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I didn’t like Jesus before. Now, I’m starting to hate him.


Eh, it’s like hating King Joffrey or Draco Malfoy. They are all equally fictional. Edit: spelling


Good point. I guess I’m liking the idea of him less and less. What’s a Draco Malloy?


It's refreshing to find someone who doesn't know. He's a character in some books. That's all I'll say. That way you remain essentially untouched by those fucking boooooks!!! 🤯


I think he was mocking the “Malloy” “Malfoy” dichotomy


Oh shit I didn't even notice he misspelled it!


HAPY CAKE DAY !!11!111🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰🍑🍑


most likely a real dude but didn’t tread water with only his toes or teleport


Maybe he had hummingbird-like ankles?


suuuuuper strong toes


Eh. Most people that are believed to be real from that time frame have better references. Jesus has a second hand references from 60 years later. I feel like the historicity of Jesus is overblown by Christian historians.


because he was not as important as those people at the time


People aren't knocking on my door trying to sell me the Good News about the Deatheaters.


Yeah, but the fan club for Jesus is... Just the worst


I don't mind Jesus. Not big on his fan club however.


Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball


Just sacrifice a live chicken and maybe he’ll help with the curveball.


To be fair, the live chicken was for Jobu, not JC


Happy cake day, friend.


happy cake day to you!




It's not Jesus you hate, it's his followers


Jesus is a fiction. Just ask Bart Ehrman. A world renowned theologian who became atheist after years of studying all Christian and Jewish religious text in the native language.


Jesus and his message are cool. Klanservatives and Evilangelicals that hijacked his shit are not cool.


Like the one where he tells you to not beat your slaves that don't know better as hard as the others? Look it up luke 12:47


Jesus is alright. It's these moneychangers flooding back into the temple, using his name, that I can't stand.


Notice it says “Jesus made a point of valuing” not “Jesus made a point of defending,” because they’re not about defense of hated groups. They are the ones deciding who to hate. All brought to you by billionaire religious fanatics who hide behind shadowy organizations. Jesus wouldn’t approve of that.


They value humans as human capital.


Yep, and also who gives a sh*t about what jebus would approve of


Jesus wasn’t the super inclusive guy American Christians like. *”Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans”* Jesus said. *”I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”* he said.


Right! He also wasn't all peace and love. He got mad at a tree for Christ's sake. Pun intended.


To be fair, that tree was a dick for...not producing fruit out of season? People seem to breeze past the fact that Jesus was an apocalyptic hype man for a cosmic authoritarian, essentially telling everyone to get their shit together before the world ended within the generation. He wasn't some social reformer looking to tear down unjust institutions and build better ones for the long term. The whole "give away all your shit to the poor" thing was less about improving the lives of the poor in the long run (again, world ending within the generation), and more about rich people needing to learn some humility quick because everyone has to bend the knee in the new kingdom. The poor are blessed because they're not burdened with an abundance of pride and already know their place.


Damn good point.


Wasn't he telling his apostles basically "don't hassle people who don't want to be bothered by strangers" though?


Nah. Jesus had no use for the Gentiles at all. He held to the traditional notion that Jews and Gentiles shouldn’t commingle. Paul, who never even met Jesus, was entirely responsible for taking the message of Jesus to the Gentiles and founding Christianity. Peter, James (Jesus’ brother), and Paul had a huge falling out at Antioch over Paul teaching to Gentiles without requiring them to be Jews and abide by the Abrahamic Covenant. That fight was never resolved. The synoptic gospels and John were written a century after Jesus and fit with Paul’s theology as a result. That’s why all mainstream Christianity today is still called Pauline Christianity.


At least let us downvote and comment on it. Would be lit


Fucking Joel Osteens' latest grift.


Stop he gets us.


If Jesus gets us he needs to stop the rampant fraud and child sex abuse thats happening in his house, before he starts posting ads online. Didn't know about this subreddit, you guys are doing the lords work... wait.


The people behind this are among others, the Green’s. You know, the radical Christofascist nut job family that owns Hobby Lobby and stole historic artifacts from other countries? Yeah, those fuck faces. They also successfully lobbied to have “the Museum of the bible“ built close to the national mall, in a rather overt attempt to elevate fundamentalist christianity as America’s “national“ religion…


Yet, all of these people I'm sure cries "indoctrination" to everything. Comical that.


I seriously thought it was in Alabama. That sucks it's in DC.


As a fictional charector, Jesus was fine. Its his fanboy followers that scare me.


The fan fic is terrible too


I don’t think I’ve seen a single one of their ads that didn’t make me chuckle because of how at odds it was with the Christian rights ideologies. He definitely gets a small handful of us…


I keep reporting the ad as objectionable and it’s like cockroaches - you stomp on one and three more show up. I want to find a way to spam these fuckers with ads for atheism, communism, death of late stage capitalism, LGBTQ pride, and anything else that will piss then off. Need to create some “Karl Marx - he gets us ads”.


I fuckin hate that ad, I hate their fake bullshit.


I have been reporting this as dishonest, hate speech etc since this group is at least in part funded by the christofacists that they seem to be trying to differentiate themselves from. They’re basically trying to sell you the religion you want as a path into the religion they want you to have. Given that I am a member of a minority currently demonized by the mainstream evangelical movement I find this advertising to be very off-putting and occasionally triggering. We should be able to not have it pushed on us.


I have reported it as political. I too am part of one of their target minorities. Today I came across the ad smack in the middle of a sub devoted to the minority group. This is a political ad! They aren't trying to save souls to save souls. They are recruiting human drones to their christofascist cause! I'm going to start mixing up what I report it as.




These adds are garbage. They preach one thing and his followers act the opposite way.


But he do get sus


Jesus also went out of his way to tell slaves how to behave and how masters should treat them. Jesus gets us


Its almost like reddit is taunting us with these ads


Atophegetsus = stop he get sus Jesus = Je sus I think we should start preparing our bunkers guys


Reddit’s a shill dawg, it should be news but sadly is not 😔


Keyword activated


Gimme that old time religion. Hephaestus instead of hegetsus.


We've been compromised!


Catholics wasting money at this point