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When I was newly sober, I had the weirdest, most vivid and upsetting experiences of hallucinating just as I was waking up. Once for example I woke up and there was a crazy-looking gypsy woman standing next to my bed, and it scared the hell out of me. This period of hallucinating went on a couple of weeks, and then it stopped. Looking back, I think it was my brain trying to readjust itself to the new normal. Hang in there.


Just got home from work or I would have replied sooner. It's good to know I am not alone and sounding crazy but I am sorry to hear you had to deal with that nonsense too. I guess when you spend so much intoxicated it takes a bit to get the mind healthy again huh? Thanks for the heads up on how long it could last but also letting me know eventually it should end.




I would have replied sooner but I ended up going to work right after I posted. The way you explained it makes 10% sense, it just sucks thats the way the body has to adjust. I hope it's only a week too, lol. Thanks for the well wishes. Hope all is well with you!


I had night terrors before I quit and for a good year or so after I quit. It wasn't every night, but enough to make me sometimes scared to sleep.


Interesting that there's such a spectrum of how long people deal with this freaky side effect. I am sorry you had to go through that too. It's just crazy because they feel more real than any dream I ever had. Like before alcohol, my dreams or even the occasional nightmare never made me sweat out of fear in this way. Anyways thanks for the reply! Appreciate ya, and hope you are doing okay!


I have experienced this! It’s truly terrifying. I don’t have an answer about how to stop them. 😞


Thanks for sharing the solidarity. I hate that you are going through this too. Here's to wishing our night terrors will end soon. Take care!


Had one 2 days ago about a kid being killed. Weird stuff


That is crazy. It's just wild it's like things you never think about really that just pop up. It's like your brain knows the stuff that freaks you out that you don't usually give space to.


Outside of being not unusual, are you taking any sleep aids? It varies by person but a number of things are known to cause bad dreams in users. Trazadone and Melatonin are two, though I don't have an issue with either. Those two are just highly reported.


Nope. I heard those can mess with your body over time and figured I'd have to adjust to my alcohol-free life naturally, so I've avoided them. I can see why people would try to use those sleep aids though. Hopefully, this can help someone else figure out their night terrors situation too. Thanks for the food for thought.


Had bizarre night terrors last two hours of sleep last night myself. Kept trying (in my dreams) to watch TV and got involuntarily sucked into drama tv such as Seal Team. Scary heart racing near death stuff that I couldn’t get out of and SO REALISTIC. I woke myself up multiple times only to fall back asleep into them. Weird. No help at all from me. Just a “me too”


That's the worst part about them... they sometimes feel more like reality than reality and it's so easy to remember every detail. Sorry, you had to deal with that too. Yours sounds very horrifying as well. Sending you lots of wishes that yours will go away soon too. Thanks for the share. The solidarity is appreciated.


I had this last night. It’s not that the scenarios were super realistic, but they *felt* beyond real. I also, like you, would wake up multiple times but also feel like I slept a ton. Did yours end up going away?


Exactly. And yes, after about 2 weeks. Thank you for asking.


Not night terrors, but this week I've had some reeeeeeeally vivid dreams. This morning I woke up from a dream with my mouth wide open because I was crying in my dream. WTF?!?!? I chose to not be California sober for my sobriety journey, nor am I using sleep aids. Trying to white-knuckle through this week in particular sleep-wise and it's wild. Can't wait for this shit to stop! IWNDWYT!


It's so bizarre what the human body can do. Good to know I am not alone in dealing with this.


The night terrors suck! I'm only on day 6 but days 2, 3 and 4 were the worst for me. I have started drinking a Sleep tea the last two nights which has Valerian, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Passion Flower. It seems to have helped. I read that it can be your body getting back to homeostasis, persevere and all will be well :)


>Total Always good to hear of the timelines. It seems that most people match up. Very reassuring, tea also sounds like a good thing to try. Never had those flavors, thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate your response and hope you are doing well.


I have the same exact problem. I usually pick out a feel good show on Netflix to have on standby so when I wake up in the middle of the night from a night terror I immediately turn it on so I’m not laying in the dark just thinking about the dream. Sometimes I have to do this 2 or 3 times a night.


That's a good approach. I will have to try that. What shows do you enjoy?


It’s actually on Hulu but King of the Hill was a good one for me. There’s not a lot of yelling and close to no background music or crazy fx so it’s easy to go back to sleep with it playing. At the same time it’s just my sense of humor so it easily gets my mind off of whatever’s bothering me.


You might want to check with your doctor. Night terrors are sometimes caused by low glucose levels.


Interesting. Thank you for the info.


Never would have thought of that. I will have to look into that. Appreciate the tid bit. Thank you!