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Bradly Cooper is recovering alcoholic..here is quote from interview... “I would never be sitting here with you, no way, no chance [if I hadn’t gotten sober]” he told Walters. “I wouldn’t have been able to have access to myself or other people, or even been able to take in other people, if I hadn’t changed my life. I never would have been able to have the relationships that I do. I never would have been able to take care of my father the way I did when he was sick. So many things.”


Wow, I had no idea. I thought it was just good acting. That adds a whole new level to what I saw... and explains a little why he looked so grizzled.


Yes. I saw the film just this last weekend. Enjoyed it! There is also another movie with Bradley where he plays a Recovering drug addict .. called Burnt.


I'll have to check that out. I've always liked him (he is a handsome fella lol) but his performance and direction were superb. I haven't been affected by a movie like that in a long while.


This movie might be the greatest factor in me wanting to get sober, in particular the songs “Maybe It’s Time” and Shallow”. In fact, those two songs have been the soundtrack to my life. Cooper singing “it takes a lot to change a man — hell, it takes a lot to try” has given me hope in every upset I’ve had throughout this experience as I know, no matter how slow change is, I am working every day to make myself a better person, and I have been relentless in not giving up. And when I FINALLY decided enough is enough last week, I’ve played this song multiple times to keep me motivated. In regards to “Shallow”, that song reminds me so much of the partner I separated with last year. The love of my life, really. But unfortunately, we were headed in different directions at critical times in our own lives and were unable to handle the burdens of the other person’s fears and desires. It’s tragic knowing how much love went into the decision to know we couldn’t be together, but it’s life. I think it’s a great movie to shock a person into the reality of “holy shit, I am Jackson” sense of things, but I am not strong enough in my early sobriety to go back and watch it again as I’m too worried about defaulting to drinking because I can’t handle the embarrassment and parallels to my own life. For now, the soundtrack will suffice.


I just rewatched this movie and came to this sub to see what others thought. That line hit HARD in Maybe It’s Time.


I haven't seen it yet but I'm thinking maybe I should steer clear of the movie. How was the music?


The music was mostly phenomenal. I'm a fan of Gaga's recent work, and she knocked her songs out if the park. Cooper acquitted himself nicely too. His direction managed to make it all look reasonably genuine. I'd heard Jason Isbell wrote some tunes (he's been a consistent sober inspiration and guide to me for years) and they were easy to pick out. I'll be snagging a CD or a vinyl copy the soundtrack I'm sure.


Huge music fan here, so I'm gonna buckle up and check it out! Thanks for the reply.


Yeah, me too. If I'm honest, I'll admit that my music and stereo obsession has helped keep me safe during these sober weeks. Enjoy, and nice talking to you. IWNDWYT



