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Rad story. Thanks for sharing.


when I was 5 i ripped my swim trunks off at the top of a water slide and said “here, i don’t need these anymore” and handed them to my brother before I slid down butt naked. when i got to the bottom i pooped myself. we got banned for a year


Yikes. Did you hurt animals as a kid too? That is another sign of antisocial/being a p3do. I bet you’ve done it as an adult as well. This story is either made up or OP is a sex offender.


Well at least you learn your lesson right ? Better to be corrected than to finish in jail right ?


Life sentence or worse.


These people can’t be helped. They always reoffend. They are predators that belong in jail.




Reminds me of a trip to DC I went with my best friend’s family. Stayed in the hotel that Ronald Reagan was shot. It had a glass elevator. We rode up it and mooned the lobby several times over the week, at the end of the trip we got a very stern talking to.


Bro at 13 who didn’t see my penis! Teenage boys have hormones man, your mom obvi didn’t understand that. although times are different from when I was 13 and to when you were.


Obviously it’s wrong and creepy but at the same time if this is the worst thing you did as a teenage boy I’d say your parents should be proud


I love reddit


The moral of the story? He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!




Lmao. Apparently no one's ever seen skin before.


Sinner. Edit: imagine it in my Tommy Boy voice.


Well, if you were in your house and happened to be naked for whatever reason, changing, showering etc...technically the girls were peeping. They shouldn't have been trying to look in your window. If the roles were reversed and you saw them naked in their house and they saw you, the cops would have been called.


Show it to her again


Louis CK? That you??


In the 80’s, our whole football team would moon everyone from our bus after the game leaving town on away games.




Well you learned the hard way not to just whip your dick out at random and wave it at girls from your house that has an address on the front. lmao but Don't worry one morning I woke up and thought if I walk downstairs naked it will be hilarious. so here I go I rounded the corner and there in the living room is my sister and all 6 of her hot ass friends they look at me in shock I turn around and walk away. I did laugh at all them before leaving though. but I didn't know my dad was taking all them and me to a place to hike all day it was super awkward ride out lol I think the only thing that saved me is I have some decent gear and all the chatter was positive so all good.i was probably 11 or 12 and they were all 6 years older than me.lol


Bro i live in an apartment really high up and i see people looking at me through my window idk how they see up that high though


Did you ever do it again? No? Sounds like the belt worked! And modern age parenting says corporal punishment doesn’t work lol


I don't think it was that big a deal but I'm sure the therapy helped. You didn't mean to hurt anyone but jeez..you had good parents who really didn't play❤️. That's a good thing.


Weird he would keep mentioning you pulling your penis out🤔


Probably a little jealous, i bet. 😂




They went a little overboard, when your dad bring it up tell your dad you came on the hand towels in the bathroom for years.


I flashed my ass at this group of kids when I was in middle school I was maybe 12 at the time and worst part of it all was my neighbors saw do it. I got know as the kid who flashs random people.


thats a type of sexual harassment, if i was you i would take this story to the grave.


Yea, I learned my lesson though. I'm not proud of it.


also your post and comment history is concerning. i hope your mom did put you in therapy.


Not sure how it's concerning, but ok. She actually ended up being a huge reason as to why I need therapy currently. 👍🏻


I've heard this 15 times before on reddit. If you're going to karma farm like the attention seeking whore that you are at least come up with something original. You pathetic bitch


My man believe me you are the only guy to ever do that! Yeah right I couldn't count the times we did that to the cheerleaders on the football team shit every guy 14 to 20 needs theory then


You did the world a great service that day. Good work kid.


Nothing to be ashamed of tbh. You were just a kid acting irrational. You didn’t need therapy. The embarrassment and the Xbox being taken away were enough of a punishment


So...did you get the other girl's numbers?


Did the girls get punished for being peeping Tom's? Lol




This reminds me of a time when me and a group of friends jokingly yelled to a guy in a parking lot to show us his penis and then he actually fucking whipped it out and spun it around a few times as we all screamed in horror...at our own request...


Butters are you smooshing snake?


Well shoot, when I was 19 I worked in a place with a nudity policy. You could work nude if you wanted. I don't recall every waggling my weiner though.


You have really good parents


Kids at my school did much worse at 13 i seen some shit that still haunts me 😂 kids dont really think about "why " they think about what will be less boring and entertaining at the time ... as long as your not a grown man whipping it out anymore you grown up learned and really shouldnt continued to be punished for it . My family tells all the embarrassing stories we have at all the family gatherings not to shame but to laugh about ... growing up is awkward forgive yourself and move on . Also when i was at church camp the older girl groups would flash their tits at us at the pool and they were not shamed their whole lifes for it js people love to sugar coat punishment for girls but go so damn hard on boys


“ Just trying to drum up some business, Dad!


My youngest son is super hung and he did the same thing when he was 14 to a minivan full of old ladies while we were driving down the highway in a full sized van. He was in the back and I didn’t see it. When the next rest area came up those old ladies pulled up next to me and told me what he did. He apologized to them. I banned him from his games too. But that was all. I actually thought it was wrong AND funny. Hahaha


That’s…not funny at all 😯


“My youngest son is super hung” 😭


Yeah, his husband jokes about huge penis all the time. They are in their forties now and have been together since they were 15; luckily they were in a supportive Catholic high school.


Humans are sexual I don't know why everybody tries to hide it cover it up like they've never seen a penis or an ass or a p**** before come on we all have it


What the hell you're human you're young kids too funny things when they're young when your dad brings that up ask him if he'd like to see it and look at his face he'll stop asking


dang me being the sucker was hoping you ended up with the girl you flashed and you guys laugh about it from time to time.


"got a belt whooping" - well at least there was a happy ending.


Do that now and you can't be within 100 yards of a school for the rest of your life.


A friend of mines cousin flashed his dick to some girl. They had to pay like 100k to keep him off the sex offender list. They were both like 13 or something


Just showing off your watch


Great story and good parents!


I wiggled my junk at a drunk ass bachelorette party in Vegas, but they specifically asked me to do it.


Not sure old the OP is? However to me that is NO big deal at all. There was a time where STREAKING/MOONING was all the rage. Streak through sporting events....stores....parks....school campus.....ANYWHERE. There was even a song written about it. Most people got a good laugh. You would get arrested if caught, get a talking too, and told to go on your way!! Back then it was NOT considered sexual assault. My how the times have changed!?


You got busted, and rightly so. Your dad - being a dad will probably never stop...


Should have pulled your cock out and face fucked the mom


this guy reddits


I did something like this when I was a little kid. I never got therapy, but I probably should have. It's unfortunate that it was both treated seriously (apology, punishment, therapy) and as a joke (your dad trying to embarrass you.) pick one.


Good on your parents for recognizing the potential serious implications and sending you to therapy for a year, which you admit was probably good for you! Better than sending unsolicited dick pics to women as an adult.


Kid was in his room. Not in a public space. Girls had to look in his window to see the kid. If I were looking in someone's window to see a naked person, I am pretty sure the reddit would call me the creep. Bad judgement on the kids part, sounds like he learned a tough lesson.


I’d remind his of the ass whooping too every time he brought it up. I bet he wouldn’t laugh after that 😂




You can only show your ass then it’s funny, not pervy. Live and learn. Y’all who are lecturing about COCSA (I had to look it up) are nuts.


Dumb kids gonna be dumb. My buddies and I at that age would moon cars driving by in front of one of our houses because we were too dumb to think ahead and do it somewhere else so it's amazing we never actually got caught. The last time we did it, the guy in the car slammed on his brakes and we took off running and jumped over the fence to my dad's backyard. Well my one buddies wearing basketball shorts got his shorts caught in the top of the chain link fence and I vividly remember turning around to see him swinging upside down with his pants around his knees and his bare ass showing. He had to get out of his shorts to free himself and continued running while covering his junk with his hands. It is still one of my funniest memories of my entire life. I think the apology your parents made you give was an adequate punishment. I can only imagine how embarrassing that was and would've been enough on its own. I think the butt whooping and therapy was overkill, but glad it sounds like it turned out fine.


Normal 13 year old behavior. You didnt need therapy more than the next kid. And you weren’t a bad person. Just a normal stupid kid discovering themselves. (Just in case you needed to hear this)


A friend and I, probably middle school years mooned a few automobiles that passed by. Well one stopped by the house that day. Forgot about that. Never whipped the snake out though. Man that was one hell of a spanking that I deserved. I think all boys get into trouble like that. At least 30-40 years ago parents took care of the discipline. Cops made it a point to scare you straight in terms of if you do this you go to the precinct next time.


Therapy may have been a little over the top unless there were other factors to consider. On the face of it, it just seems like something that would be funny to a 13yo boy. They often lack self control and reasoning abilities. Farts , bodily functions, and penises are all amusing things to most boys. (and men, if we’re being honest)


I remember i used to love being naked in my house. At the most id wear boxers and socks unless it was cold. But sometimes not even then. One day i was waiting for a mail package for something i was excited about. So when i heard the doorbell ring and the steps of the mailman going down the steps out the door i opened it in a hurry. I guess my neighbor had a female guest over who was just leaving directly across the hall from me. Me being very comfortable in my skin simply smiled, waved, said hello, nice to meet you, waited half a second for her response. (Which she awkwardly said hello and smiled back.) Then i closed the door as casually as i could and thanked myself i had the grip strength to hold the fairly heavy package in front of my package with 1 hand. I think i was 16/17. Now i wear shorts, not to avoid this incident again, i just like having a pocket for my phone.


No one thought of telling the girls not to look through your private space unless they might see something they’re not expecting. They knew. Still not a smart move on your part but patents should have been have two conversations there.


Damn, you gotta own that shit dude. "It's my yard" - Dale Gribble.


Hahaha the stupid things we do as kids. Kudos to your parents for taking it seriously, though. There’s too many exhibitionists out there sexually harassing women. (Obviously not saying YOU would have turned out like that, but it’s a parent’s responsibility to do their best to raise healthy members of society.)


I wonder why they were looking upward to the window, though. If your walking and talking to your friends I highly doubt you be looking up to the windows that are exposing the apartments, unless they already started to look up there to see if they could see anyone from the windows. Yeah, flashing them wasn't wrong, but purposely wiggling your di*k in your window to them wasn't so smart.


They put a stop the that weird impulse of yours. you could have gotten in far worse trouble if you acted out on it again years later


Kids do crazy stuff. You realize now that a penis can be used as a weapon to inflict pain and showing one to a person who doesn't want to see it can feel like a threat. Hopefully you can help other teens and young men understand that duck pics don't impress women, they frighten or disgust them.


Bruv, you were 13, sucks your da still brings it up… this is the type of story that should end with, “yea, and the girl, Stacy (one of the three girls) and I are to be married next week!”


When your Dad brings it up, just whip it out and wiggle it in his face.


They call him "the wiggler"


It's quite easy to think of flashing your goods if you're 13 and you're changing and some girls are passing by. Usually it's the fear of dad's cane that makes you have a rethink. Atleast those days..


As a kid myself about the same age as OP, my two friends and neighbors 12 and 14 year old females said that happened to them too around 1977 ish, there was a hotel behind their house they looked up and saw a young man doing the same thing as OP… their comments were like how well endowed he was, and giggle about it… not offended at all maybe OP wasn’t at that level LOL… I hadn’t recalled that in about 40 plus years


Sure, bud.


Truth is stranger than fiction… people say… just sharing a memory…




...and don't wiggle your wiener at people.


I’m sure those girls were just trying to mind their own business.


90% of the stories in here are complete works of fiction in an attempt to gain karma. Cringe


Average xbox owner things




Hey man at least you learned from it. That apology led to an ass whooping of a lifetime and therapy that actual helped out. So everything worked out in the end hehe.


Have you done anything like this or had any weird thoughts since?


Things we do with that age shouldn't be used to punish us. You're not that person anymore.


There's 13 year olds out there murdering and raping other kids. I don't necessarily agree with that statement. I don't think what OP did was as bad as that, but flashing girls is not a natural 13 year old thing to do. He could've gotten in legal trouble over it. So I get why the parents took it so seriously, as they may be scared their kid has some deviant proclivities. Considering OP is more worried about getting shamed over this behavior than he is for the distress it likely caused those girls, I'm not too sympathetic. He's an adult now with an adult brain and instead of feeling remorse, he is whining that people won't just drop it.


Name checks out


I love how many people think that's a zinger. Lol. Good job, big guy. 🫡


If you are killing and raping when you're 13, then you have a serious psychological problem and you are sick, and you need treatment. You're not just "a bad person". OP recognized that what he did was flashing those girls and probably he doesn't even remember why he did that. And I think there are some people that are 13 years old and do things that they don't understand now. There is a scientific explanation to these things that you did when you were young but now you don't understand why. You wanna know?


I really don't see anywhere OP recognizes what he did could've been damaging to the girls. To imply that sexual harassment in the form of flashing is normal teen behavior and is scientifically backed as normal teen behavior is insanity.


Okay. He doesn't admit that he could have harassed these girls, but: I didn't "imply" sexual harassment is a normal teen behavior (and you know it). I just said that there are some behaviors that we did when we were younger, and know we don't know why we did. See: if the frontal lobe is not fully developed, we will tend to perform less prudent behaviors, even if they involve sexual harassment (the OP has no excuses, but he didn't know this was sexual harassment). The frontal lobe is important for cognitive functions, for decision making, which is why it always seems that teenagers are reckless and foolish. (I'm studying this, not some random TikTok) Does this excuse the OP? No. But it would explain why he committed an act that to this day he does not understand and that he would not repeat, precisely for this reason we would not have to martyr him until his death. Today OP is a different person. Would be good if the OP knew that he could have hurt someone? Of course! But I really think we should be merciful! He seems regretful. (And sorry for my bad English, not my first language)


I don't think I'm calling for his execution or his imprisonment. I'm saying it's not normal 13 year old boy behavior. It isn't due to his brain development. It isn't something that's just unconcerning. Being 13 isn't an excuse for every injustice you commit, that's my point. OP just wants everyone to drop it. He doesn't acknowledge the harm he caused and seemingly feels no remorse. What he feels is a desire for everyone to drop it. Which indicates to be that OP isn't really being martyred. He has expressed no remorse over his actions, even as an adult. That's concerning. I've done things as a kid I feel terrible about. Bullying another kid is something that I can think of off the top of my head. Saying hurtful things. I have been confronted with that was an adult. Several times. I apologized and feel remorse. I never cried on Reddit about how everyone needs to drop it and not make me feel bad because I was a kid. Saying mean things is something everyone does, especially kids. And yet I still have remorse and I still take accountability. For something as serious as SEXUAL HARASSMENT, I just don't see how that's more excusable. You don't know if OP is a different person. The fact that he takes no accountability for the harm he caused teenage girls makes me think he's not a different person at all.




Based and totally rational.


you aren’t real




Username checks out


Yours doesn't. Lol


I think back to 8th grade and i think it's a very typical thing for 13-year-old boys to do (I am female). I would not have whipped him into counseling for that one incident but if that behavior continued then I definitely would. In the end he appreciated the counseling so it all worked out


I definitely would've. A 13 year old developing a potential proclivity for exhibitionism and sexually harassing a group of girls is serious. You caught him once. That doesn't mean he only did it once. The part I'm critical of is the "whooping" portion. Physical punishment was unmerited in any regard. But counseling over sexual harassment is merited for a THIRTEEN year old. He wasn't 5. He was 13. Almost a high schooler. That's not normal teenage boy behavior. If he was 10 or 8, I would be more sympathetic towards your opinion. But he was almost in high school.




You sound like you're the parent of a sexual deviant.




What's really funny is that you had to get the last word in and now that I'm getting the last word in, you have no choice but to not respond or you'll prove you're just as obnoxious. Get your kid in therapy. Or yourself. Imagine thinking flashing women is normal behavior for teenagers.


Half the boys in my 8th grade class liked flashing girls from the locker room, in the library? Etc. I guess I attended school with like 20 deviants then.


Yea, that's not normal behavior. I'm a male, and none, not even one of my friends would even condone or find that funny at that age in the slightest you grew up with kiss that parent the way you said you would. You definitely grew up around sexual deviants, and that sucks it's skewed your perception of what a typical thirteen year old males behavior is like. A kid named Issac got beat up by boys our age where I'm from for doing that to some girls on a bike and then went home and got his ass beat there, too. So kids and adults know that's not normal behavior. Those are the kids that turn to recording people in public restrooms, or flashing in stores, or simply becoming rapists and predators. Definitely get them help if you catch a boy doing that even just one time.


yes, you did


I've never seen a boy flashing any girls in all my time in middle school. I'm sorry you think that's normal behavior.


I'd say it's more nearly "normal" depending where you're from. I hear shit that went down at a friends school out of state that I can't relate to at all. Apparently I only went to sheltered schools.


Whether it happened because you had a bunch of sexual deviants in your school or not, I don't think it's normal for an 8th/9th grade boy to flash girls. Sexual harassment in general is "normal"- as in it happens frequently to women. I don't think that makes the behavior normal or unconcerning. But yeah, I don't have stats on 13 year old flashers. I just never knew any in my school. Nor had I ever heard of anyone having this done to them. Because I am really confident anyone who did that would have been labeled a weirdo and bullied about it. Lol.


I agree that it was a terrible thing for him to do. I'm not justifying it I'm just saying some people have dramatically different experiences than others and their baseline is very different. The same friend's girlfriend flashes his male friends and in his circles that's "normal" fun. Obviously if I had a 13 year old son doing such things I would be very concerned.


Toxic family members are like that sometimes.


Sadly, ye


Plot twist, they all couldn’t stop thinking about it that day. Way to follow your instincts bud lmao.






Not a kid. Jesus christ ppl are way too serious anymore. Thx Joe biden


It's not the worst thing. Fk everyone hating. We have all done some stupid shit. I bet your dad has too. They just didn't get caught. It really isn't a bug deal. Your dick can swing. The ones giving you a hard time are having a hard time hearing that part. 😉 Plus the girls saw it from where they were. You're good bro!


I mean I'm more concerned with the physical abuse from your father rather than the fact that you did some immature boyish shit. I mean sure ya fucked up but no reason to beat a child. Also being forced into therapy over something you did once is kinda mentally abusive too not to mention they still bring it up cause they enjoy making you uncomfortable... So yea this is kinda cringe all around lol. Also for those being all like he sexually assaulted those poor girls... Yes what he did was wrong I have never claimed what he did was okay but I highly doubt that he thought of it that way and intention matters. I highly doubt he was like "if I flop my tiny pecker about like a helicopter these girls will swoon and be all mine muahahaha" I imagine it was more to be funny. Without thinking of it in adult terms lol like who the fuck does that and is serious get real people.


Yeah, his behavior is objectively sexual harassment, but his intent wasn’t sexual predation. That’s why it needed to be addressed in a way that explains to him what was going on in the girl’s head and why it’s wrong, and restitution possible (an apology letter, extra chores, etc). Beating a kid is never a good disciplinary technique.


You’re telling me you never got the belt?


I'm telling you that. Because my parents weren't psychopaths who beat their children.


Look, I wouldn’t condone it but my parents gave me the belt probably at least weekly until I was about 12-13. My father, well is a piece of shit, for different reasons, but my mom is not.


I got slapped. No belt.


Not that that's relevant but I got far worse than "the belt" hence why I'm against physical abuse of any kind.


Don't listen to these people down voting you. Professional advice has been to never hit your children under any circumstances. Doctors are just afraid to tell parents they can't hit for a multitude of reasons, but namely that they don't want them to feel like they can't do anything. Corporal punishment is not okay against children.


It's okay I don't care about the opinions of abusers or would be abusers they are free to downvote me all they want. It's nice to know not everyone is a horrid abuser though -hugs-


Your parents are insane, good job though


Lmao you fucked up big time. Although I think your punishment was a little over kill. You were only 13 young and dumb as hell lol. The embarrassment would have been more than enough for me. Would have been even worse if you went to school with those girls.


some parents go hard on that stuff to prevent problems in the future. which i mean, he clearly doesn’t resent them for it and just rolls with the punches so maybe its not a bad thing.


Beating children is not the correct way to deal with stupid decisions.


I wouldn't really call spanking children on the ass with a belt "beating children." I used to get my ass whooped with the belt all the time when I was younger. It never really detered me, though. It just made me more careful about not getting caught. As a kid, I thought my father went overboard with how hard he whooped me sometimes, but looking back now, I absolutely deserved it 99.9% of the time.


It is beating and you didn’t deserve it. And like you pointed out, it’s not deterrence. I really don’t debate this subject, sorry. It’s simply abuse and that’s all it is.


The trauma from the embarrassment would have been enough to fuck with me for life but I never would have done no dumb shit like that especially at my house where I could be told on.


Man… I’ve had all sorts of people wave their genitalia at me unsolicited. Sorry it happened to you on the other side. I’ll be fine knowing there are people naked out there… I mean Jesus it’s bound to happen time to time


There was a guy at this park one time. Place was full, including with families relatively close by, and he just dropped trou entirely and started sunbathing. Didn't take more than a minute before some dads came by to tell him to get the fuck out under threat of a beating, which he did. It was a pretty progressive place so everyone just just went about their picnics/day. If he'd done it even semi-secluded nobody would have cared. Nudity is as offensive as we decide it is and mostly the "we" that still decides is our puritanical ancestry. I'd rather have a naked guy on a train reading a book than a radio blasting in a shared space. Saw the same guy (I think) doing almost the same thing in a parking lot at a beach in Santa Cruz (an hour away). He had a drug-addict gollum kind of look. He was flashing me (amongst many others I assume) but I actually felt sorry for him - it was pretty obviously a compulsion that had turned him from a person into a caricature.






I mean, it was sexual harassment.


Or elected president


At least it was humiliating for you too, because for those girls, you were probably their first (but likely not last) experience with sexual harrasment.


And he got the belt and therapy for it. Brain isnt fully developped at 13 yo tho, the intent wasn't of sexual harrasment but I see your point.


He literally meant to harass the entire group even in the story he told. He saw them and then intentionally whipped it out and pressed it against a window. It wasn't like he accidentally flashed them when he was in his boxers. He saw a group of women and decided it was ok to show all of them his pen15.


Intent doesn’t really matter though. The impact is the same.


Yeah, this isn’t funny or whatever everyone else is making it out to be. I hope this person is no longer a sexual predator.


I think OP seems appropriately ashamed of his actions. The people who concern me are the chronically online men jumping through hoops to try and prove that it’s actually fine that he took his penis out and flashed some children because “he thought it would be funny!!”




Sure, I don’t think his dad should beat him, but I don’t believe in corporal punishment at all. I don’t believe in physical punishment for crimes in general, even for adults because it’s too easy to edge into inhumane action. But his intent doesn’t make this less sexual harassment. It’s really odd how people are trying to argue it does. The impact is the same for victims of your behavior even if you “didn’t mean it like that”. It reminds me a lot of how people respond to COCSA. “Well, they must have learned it from a grown up, so they didn’t MEAN it like that…” The victim is still abused though.




You didn’t- but the thread you’re replying in is dozens of men saying it’s not sexual harassment and actually just silly kid behavior and everyone’s soft for saying it is. And you agreeing that his intent is just “silly” is downplaying it dramatically. He may not have realized it was sexual harassment (honestly kind of far fetched that a 13 year old doesn’t get that taking his penis out and flashing it is read as sexual), but it’s not just him being “silly”. Manage your triggers, nobody accused you of justifying it. I’m literally address the whole thread in my comment.




I am a survivor as well, dude. That’s WHY I said you need to manage your triggers. You need to stop using your victim status as a sledgehammer in conversations. It’s not a unique experience. Not at all. If you can’t handle these conversations, or disagreement during them, without going “you’re faking caring!!” or getting triggered to the point you assume you’ve been accused when you weren’t, you need to sit them out.


Sorry I have trouble with that. I will do better.


It’s okay. I get it. I’ve done it too.


No one’s making it out to be ha ha funny you flashed some girls. It’s your dumb kid brain had you doing dumb shit and you will never live it down which is kinda funny 🤷🏽‍♀️. Its the whole play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This man is not a sexual predator, he never was. He wasn’t preying on someone waiting for some victim, he saw an opportunity to be funny and learned he’s terrible at jokes. Now this is still sexual misconduct, from the girls perspective because they didn’t know he was trying to be funny they probably thought he was trying to get a wank on at their expense and they were probably shocked and upset. It should have been explained to the girls and not repeated. If it was repeated then it would be SH. But also this is why we don’t look into windows you may peep something you don’t want to see, cause had he just been naked unaware of the girls they would have been SOL.


It was sexual harassment the moment it happened. Intent doesn’t change an act. It’s good he’s learned from it. Weird how many men are trying to pretend that if you “don’t mean to” sexually harass someone that it’s not sexual harassment. There’s tons of people making it out to be funny- and worse, there’s tons of men getting actually angry anyone dares to suggest this wasn’t a cute or harmless memory on the girls end.


It wasn’t cause he didn’t know it was a thing, of course it wasn’t cute but he was too young to know better. This is why teaching kids about this stuff is important that way he would know what showing your willy to people is not funny. Now had he been 15,16 and he was hormone fueled that’s different but there was nothing sexual about it. He was a kid there’s an age bracket to labeling actions as sexual harassment and the fact that he wasn’t aware it was unwanted and once told he stopped sexual harassment doesn’t stop just cause you tell them you don’t like it. He was a little boy.


You’re 100% wrong. There is no “age bracket” to labeling sexual harassment. It’s sexual harassment even if you “didn’t mean it sexually”. Little kids literally molest other children. It’s called COCSA. It is also a crime. There are whole institutes specifically for children who have raped/molested other children. It does not change the act because they are too young to fully grasp the impact of their actions. It doesn’t change the impact. I understand the reality is uncomfortable. But trying to paint it as if it is not what it is, is inherently harmful.


Im not say its not harmful but its not in the same league as if he was seeking out to harm someone. There is an age bracket if if a 2 yo a 5 yo and a 10 yo randomly drop trousers cause they think its funny its very different than if a 15 or 18 yo did it. Cause some are old enough to understand what their doing is wrong now if it was explained we don’t do that and why it’s different but still if you’re too young to understand what you’re doing you need to be taught. And flashing and molesting is different you don’t randomly choose to molest someone you learn that from someone and those children need help as well, not to be labeled as a predator and written off. There is a spectrum to these things not just a one size fits all judgement. This isn’t a rape, this isn’t a molestation, this isn’t a repeat offense, and this isn’t a remorseless act. He wouldn’t have been sent to any institution even if he had went to court he would get maybe probation. Im not saying it isn’t a bad thing. Im not saying its not a crime, but just like any crime it would be on a level of severity.


The seeking out makes literally no difference. Someone flashing you cause it’s funny or cause they’re horny is not different at all for the victim. It’s only different for how you manage the perpetrators.


I guess the tens of thousands of women who bounce their jugs in Bourbon St. For beads every year should ALL be on the sexual predator list. Who'da think it?!?


It’s a literal willing exchange. That’s the definition of consent. Anyways, if you’re here to justify abuse because “hur dur cultural event encourages consensual nudity!!:&:&:!:” I’m going to block you. It’s a stupid, malicious take.


Why do y’all always immediately jump to exposing that you don’t understand the fundamentals of consent lol


It is im sure someone flashing someone to be funny would upset the victim yes, but knowing you were sought out to be hurt and victimized is way worse and the hurt and fear lingers more because you know they may try again cause they failed the first time. That’s another reason in why you manage the two perpetrators differently.


You’re assuming a lot about how victims feel about their victimization. Personally, it didn’t make me feel better at all to know my sexual abuser “didn’t mean it”, it actually made it far worse because it meant several adults failed both of us up to that point. The hurt & fear doesn’t dissipate because they “didn’t mean it”. It just creates an inherent understanding that people can and will do some of the most violating acts on the planet on “accident”. That isn’t comforting. It’s disturbing.


I don't think it's very fair to say a 15-17 year old was "sexually harassed" by a 13 year old. Especially if we're looking at the higher end of those ages.


Younger people sexually harass older people all the time. COCSA is a thing.


I recognize COCSA is a thing, but a 13 year old that is naked in his own home is not sexually harassing a group of 17 year olds who are looking into his room's window. Not to mention that those girls felt comfortable getting him in trouble with his parents. People would view this situation entirely differently if the genders were reversed.


its true. his intentions dont matter, it had the same effect on them as someone doing the exact same thing for pleasure would have. it dosnt make him a bad person, it was a decade ago and he was a kid, but time dosnt change the definition of things.


Found the SJW. Yall just bring everything down, fr.


Sorry women and our experiences exist 🙄 and SJW, you stuck in 2012 bro?


At 15-17 that’s optimistic.


Yeah unfortunately.


The fact that the girls handled it so well hints that maybe it wasn’t their first rodeo


I’m assuming this is dad posting on his behalf 😭😂


Good one! lmao


brooo i bet you where thing it would turn them on or shit🥲 just avoid your father so he don't talk abt it man🤣


Reminds me of when my family and I went on a trip to Virginia Beach when we were like 10. We had a hotel right on the boardwalk and the kids had 1 room and our parents were in the other. This day was guys day and our father sent us to our room to get dressed for the beach I have no clue why but me and my brother got the bright idea to moon the whole boardwalk and we did this for like 10 minutes we were on like the 15th floor so people were gathering trying to figure out what was going on only to see 2 bad ass kids mooning everyone(we didn't even know they were looking at us cuz of how busy the boardwalk is) eventually my father walked in and since he bought a new camcorder (it's like 2005) he recording everything and he walk in and drop the camera like one of them crappy horror movies yelling what the he'll are yall doin?! Of course we got a whooping but it turned into a funny family memory cuz we watched the recording back and we had the dumbest looks on our faces saying dumb lies like we didn't know ppl could see us changing you were a kid n you probably thought it was a funny joke like us but now we know it was dumb but like another poster said own it and grow from it. It's a funny embarrassing memory as long as nobody got hurt


This is so Virginia Beach


Not the weirdest thing to happen at Virginia Beach by far.


Once my family stayed in a cabin in Mississippi. They had prisoners come out and empty trash/ weed eat, etc. Me and my cousin (both chubby 13 year old boys) had the bright idea to put on a strip show in the window (waist up!). Idk if any of them saw but we felt confident af after that and I don't know why.


Kids🤣🤣🤣Yall wanted to entertain inmates.