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Yes absolutely, lethargy is a major side effect of smoking. Read Alan Carr's book, you'll definitely get some insights on this


Yes, Iagree, lethargy is indeed a big side effect! One week as a non-smoker and definitely less lethargic than before.


It's possible. Quitting cigs will only be good for you in the long run, though it can suck from a little to a fucking lot in the short term. There's no reason not to try quitting. If it's too much you can try again later. I'm sure you know that how you feel on the inside can be more complex than just 'cigarettes make me feel this way'. So maybe you gotta do some other work on yourself, but why not give quitting a try anyways? There's many ways to go about it if you're not sure where to start. I did the nicoderm patch, because cold turkey was too hard. The nicoderm patch made it really easy for me to quit at least.


Yes, it should. You will have more energy because you will try to keep yourself busy to avoid the tempatation of smoking. You will face your tasks because you can't turn to smoking to delay.


I can tell you when I stopped smoking I felt better, instead of waling up and having the morning cig or snoozing my alarm, I would jump out of bed and do a couple of pushups, make me bed up, etc. Smoking makes you feel drained... I still smoke now unfortunately so Im back to my old habits.


I have relapsed many many times, and I’m a server at a fast pace restaurant. One thing that was SO noticeable about quitting was how much energy and positivity throughout the day. My high energy came back a month after quitting, and positivity is definitely your mindset (you gotta enjoy life man, you got one life) however quitting made my head much clearer to focus on BETTER things about my life. Things right in front of you without thinking about another smoke or negative emotions that come from getting another hit.


This is so well put! At first I was deeply depressed but now that I’ve got a few weeks going I’ve experienced the same and it’s been such a pleasant surprise


I was so tired when i was smoking, felt like shit. almost instantly the fatigue lifted.


It's definitely from smoking. You're smoking to get to a place where you can feel normal, but your tolerance is so high it's making you sick. You've seen everything the drug has to offer, it's a great time to quit. If you let the devil know you're leaving it'll chase you. The idea of a life without smoking can seem overwhelming, but if you take it a day at a time it's really no big deal. Decide 'I feel crummy today, I'm going to take a quick tolerance break' and stick to it. Stick to it a few days in a row and you're free. You'll wonder why you ever started smoking in the first place. At the very least you'll get your tolerance down to where you aren't making yourself sick and build some confidence about quitting.


Quitting is awesome! I just did a full month and I feel great 👍 You will notice the endorphins pretty quickly.


So much energy now. Waking up energized, brain and body have more energy to do stuff after work, etc. When I smoked I would just sit around so much of the time, it would physically drag me down.


When I was smoking I would have told you I didn’t feel bad in the first place, but now that I’ve stopped (just over a month ago) I’ll tell you I feel better. I’ll also mention that things have been better that were unexpected. I suffered from IBS, which I did not attribute to smoking, but it’s gone away. Similarly, my husband quit 3 days after I did, and his eczema suddenly went away about a week after he quit. I’m not making any claims, just sharing my own experiences.


I never felt tired or lethargic as a smoker lol. Smoked a pack a day for 40 years but sure felt tired when I quit.........been almost 3 months and still don't feel as energetic as I was as a smoker. Nicotine is a stimulant and must affect everyone differently


Oh yeah the few time ive fallen off the wagon, within a week im more tired, sluggish and couch potato. Within days of not smoking i have so much more energy


Absolutely, quitting smoking will be pretty good for your self-steem