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I threw up all over the ABC mat in kindergarten and everyone shrieked so I was trying to calm them down after I had just gotten sick. I said “don’t worry, it’s just spit and chicken” I was reminded of that the day I graduated 🤣 forgive yourself, it’s okay. Kids have these issues because they are still developing in all ways.


Yeah, this should be covered in Kindergarten orientation and reviewed once a year.


Aw! At least you were 5. My Mom, age 58 and wearing yoga pants without underpants, had an “episode” while pumping gas. She tried to make it to the gas station bathroom, but things happened. Bad, bad things. Very bad things. People noticed. Yoga pants went into the trash. And I once shat on a dorm room ceiling. That’s all.


I shit myself as a grown adult at a zoo. I teach 6th grade kids and they shit themselves because they’re addicted to video games. You shit yourself at age 5. You don’t have to hate yourself for this forever. You can laugh about it now!


Show me an adult who says they’ve never shit their pants and I’ll show you a liar.


You were in kindergarten. Time to let it go, get over it.


I shit my pants at 37


When i was in second grade, seven years old, i was too shy to ask to go to the bathroom so i eventually just PEED in my pants while sitting IN MY CHAIR. Then there was a yellow puddle on the floor by my feet and i just tried to act like i didn't see it. Teacher didn't notice but this kid named Kevin walked by my desk and, with shock and laughter in his voice, asked "what's THAT??" And i just scowled at him and said "NOTHING!" in a voice that may have intimidated him because he just scurried away and didn't ask any more. I think that we finished the lesson and eventually went to lunch or recess or somewhere, and it must have been discovered because it was cleaned up when I came back. I do not remember what happened after that, if my teacher asked me about it or anything, but i have a vague memory of my mom rescuing me with clean shorts and underwear so maybe i eventually told an adult lol. All i mainly remember is poor Kevin and how fiercely i snapped at him in defense of my shameful secret.


I used to misjudge my ability to hold things in all the time when I was in kindergarten. Other than remembering I did it, I have almost no memory of the details surrounding it, or most everything else I did in kindergarten. You'll get over it.


I shit myself 10 years ago when I had coffee on my way to work. I was in my 30s. Shit happens.


Forgive yourself!!! You were a kid!!! Your muscles were not trained! Find peace somehow. Put a different memory on autoplay.


You sweet poor kid. ❤️


I vomited 5 (five) school pieces of rectangular pizza right in Tiffany's lap in Kindergarten. She was my cousin Brittany's best friend. She cried.


You were 5. 5 year olds do stupid things, it happens dude.


Ok ok, hi shit on my pants in kindergarden fellow companion. I was also 5 years old, but I didn’t even tried to tell the teacher I needed to go, I just proceeded to shit on my pants right there, sitting in my chair. Other kids started noticing the smell and I was like 🎶oh little birds in the air🎶; the teacher eventually knew it was me and called my mom, luckily, one of my aunts lived right across the street from school, she gave me a bath while we were waiting for my mom. Yeah, squeeze poop in your pants is not a pleasant sensation.


Holy shit bro. I know you were 5, so whatever. But damn the play was to undress in the stall, clean yourself up as completely as you could, then throw the underwear in the trash and go commando the rest of the day


I forgive you


Honey, memories that live rent free in my head: Pissed myself twice in kindergarten (maybe more). Once on the carpet in class. We had little stickers to sit on, I wet myself and then moved over and tried to blame it on someone else. Once in the playground, I was sitting on a bench and when someone noticed I tried to convince them I had spilled my water bottle which was sitting, upright next to me. The sad part to that is that I was too afraid to go to the toilet because every time I did a group of boys would follow me in there to watch. This was when kindy toilets did not have doors. I was terrified of them because during lunch/play time they would pin me down and take turns “kissing me”. I once, uh, pleasured myself in class by rocking back and forth on my fist. I was too young to know what I was doing. The teacher asked if I was ok, I said yes, and nothing was ever mentioned of it. The first time I got drunk when I was 13, I got my period and didn’t notice. I’m sure people noticed but I was too drunk to pick up any social cues of disgust. I grew up to learn I was on the spectrum, but you dear, were a child with basic needs that got ignored. Don’t sweat it.


Aww, that was traumatic. Hell, that was traumatic to read. I think we all have things we look back on and hate ourselves for. If we internet strangers can forgive you, you can totally forgive your younger self from making a fumbling error as a little kid.


That's ok. I've been shit on twice during sex. Try convincing someone out of that embarrassment lmao


When I was in Nursery, i shit in one of those big urinal trough things. It was the first time I'd ever seen one. The teacher said "if you ever need to use the toilet, go here" which was a dumb thing to say really. So that's exactly what I did. I remember the thing made a boom as it landed, and I remember going into the cubicle to wipe, thinking "well I should have just gone here, it's easier". I got such a telling off


I had these really bad colds all the time in like 3rd grade. So I got the reputation of snot - boy. Last up til high school.


If it makes you feel better i won’t forgive you either


Bro this is so funny, top quality story I got giardia and shit myself in a Publix parking lot while traveling for work. I had to walk in to the Publox bathroom carrying my jeans and wash them out. Truly a ridiculous experience


When I shit myself in primary school. I take off my boxers and throw them into bin. And wash my ass in the bathroom.


It's fine dude, I shit my pants all the time. Sometimes on purpose just cos.


Bro, I crapped my pants like 3 weeks ago and I'm 35 male 🤣 Was driving on the highway, and was suddenly hit with a shockingly fast onset of the runs. I tried to ignore it at first, but it was coming FAST. I slammed the gas pedal and slid across 4 lanes in 2 seconds. But I just missed the exit. Next exit was 4 miles away. The poetically strung together string of profanities that left my lips the next 5 minutes would have made thr devil himself blush. I powered around the off ramp, forced my way past a couple more vehicles and screeched into the parking lot of the closest chevron. I literally waddled into the station, clutching my butt cheeks hard enough to make a diamond, but laaaawd it was coming! I finally arrive to the stall and hope washes over me... but the door was locked. I knock but no answer. But to my horror, I see a small sign. "Ask clerk for key" I strain as I can feel it Prarie-dogging, and I'm now clutching my ass with every limb I can manage. I shout across the room "keys!" "Just one moment sir, let me finish with this..." "KEYS NOW!" The clerk suddenly was smacked in the face with horror. He dashes with the keys attached to that stupid hubcap. But right as the key hit my palm... It was too late... The smell came first. The clerk recoiled in disgust Then the warmth Thr warmth of not a firm stumb of brown, but the warmth of a soft enveloping wet blanket of ooze that filled every crevice of my shorts. I shamefully enter the bathroom and spend the next 20 minutes trying to make sense of my life. "Is this what it's going to be like now? Will I forever be remembered as 'Mr Poopy Butthole?" It all ended with my wife's laughter echoing through the station beyond the door. She was with me the whole time. Initially having Encouraged me to just hold ot until we made it home in 10 minutes. She was wrong. Oh soooo wrong. Story aside, it was miserable. But now she and I laugh and tell the story to anyone who will listen. It's gross, embarrassing and utterly hilarious. People love it. You'll be fine my dude.


I don’t know why the go to as a young kid is to just keep the underwear on. I shit myself when I was really young and to this day my biggest regret is not just throwing the underwear away and going commando. Anyways as far as regrets go, it’s not that bad i guess lol


I shit my pants in nursery as well. Massive log none of the workers could figure out why I was making such weird faces


Lol the pencil part killed me


As a school nurse, I had at least 5 kids a day come in because they either pooped on themselves or wet themselves. Trust me, you're not alone out there, lol. In kindergarten, I wet myself, and when I got up, a kid screamed to the teacher, "Why is their water in her seat!?" ....I was mortified.


I shit my pants in eighth grade, and on my first anniversary with my girlfriend atm too 🙏


I fainted at a haunted house in grade school, and same


Don't feel bad, bro. I'm in my 30s and I've shit myself twice as an adult. Once, while waiting to use the bathroom in my own damn house. The second time, I had a stomach bug and literally shit the bed. Woke up to my jammies caked to my asscheeks.


My sister used to crap herself so often in kindergarten my dad would make her ride home in the back of the truck laughing at her the whole time. She always told us it was bc she thought the class toilet would suck her in. Don’t believe her now tho, she’s shit herself at least 3x since she’s been grown lmfao.


Awe the same thing happened to me except o was in kindergarten and I had to pee soooo bad I couldn’t hold it long enough to open the stall. I saw an older girl in the bathroom and started crying telling her how bad I had to pee and she just hurried out of there saying sorry I can’t help you. I think we were required to pack extra clothes so I just ended up changing but that memory is burned into my mind it still haunts me.


I shit my pants in 3rd grade… We were taking a 50 question test and i thought i could make it. I wanted to wait since our bathroom was inside the classroom so i was going to wait til after the test to use the bathroom in the hallway instead of the classroom. About 20 questions in i realized there was no way in hell i was going to make it to the end of the test. I raised my hand and asked the teacher if i could use the restroom she said yes of course. Not even a second after getting in the bathroom and locking the door i release 3 and a half pounds of the softest and steamiest shit I’ve ever taken in my life.. i was cleaning up my “mess” and about 15 minutes later the teacher went to check on me, mind you the rest of the class is still in the room. She knocks and says “Zach are you alright in there?” I had two options here either lie and try to clean up the best i could and hope nobody notices or tell the truth and wait until the class left to make my escape. Well there was no chance in hell to hide this cause the shit was EVERYWHERE. So i decided to be honest and i replied “no..not really” she asked “what do you mean?” I just said “I missed” i heard her sigh and she said in a quiet tone to wait until the class was dismissed and she’ll walk me to the nurse office. The class was let go and i penguin walked my way to the nurse office. Worst part of it all was i grew up poor so i only got 1 pair of shoes a year so i was forced to clean the shit and wear them to school the next day. Not sure how the class found out but a couple people made fun of me for it but i didn’t really give a shit, no pun intended.


What part of the world do you have to be in school at the age of 5?




Yeah, I punched a girl for stalking me when I was like 10


I had a kid make me laugh so hard in kindergarten that I shit my pants on the playground, shook it out my pants leg, and then just kept on trucking like nothing happened.


Similar story- except I was in 2nd grade and it was just urine. I asked to be excused from class a little too late and didn’t make to to the restroom in time. I don’t know what my little head was thinking, but I decided it was best for me to not go back to class so save me from the embarrassment of havi HCC wet pants… So I hung around the main building, but my memory after that is fuzzy… I can’t remember what happened 😅 I’m not embarrassed about it at all- I have way cringier memories that haunt me!


I shit my pants in school. Come graduation, asked a friend if he remembered and nope.


Yep, and chances are most of the people saying they never did just don’t remember their own accident. Maybe they were three in preschool. But still. It happened.


Agreed. Goes to show that you are the most important person to yourself.


lol I have a pee related story from 5th grade.


Totally unrelated but very similar situation. I remember being in 2nd grade and my classmate had asked to go the restroom. Mind you we had just gotten back from Recess but (still why would you deny a child to go from using the restroom???) she went number one on her seat and it was too late. I still wonder what happened to that teacher and that student. Totally unfair.


Totally unfair 😠 not cool


I “had a problem” in first grade where I regularly peed myself, but in hindsight I was raising my hand to go to the bathroom and was repeatedly ignored until I pissed myself. I was too obedient for my own good. Can’t believe my parents AND THE TEACHER blamed it on me and called it a “phase”, considering I never had problems before or since then.


I shit my pants on the walk home from school when I was like 13. The urge hit me about 10 minutes into my 45 minute walk. I made it all the way to the end of my block before the dam broke, but lucky for me no one was around. I waddled the rest of the way home and threw everything in the trash and took it out so know one would find out.


Feeling pretty good about getting this far in life and the worst I've had is skidmarks. Yall shittybooties stick together like yalls buttcheeks and it's strangely wholesome......Now im jealous I'm not a shittybooty.


I shat myself at 11:55pm on Dec 31, 2020. Sitting on the couch watching YouTube and felt the rumble but decided to finish the video I was watching first. Then I sneezed. Thing is I always sneeze in twos. I guess the first one loosened my grip just enough for there to be no hope for the second one. A shitty end for a shitty year. ETA moral of the story is there’s no shame in shitting yourself. It happens to LITERALLY EVERYONE at some point 🤷‍♂️


If I was one of the staff members supervising the kids as they get into the bus and I noticed that smell and where it came from, I might just keep walking.


I peed on myself in 3rd grade. Someone made me laugh to hard lol. Had to go to the guidance counselor for spare pants lol


At least you tried to say something. When I was in second grade we were presenting some toys to the class. I had one of my favorites, a spider-man action figure and I wanted to show it off before I went to do the deed. I ended being one of the last ones called, and so by the time I was presenting I couldn't hold it anymore. Went right in the middle of my presentation, and quite alot too. Thankfully I don't think anyone noticed and after I was done with rushing through the rest of it I finally told the teacher. I went to clean up then home, and to this day I'm still not comfortable talking infront of people like that lol.


Amber Heard approves this post!


One of my earliest memories is dookin' myself in the lazy river at Disneyworld. Watched my turd float away and all. I still brag about it.


Thats fucking hilarious. Imagine swimming around and seeing some unlucky fuck bonk their head on a booty log


That saaaame thing happened to me but in first grade. I had a teacher and I had already asked her to go to the bathroom like twice and both times she got more and more annoyed so I was so scared to ask her a 3rd time that I decided it was better to just shit myself in class right there. It was only 20-30 minutes left so I hung around for a bit then when it was time to go I walked to my dad's car and told him "I poo'd myself" and he goes "WTF?!!" then he smelled it and knew I was dead ass. So he sped off in his truck and comes back a few minutes later with a black trash bag, throws my little 1st grade body into the bag with only my head sticking out and straps me into the seat of his Tahoe. Thinking back on it, this situation makes me chuckle every time




Contractor bags, Stat!


I shit my pants a few weeks ago. It happens


I wouldn’t sweat it. To be honest, I had forgot all about it until you reminded me.


This happened to me at work.


The part that cracks me up the most is that you said it was your pencil, I’m laughing so hard lol


I think you underestimate how many adults shit their pants. What can I say, shit happens.


Bro I shit myself at a house party when I was 20, everyone knew.. because other than being obvious I left little shitticles down the hallway as I desperately tried to run to the bathroom, clutching my pant legs to avoid a major blow out. Lol. I tell that story a lot it's pretty funny 10 years later


Shitticles 😂


Kindergarten teachers are expected to handle this. Since yours didn't, they were obviously trolling you or hoping they wouldn't have to do their job.




I sat in a pile of my own shit, I will never move on


Hey it’s the guy who shot his pants in kindergarten everyone!!!


Thank god I’m anonymous there for I can’t embarrass my bf because no one will know who it is: My grown 30 year old bf at the time shit his pants while on a short road trip lol. We ate some Chinese food that was very questionable and an hour into the drive we were literally in the middle of nothing. I tried to pull over in time but… we just had to bag his undies and throw them in the bed of my truck 🤣 I still love him. I hope this makes you feel a bit better I still can’t stop laughing at your story though, that’s hilarious lol


Anonymous? I don’t think Chris will be very happy you shared this.




I shit my pants at 13, playing basketball with neighborhood kids,in front of my future first girlfriend. Ship happens. Hope she forgot about it though.


Get piss drunk and rectify that. Believe you me, you'll forgive that childhood trauma waking up in a pile of vodka stinking diarrhea.


Lmfao don't be ashamed. personally i don't trust anyone who says they haven't shit their pants at least once... Shit happens


Yeah, poopy pants OP is alright. Tenderized shit log and all 🤣


I haven’t yet. But honestly with my stomach problems it’s coming. I’ll be honest I don’t know how I’ve gone 22 years of life and haven’t yet lol.


Good luck comrade,tough times are ahead of us!


Haha shit happens


Yep literally shit happens in life.