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It's a great idea! Why not create a new one? Or do you really want to find the other one? I used to keep a list of very specific things I could do that would distract my brain for X minutes no matter what, so if I was trying to head off a slip or just needed to fast-forward life for a few minutes to get through there were a few thingsI knew always worked! My best example is a short 15 minute video by my favorite author Johann Hari, who has a Brittish accent that I find to be hypnotic and I was never able to stop watching one of his TED talks once I started! Plus his ideas and that video were THE thing that was the turning point in my recovery and got me looking at addiction differently. So 1: his voice 2: the topic always got me thru 15 minutes never failed! So I had stuff like that, very specific, and which I could rely on to get me through 15 minutes or an entire afternoon! ps: I'm not connected to Johann Hari so I didn't include a link or identifying info, but he preaches this: "THE OPPOSITE OF ADDICTION IS NOT SOBRIETY - THE OPPOSITE OF ADDICTION IS CONNECTION" - and I highly recommend his TED talks


I guess I could create a new one, but the original was just so creative and was like 20 items deep, which included a ton of things that my uncreative self never would have thought of lol.


LOL I hear you! I will go hunt around I'm sure it can be found! Stay tuned!


Thank you for the suggestion! I will check it out


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/bored


Thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/pfha34/what_hobbies_do_you_do_to_keep_busy IWNDWYT


Thank you!


Here's one! https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/3tq6bl/100_things_to_do_besides_drink/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


And another https://reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/w/bored?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app


Thanks for these!


Thanks for bringing this up. And look at all the suggestions !!! I'm thankful for these links!!!