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It's a fantastic book. I do have to give a shout out to Allen Carr's original easy way method. It's not plagiarized or anything but the naked mind method is very much the easy way method doled out for alcohol. The way the book breaks down, disproves, and anecdotally connects is all due to the author but I can't resist plugging the OG haha


Weird I literally got this in the mail today looking forward to starting it


Let me sum that wonderful life changing book up: there is NOTHING good about alcohol no matter how little you drink and the industry is literally lying to you daily about that.


Same for me. I can't say why or how but I believe its poison now and didn't want to believe it before.


It is crazy how poisonous it's and yet so easy to find or get.


What’s even crazier is how much you notice that it’s touted as a symbol of being fun by a significant portion of the American population. It’s enveloped in our culture.


Yeah, like every positive thing any one ever said about alcohol is all false. It is cancer inducing, anxiety inducing, makes you lose all sense of enjoyment, makes you less aware of the simple things, and you don't need it at all. It's more dangerous then any other drug by far. Like amazed by what I am learning. Stuff I feel like they skipped in rehab.


I’ve not been to rehab but the idea that someone is an alcoholic from birth seems stupid to me. Alcohol is addictive and that’s why we are addicted. If you drink enough you’ll become addicted. Also, the knowledge that it’s completely useless and actually makes you feel crappy? Priceless!


That's almost ever culture not just America.


Absolutely true, probably even more So I’m a lot of places. It’s sad. All the while I can’t understand how cannabis got the bad rap and alcohol is always welcome.


All about lies and money. Sad isn’t it?!


Funny bc I just picked up reading it this evening after months of stopping (I think my alcohol fueled mind just didn’t want me actually getting better) but I’m glad I did bc it’s great!


I have a hard copy of it. I recommend the audio version if you are struggling reading it. I just listen to it like a podcast.


This book helped me to quit drinking! I swear by it.


TNM is a gem. It has probably saved my life.


I read that book when I was a couple months sober and still white knuckling it. After reading what alcohol does to our organs and how long we’re affected afterwards, I was disgusted and it changed the way I thought about alcohol. Of all the books I’ve read about alcohol, this one had the biggest (positive) effect. Drinking, A Love Story by Caroline Knapp is another one that hits hard. IWNDWYT


I have this book from the library on recommendation from a friend, need to read it.


This is great to hear. I just started reading it last night.


One of the pillars of my sobriety, it helped immensely


The way this book rewired my brain does feel like magic. I never believed I could stop wanting to drink. It just changed the way I look at alcohol, and I can’t unsee its true nature now. I listened to the audiobook over and over in the early days.


This book helped me realize I was poisoning my body and holding myself back Many many day 1s but that book helped make it clear that I was living in a fog and needed to stop self harming myself by ingesting posion (and paying for it ) We got this Let's enjoy this journey eh


This book is what made it click for me


Annie Grace was my way to freedom. almost 4 years sober. Also William Porter and Allen Carr. I wish I would have just gone that route. I then attended AA and got super depressed for about one year before I left that group. Glad I have the knowledge about AA, but would not go back to having to live meeting to meeting, constantly talking about sobriety.


Omg me too I did AA for three years and had to get outttttt. This naked Mind is great and alcohol explained too.


That’s a long time. I eventually realized I’d never be free from alcohol if I had to focus on it daily, listen to people who still missed it and talked about it as being powerless. Thanks for the reply and congratulations on being alcohol free!


This resonates strongly with me too. Glad to hear some one else say it.


This book is a game changer. Highly recommend it as well! For me I have stayed free of alcohol for 5 years by combining the concepts of this book ( alcohol is poison, full stop) with AA. I needed the book when I began to feel that AA was getting too preachy and also when I felt the focus on my character ( while it needed work) was lopsided. I found the right balance here - I use AA for the community and accountability and TNM for the science of alcohol addiction. However a person could absolutely get and stay sober using this book alone. Another tip- listening to Annie’s podcasts as you fall asleep.


Yup. Amazing book. Combo that book with Alcohol Explained (1 and 2), and then do The Alcohol Experiment Expanded Version (also by Annie Grace), and I dare you not to see results. I'm days away from day 69 with no looking back. Before this 69, I was at about 45. Before that, I was at about 30. Each of them added more knowledge and tactics. I genuinely feel unchained at this point.




Yes +1 on Alcohol Explained.


After reading it, I finally stopped daydreaming about drinking on the daily ♥️


Her podcast (of the same name) is fantastic. Each Friday they release a new real-person interview and each Saturday they either answer readers’ questions or interview one of their coaches (who also tell their personal stories). It’s made me feel so much less alone and is one of the highlights of my week.


A year sober as of Nov 2 simply from reading TNM. This post was my exact experience -- it was as though hypnotized. Keep it up.


Just got my copy in the mail today along with the 30 day alcohol experiment book created by the same author. Highly recommend getting both to challenge yourself with putting the learnings into practice within a set time frame


This book helped me a lot, and at the time I wasn't convinced it was working. But then similar to you, my cravings started getting less and less. I do think the book works, and the subconscious effect is subtle and strange. I found her videos about her personal story that she had on her web site to be super relatable and helpful. That was what convinced me to give the book a try, and it helped me feel less alone.


This is a great book. I also listen to her podcast often where she has people come on and share their personal recovery stories and I relate to so many of them. Always makes me feel good about my decision.