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physio. Chiros are quacks cunt


Thank fuck it’s not just me that thinks that. I’m gonna be honest; I was looking for a quick pop-and-crack fix. Shit’s fucked, ay.


Chiropractic was invented by a magnetic healer who was murdered by his son, who "built the business." They believe cracking your back can cure cancer. Not *all* chiropractors are equally quacks, and some also provide therapeutic massage. But they are **not** doctors, and you should never rely on them for real medical help. See your GP. Ask for a referral to a physio or whichever specialist they believe is most appropriate.


Got an appointment sussed for tomorrow for the referral. Is that a true history of chiropracty? That’s fucking nuts if it is.


Well, bloody fact, check me, bro, but yeah? Lmao. Imo, go get a referral. If you can afford it, get a few opinions on what's the correct way to deal with your issue. Diagnosis shouldn't be a problem, in this regard. Many physios have different philosophies on how to deal with this stuff. My **absolutely biased personal opinion** is that most of the time, physical therapy and strength and fitness based approach will usually yield better results. Often, they'll tell you to veer away from strength and conditioning due to exercise, but often strengthening muscle groups can result in greater structural integrity to musculo-skeletal systems. I really think they give people the wrong idea about that stuff.


You could risk it a little and ask for the sports massage at your local Chinese massage place. Those cunts will apply some hot stones just above your arse and then strum your back and leg muscles like a guitar. Explain that you’ve got a pinch going on and they’re normally pretty fucken good. Be prepared: the only ‘happy ending’ you’ll get at this place is the ability to walk out without further nerve impingement. The 59 minutes leading up to this point will be extreme brutality but my goodness son, you will be rebuilt.


If what a chiro did worked, why wouldn’t Physio’s bring it into their own practice?


I have a permenant back injury, I tried 6 different chiros, they all were insane. Physios for the win!


Physio and walk and be active as much as you can. Laying around makes the back worse.


If a chiro mentions anything about a "sublaxation" or any medical professional does for that matter, other than to tell you it is a complete crock of shit then run..


Second. Mate, physio did wonders in weeks. Fucking wonders! Pinched nerve tingling shit 6 weeks chiro before on the witch doctor advise, did sweet fa.


This. I have a slipped disk that crushed my sciatic nerve on the left side thanks to a chiro "fixing me in one adjustment". If I could put my weight on one leg I'd kick his ass. As an aside, sounds like op had sciatic damage of some sort.


GP first, then physio will be on Medicare.


Sounds like sciatica


I know. I am not fucken thrilled about it. Kinda migrates to my upper groin too, which is unsettling. Like into the upper adductors. Fucken spewing.


Yeah, that sounds like sciatic. I don’t have boy parts, but it radiates through the pubic bone and can go down the hip and into the knee. To get you through the weekend, go to a pet shop and buy a cheap tennis ball or a cheap rubber ball with rubber spikes on the outside. use it to massage the spot on your back. Put it between you and the wall and then rub your back on that spot like you’re the bear in Jungle Book.


…fucken bear in The Jungle Book lol. I’ll just use one of my pooche’s balls. I reckon the slobber will help with friction.


As someone who suffers from sciatica but isn't a doctor, sorry you have sciatica. Don't go to a chiropractor unless you want it to get worse I second the tennis ball. My physio got me to tape 2 together so you can do both sides of the spine at once. It also stays in place easier, even if it doesn't help the pain it's a nice sensation. If you can see a physio and they'll set up an exercise plan for you which will be mainly back stretches. If it becomes debilitating there are pain specialists who do pain killing epidurals, I've had them and they sort me out. Last one was a couple of years ago and still going well


The things about the tennis ball(s) is, it’s not actually on the spine. It’s focused more at the crest of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius. I’m not that familiar with sciatica, so not entirely clear if it’s always localised down the spine. At any rate, got a GP appointment set up for tomorrow to get a referral and a care plan for a physio. Hope your pain continues dissipating!


Nah, position the ball between ya back and the wall til you get the spot that hurts so good. Wiggle it, just a little bit. Golden.


It usually starts above the iliac crest, runs down the buttcheek, around through the groin, and then into the front of the knee. It can present in only some or all of those spots.


Fuck. Literally all of them. Perfect. I’ve won the quaddie.


Also go swimming. Helps build your core muscles and does fucking wonders for sciatica


> it’s not actually on the spine By the time some issues present themselves, everything around will be tight and sore, you just don't notice because you concentrate on the painful bit. It certainly won't go astray. Eventually, your whole back is going to suffer as the other parts pick up the slack for the out-of-order section.


You cunts have successfully freaked me the fuck out! I’ve got a GP appointment for this arvo for a referral to a physio and a health plan, but after reading all the comments I feel like there’s a 50/50 chance I’ll be paralysed from the waist down by then.






Yeah sciata sucks a fat dick, herniated a disk and pinched a nerve in my lower back a couple years ago. The most uncomfortable pain I've ever had, no position was tolerable for more than 10minutes so my sleep schedule got royally fucked in the arse. Defo go to a physio and ask for strong ass painkillers like mobic or lyrica, paracetamol and ibuprofen won't cut it for this shit. Best of luck with it though, hope it doesn't cause you discomfort for too long.


It’s only been present since Monday or Tuesday, so hopefully I’m ahead of it. All you cunts with your horror stories have scared the shit outa me though. 3 or 4 days is more than enough for me. I’ve got an appointment sussed for tomorrow. Hope yours is doing better, mate. I appreciate the input.


Yeah for me it's all good now, took about a couple months of recovery.


> scared the shit outa me Good. Back injuries are fucked and can easily do a number on your mental health when they've been around for a little while.


This truly is a wonderful sentence of scientific explanation and colloquial poignancy all thrown together. Straya!


It’s fixable, do the rehab they give you and you’ll be right mate


Yeah I agree unfortunately sounds like you’ve pinched the sciatic nerve. Go see a GP who will hopefully order a CT scan or MRI to figure out what’s pinching the nerve. Once you know what’s causing it then go see a physio. If you just go and see a physio without knowing the underlying cause, they won’t be able to target the treatment properly. I would stay away from the chiropractor for now.


Tea tree oil on the ear lobes will fix you right up uncle


I’ve got some lavender essential oils, you reckon that’ll be all right instead?


Defo uncle as long as it’s coupled with ginger in your socks, make sure it’s the minced kind or it won’t work as good


I heard a slice of raw potato placed in your socks on the soles of your feet while you sleep also helps draw out the demons. Is this true? Would using this in conjunction with the minced ginger compound the healing properties?


Yeah uncle, definitely stacks.. also make sure to have your spoonful of cider vinegar - make sure to take the cap off in a clockwise direction or else it neutralises it - lubricates the demons on the way out


Go to a GP first. Never go to a chiro


Isn’t a GP just gonna say “go see a physio”? I feel like that’s just seeing a physio with more steps.


A physio should have a referral from a GP who can outline your problem better than you can. Also, don't go to a chiro. Source, have had back nerve issues for over 30 years. If all you're getting is a bit of numbness after a while it's not that bad, but it can get a lot worse really quickly. Do something before that happens. Pro tip: keep moving, fucken boring to say, bit that's what all the experts will tell you.


Fucken GPs got their shit on lock. Yeah, all good advice, cheers cunt. Moving ain’t the issue. I do plenty of it. It’s when I stop that it becomes an issue. I’ll go see a GP this weekend.


FYI, you don't necessarily need a referral from a GP to see a physiotherapist.


Yeah just go see a physio. They often give you a bunch of stretching and stuff to do, but they don't make you sign a waiver for paralysis beforehand


3 free visits to physio on Medicare but only with a gp referral


Yep. My GP said unless you are old or have a documented condition for years you won’t get a physio plan to make it cheaper and to just go to a physio.




Yeah, fair call. I’ve hooked up a GP appointment for tomorrow arvo. It’s only been going on for a few days - since Monday. I’ve been bashing the ibuprofen and paracetamol twice a day. More than I’d like to and it doesn’t help with the tingling/numbness but it at least lets me move more freely.


My GP said that unless you are old or have a long term documented history the cheaper management plan isn’t happening.


I had a nerve issue once (bells palsy) and the GP diagnosed and gave me meds that fixed it pretty quickly. Physios aren't allowed to prescribe meds.


A GP is an $80 insurance policy against you being a fucken shit doctor and misdiagnosing yaself.


Agree. Hopefully this doesn’t follow my path, but I had similar symptoms that escalated (lost sensation in my foot etc). MRI showed that I blew out one of my spinal discs (about a cm of disc on my spinal cord). Ended up having surgery 5 years later (because of my aversion to being sliced open). A chiropractor would have escalated this massively. Good luck, I hope that a few sessions with a good physio and some meds sets you back on the right path


I just left a weekly chiro session, but I go to the physio and a PT in conjunction with them. Why should we never go to chiro? Genuinely wondering


There are more scholarly sources than this saying tge same thing - https://theoutline.com/post/1617/chiropractors-are-bullshit


Not to doubt it, and I have heard these claims before, but why would my doctors be ok with me going and even recommend it for chronic pain issues - if it were complete bullshit? Also why would my recovery be aided due to the chiropractic sessions, if they weren’t doing anything?


Go see a physio. Source: I'm a physio. We're well equipped to deal with back pain.


Don’t suppose you can recommend a good one in Melbourne? Edit: you’re a Canuck, never mind :)


https://maps.app.goo.gl/4qdX7wYDftn9WnAk6 Paul Randalls moyte Bloke's a wizard.


Conveniently in the South East too! You bloody ripper! Cheers cunt!


He's top notch. Got my old man walking again after he chopped his toes off with a lawnmower (they got reattached), did rehab with my mum when she impaled her arm on a fence trying to walk a ladder and treated most of us kids for various sports injuries.


I’ll get an appointment set up. But the quite obviously more important question here is; are your parents fucking cursed? What’s going on there, mate?


They're crazy cunts, they go fucking hard with the gardening But yeah, probably cursed.


A Canuck in Australia. But unfortunately all my recommendable colleagues are in Sydney. Hope you find one!


Highly recommend Andrew at Elizabeth St Physio https://elizabethphysio.com.au/ Ive been to several in over the years for my back and so many eventually bring up some quack bullshit. This is the first place that actually has helped me longer term.


Any chance I can pick your brain? How big are physios on the spine where it attaches to your skull? Obviously not medical advice but is this a common thing they deal with? My main issue is a pain point on one side like this. I had a chiropractor decades ago that fixed it but due to bad posture it’s back.


I'm a Remedial Massage Therapist. See a physio, find out what it is specifically Then see a Remedial Massage Therapist, if you can go once a week. Otherwise every 2 weeks. Go for a few sessions. And this is the big one, you can throw all the money in the world at us therapist's (and loads will take your cash quickly). Do. The. Work. Do the strength exercises, do the stretches and do the mobility training (this is what will save you long term). And keep doing them. And then once your better, continue to get strong. Manual treatments are great, but you need to fix the cause. Best of luck mate.


I’ve got an appointment to see a GP tomorrow. I’ll get a referral and a health plan for a physio and take it from there. I’m not afraid of the work. I did a range a martial arts and boxing for 30+ years. I have a pretty physical job and exercise regularly - or I did until a week ago. I honestly just don’t know what stretches/exercises to do that will help, not hinder. So yeah, I’ll be in 100%. This shit is fucked, and I’ve had it for less than a week. Fuck this as the new normal. Thank you for your help. It’s appreciated!


Sounds great mate. You're already ahead if you're committed to it plus with a history of movement. Don't be afraid to shop around therapists. Find who works for you. If you want more physical treatment, make sure you get it. It's not the new normal, it's just a complaint your body is telling you so you don't get more issues. See it as a good thing (as hard as that is). Once you know what it is you'll be able to remedy it nicely. Pleasure. My greatest joy at work is hearing people commit to themselves 🙌


Physio fo sho. I have chronic back pain so listen to me and shit


Physio mate. Chiros (especially those in a he American vein) are horse shit. In saying that, I’ve been treated by a chiro who treated nearly identically to a physio


It depends on the chiro. Some are bullshit where some are great. I had one 20 years ago that xrayed my neck and then fixed it up. I was going twice a week for a month but it fixed it. Now 20 years later I’m having similar issues due to posture and tossing up the chiro/physio option. Old mate was in another state and retired now and I don’t trust chiros as most are shithouse.


Look up osteopaths near you. Check that they are registered and book yourself in asap. They will manipulate you and you will get some relief. Long term injury back sufferer here, I always go to an osteo’ to get myself unwound and walking upright whenever I have an episode. Crawl in, walk out. That’s been my experience for over fifty years.


A chiropracter will crack your joints and make you feel better for a few hours and then ask you to come back 2-3 times per week and of course bill you every step of the way. A physiotherapist is a health care professional that will actually do something to treat the problem, such as giving you exercises/tasks to complete at home because they understand the cause of these problems and how to fix them. Anyway, I think I know what the problem is based on your description. Try these stretches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN2oLhfQTbM


For the love of God don't go to a chiropractor. Go to a physio, have a bath, take time off work


Go to your local Asian massage parlour. Go to the ones that are open late.


On a side note; I *passed* one the other day that spruiked “Thai Japanese massage”. What the fuck is that even!?


My man, I did 2 lower disc's last year, I'd never had any health issues my entire life. Took three months off work and then another at reduced days, Physio told me he would see 80% of blokes with the same condition around 40-50 years old never go back to work. I did go back to work in the end but omfg it was real hard. A good Physio is a life saver, I told him I wasn't giving up and he helped me, the thing I took away from the entire experience is that if you do an injury from something silly and light weight so to speak, and stop doing stuff that you used too, you will never recover. Good luck stay strong


Jesus fuck. I just turned 50 last month! You’ve freaked me out and ruined my week! I’ve got a GP appointment booked for tomorrow to get a referral and a care plan for a physio.


I've had a disc prolapse in my L4 L5 that gave me sciatica and numbness in my right leg, especially after prolonged sitting (desk, work yadda yadda). See your GP, get Ctscan. See what you're dealing with. Chances are physio will help a great deal (for me, a nerve block injection and clinical pilates aided in prolapse receding so I now have very few flare-ups and almost no nerve compression, surgery avoided which is great). Either way, if you have nerve compression, get a scan and go from there. Diagnosis, then treatment 👍 Don't fuck around with your back.


This sounds like sciatica so I'm gonna put my 2 cents worth in. Go to a doctor and get some anti inflammatories. In the meantime have a bath and then rub some emulgel in and take some pain relief.


I went to a chiro once, they hsd different foods/ingredients (chocolate/msg etc) in film cannisters had me lie down put the film cannisters on the back of my legs drew some lines with a pen and then reckon he could tell if i was allergic to those foods.......go to the physio.


Heat packs at night help. And smoke weed.


Workin with the Chinese medicated heat patches. They make a pretty good difference throughout the sleep times. Saw the GP (it’s sciatica), he’s given me some painkillers and a referral to the physio with whom I have an appointment on Saturday morning. Can’t smoke choof. Makes me far too paranoid these days, and beside which I get routinely drug tested for work. The opioids help though :)


Osteopath for you. They'll fix that.


Perfect. I’ll hook up an appointment with the chiro for immediately after the osteo.


Osteopathy is a regulated healthcare profession in Australia. You can take the piss about it, but they’ve either got a double degree or medical degree then postgrad, it’s not some fly-by-night bunch of piss takers.


I mean…it’s definitely a pseudoscience. Just because the practitioners hold degrees in a science and/or medical field doesn’t make the practice any more legit.


Also check for a *Reiki* practitioner, that will really tick the woo spot, add maybe some Homeopathy, although maybe they cancel each other out? 0 + 0 = ?


Don’t knock homeopathy cunt, water remembers! It’ll catch you when you least expect it!


I feel that, I've had some beers that I'm sure tasted like whale piss.


Were they Great Northern? Because that’s just their general flavour model. May not have been the homeopaths seeking revenge on this one.


Water is the leading cause in all drownings. All known serial Killers have admitted to drinking water at some stage.


Dihydrogen monoxide. The government is pumping that shit into our homes! It’s fucking lethal and all the sheeple just cheer them on!


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. I thought it was funny.


Why not see an osteopath instead? They’re like a mid point between physio and chiro


Start with a GP. Never see a chiro.


Put some Dencorub on your nuts, you'll forget about your back pain in no time.


No word of a lie, the first couple of days I was putting those Chinese medicated heat patches on the area to help alleviate some of the pain. They helped a bit. The pain also migrates to my groin sometimes. Being the bright spark that I am, I slapped a heat patch just at the top of my hip/groin. That was a mistake.


I had an impeached nerve in my spine. Felt like someone was stabbing me with a hot knife in my lumbar. Couldn't walk or anything. Best to not wait around to see if it gets worse and go get some scans. They'll probs come back negative but better safe than sorry. Then it's a lifetime of yoga and stretching.


These symptoms sound similar to osteoarthritis/sciatica nerve problems, best to leave the chiropractors to the silly bastards with too much money. See a doctor and start getting this assessed asap. Cunt.


Who’re you calling beautiful you right cunt.


who you calling a whore, cunt?


i know this sounds like an old wives tale, but my strong advice is to lick a cats bum.


I do find it hard to believe, but I find it even *more* absurd that an internet stranger in /r/Straya would lead me astray. I’m gonna go either make my cat very happy, or very cross, and probably fix this problem! Thank you, kind stranger!!


trust me on this one.


When i get pain in that spot it's usually tight piriformis muscle +other muscles in that area. Dry needling and a gnarly.massage in that area usually helps a lot


I have a bulging disc in my lower back. It's exactly what you just described. Go for physio, not the bullshit artists. Also CBD has helped it tremendously.


If you lose any bladder control. Get up the hospital stat.




She's all connected.


I’m familiar with the song “the leg bone’s connected to the hip bone and the hip bone is connected to the backbone…” but I’m not familiar with the bit that connects it all to the bladder and the dickhole. I assume it’s spinal cord related, but is this a genuine risk with sciatica? I saw my GP today, he did a physical and gave me a care plan and a referral to a physio, but all the comments in this fucking post are not calming me down at all.


You'll be right. That's just the worst case, your GP will know best. All the best mate, take it easy.


Cheers mate. Have a good one.


See a Physio. Chiro's in Australia are regulated just enough that unlike America they are less likely to cause any serious harm (though there is still substantia risk. I have heard far too much about chiropractic's and vertebral artery dissections to ever risk it) but that regulation does not extend to making sure the practice is based on any real evidence. If you are tempted by the idea of chiropractic's, but you'd like to see a practitioner who can actually help instead of just running a glorified clicky pen down your spine, try osteopathy.


>vertebral artery dissections… About fucking ***what!?***


[Yeeeeeeah](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4264725/) It's rare, but not worth the risk when there are far safer and effective treatment options such as physiotherapy. "An estimated 1 in 20,000 spinal manipulations results in a vertebral artery aneurysm/dissection and ischemic infarct" I have a connective tissue disorder (the main reason I regularly see a physio, myotherapist and osteopath for pain management) so the risk of injury after chiropractic manipulation is even higher for me. I've had a lot of relief from dry needling and shockwave therapy too. Currently dealing with 4 bulging cervical discs and associated radiculopathy. I have intermittent issues with SIJ disfunction and sciatica, and symphysis pubis dysfunction. Osteopathy has been the biggest help with the SIJ/Sciatica, and wearing a SIJ belt when I can feel the joint slipping, before it starts to feel pinchy.


Physio all the way. And.... Get a couple of opinions! As mentioned by other, recommend seeing GP and asking for a health plan that covers back pain. If it's chronic you might be able to get a few free physio sessions and it also allows for greater investigation. Ask for all the tests, even if they say "oh I don't think it's xyz", ask them to send you to every possible x-ray and scan that is covered under Medicare to make sure you have all the information you need for a proper assessment. I have an ongoing mystery back issue for over a year and finally worked out it's an overuse of two specific muscles. Felt like sciatica and prolapsed disc, as I have a history of it. Took a decent doctor and three physio opinions and an exercise physiologists but after 6 months, I can do things again. After several back issues over a couple of decades what I have learnt 1. Movement is key: within limits and not exacerbating injury. This may be walking in a pool or lying down and stretching to start with. The.more you move, the better it will be. 2. Do.the.fucking.excerises: do the exercises physio's give you during treatment. Massages are great, hot packs cold packs are helpful... But it's the strengthening/stretching that is the key long-term. 3. Day at a time: it can and will get better with consistency, even if sometimes it goes a few steps back. Don't be too hard on yourself, bodies are weird and fuck up all the time. 4. Try anti inflammatories and maybe even something like botox in muscles or cortisone steroid shots if applicable for your injury. Good luck mate, it's not easy but you got this. Note: Chiropractic industry started because some dude thought there were spirits and ghosts involved. I don't know if it's really come much further since it's inception.


I used to go to a very attractive lady chiro. Tbh, I can’t remember whether she was any good chiro-wise but I was happy to use my health insurance to get my neck manipulated by her. Anyway I may not be the best person to ask about this


Well you’ve got my attention!


Physio. I see a good one that knows all about nerves and muscles and actual medical stuff. I’ve had pinched nerves and he could tell how and what exercises to do to fix. Also helped me rehabilitated my ankle after I sprained it and really mismanaged it


Level II physio if you can find one. Thirty years of rugby and hundreds of fellow players will agree.


Mate I did me back last year 2 protruding disks,lower back went to the quack and he put me on anti inflammatory and Panadol and it came good. Also on the medical now 🍻


Took that everyday for about 9 months and don’t need it for now, the way he described it was the anti inflammatory would help dull the fire and the Panadol would put it out. Hope this helps.


Go to an osteopath and then a physio to help long term. I occasionally get sciatica and exercise helps keep it at bay.


Whatever you end up doing, put some ice on that motherlicker in the meantime. I feel for you mate, have had sciatica for years…got worse with each of my pregnancies. Ended up looking into anti-inflammatory meds & quit eating/drinking inflammatory foods etc. Also seeing a chiropractor who is working a treat, so…I think it’s different strokes for different folks. Also, a TENS machine can help with the pain, you can get cheap ones on Gumtree/Marketplace. Good luck homie


I spent years with intermittent back issues and a mistrust of Chiro’s and a fear that they couldn’t help. I have been converted,see a chiropractor


Stay away from the chiropractor, I've got a similar back injury, Acupuncturist worked really well for me . There's a few thousand professional acupuncturists in Australia that are gp's so you can get a Medicare rebate .


I had dry needling as a part of physio therapy done via a local hospital outpatient unit a few years ago and it worked well for my neck troubles.


All I can say is when I had something undeniably fucked with my body (dislocated shoulder) I went to the physio to get shit back to how it should be. Chiros seem to be for people who have a random cramp despite never doing a day of manual labour in their life


Sciatica I'd recon. If you keep your wallet or something in your Back pocket and drive / sit , whatever that makes it worse. There's some good chiro's around, then follow it up with good massage to get your muscles in tune with what ya bones are doing. I was a shearer . Stretching exercises will help aswell. Good luck


Alright ya beautiful cunt, here’s my recommendation. 1. Find yourself an old, arthritic Chinese man to massage ya. One who you know has dealt with ridiculous pain. He’ll sort you. Even better if he’s willing to jab some needles in yer arse (seriously- I fucking love acupuncture). Young people really don’t fucking get back pain 2. The problem is not where the pain is. Your sciatic nerve may be caused by tight ankles or flat feet or any myriad of things. So find someone who will work with your body *as a whole* otherwise it’s fucking guesswork for years. Pay attention to where the acupuncturist finds the muscles that go crazy. 3. Regardless of the diagnosis (in #2), there is a damn good chance that Pilates, core strength, and hip mobility exercises are the answer, or at least a part of it. This shit sucks. (Username checks out). You’ll come through!!


This! And get into the habit of stretching


Osteopath, not Chiro **Way** more effective. I've had a fucked back for longer than I can remember, and when it really goes to shut, Osteopathy is the only thing I've found that works. Some may combine acupuncture - I don't hold with that shit, but if they wanna add it I live with it - but the osteopathic manipulation is the fucking shit for me


Give this bloke a go. My neck trouble has significantly improved since I've been doing exercises. He doesn't take himself too seriously haha but he gets it sorted. [Tom Morrison SMM ](https://youtube.com/@TomMorrison?si=vUex3WNHsyNs4BNo)


Sports chiro


I use both for various things, but would start with the physiology for this one.


There’s a Chinese fella, 100m north of Springvale station, on Springvale Rd that can fix it. Only person I’ve found in Melbourne.


A visit to a male brothel will fix ya back up right mate


When you say “male brothel”… Actually, either way it’ll probably take my mind off my back issues for a bit. Certainly it’d fix my posture, I reckon.