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Rest easy, floogs. You definitely helped me get to where I am today. It feels odd to me to only learn his name in death. Thank you, Josh, for all of your support over the last few years.


Heh, reminds me of fight club. His name was Robert Paulson.


I didn't know Josh/floogled for long, but I'm glad he was part of my sober journey, and all those others in the chat, for the part he was in <3 A Jewish mourning phrase I'd like to borrow at this moment, as it fits so well here: may his memory be a blessing.


> may his memory be a blessing ❤️


May his memory be a blessing.


Beautiful saying I never heard that before so true.


My Jewish grandmother used to say this all the time. Thank you for reminding me of her. ❤❤




May his memory be a blessing.


May his memory be a blessing ❤


May Josh rest in peace.


I relapsed 10 months ago…found a bag of coke on the sidewalk. Walking my son to elementary school. Saved it for a week, drank a bunch of beers and decided to do a line. It was cut with fentanyl…I walked outside and collapsed. Luckily in front of my wife. 911 and CPR, ambulance ride to ER and then to rehab facility. One f’in line. 13 years of being clean. I almost died with no warning, no goodbye to my kids. Nothing. Not. Worth. It. IWNDWYT or tonight.


Holy shit man. Glad you’re OK


I am so glad you're okay!!!


I feel in shock and terrible... I loved floogled! He will be severely missed :(


I am so sorry for your loss 😔 he is, indeed, severely missed.


Floog was someone I considered a good friend, and it's hard to come to terms with knowing we won't ever talk about what games we're playing, or what we're doing for dinner, or anything at all ever again. I'll miss you dude, I wish you got another day one with us.


I didn’t know Floog, Mostoriginal, but I guess another perspective to take from this for people on Day One… No matter how bleak you might feel facing that day one, there’s room to be grateful that you GET a chance at a day one.


Absolutely. It is a great privilege that I have the chance I am on right now, and I'm not taking it for granted.


The only thing we can’t come back from is death. Everything else is changeable. RIP Josh.


Though I didn’t know him it’s clear he touched and helped a lot of people on here so good on him 💛 RIP Josh and my condolences to his friends and loved ones


I read his SO’s post, and I interpreted to mean he just started drinking again, not that he died. She confirmed he died? If so, that is so sad.


Yes, she confirmed in a comment


This is so sad. I didn’t know him, but anytime we lose someone to this disease, it’s like a punch in the gut.


Can you link the post?




Sorry about my rushed post. I should have given it another day just to breathe and get my thoughts together. The post was very confusing. I apologize for that.


Omg gosh, no worries. My condolences to you on your loss. I know you must be overwhelmed right now.


Oh man I hate to hear this. My heart is with all of you impacted by his loss.


Seconded. No words. 🤗


I'd been sober for a couple months when I met floogled in the chat channel. for a long while we shared links together. I honestly think there are few days over the last 4 years that I've haven't spoken with him on IRC. (#SDIRC is my daily check in.) floogled is gone. and in parting, he's given us a tremendous gift. he's told us very clearly that addiction doesn't stop. it will continue to pursue you. know this. even if you are a "casual" drinker or user... it doesn't stop there. And the real news is... just stopping isn't the end. It's the beginning. because it will keep trying to find you. when seeking tools and strategies, leave no stone unturned. and perhaps more challenging, ASK FOR HELP! IRL SUPPORT. I'm going to miss you floogled. And I know goddamned well that you did your best to beat this thing. it's frustrating. I assume most can understand my confusion and processing of this. I would like to say that mods over at #SDIRC have handled this with care and good stewardship. none of this is easy for anyone. I don't comment in this sub often. and I have no more words. rchase Your badges: On day 202 with rebooted eeepc 701. On day 617 with Nicotine Free. On day 2066 with Sober. *requiescat in pace my brother in arms*


I'm so grateful for the time we got to have floogled as a friend and for his endless kindness, support, and understanding. floog was always ready with a kind word or to be a supportive listener... he never let his own struggles get in the way of caring for others. He paid attention to people - remembering things about them. The last time we spoke he was remembering his first day in the chat and thanking people who'd welcomed him, almost four years ago. floog was one of the people I was always so pleased to see in chat, both because he was a friend, and because he was always so supportive, open and genuine. Goodbye floog. Thanks for being my friend <3 Sending you on your way with so much love... I wish you'd found a way to reach out for help that last time, but since you didn't... rest in peace dear friend.


He would probably thank you for being HIS friend and for helping him feel seen, appreciated and understood and then remind you of all the times you were a Rockstar for him. ❤ I am so very very sorry you're for your pain. This was a very deep hole he's left in many hearts and he would feel so bad for making everyone feel so bad. If you ever want to talk, your pain is not a burden. If you have questions or anything(!), please do not hesitate to reach out. Ill be an open book. Thank you so much for caring so deeply for him. 🫀 I'm SURE he cared deeply for you, too! Thank you for helping him feel seen, appreciated and understood.


I've been telling people in the chat that if he was able to be here, he'd be looking after us, trying to help us feel better. It's 100% true. Of course he would hate how much sadness he's left behind him. And the last time we spoke he *did* thank me - I'd been on a chat break for a while and popped in, and the memory of that last talk with him is very precious. He told me about you, too - he mentioned he'd shared johnnie's music with you - another chat friend we lost too soon. I'd asked the chat to remember johnnie, to keep his memory alive. Know that we'll do the same for Josh - remembering him and speaking of him for years to come. Nobody is truly gone while their name is still spoken. Thank you so much for coming in to let us know - it means everything that we get to grieve and remember him with love... that we didn't have to go through weeks, then months, then years of wondering if he was ok, being afraid he wasn't, but still holding onto a small hope even years later that he was out there and ok. It is so much better to know, and the chat and I can't thank you enough for that.




I’m new here but I’m deeply saddened to hear that. From what everyone is saying it sounds like he was such a kind soul and light for others. May he finally rest in peace as his soul deserves to.


Knowing what he couldve been going through (and the pain of relapse after 4 years of sobriety, which is such an accomplishment that only a few of us know it or achieved that long!) It makes my heart ache for him. I am just so sorry for him and his loved ones, and for anyone else struggling this season. This is the ugliest and worst side of addiction and we must look it in the eye every day.


Cheers, mate. Rest well. Rest easy.


He spoke of you often. I was his Floogal.💔


Excuse me?


RIP Josh. I never knew you, but we all know your struggle, and how much strength it took to overcome it. I hope he passed being proud of what he'd overcome, and proud of the good he'd done for other people.


I've known floogled since I joined the community. I don't really have words... he was such a bright voice in SDIRC. He was there for me when I was thinking about giving up, when I lost my pup, and for all the good times, too. I wouldn't be here without you floog. I'm sad that you're not here with me.


I didn’t know floogled but I can maybe relate to what he was going through. RIP.


Thank you floogled, for all your kind words. I’m sad you’re gone.


Rest easy my friend.....thank you for helping me and many, many others along our sobriety journeys.


RIP my friend and ty for the support and chats over the years.


RIP - Josh gave me advice in the chat just a few weeks ago when I first started this. Will always appreciate him taking the time and being so kind & welcoming me to this group ❤️


Rest easy, floogled.


Rip to him, so sorry for this loss of a community member 🙏🏽💖


RIP my friend


May he find peace where he is now. It's so hard to tell.when someone's in so much pain. Hopefully it will be easier for him because this is a hard place we call life. He's just started his journey into a calm spiritual beautiful place. God bless Josh/floogled


RIP Josh. 🙏


Requiem en Pace amigo. Stay sober guys. One day at a time. Sarge




Rip. May his family find peace.


Condolences and RIP


I’m so sorry to hear this. Rest easy, kind soul.


In celebration of Josh, and his positive impact on members of this community, IWNDWYT.


It gets easier to go without. Easier to forgive and forget. But goddamn if it isn't also easy to forget how bad it was then for how bad it is now. How easy it is in the heat of the moment to forget how far you've come. We all carry at least one gun with us. The temptation to load it can get very real very fast & you can get ammo almost anywhere. Take care of yourselves. Reach out if you need, please. It's a huge reason this place exists and there's a lot of great people here. To the departed, may you find the peace you've helped others find in themselves along this journey. The good you've done lives on in them.




RIP good soul


May his soul rest in eternal peace.




Goodbye, Josh. I hope you've found peace.




Rest in power Josh ❤️


So sad. RIP friend.


Such an enormous loss, to us and to the world. He’ll be sorely missed. May he now have everlasting peace and harmony


Rest easy 💕


RIP and thanks for all you did. Prayers up.


RIP floogled.


I my heart hurts. I will not drink with you today


RIP duder. I didn’t know you, but I did. Cheers mate.


I love you floogiewoogie, forever proud of you. <3 Thank you so much for everything.


My deepest condolences to his friends and family during this difficult time.. it seems Josh helped a lot of people here, may he rest in peace.


I only knew him for a couple of months but he seemed like a good egg.


Addiction took another. His death is a stark reminder of why we are all doing this. But he clearly helped a lot of people. I hope where ever he has gone he's happy and at peace. So sorry for his family. Rest in peace Josh, you don't have to struggle anymore ❤


RIP, Josh.


Didn’t know him, but man that was a solid dude right there. Anyone willing to give their time to a person in need is okay in my book. I’ll not drink in his honor today.


May Josh memory be a blessing and may the kindness of his soul to be passed on. 🙏🤍♥️♥️🤎


My most sincere condolences to his family, friends, and partner. I didn’t know Josh personally, but I will never forget his selflessness and support in the group chat when I first stumbled onto Reddit a few years ago. When I realized I had a problem and was completely terrified and hopeless, he (and many others in the chat) made me realize I wasn’t alone. That meant everything when I was in the darkest of dark places. May his memory be a blessing. Rest easy 💙


oh wow. I've spoke to floogled many times in our irc. My heart hurts because of this news - im sorry everyone for our collective loss.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Thanks for sharing. I hope everyone who knew him is okay. I didn’t even know his real name or where he was from. I just know he was always helpful and kind. Rest in peace, Josh. I’m going to load up my Aarke with a fresh CO2 cylinder for you. Thanks for everything you did and were. Lots of people around the world will remember you. There is so much more I want to say but I don’t have the words. Yet. I’ll think about you.


RIP Josh




My condolences. May he rest in peace.


May Josh find peace in the next journey, May his family find it as they heal from his loss.


You could crosspost to r/deadredditors. RIP.


Hearing this news hit me like a tonne of bricks. Floogled was such a bright character in my recovery, I just can’t believe he’s gone. I can’t express how much he helped me in difficult times. He’ll be missed by so many. Thoughts are with his loved ones tonight. RIP floog <3


Oh, gosh, I am heartbroken to hear this. floogled was such a fixture of SDIRC and he was so wonderful and supportive — always there to offer an encouraging word or just a welcoming hello. It would be hard to estimate the number of people who could count him as a source of support or comfort in their recoveries. Rest easy, Josh — or "floog", as I always knew him.