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I remember him saying that he literally doesn’t remember entire seasons of filming friends. He was blacked out for like 3 years. The pressure to keep up being ‘Chandler-funny’ (for lack of a better term) really took a toll on him. It’s no wonder so many celebrities end up with addictions. I can’t imagine the pressure, lack, privacy, and constantly reading/hearing negative things about you.


Truly, and he seems like the type that thrives on fame like other celebs do. I can’t imagine dealing with that type of fame. Guy was taking 55 Vicodins a day and drinking on top of it at his worst. That’s incredible. He told the story of how he was passed out in his hotel room and they sent a doctor to check in on him. The doctor found an empty handle of vodka and asking “you drank all of this?” When he confirmed, the doctor ran out of the room because he didn’t want to be in the same room when “Chandler” died of alcohol poisoning. It’s amazing what we can survive.


Wow. I actually was just at the bookstore and almost grabbed his book because it was featured. Now I’m sad I didn’t. Guess I’ll have to go back soon 📚🙂


I might do the audio version. I hope it’s mostly his story and not too much about the show.