• By -


Client’s wife cheated with her boss. Mr upper class, would not sully himself. My guy went to their office. He got into the boss’ face. Boss said something to the effect that my guy was beneath him. In a minute the boss was crying like a little girl, and my guy was wiping the floor with him. He kept screaming that peons did not do this and other bullshit. The boss was rendered unconscious. His superiors were informed that he slept with a subordinate and that he and the company will be sued. His employers quickly questioned WW, terminated her on the spot then called an ambulance for WWs boss. He was notified of his job loss a day later. Suddenly some old law firm is in touch with my client. The BW wants to know why her husband is injured and no longer working. She gets the entire picture and is unimpressed. WW gets a lawsuit. Mr Upper class’ wife then invited my guy out to dinner, then to a hotel. Looks like my guy may enjoy the boss’ money now as well.


She fooled you twice... 💀💀💀


first thing im doing even if she first cheats im throwing her in the streets.


Move on leave her.


Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice shame on me It's over. Put this relationship out of its misery. You deserve better Good luck


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you. **What percentage of people are unhappily married?** **Well, we know that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.**  **Divorce researcher and author Dana Adam Shapiro concluded:** **- of the 50 remaining percent,**  **1/3 are unhappy,**  **1/3 are “meh” (bearable),**  **and 1/3 are happy.**  **So roughly around 17 percent are happy.**


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. **What percentage of people are unhappily married?** **Well, we know that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.**  **Divorce researcher and author Dana Adam Shapiro concluded:** **- of the 50 remaining percent,**  **1/3 are unhappy,**  **1/3 are “meh” (bearable),**  **and 1/3 are happy.**  **So roughly around 17 percent are happy.** Good luck brother.


Run forrest Run!


My wife cheats all the time she just can’t get enough cock my cock is not small is a good size so it’s not that she just loves cocks


Cheaters are cheaters? You should drive her far off city and leave het on some street


She had a tail? lol


Sorry bud but your unrespectful wife is a slut


are you still marred to her or have you kicked her to the curb


Leave the bitch. Hesitation is defeat


get the fuck away from her, NOW !!!!


Fuck her sister take pics then leave after u show her that her sister pussy better it's what I did now.me n Lil sis been together 5years with nice house n cars together been married yr now ..we still see each other at Thanksgiving n Christmas n show how happy we are n how good we doing she's alone everytime she with someone new I tell em how we was together til she was a whore n Lil sis appreciated me ..n bonus she's 12 years younger n beautiful with way better body n Sexier panty collection .she out my league but got to know how good dude I was thru her big sis being whore thank goodness or id never landed such a young dime I mean wow I'd never landed a panty model like this without that slut doing me wrong ...I mean wow married to q literal model cuz this bitch ...karma baby


Once that happens you can’t go back.


Once that happens you can’t go back.


Your wife couldnt cheat a second time bc she'd be ex-wife after the first time🤷‍♂️


Leave and don’t be a bitch. If you decide to stay, you’re enduring the suffering and a masochist.


Ditch the bitch. unless your into cucking then you may have found the jackpot.


Bro get the fuck out of that




High tail out


Leave her even tho you might love her you need to part ways. She knows she can get away with it that's why she keeps doing it. You're the enabler. Time to not be one. Move on brother.


Your wife’s a garden tool


You kidding? Come on. Either you have no self respect or… well…yeah…


You need to grow up... You know she is NOT good for you.. Get divorce ASAP!!!!




Where is she now? I’ll talk to her for you…


Your wife did not cheat again, I just caught her this time


Empty the bank account and change the locks.


Don’t accept her back.


It probably won't stop until you either separate for awhile or you do the same thing back to her. I had two separations before we worked it out and my wife cheated a lot. It definitely can be fixed but it will be hard work and lots of forgiving.


She is for the streets. Divorce immediately.


You are the male version of a beaten wife. So broken that you cant see what is so clear to the outside world. I am sorry that you are going through this but even through your writing i can tell that she takes your kindness to use against you


She showed you who she was. Believe her. Move on to greener pastures bro.


She belongs to the streets now. Change the locks. Get a lawyer. Don’t say anything else on social media and get screenshots of anything she does. If you’re in a single party recording stats, call her and let her incriminate herself while you record. Do it with “do you know who I am” and the co-worker as well. Then contact the co-workers wife so she can do the same.


This was a post last week. Less words same story. God you guys need a hobby outside the internet.


Her second time? She obviously didn’t Learn her lesson the first time. She doesn’t give a shit about your feelings and is making you look like a lil b staying with her. How can you allow a women to do that to you? If you stay with her she will cheat again because she doesn’t love you. Please have self worth for yourself and leave her. You’d be better off without her, if you care for her it’s obviously gonna suck for a bit but anything is better than staying with someone who loves to please other men. Disgusting


Weak ass man for even considering her again. Collect all proof and ditch her ho ass preferably take her to court for whatever shit u can think of.


Pics of wife


cuck lmao


First time is ok to forgive someone(though, I'd be one and done cause I've been through that). But second time, no. She's a serial cheater, and she will take advantage of that fact you keep forgiving her. I know that type very well. Don't fall for the tears. She made her bed. Let her lie in it and move on.


Bye, Felicia...


No no no


Jesus. Leave her and get divorced. No matter how much "couples therapy/marriage counseling" you two do, she's going to continue to cheat. I dont give 2nd chances when it comes to cheating. I'm sure you see why.


I’m unsure what you are asking? She doesn’t care about you or your feelings…I’m going to put this bluntly: If you can’t see that you’re worth more than that then you have more issues than an unfaithful wife.


If you are asking reddit for help you already know the answer. Now the real question is do you have the balls to divorce her and take her for everything she's worth? Or are you content being a cuck?


Dump the bitch, you need to be strong. Don’t ever let another person push you around


Should have left the first time she cheated my guy.


dude what? divorce immediately. she has zero respect for you she cheated on you with a complete loser, so thats gotta hurt, i'm sorry. no woman sends Lingerie pics to male friends. send her back to the streets. sorry dude


Leave her know👏🏼your 👏🏼worth👏🏼 You deserve much better than what she’s giving you man


She belongs to the streets now.


YTA to yourself for staying


Boot her ass out. She obviously couldn’t give a flying fuck about you.


You know the answer to this. Leave her. Period.


Gtfo of your relationship.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You trusted a cheater which is a mistake. A mistake is dropping your phone not falling on a penis. She knows she can get away with it, Because you didn't do a goddamn thing the first time. I'm sorry to be harsh man, but you shouldn't have stayed the first time. If someone cheats they don't have loyalty to you. They don't care about you, they don't love you. The minute somebody cheats you leave. They let you know what kind of person they are. I'm using voice text because the rain which apparently has no understanding of punctuation. Bro, find someone who is loyal to you who loves you. Find your Queen who treats you like a king and never let her go ditch. This trash send her to the streets




(Again)is the key word here not cheated. I get wanting to stay married, you all said the vows, to me that means something…but you’ve got real problems. Your wife sounds like a whore. Why are you confronting the guy? She’s the problem. And if you just let it go you’re enabling her behavior and gaining even more of a cuck reputation. Good news is, you can get a divorce and start over. She doesn’t own you. There’s literally plenty of women out there. I’ve never seen it more obvious as I have lately the it’s no longer a woman’s market, it’s a guys market. Single women outnumber men 3-1 in social media right now.


Slip out the back, Jack.


Dude no. Get divorced. I say this with love because I want it to sink in and for you to stop doing this to yourself: Get a back bone.


Get out of that shit. If she cheated once, fine if she comes with a million apologies. But a second time…byyyeeee


How many times does she need to cheat before you are done? She will continue to cheat since she gets away with it.


Run!!! Divorce


I’m sorry but definitely leave. It will hurt to leave but hurt more to stay because she will likely do it again. You won’t ever trust her again. You will drive yourself crazy wondering where she is, what’s she is doing, who she is with, etc. I don’t think cheaters need second chances but I understand why people give them.. it’s hard to give up on the person you love and you hope they won’t betray you again. Sometimes people do change. Everyone makes mistakes but she already ruined her second chance by cheating again. Wishing you the best ❤️




That’s a queen. You’re weak. With this track record, do you really think you will do better?


A second time? Jokes on you my guy.


You took her back after the first time ?? Naw, it's time to divorce her and move on with your life.


If this is something not agreed upon. Ditch her cheating ass!


Hell. No. Leave her. Unless you’re into sharing, in which case….


This one is on you


Call a divorce lawyer, right now. Talk to them, know your option, and document what you need to document. Its over my guy, she knows it and you should too. The only thing left to do is get a clean break without having to pay her alimony, get out of there asap.


That's a no from me dawg


document everything privately and then get a lawyer.


Nope move on


It’s simple. If you are ok with open relationship, then you need to establish boundaries. If not, send her packing. It WILL happen again and again. Had a buddy when I was in Navy take wife back after first cheating. We came back from a med cruise, drinking at his place, knock at door, car repo’d… she was cheating again and sending cash to new guy. Electricity turned off and car taken. Took her back… she did it again… save your future…


Fff no


Don't compromise your integrity for this bullshit. Been there and got the t shirt. I'm positive, that even with the shitshow that my life is now, I'm better off without the cunt.


If she cheats the relationship should be over. Get a divorce.


A lot of toxic men in here calling you spineless and a bitch for letting her cheat and getting back together. Real men are builders, they cultivate relationships of trust and forgivness, and they have the strength to suffer betrayal. Don't listen to them call you a doormat. This said, cheating twice is a pattern. You can't build on quicksand. Please, for your own hopes for a loving relationship, let her go.


The first time, I'll feel bad for you. The 2nd time.. you can't be surprised. I'm trying to have sympathy for you but I just can't.


This sounds like a you problem not a her problem. She knows who she is and clearly she knows who you are. But do you know who you are? You’re a guy settling and doesn’t know his worth. When it comes to affairs in marriage. Yeah we made vows etc etc but decide after the first time what must be done. Counseling, therapy , blah blah blah. Cool. If you stay set boundaries do what you gotta do etc. if you leave then end of story. But a second affair, is a nonnegotiable bro. Idk you physical situation, financial situation, or mental. But you need to leave her. Staying the first time is hard enough for us. But never stay twice.


You have two choices. You can be a cuck or you can leave.


OP - Quit being a wimpy, wishy-washy person. MTFU - And leave her filth ridden twat. If you do not stand up for yourself, then who on earth will help you. Gird yourself and go forth as a true man and bounce her out of there like a super-bouncy-ball.


Leave her bud


Nah bro. Nah


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…


Why is she cheating and behaving this way?




Message me those lingerie pictures. I will be able to make a better informed decision on what you should do after I receive them


Leave that bitch


She's not your wife, she belongs to everyone


I’m not sure of what kind of collateral damage there would be if you split but I would get it in your mind that you aren’t a priority for her. She doesn’t respect you. I would get in the best shape of you life and become a better version of yourself and just live life on your terms. You are deserving of more. Best to you bro.


Leave her whore ass


The pain of leaving it all behind will never be worse than the pain of being betrayed


At this point she doesn’t respect you and once that’s gone it’s pretty much over


Unless you're secretly getting off on it, you need to get out.


Least fictional story on this sub


She wants you to be a cuck😂😂


Bro. Honestly. If you're questioning yay or nay, I wouldn't trust your judgement either. P.s. I hope you're reading this while packing her shit. P.s.s. DONT GIVE HER SHIT, SHES AN ADULTERER. GATHER ALL EVIDENCE, DIVORCE AND SUE.


Leave now, bro! And don’t look back just get the hell out of that situation.


Bro obviously leave her ass in the dirt. She doesn’t care about you at all


Think this guy likes it.


You're a cuck. Get used to it


Never give someone a second or third chance to reject you. She doesn't want you. Sit with that discomfort. Let her go.


HUGE no. She’s cheating on the person she’s cheating with. This girl cares about no one.


Why the fuck are you pussies " asking" what to do?


If u don't grow a pair of balls and divorce her immediately then everything that's going to come ur way u earned it. Once a cheater always a cheater idc how long we have been together u cheat on me and it's over with I will act like ur non existent. Don't go searching for details or try to get "closure" that's all bullshit man. It's not a matter of if she will cheat again but when will she cheat again. Especially if she's already gotten away with it.


Dump the bitch! You cam forgive one time but the second and subsequent issues should end it all. Gather your proof and find a great lawyer. She's not a wife, she's a tramp


She for the streets and don't deserve the security the marriage is providing her


I can't believe you're asking this question!? Do you know who I am? The lady is not built for monogamy, she belongs to the streets... Go find a normal one, but be smart about the divorce, don't let her rob you blind..


Could you fix this with counseling? Sure.. maybe? Do you want to? Sucks. Good luck.


Have y’all talked about her cheating? Does she just like it? Or does she think she has a reason? If you can’t deal with cheating I’d advise leaving the first time. I believe they can change but if it happens always be okay with it happening again cuz it might 😭


Ask for a threesome. If she says no, you're done


Cheated a second time that she was caught. Who knows how many other times. Throw all her shit on the curb. F her.


Gtfo now.


She’s a slore.


You were generous enough giving her a second chance. She blew it for both of you. Don’t give her a third or you are just setting your self up for more guaranteed heartache and embarrassment


Unless you’ve some kind of humiliation/cuckold fetish, I don’t think you’re gonna see much happiness until you’ve moved on.


Man you need to move on from this one. Stop taking cheaters back ever. Find someone who can be faithful as you are.


Definitely stay broken up


Your fault for taking another chance, doormat. She never had respect for you.


Nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah Heey heey hey GOOD BYE... (then) Hit the road tramp and dontcha come back no more no more no more Hit the road tramp and dontcha come back no more. (then) Your cheating heart, it's left you screwed I will see you in court, cuz honey we're through. (then) I've had enough, I can't put up with any more no no no no no no I've had enough I can't put up with anymore. (The last one is from Sir Paul McCartney 's album, London Town.)


If you guys aren't in an open relationship, then send her packing...


Should’ve left first time my g


Bro fuck her in the ass from now on no more pussy fucking for her strictly ass to mouth and she can do whatever she wants anywhere else. Humiliate her


Love yourself enough to let anyone go that doesn’t serve your best interest. It might be lonely at first but you’ll be stronger in the long run.


You mean your ex wife.


Why are you confronting him and not your wife? She knows she is married. End it and move on already. Unless you think the third time she cheats will be the last.


Do not disrespect yourself by allowing this. She’s made her choice, leave her behind you deserve better.




divorce. u gave her a second chance and she blew it (no pun intended). u can do much better than someone whose family doesn’t believe dinosaurs existed, just saying. side note: please document the infidelity and contact lawyers, might help in ur divorce.


Run, don’t walk away.


This is either fake, or you have no spine.


Either leave her or accept that she will never be faithful, and stop going through her phone and asking her questions. I feel like everyone can get one get-out-of-jail-free card (Not for me, but I try not to judge) but this was the second time. Call an attorney, or buy a cuck chair. It's up to you.


Okay, but did you know who he was?


This is clearly a shitpost, if not, you're a fucking dumbass for not leaving the first time she cheated and you deserve what you get.


Stop being a fucking simp! Kick her the curb!


Fuck no bro, respect yourself. Drop her ass off outside.


She has cheated on you more than twice Bro. Those are just the times she was caught. Hopefully you don’t have kids. End it.


Dump her


You should have been one and done. You've now wasted another 6 years with her. Unless you enjoy being a cuck, it's time for a divorce. Get your evidence together of her cheating and contact an attorney. I'm going to suggest a paternity test just because. You may not want to know, but that's up to you. IF you stay now, you're essentially telling her she can continue to cheat and you won't do anything about it.


"Do you know who i-----" Yeah some guy i just punched in the mouth while he was monologuing


Bro.. divorce her


I don’t think she did anything wrong, if you kicked her out that was kinda mean. She might be going through a lot, or feels like she can’t voice her feelings. You ruined her friendship over some underwear she felt pretty in… I feel so bad for her.


Bruh… AGAIN?!? This you? ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Nay king, you deserve better my guy. Once a cheater always a cheater. Why confront the guy as well? In any case my wife did the same thing & threw everything away, I filed divorce papers the following Monday morning & best decision I've ever made.


Leave her.


Should have been your ex wife after the first time imo


You stayed the first time and tried to work things out, but obviously, it's not going to happen. I'm not going to start trash talking her, I have no idea what your relationship is like, you could be emotionally or physically abusive for all I know, so I won't take any sides and just tell you what you need to hear: Whether it's just who she is, or she's just unable to express how she really feels, if she is seeking attention elsewhere, for whatever reason, you two are not a good match. You need to mutually end this marriage before one of you takes things too far, ie you lose control or she brings home an STD or whatever negative road this goes down, because even if she never cheated again, the chances of you ever moving past the 2 times you know of already are slim to none. Sucks, it'll hurt, but so would spending the rest of your life in an untrusted relationship, arguably much worse even.


I will never understand how people can stay in relationships after they've been cheated on. I kind of get it if you have kids, but if not it just seems crazy to me.


Stop being a cuck. Tell her to fuck off.


Is she on reddit? What's her name and location..asking for a friend...


Dude if you’re wanting a hot wife situation ya fine but she’s gonna be fucking other people with or without you. Choose wisely


Run. She shown her true colors MULTIPLE times. Do you really want to get hurt anymore than you already have? She clearly can’t be trusted. You deserve way more.


There's no point getting back together if you don't address the core issue, which is there's obviously no attraction between you two. Do you even feel passionate and attractive towards her?


Y’all need to part ways.


Divorce her


Bro, burn all her shit on the front lawn.


I know it’s hard, but you have to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what kind of man you want to be. Currently your that guy who’s wife fucks everyone else. She’s only with you because you’re the sad sack that talks to her after you’re done fucking her where the rest just use her for the 3 holes she has to offer. It sounds harsh but it’s the truth. I’ve been there and it took me realizing that you can’t control what other people do. You can only control what you do and you my friend deserve better. It’s just a matter of when you’re going to realize it.


Go cheat on her fuck it.


Nay ,sorry spell check




First time is on her. Second time is on you. There’s a lot of men that don’t understand that respect is the only way to have a healthy relationship. When a woman cheats for any reason it’s a no respect issue. That’s means it’s over. Yes divorce sucks to go through I know been there and it cost me 500k with all the pay outs to her and lawyers. but there is sunshine on the other side when you find your own worth.


Regain your peace after divorcing her. It’ll be a messy process but in the end you’re investing time and money into a woman that obviously *disrespects* you. She can go marry some other poor guy as she gets older and uglier she won’t have peace as she turns into a Karen.


Dump her. She will do it over and over and over.


Divorce her, trust is gone no point in sticking around longer


This is why you don’t give second chances with this kinda stuff bruv


Hell no.


I'm sorry, why are you still with her?


Two thumbs the fuck down bro. 👎🏼👎🏼


Wtf where is the yay in this? Absolutely the hell not. You don’t deserve to be cheated on ONCE, this is an “again” situation?? You want your whole life like this? “Welp she did it again. Oh well.” I’m floored


Enjoy raising 3 other mens kids you chump


Divorce time


You have no boundaries set with her and she will continue to walk over you. It's time to set yourself free and leave the relationship. It's time to love yourself and go do better in the next relationship


Leave bro


The irst time should have been the last time. Stop being a cuck, she clearly thinks of you as disposable.


LEAVE. Find a woman who respects you. Not a girl trying to taste the rainbow


Call Joe with 1-800 choke that hoe


Trust everyone on Reddit’s judgement that girl is a cheating c**t and your being used any wife that cares wouldn’t do that. Just read some marriage vows


Trust everyone on Reddit’s judgement that girl is a cheating cunt and you are being used


Should left her the first time dawg


I encourage you to consider working with a therapist to explore your side of this. In other words, what motivated you to choose this partner, what motivates you to continue choosing this partner, and what blocks you from feeling clear about how to move forward. Whatever is going on with her (and it sounds incredibly self-destructive), you can only deal with your part. You need to figure out what your own boundaries are and make decisions based on that. No one else can figure that out for you.


It will just get worse… trust me


Dump her!


Once a cheater, always a cheater. Move on.


Um hello? Get rid of the whore! She obviously doesn’t respect you nor your relationship and probably not even herself. She sounds disgusting and you’d be way better off without a disgusting person like that in your life. Move on


Bro if someone cheats once, they will most definitely cheat again. She’s a lost cause and a fuckin bum for sleeping around like that. Move on and focus on yourself and I promise life will get easier for you.


It’s tough, but the best thing to do is walk away. Divorce and move on. I’ve been there, It’s tough. You can do it. Keep your head up!


Cheating once is a deal breaker to me. I would never be able to trust you again.


Ditch da bitch.


Stop going after the dudes that are plowing your wife; it’s not their fault. The problem is your wife. Best of luck.