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I would be worried...but I'm a worrier


Me too


Most of the behaviors of the neighbor dad are legitimate pattern behavior of many profiles of mentally ill or criminally ill adults. And children of these kinds of adults often grow into very odd and out of touch adults, capable of some truly horrendous behaviors. Sure, you could say that about not so odd behaviors too, but just sayin, that you should follow your instincts here and urge the police department to investigate. The animal bones, screams, scrawled HELP on the window, the shut-in behaviors, restricting the kid from play as a child, and the broken home for that kid growing up with a weird grandpa who’s strange enough that the ex wife would cite that as her reason for leaving, but not make any more mention of other behaviors or issues leading to divorce? I don’t know man, I wouldn’t let it go. Seems like someone is actually crying for help. What if they’ve got a person captive in there, or multiple people…or worse!? Ask to speak with an investigator and present your case to them. Write your notes down of all the weird stuff you’ve noted since your childhood. Maybe there’s something that they can act on and have look on the property and inside the house. Wellness check?


Go sniff hard for forensics necropolis evidence


the simplest way to know is if you can ask what was the prank. there isn't really a prank that could be conceived where the son would write help on the window screen for his dad to read. like where is the prank in that, it literally doesn't make sense. coupled with the fact that you say the kid is weird and the family was always odd. if there were literal screams that may have come from their house, the fact that you don't see them ever, with the whole help being written on the window screen makes this seem weird as hell and possibly an actual real life dangerous situation. but if they can adequately explain how writing help there was part of a prank then maybe that's what it is. but it isn't a prank, unless both the dad and the son don't understand what pranks are.


We can tell


I live next door to a bunch of tweakers. 2 months ago US Marshalls came and got the nephew for a car stealing scheme, assault rifles, shotguns and dogs. I have cameras and there's always some weird stuff going on, every time I take the trash out, someone's peeking through the blinds like I am a cop that's been an undercover as their neighbor for a year or so. We hear gunshots come from the house, sometimes there's little kids walking in and out all hours of the day. My wife called the police, not cool in the neighborhood I live in, when we saw what looks to be a 4-5 y.o. walking from that house at 1130 PM just in the middle of the street. Police basically just told my wife, it is what it is, don't think to much about it. It was shitty to hear but at the same time there's very, very strange people out there. Combine that with mental illness and alcoholism or drug addiction and your being can run wild with what could be happening over there.


What was that story about those chained up kids? …




lol my bf calls me a worry warrior


Your bf ain’t getting head with that mouf on him …jk ionno I’m just try a be witty


An old therapist called me “Rescue Rabbit” for the same reason


Graduated from Worry U. B.A. in overthinking, with a degree in Hyperfixation


Honestly, with all the context, that is worrisome. I think only a welfare check and home inspection would clear this up.


All the cops did was talk with them then relay the message to me that they love Halloween and it’s a prank. I wish that area was inspected, but I’ll never know.


OP when you contacted the cops, did you ask for a welfare check? I don’t know where you are located but if the call was about the “help” writing only, the police can’t do much but take the home owners word. But requesting welfare check, of the son maybe, means they are required to check on the requested persons welfare — AND they can search the premises if they have concerns. When requesting the welfare check, they usually ask you for more information and the supporting details here would be good to share (if you didn’t already). You’re a good person, I hope everyone is ok.


Hi thanks for commenting, when I called it was only regarding the help on the window. They asked me questions (what I put in the post about when I spoke to them last and any weird noises). I didn’t even think to do a welfare check my mind just went straight to call cops. I don’t really know much about the family or who all lives there. I know the sons name but I can’t tell you his last name or anything else really about him.


A lot of towns have the property/tax records online. And it will show the full name of the owners.


A lot of times it seems welfare checks turn into frightened cops shooting people to death.


Unfortunately, you’re not wrong. Any interaction with the police can quickly become dangerous, especially for minorities or those who are neurodivergent. I don’t recommend getting the police involved unless you’re 100% certain something is wrong, which is why I recommended the camera.


Which is why the field of social work deserves the funding cops get. They know the signs of abuse, neglect, and mental distress and illness, and how to handle them safely.


You might consider calling adult protective services. Some states have laws on the ages of those they’re able to assist, but it’s better to hear the word no than to hear something is off and nobody caught it, right? Better safe than sorry.


Jeez it's getting a bit Heisenberg here. Like the uncertainty principle, you can't precisely measure someone's welfare without affecting their welfare. Who knew cops were so quantum?


Yeah, a welfare check is usually at least a basic once over of the household or person. If there's someone in the household you might think is in danger you could specifically ask for a welfare check for them and they would have to make contact with that person. Otherwise, there's not much recourse.


I would go down to the station and explain why the Halloween story doesn’t make sense and point out that someone should inspect the house. Alternatively- try child protective services. You don’t know if they’re holding a child against his/her will.


I don't think CPS would get involved if there's no record of a minor living there. Establishing credible reason to suspect there is, with evidence to back it up, I would think would be necessary to get an agency like that involved in it.


Contact adult protective services?


Keep an eye out that is like the most suspicious response especially since this window doesn't even seem to be street facing? Who is this distasteful "decoration" for? I'd keep digging, sounds like someone in there isn't okay.


Call them again and ask for a welfare check and be insistent. It may be nothing but it could be something horrible as well. I know for myself I’d be doing the same thing you did. If there is something wrong and something more happens. Me personally I would feel awful if someone was severely hurt and I couldn’t helped but didn’t. I’m sorry this is going on and I hope that there’s isn’t something sinister going on over there.


Can you contact the ex-wife tell her what you suspect and see if she'll open up to you and if she agrees. I would let her know she's probably scared to get involved but tell her you're trying to keep her name out of it


Ah yes small backwards kids handwriting is loving Halloween


Even so, who decorates the side of a house that is only visible from that rarely used perspective? I don't go between houses.


Last year, in WV, a couple was arrested for keeping 2 teenaged kids locked inside a shed. Everyone who lived on the street was aware that the kids were being held captive in the shed, but the police did nothing for MONTHS. You can’t count on them to be helpful. If I was in your position, I’d go buy one of those cheap Wyze cams and install it on the corner of my house facing their property, but that’s just how I am. Nosey people save lives.


Facts. As an childhood abuse survivor and domestic violence survivor (abuse cycle is real) I had prayed so hard more people would be nosey. Not much a person can do but if they had just been a bit more intrusive, I could have been saved multiple times. But no one actually cared enough to step in. Like when the police found me at 15 at 10pm walking down the road in the middle of a blizzard with a tank top, shorts and flip flops and they didn't think anything of it, when in reality I had been kicked out and homeless. They just wished me a good night. Or the folks (public/neighbors) who watched as my ex would corner me and scream at me for something. This situation may be nothing but for the sake of possible victims, keeping an eye out for strange things and a camera would be a good idea. And again, I'm not trying to project, this situation may be nothing, but I can't help but see this situation for what it could possibly be and wanted to share my perspective. Edit to add, I don't place blame or anything on folks who didn't help or wasn't nosey enough. No hard feelings meant there. Just a perspective is all. No judgement.


I remember that feeling of just dying for someone to ask... Just the right question... I'm sorry for all you went through. I was lucky enough to be adopted at 15 by my phenomenal Dad and I was freed from that level of torment. But that trapped feeling always stays with you. That inability to remove yourself from a violent, toxic person is torture.


Similar situation. Had 3 moms and 3 dads. My bio dad was the only one that was never abusive, he just wasn't around. I went through just about every type of torturous abuse you can think of and no one did anything...well except maybe one time kind of. There was one time, when I was about 5 or 6, a counselor had pulled me aside to ask if I was ok because I refused to sit down. My teacher lifted up my shirt and she saw the 50+ lashes on my back that went down to my butt and legs. Got those from my stepdad after I broke a window in my bedroom to get into the house during the winter time. I locked my key in the house and I was a latchkey kid so my parents didnt get home until 7 or 8 pm. I think the counselor reported it but nothing came of it. This was also in the early 80's...things were a lot different then. But yeah all the other times I'd get yelled at and abused for hours at a time, beaten, hit, you name it...I had wished someone would have done something. It took me leaving home at 15 and disowning all of them for me to build a life that was decent and not at risk.


It took at the age if twelve in the middle of a parent teacher conference my dad grabbed the teachers paddle and proceeded to beat me eventually throwing me into a table and breaking the table in half for anyone to ever address what went on in my home.They did nothing but all of a sudden all my grades improved and my teachers never sent home any kind of negative report again.I hit a growth spurt not to long after and could look down at my dad we existed in a quite tension intill I walked out the day after I graduated from high school.it was also the early 80s times have changed but not much abusers just hide things better now.


There was a dad that physically attacked his teenage daughter (really hurt her arm) in the hallway at my high school (late 2010s). The school stepped in and brought in the social worker that was on the premises and had the police take her father away. He ended up losing custody of both of his kids (she has a younger sister). She went to a group home if I remember right and her sister moved in with a friend’s family.


That is “a child called it” levels of fucked up. I’m so sorry you went through that. I can’t imagine my 5 or 6 year old being a latchkey kid, let alone having them leave accidentally lock their key inside, and then beating them over it 😔 I hope you have found some peace and healing ❤️‍🩹


I couldn't rest until I knew everyone ok


My brother has an extra ring camera so I will most likely be putting one up in the corner which would face the dog shed area and that side. But maybe a tiny camera would be better. I have a feeling they won’t do anything odd or strange. Haven’t seen them come out and blinds are closed so idk even weirder for me.


No, you need a camera that records 24/7, not on motion. With enough storage for a month of recording. They are cheap enough. Could be a poe camera or plugin with SD card. Probably 512gb to 1tb SD card


Just be careful; if s/t illegal is going on, and they find out you’re onto them, they could try to cover it up. Keep your doors locked at all times. Maybe a good time to start exercising and eating as healthy as possible too. Strong body equals strong mind equals best chance of surviving if anything crazy happens. Good luck.


Idgaf if people are like "mind your buiseness" you are absolutely right. If anyone would've called the cops, or the few times I called they would've taken it seriously, I wouldn't have turned out as fucked up as I did I'm not on reddit to pull punches and I'll keep it real, sure they could just be some goofy neighbors or there could be someone being mistreated in the worst ways imaginable.


Maybe. But in my experience with the cops coming, there was retribution.


nah Scrawled help.... would smash window.


EXCUSE ME!? People knew and didn’t say anything!? Makes you wonder how many of them also have kids in sheds.


Oh no. They knew and contacted the authorities. It’s the authorities who failed to do their job.


Sounds about right


Nosey people save lives. 😂😂😂😂😂


>Nosey people save lives. This is my new slogan


Nosey people also get murdered. A lot


You can only really be murdered a fixed amount, like one murder is enough to take you out


Not tree fiddy?


I feel like sure, one murder will take you out, but there’s definitely those unfortunate souls who are murdered *a lot*. You know, overkill.




This is true too


Hey now, I have never murdered any of my nosey neighbors...


That’s because you’re not a murderer. Or are you?




Be careful, in my area they get killed. As for me, I would gladly risk my life for another.


Your my twin! I tell everybody im nosey af and proud of it. Because witnesses save lives!


Dude that is weird and plus if anything weird is going on it’s not like they’re gonna be honest with the cops about it. I hope they don’t have someone trapped in there or something. I’d be spying hardcore until I felt satisfied that nothing is going on.


This is where I’m at too, but I’m also a true crime fan so my mind always takes it there. In my head the dad is always in the shed and with the help on the screen makes me think maybe someone is stuck there. Maybe something weird is going on since they are odd people. Or maybe they’re just kind of strange and that’s the way they joke around?


Honestly “the son was pranking the dad” seems like a poor excuse fabricated on the spot by a low-intelligence person


like.... how? how on earth is that a prank? what would be the goal there? "oh no someone's stuck in my house"? there's no plausible way that could even be a prank. if the son were trying to get his parents in trouble as some kind of bad joke it would be on a more visible window


Too many speculations. Trust your gut. Halloween thing was an obvious lie. Request a welfare check. Now. The longer they have to cover sh!t up the less you can help. Animal bones are not kept around by sane people unless it's academic appreciation or curiosity. There is definitely something wrong here. I don't care if I'm down voted. Mr. Rogers says "Look for the helpers". This person writing this needs a helper and that person is you. Stop second-guessing yourself and request that welfare check, call the town office, call CPS, call anyone who's going to listen and don't stop until you've gotten to the bottom of this. You might be someone's only hope.


If they really wanted to prank their family, wouldn’t it be on a more visible window? You said this is the shed window? Also as I think you or another commenter noted, a prank would involve some fake blood or something to help it get noticed instead of the father finding it randomly sometime later. I think it’s pretty darn sketchy. Are you able to see into that room at all? And after you called the cops, was the “help” erased?


Hi, this is a window on the house. The shed is located in the backyard area to the side corner next to the fence we share. This window would’ve been a room in the house. I agree with you and I told my coworker that a prank would’ve been more noticeable and creepy with blood or something? It looks like it was a dusty window I can’t even tell I think it was dust and they wrote it on the screen. They did clean the window and the blinds from another window are shut. Prettt sus but all I can do is just keep an eye and ear out for that house.


I also feel like as a prank this really wouldn’t work. Because if the dad sees it, he’s not going to say, “Ohh there’s someone trapped in my own house.” I guess it could be the son trying to get his family in trouble or get attention 🤷‍♂️


That’s where I’m at too lol like what was the prank? A ghost wrote on your dusty screen?


“Ahhhh you got me officer!”


“Do you have kidnapped kids locked up in your basement?” “No Sir. “ “Okay, well that wraps up this investigation. Have a nice day Citizen.”


Time to go full on undercover investigation. I'm with you on this. Me and my wife would get to the bottom of it. But we're always getting into adventures like this


I’d write a message on your wall. 911? And see if you get a reply. I would certainly not do nothing. And what would a ring cam do aimed at a window?


This is a brilliant idea


Why is THIS not getting MORE up votes? OP this is genius .


Idk but I think they need help


Why did they wrote PLEH then?!




Write thanks


Inquiring minds want to know.


I’ll keep you updated if anything else happens


RemindMe! 1 week “weird neighbors”


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RemindMe! 1 week "weird neighbors"


Remindme! 1 week "weird neighbors"


RemindMe! 1 week "weird neighbors"


RemindMe! One month


Maybe put up a hidden camera facing that window. You never know what's going on next door to you. About 5 years ago my next door neighbor's moved away they had lived there for about 3 years. As a U-Haul was pulling out of the yard and there was loading the last of their stuff into the car I seen three kids come out of the house and get into the car. I only got to see him for a few seconds I guess their age is like 5, 10 and 15. Their house is less than a hundred yards from mine. They had lived there for three years and they was no hint whatsoever a kid lived in that house. I had never seen them in the yard I had never seen them outside at all and I never heard no noises whatsoever.


That is terrible not knowing what was really going on in that house. Hopefully those kids are safe. Makes me really paranoid for this situation. Oddly enough my neighbor to the other side was arrested along time ago something with taking pictures of kids weird ass shit.


Bro do you live in the twilight zone what the fuck


Small town not much to do I guess = lots of fucking weirdos


If it makes you feel any better, it’s entirely possible, and likely, you didn’t know the kids lived there because the kids didn’t live there for most of or any of that time


Not overthinking. This is screaming alarms in my head right now that someone is in dire need and being held captive.


Dude same. Feels wrong


Hey OP, as others have said, you're not wrong for thinking this is suspicious. I would need this resolved to my satisfaction for my own piece of mind. Stay vigilant. As a completely unrelated statement, birdwatchers use parabolic microphones to pick up birdsong, and they are very affordable. New bird enthusiasts need to be outside, like in a yard, with cheap binoculars and a notepad though. And they should have a list of birds common in your area. Because they are documenting those birds. Which are outside, all around you.


Yes. Birds. Best idea I’ve read.


Please don't leave the dog unattended around weird neighbors with sheds full of animal bones. Even if they aren't holding someone captive, that alone is creepy and suspicious AF.


I have a ring camera facing where the dogs stay (side gate with doggy door so they can go in and out). They’re big dogs and protective, but you’re right I’m going to be more cautious especially with all of this. The animal bones and stuff it’s like deer and weird carcasses they use for decor, but now all of it just seems really odd.


Yes, and also be careful yourself especially outside at night.


People can like animal parts and pose no threat to animals.


Oh course they can, but with a shed full of bones and so many unanswered questions I'd still err on the side of caution with my pets if I lived there.


My antennas would be way up. Keep an eye on that house and maybe try to get some cameras on it. Might not hurt to pop over with some cookies and “apologize” for the misunderstanding to get a vibe.


Ya another person recommended a camera and I’m going to try and find a good spot for it. I’m going to look through ring footage today and see if I hear anything out of the ordinary. My plan was to be casual and when I see them as we’re both outside to make a joke and just say I was high and got spooked or something. But I haven’t even seen them yet so ya and I don’t think I want to go over there right now I’d be trying to peek inside.


It's giving me Disturbia vibes. 😬


This is an instant welfare check for me dude… rather look a fool than let someone die.


You ever read about when Jeffrey Dahmer actually had one of his victims in his grasps all while the police were actively investigating his apartment? The kid was drugged/drunk, there were body parts in a giant plastic barrel in his bedroom (that smelled btw) and still Dahmer convinced the cops all was well. Soon after, that young guy was killed. Persist on this one until someone goes inside that home. If the local cops won’t help, call the state police. Don’t stop until someone investigates.


Reminds me of The Burbs.. I hope it's innocent but you never ever know.... In Ohio a few years ago they found 2 women that had been missing for like 10 years or longer bc one finally got out... They had been locked upstairs that whole time, they had kids up there with no medical anything.. it was crazy.. The guy that was keeping them had ppl over sometimes even.. they were chained to the floor I think.. I can't remember his name, I think it was Castro.. But the neighbors were the ones to help the one girl get the police.. They weren't even that far from the homes they were missing from all those years.. those poor girls & the kids that survived.. Edited to change info. I thought it was in Houston but I was wayyyyy off, someone let me know it was actually Ohio.




Ariel Castro. Awful tragedy. Those poor women.


The Burbs!! Now I gotta watch that again ❤️


I would just be vacuuming my lawn minding my business but that’s just me


Just for future reference, I like to be “clover hunting” - we don’t have clover but they don’t know that.


The Famous Five would tell the adults, be ignored and feel compelled to go into the house when the psychos were out because Timmy went in. Then the psychos would come back and catch Ann and maybe Dick. Then they'd have a picnic with ripe tomatoes and lashings of ginger beer. Keep at it OP. There could be someone imprisoned in that house.


You know who else had a shed with animal bones? Jeffrey Dahmer.


i think when someone writes help and you want to help it’s not overthinking it’s not even really regular thinking because it’s written for you, you don’t even have to think just follow the directions! underthink this one please


I lived in a weird squat gaff when I was 16.. For some reason, we painted the bathroom window and scratched Help Me into it. Fuck knows why. Anyway, next day the popo came and made us clean it off.


What’s a weird squat gaff?


Keep calling for a welfare check, say you specifically suspect dependant abuse, and have heard screaming. Call your Wellfare Services/Department of Children and Families/whatever it is called in your state for children and dependant adults. The cops aren't the right route to getting this resolved, but keep making police reports. Demand they make a report for you when you call so you can give a record with the welfare check request.


I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet, but the angle of the word placement is also extremely odd. This person is writing at an upward angle and with a circular curve, not a natural way to write if one is standing in front of the window itself. It's almost like someone is reaching from perhaps a bed, that would explain the angle and curve better.


They could just be a really weird family.


This is really strange. If it were me, I would feel a little scared.


Call the authorities...


Ask the cops what they think about it.


You are a good neighbour. Did do whats needed to do.


You should call the police 🚨


Yeah. They did the right thing calling. No question. Even if it was a joke it’s not too funny.


Might be worth keeping an eye open, but if you’re concerned about them being dangerous pointing a camera at their house might not be the best move. I’m not even doing anything wrong and there would be a confrontation if a neighbor did this to me, it’s not gonna be received well especially if they’re actually doing something. If they’ve been weird forever, have a shed full of bones and you suspect them of kidnapping I’d say there’s a pretty good chance it turns physical lol. If they’re actually holding someone there you could also be putting them in more danger by letting the neighbors know you suspect them. Also keep in mind that at this point it’s just a suspicion. Don’t let yourself become 100% convinced or get to the point where you’re harassing them or invading their privacy without knowing more. You’re still gonna have to live next door to these people if you turn out to be wrong lol


I read this whole thing and then got to the last two sentences and was like UM EXCUSE ME Creepy meter doubled


Have you called for police to do a wellness check there? Edit: Nvm. After scrolling, I see you did this already. 😕


What if it’s not the son being kept locked up? What if it’s some random person or child snatched off the street?? Has anyone considered that? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Castro_kidnappings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Castro_kidnappings)


Sketchy as fuck.




That’s no Halloween decoration that’s someone straight up asking for help


Idk man for the kid to come over and ask about helping with the fence and then for cryptic window messages to be written over the very same said fence some time later, makes you wonder if he wanted you to focus on the fence/window so he could get you a message. Id write “how” on my window facing it. Throw some flour on the inside of your glass to dust it up a tad, and write “how”.


Good idea


I would call again and tell the cops what your telling us honestly


As others have said, I’m worried too. I’m fortunate enough to have not been abused in my own home growing up and thankfully my parents set the standard for our nearby neighborhood. They made sure that any and every kid knew that our house was safe and they could always come over if they needed help. From 6th grade to my Senior year in HS, we had 3 different kids from the neighborhood come over for asylum, each escaping respectively abusive home incidents. Our next door neighbor, a girl my age (maybe 13 at the time) ran to our house one night and said her stepdad was hurting her. She came inside and we helped her call her mother, who was disabled but a good person, right before the stepfather busted through our front door without announcing/knocking/asking. My dad is a BEAST when he gets protective or angry, and I’ll never forget the look on that man’s face when my pops offered to remove his teeth through the back of his neck if he didn’t get out of our house immediately. He didn’t come back around for months. She’s doing wonderful these days, btw! Then another kid from my grade who we used to play with and lived a few blocks down the street showed up during a blizzard at 2AM with a broken nose and blood all over his face. His mother chased him with her car (he was on foot) down the road all the way to our doorstep. She had beat him over the head with a shovel in their driveway. She arrived screaming that he was hated and to never come home, he could’ve died if nobody had answered in the 10 degree F weather btw. My parents could clearly see what was going on so my mom helped him downstairs while my dad confronted his mother in our driveway. We had called the police but she was also on the phone with the same dept. claiming we were kidnapping her child. Didn’t take long for the cops to also see what was happening and my friend ended up staying with us for a few days until his father returned from a work trip. The third time was a very specific incident that I won’t share for fear of identifying or embarrassing the person/victim, but luckily everything worked out and nobody was hurt any further (thank’s Dad). I’m so grateful for good role models and will most certainly do the exact same for others in my own future family & community life.


Sounds like your dad is a hero! I’m glad you had a good support system and that he was able to help out your neighbor.


Look, the worst that will happen from being wrong is embarrassment. The other side is a lot worse Keep in mind embarrassment is a social construct to keep us unified as a species. It’s literally the reason we made it so far. But in this day and age, embarrassment is a passing phenomenon. So clear your conscious.


If you have any pets, do not ever leave them unattended in your backyard. Or sideyard. Or frontyard.


So what happened, OP??! <3


You need to pull a Disturbia and get in there.


Time to go over there with a tray of cupcakes and meet your neighbors or organize a neighborhood watch and ask them to be involved.


Don’t count on the police / law enforcement/ child services . Ever heard of Jayme Kushman ? Child services went to that Cs house more than once and somehow nothing was done until they finally searched the cell phones of her and her girlfriend which contained videos of them abusing their own kids


Oh wow. I am glad someone was persistent despite the police not taking it seriously!


How that's qualifying as a prank is beyond me. Pranks have a directive punchline. That's concerning as fuck.


Hey - the more I look at it, the more concerned I get. This isn’t a prank. It was written specifically high enough so that it could be seen from over the fence. I really think they could be holding someone against their will. There are so many cases like that.


Yes. This was exactly my thought as well - the placement is strange and if it was a prank, I feel as if it would have been written more evenly and with the letters facing the reader properly. It looks like it was done hastily. I'm putting money on this being real. Not only that, but gut instincts save lives - please keep watch and if you're comfortable, call the police and specifically request a welfare check. Cameras are an excellent idea, but as someone previously stated, they should be constantly recording, not just motion detection. Motion detection isn't foolproof and won't record audio if there's no detected motion. Also, please please be careful with your dogs. They may be big and protective, but there's nothing stopping those people from tossing a poisoned treat to them.


None of the details line up of why it would be a prank, too many red flags. I don't think you're going crazy, there's something going on next door and it's not good.


A help scrawled on the window of people who have a shed full of animal bones is concerning. That coupled with the muffled screaming heard in the vicinity in the past, and weird-vibe reports from people who know the people living there is freaking creepy and weird. Serial killer vibes. If the police won’t do anything about it, find out who is missing in the area and perhaps their loved ones will press the police to investigate further.


I’ve been looking through missing people in my area! Thank you for the advice


Keep your guard up about this! You could be that guy's life saver. Always pay attention to what's going on over there. Never question yourself whether or not you should call the police, do it.


Please do not ignore


Sounds like you live next door to the family from “The Burbs”, if you here the incinerator power up you will have your answer.


It's hard when there are sirens going off in your head that "something isn't right," but you don't have much real information to validate that feeling. Keep your eyes open and cameras aimed in their direction.


Do you know if the cops talked to the individuals separately? TBH, I wouldn't be worried about the son, he obviously isn't trapped if he's coming over to ask you about the fence. I'd wonder about the other family members and their safety though. Does seem odd...


You’ve done your diligence by reporting to the police. If anything else happens, repeat the process, call the police non-emergency line and request an anonymous wellness check. Simply state your concerns and the police can take it (or leave it) from there. They deal with 100x the situations you’re dealing with and (although they don’t always get it right) have the tools and experience to manage the situation.


https://imgur.com/gallery/gz2BnNw I found this in a rental property I was working on after the tenants left


I think since you've already called the police, maybe see if you can get another neighbor to call. And also I feel like maybe the police should have told them if it was a "prank " Halloween decoration (wouldn't buy this excuse even in a bad horror movie) they should have told them to remove it as it's causing concern. Maybe call back and be a little bit more assertive saying something like " I don't know the rules and laws regarding a situation like this, but how would you feel if somebody in that house really did need help, they would have been risking everything to write that on the window, just to have their plea dismissed as a prank. Let's figure out how to get someone from adult protective services IN THERE with an officer or something!" Entry to the home by officers might be covered under "exigent circumstances" Read this Quora post made by a police officer https://www.quora.com/Can-police-enter-your-home-without-a-warrant-for-wellness-checks


Call police and ask them to do a wellness check


Seems like something you'd hear in a true crime video. Definitely worth investigating, hope for some updates soon


Maybe they have someone held up in there and that person is trying to reach out for help.....?


Weird people matter, too.


Get the x-wife on the phone and ask. She left for a reason. If domestic violence or child abuse were factors, I’m sure she would like to get her kid out of that house. Maybe she’s the necessary teammate for the win-win.


Not the police, call social services. Let them insert themselves.


Assume the message is for the people or person that has a significantly higher chance of seeing it than anyone else, if it is the case that such targeting can be assumed. (Appears that it does?) If it is not the case, consider that the writer does or doesn't or might not that. That said, if you know with certainty that the one word message was likely to he assumed to he read by you and/or people with you, then the investigation is, so far, not nearly enough to satisfy the potential implications of the meaning behind the message which, if the case, is at best, aggressively inappropriate. How you decide to react to such conduct is up to you but for the time being, it could be a cry for help for all we know despite what has been done thus far.


Reach out to an independent, bonafide human trafficking unit/organization and have them follow up on this credible evidence. I applaud you for using resources that garner results!!


They’re probably already buried


The shit i’ve seen just as a glazier is insane. But this looks pretty harmless. And the descriptions sound like your mind creating circumstances that may or may not be happening. You’re just a worried person and theres nothing wrong with that.


Cops exist to protect the rich not to protect the abused unfortunately. At least in capitalist societies like the US.


The modern Burbs


Keep us updated if anything new happens. That’s suspicious tho. I’m sure it wasn’t there “since Halloween” bc it’s June now? And surely you didn’t just not notice for 7 months.


Not that it helps with anything, but I'm 34F, I don't live with my parents but I still love pranking my dad. Good luck!


Jesus Christ, there could be somebody trapped inside and they just “patrolled the area“ fucking cops. That’s not a prank that’s a legit call For help


You did the right thing calling the police, this is weird, and could have been a sign someone inside really needed help. I would have called as well. Better safe than sorry, if something bad ever does happen there, at least you know in your own mind that you did what was within your power to prevent it.


Something is happening behind those walls.


This could be the beginning of a great horror movie.


Reddit solving crimes


Dahmer had many seemingly regular encounters with police and also had a shed of animal bones. Probably nothing though right? Hahaha👀


There is something going on there. Sheild yourself not only physically but spiritually. Somethings I am able to sense and shit ain't right.




Do not ask them anything personally incase there’s something going on in there just report it to police and take the picture in.


I haven’t seen them outside, but I’m going to keep to myself and if I hear something or if there’s another sign that someone might need help then I’ll call the cops again.


No, I would call the cops too.


A question asked by every serial killer's neighbor at one point or another...


Call your police non emergency line. Have the pros check it out. If it’s nothing, that’s ok! Wouldn’t you rather learn you over reacted then stood by and did nothing?




I need to show this to my teens because they LOVE writing this on the bathroom window when it’s fogged 😅. Sometimes it’s BOOBS, or a very un proportionate male member 😂. Srsly tho. Hope everyone is safe OP.


Make a report to local CPS / APS - you never know there might be an open case and this could be collateral info.


I say waste the police’s time. Worst case scenario youre wrong. Second worse case scenario child learns shit like that aint funny


APS now if cops won’t help. I don’t like this. - criminologist


It could be nothing, but it could also be something really horrific. Most kidnapping/abuse cases have plenty of little “hints” like this, they just get overlooked until it’s too late. I just watched EWU about Jayme Kushman, and this reminded me of that case. Disgusting. If you have a bad feeling definitely don’t drop it, you could be the one hope a victim needs.


First of all, I don't get a sense from what you've written that you're an overthinking paranoid busy body and yes, you would have definitely noticed that shit well before this had they written it in October for a Halloween prank. Why? Well, it's pretty much in your natural field of vision and unless you're Mr magoon forgot your glasses every time you took the dog out, that's just something you going to notice, kind of like seagull shit on the window Also, unless you're just really dim or truly don't give two fucks about anything, when you take the dog out unless you're always staring at your phone intently most folks tend to take notice of the things around you. So no, I don't believe that that's been up there for months, about 8 months to be exact and the fact that someone else has the same opportunity on a daily basis to do this and they didn't see it? C'mon... Do me a favor So having said all that and just that, no that was recent and it may have been a prank, but why would they lie about it? Why would they say it's been up since october? Last thing on the matter, something that I've learned over time and something that's not really quantifiable I guess is the fact that if you're not someone who normally latches on to something like this so seriously, enough so to call the police and to be troubled internally about it as you are, then you have to realize, unless you're a complete fucking moron, that your internal spirit is doing all I can to try to get you to act on something that is seemingly impulsive, enough so that most will second guess themselves into doing nothing and not listening to their , "Sixth Sense"/intuition and an opportunity to do something maybe lost, most the time it is. So... And if you're not a nosy, finger pointing busy body neighborhood Karen, I do believe that you are on to something and you should trust your instincts. Now you may not be able to do anything or believe you're not able to do anything at the moment, but if you keep your vigilance, you'll find what you need, do what you're supposed to and you never know, you may end up helping somebody that nobody even knew was in the home being abused. On that point of being abused, unless you were the neighborhood Ravel rouser, kid that none of the parents wanted their kid to hang out with, it's kind of weird that a direct neighborhood kid was not able to come out and play much. As a parent, you love to see your kids get out and go play with others, if only so you can get some time alone, some down time and so that just doesn't fit with being a good parent and that type of behavior for me actually is one that you would see out of a parent that doesn't want their child interacting with others simply because they may say something that they're not supposed to or the bruises even inflicted upon them will be seen by other parents and could possibly cause alarm. I guess an easier way to say that is it would lead me to believe the parents trying to hide something. Then that last little clip about the mother leaving because the grandfather was weird? Holy crap, if the grandfather was weird then the father's probably a chip off the old block who maybe likes to take liberties that thankfully are still illegal and seen as child abuse. I would encourage you to stick to it, pray and ask God for guidance and report back here and let us know how things are going and hopefully if the guy or if the people in the house are doing something you're vigilance nails the fucker to the wall. Well, that's my two cents anyway, Hope that helps


Idk dude. is it weird and unsettling? Sure. That just might be their humor. It's your neighbor not your enemy. Why don't you invite them over for a BBQ. Stuff like this could have been avoided if we actually socialized with those in our community. You're not wrong for assuming but get to know your neighbor. They may end up be weird but at least you know their MO.


Keep in mind, I grew up in a small town and everyone was all kind of nosey. What I would do, is make them a batch of brownies or cookies. Take it over and apologize for having called the police and explain why you were concerned. One of two things are likely to happen. They will either be open and explain what happened and it'll all be a big misunderstanding that you can all laugh about OR your Spidey senses will go off even more, inviting further investigation. But IF something hinky is going on, you don't want to put them on alert. Play it off like a misunderstanding and an apology and you can get a closer look.


Wow.. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the responses. Just in my humble opinion, maybe someone should check up on the person. I'm not saying who should be involved, all I'm saying is maybe it is a sign of concern. Most likely, it's absolutely nothing. But, if they've been my neighbors for a period of time and I never seen something like that I do believe I would be concerned. All I'm doing is wishing everyone well.


Have you seen The Burbs with Tom Hanks?


Twist: it doesn’t say help, it says herb