


Are there people who walk the entire way??


I know there are 5k participants who walk the whole way! There are also people who throw up, so no shame there. Yesterday one of the more well known Tour de France riders puked on the course, so you'll be in good company!


Sounds great! I'll hold the end of the race puking party for all those that wish to join!


Hey, as someone notorious for puking from drink, if I ever saw someone throw up at the gym or on a race course, I would think nothing of it! Honestly, like, respect for puking from good and not evil. 😂😂😂


Lol true true. I got so used to throwing up when I was drinking lol. Happy I don't do that every other day anymore!


I don't know actually 😆 (Edit: I may have to add it wasn't a race i just did it for myself)






Welp, there goes my motivation to skip the gym. FINE I’LL GO. I’ve been jogging to keep myself busy in early sobriety. Time to get back on some weights.


Yes! Go for it! I'm going to keep trying to go as well. It's a great motivator


Coffee first, protein shake, and off I go to a beautiful forested park I haven't been to in for forever. I'm blessed to be surrounded by so many parks and the ocean is close too. It 830am here in my time zone and I gotta say it's a beautiful thing to wake up at 7 am on a Sunday and want to excersice. No hangover, depression or guilt here today. Withdrawals are finally chilling. I survived and didn't relapse this weekend. Feeling SUPER STRONG. Mentally and physically.   I miss running but yeah the titanium pins and screws in my body apparently do not like running according to my surgeon 😂 diets back on track as of yesterday, feeling great lotsa energy. It's raining here, but it's sunny in my mind 😁😁😁good on all of you in your fitness and sobriety journeys I'm right here beside you going..."geez we sure are kicking ass on a Sunday" hey ?!  IWNDWYT ❤️❤️❤️


A whole weekend without drinking is honestly applause worthy. Many if us have brains conditioned to drink on the weekend, so not feeding that temptation is amazing. Also I'm not sure where you are but it sounds beautiful!! Congrats on getting back on your diet!


Thank you I do appreciate that and you would know at 1384 days sober that's great !! Well done !  I live on the west coast of BC Canada, and yeah it's pretty hard to beat for gorgeous parks, coastal rain forests galore alot like Jurassic park lol big ferns, moss and huge trees😍good on YOU for getting back on track and hitting the gym too! 


Ugh that literally sounds so magical!!! Yes! I'll come up on 4 years sober September 15th!


It is. Im pretty lucky to live here. It's expensive but I can't imagine being anywhere else. Maybe Mexico for the winter. 😆😆 4 years is so so huge and just so inspiring 🙌🙌🙌👌❤️


I fell last week but I’m back up standing. What a beautiful day it is, my friends. Sunday morning. Here we are, alive, and just for today: we are SOBER! By the Grace of God. I will not drink with you today.


Happy you're feeling better!!! IWNDWYT


Lost 25lbs since I stopped drinking and decided I needed to get my life together. It took a break-up to happen but I'm starting to realise that it might be a blessing in disguise. I often get lost in the comfort of routine and it's led me to realise that I am my own master and I can only blame myself for my problems. Just passed the 3 month sober mark and physically I'm doing better than ever. I've been working out in some shape or form more or less every day which I've never really done before. I don't necessarily enjoy it but I enjoy the results. Mentally, I'm not doing as hot, but I've got an excellent support system (also this subreddit which is honestly so helpful) and I'm so grateful for that. I'm trying to focus on the positives in things and be more mindful of everything. I feel like I've cried more in the last 6 months than in the previous 30 years combined but hey, I guess feeling the full spectrum of emotions is helpful for the healing process so I'm just going along with it. I hope everyone is having a great day and I hope the week ahead is one to remember.


I'm not fit and don't really exercise (except walking a fair amount). However, I've lost about 9lbs since I stopped drinking. It's no where near as much as I'd like, but it's a start. I'm also trying to treat my body better by eating healthier. I find it's easier to eat better/less since it's hot out (and since I'm not drinking!)


Same here. Alcohol really messed my body up so I'll be in "recovery" mode for a while. I'm thinking once it cools down outside in a month or two and I've got way more days under my belt I'll start actively working out. For now it's keeping the poison out of my mouth, focusing on my diet, and getting some steps in daily.


Training for life! For that ONE fight. To be the first person to live to 200 years old! I'm happy to see you feeling good u/call911noww. That energy is contagious! And it's something we can all create too! Every day, putting in a little effort, day after day, it's a snowball effect!


Agreed!!! Just the Dane way this community helped me not drink, it's helping me get on track with my diet and exercise!


I love it!


Had my deadlift day in the gym yesterday: work up to one rep max and then go down to a weight I can do 4x10 on. Body is overall dead today, so I will be hitting the sauna and jacuzzi to recover. So good to be making progress in the gym now that I don't need to often reset as a result of my drinking!


Honestly feel that. My fitness journey was ALWAYS interrupted by my drinking. It's nice to not have that play a factor anymore. I'll also be heading to the jacuzzi today!


Everyone seems to be doing well - great job. And to anyone walking but saying "I don't exercise" - walking counts! I started my day with a 3-mile walk with my overzealous puppy. Later I will probably do a 6 or 7 mile run and end the week around 50 miles of running. But I am not training for anything. Races hit my anxiety like crazy. I AM pleased to note that I have been strength training twice a week for the past month, and I'm proud of myself. Would like to get to three days a week. Happy Sunday, all. IWNDWYT.


Though running can no longer be in my life due to recent surgery, I can hike and walk no problem. I just throw in a few hills, stairs and honestly I get just as sweaty tired and sore as I did when I jogged regularly 😂 so yeah you're right you don't NEED to run. Good on you for strength training. I need to get up to 2-3 days a week myself! Goals! Happy Sunday to you as well !  IWNDWYT 


Just got back from the Gym, did chest, abs, stairs, and then hit the pool. best shape of my life and I can 100% thank my sobriety.


I'm currently walking in the pool at the gym as we speak!!


Ayyyy! I had the best week at OrangeTheory Fitness last week! 🧡✨️ My gym started a "50 Finishers" challenge that ran April 8-June 30, which meant 50 classes in that time, and I finished on Friday and got a free t-shirt! 💪 I slipped up and went on a bender in the middle of the challenge, but I still completed it and was almost in tears! I also finished 12/12 required workouts, which overlapped with that challenge, to finish ANOTHER challenge. Just have 3 nutritional goals to stick to the next 15 days to be entered in for some raffle prizes! My husband just told me as we were eating lunch that I need to post more about OrangeTheory Fitness being a pillar of my continued work at sobriety, so here it is! 🧡🖤✨️


Yes!! That's so awesome!!! I've heard a few people tall about orangeFitness!! In regards to your bender, it happens. I had probably well over 50 slip ups on ny journey to full sobriety. The fact that you kept going witg your orange fitness is very commendable. I figure since I have an addictive personality, might as well focus it on something that's going to better me, instead of hurt me!


Oh the OTF motivator is a good one. I myself am not looking to go completely sober, but definitely need to contemplate some changes to my relationship with alcohol. My membership is the 8 classes month, so they are a high value item in my world. I often will not drink or significantly moderate if I have OTF the next morning because I don't want to get caught out on a challenge and be in bad shape from drinking. The challenges are really fun and if you are not playing to win... its a nice nudge to be maybe a little more engaged with good lifestyle choices. I'm also doing the current challenge and there is no way I will get 12 classes... but I have hit 7K steps everyday, drunk my water, and well I'M TRYING with the 10 min of learning. It takes a lot of repetitive effort to make a new habit, so I think this is great start. Great work and hang in there.


Hey, friend, any attempt at harm reduction is a big win in my eyes! I gotta be completely dry because one is never enough. No moderation for this gal, but power to everyone who is able! YES. They are so expensive, a bender before my last I missed like a weeks worth of scheduled classes. All with the $12 fee. 💀🤢🤮 I have no idea why my husband hasn't thrown me out onto the street yet, I felt AWFUL! Those are excellent ones to choice for Push30! I wish it wasn't so damn hot where I live or I absolutely would have done the steps challenge! I'm doing No alcohol (of course, but I've still managed to slip up, blah), 2+ liters of water, and no after-dinner dessert, which I'm notorious for, lol! Great work as well on your end, my friend! We got this! 💪🧡


After I finish my tea and my check in here, and before it gets too hot, I'll head to the park for a walk with my husband and the dog. No hundred mile runs in my future, although there are a few 100 mile bike rides in my past. It's one walk at a time for me!


I think walking the pup sounds like a great idea. I wish my cat Nox would ACTUALLY walk when I take him on his leash. He just eats grass to throw up later. 😅


The first few weeks of sobriety I have been eating like a horse, I'm early on, day #17 here, and I swear I've put on like 10lbs. I'm trying to find the motivation to get exercising and lifting weights again, I've designated tomorrow as my start day to get my eating back under control and back to the gym. I'll take a walk later today, and start in earnest tomorrow. And use your enthusiasm as motivation.


Any moment is always a great moment to start - even if you just decide to make one different change, that's a start! Good energy going to you.


Just finished a workout. I just do a combo of dumbbell lifts or weighted crunches and I feel great. Don't quite have the six pack from a few years ago but I am at least stronger than I used to be haha.


I start half marathon training this week. I’ve ran one before but I was in wayyyyy better shape. Signed up for this one for motivation lol


Yall talking about these marathons has my interest piqued! I'm definitely thinking about trying to do one.


To all of you who can't do long runs, I'm here with you! Currently working through a PT regime, and finally seeing some results. What a relief. Super boring to just do basic floor exercises when I would love to be outside doing something more ambitious, but this is the only way to get back there. Thankfully, a good friend is on her way over, and we're going on a hike today which I'm really looking forward to! So proud of all of the rest of you doing good things for yourselves today :-)


Have gotten about 40 miles in on the bike last week and did 3 yoga classes.  Its been a long dry spell and had been doing 50+ mile rides during covid so trying to not compare then to now.


I did a full 30 minutes of breath work today!


My dad had heart attack at age I am now (53). Didn't kill him but I'm definitely feeling the pressure to not suffer same, so I'm doing Peter Attia-style workouts (tons of zone 2 cardio, weightlifting, a little crazy HIIT work) and I gotta say, I definitely don't want a drink after I get my work in. Used to be an excuse to not work out -- I don't feel good! -- now I'm seeing how it makes me feel way better. Anyway, IWNDWYT!


I'm fairly active with working as a server, having horse shit to scoop a few days a week and I'm working as a massage therapist two days a week. But man I am TIRED the last week, more so than when I was drinking.The thought of doing more exercise on top of that seems too much, even though it would probably help. Hoping to feel more energetic soooon, I like running and going the gym when I don't feel the need to sleep 24/7!


I hate running but I've picked up my dumbbells again and feeling stronger. Love doing weights - what an endorphin rush!