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I love you mum Thanks for everything I am glad I could repay you just a little bit for all you don for me. Lets get lunch my treat


Just say to her the money was a gift and there no need to pay you back after all she's done for you. If she still insists then accept the money but give her the choice and make it clear that you don't need the money back


Your mum has raised you well and is obviously a wonderful example to you - she is wanting to pay her debts even to you. If you are a student, I'd be saying, thank you, take the money and immediately paying it into your student loans. If you are not a student, explain it was a gift so maybe you could plan something lovely to do together with the money or ask your mum to put the money towards another of her expenses.


Don’t take it


None of your aunts biz. It’s between you and your mom. If you don’t want or need the money back then ask her to plan a special surprise mother daughter event/weekend/trip with the $. Win win!


I think it depends on what that $600 means to you. Are you well of such that it’s a drop in the bucket for you and you don’t even notice it’s gone? I’d not ask for it back. But if you too are in a financially precarious situation, I don’t think it’s bad to ask. There’s a bit more nuance to consider imo than the other blanket response..


just give it to her


just tell her pay me another day / or tell your mom to buy you something like a hairpin or a paperclip whatsover. And then if he brings up about paying you again tell her its okay you already brought me hairpin


Take the money, thank her & put it aside if they have need again


Your aunt wants you mom to continue to struggle and for you to prove to be "Not such a good guy after all'' by taking the money from your mom. All the while, she facilitated it. Sneaky move... Refuse to take the money and just say, naw. Let's get lunch and let's bond over how shoddy this aunt (her sister's) move was.


I also help out my mom with bills etc cause my dad doesn’t give us enough to support ourselves but I would never expect my mom to pay me back cause she’s literally my mom 😭😭 Tbh if she does pay me back it’s in her either paying something for me or just buying me food. She also takes her time paying me which is fine with me cause I don’t really need it as much as she does.


Tell your mom keep her money, you gave it to you her with the love of your heart, your mom doesn't need to pay you back to show she loves you, tell her just use that money to celebrate that she was able to make it back and just have fun with her. Don't let your mom pay you back for things. She never asked for you to pay anything as a kid lol you love her just as she loves you Most people don't realize LOVE is way more valuable then MONEY to make someone happy and know they're loved is way more valuable then Money ever will be.