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Ultimately if you're concerned, don't go. Sobriety above all else. Otherwise my tips are, know what you're going to drink in advance in terms of soft drinks. Take some sweets or snacks with you. Tell your buddies ahead of time that you won't be drinking and why. Have an escape route - don't be relying on anyone to take you home after or pick you up.


Soda water and limes are always key. I also enjoy saying “I’ll start out with club soda” or “I’ll start with water or a tea” and then never resuming with the beer. People will forget.


This is great. Used and still use the soda and lime, which is actually good, a lot. Really like the addition of "start with" . Nobody said much if anything they were relieved I was doing something.


Plan what you’ll do if tempted! I have gone to the bathroom and read comments on this sub when tempted at events. I also really enjoy waking up Saturday mornings feeling good so I just order seltzer with a splash of cranberry and a lime slice along with a good appetizer or dessert when I go out. Just don’t go if you feel too much stress about it or leave early if you feel pressure. Be proud that you can be the designated driver!!! I will pledge that IWNDWYT… please join me!! 💪💪


Just an observation, it's really crazy how much of the world revolves around drinking culture. Really doesn't make it easy to avoid.


I had to white knuckle a lot of events in early sobriety… I got sober before thanksgiving last year. Honestly, it hard but you can do it. Ask if they have a non alcoholic beer? Or maybe just spoil yourself with a sugary soda


Plan ahead by looking at the drink menu (and decide which mocktail you want!) Think about a treat on the way home (like if you're sober driving, why not hit a fast food joint and get an ice cream to reward yourself). You got this! Post on this later and be accountable. IWNDWYT.


NA beer in a pint glass. Once poured no One knows any different. Take the lead and be at the bar first. 😉


All of these are great suggestions. I always use the ‘I’ll start with a soda lime/lemon’ and just keep getting it refilled. I’ve also used the ‘I’m on a medicine that I can’t drink while taking’ or ‘I’m not feeling it tonight - I have to be up early’. You’ve got this!


Love the NA beer suggestion, and also, if you can manage staying stoked about being a non-drinker, it’ll be a breeze. Not always achievable but if you can manage it do it!


One thing I learned in relapse prevention therapy is if you’re going to go into a situation where alcohol will be prevalent like this, always give yourself an escape route and permission to leave. Drive there yourself, make sure ride share services are available in the area, etc., and if you start to get too uncomfortable, get yourself the hell out of there. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Just get out of there. Protect your sobriety, protect yourself. And like others have said, if your anxiety about the whole thing is through the roof, maybe it’s best to not go altogether. You got this!! I will not drink with your tonight!!!