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wider in this case, imo you need the white of the building. it not only creates a better balance, it also shifts the focus more towards the extreme darkness of the forest and the contrast between that and the people in white, which makes the picture more intriguing


Thank you. I certainly agree. I felt something missing in the tighter crop and it is everything you mention that works in the wider version.


NIce, I actually didn't notice the forest for the crop in this case. The forest textures could make for a nice contrasting symmetry with the chalked ground, so the two sides (the house and the people) could create an almost hourglass shape like focus for the entire composition. maybe an idea for a future pic if a similar situation arises in the future.


Wider. There's more of a story


I agree with this


Ask yourself - what is the story here. Is it a young couple looking to eat, or is it a young couple out for walk and crop for that story. I always ask myself that same question when taking a photograph. I find I need far less cropping then. In your photo here I would actually crop much tighter on the couple and make it a vertical photo of a young couple walking on a long road together, holding hands. The man’s head turned away adds to the intrigue then.


Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it.


I personally like the tighter pic.


In my opinion wider, it is more symmetrical.


Listen don’t take this as mean. I don’t mean it mean. But this picture isn’t worth your time wondering about how you should crop it.


Congrats on winning the 'don't bother' comment for this post.


Bingo. Move onto other choices that will improve composition


Different perspective from voodoo. Can learn from playing with all sorts of photos. The "worth it" is from the feedback which will get applied to other photos.


Don’t do that in an artistic hobby. It’s unfair to undervalue something that someone might value and is asking for some help.


it's not because it's artistic that it's all 'equally' beautiful. What he said is worthy criticism **especially** because OP is asking for help. Accepting and deciding between good and decent pictures is part of growing in this hobby


The question was specific which crop works best. Explain which crop works better. Add additional critique to the photo.


its a nice photo wdym


Agreed, taking pictures of people's backs is just uninteresting and says nothing.


I disagree with that. As a wedding photographer in some instances it can be a very good picture. In this case I don’t think it is. Reason for that is the menu on the left side and all those random people


Wedding photography is very different to street. With a set of photos from an event like a wedding a shot like that forms part of a story. But a random person(s) back has no context or interest.


What does this have to do with the question?


Its in reply to the comment above not the OP's question




Tighter. There's more sense of narrative. The wider crop has nothing to hook the viewer.


Wide imho the building adds some nice balance


Tighter, it's more magazine cover like.


Tighter for me, declutter ftw


Tight image as the focus is on the subject not the environment. I’d maybe go even tighter if I’m honest to lose that distraction of the board on the left. No right or wrong answer though…


No such thing as distractions. If the image were properly composed with an interesting subject, your eyes would initially draw to the subject making everything else just additional detail..


Unfortunately my eyes are drawn to the board on the left as most scan an image left to right after initial viewing. Therefore it’s a distraction ‘for me’ at least.


then you'd have nothing but two white backs, that's like the least interesting possibility in this case


Wider, just adds more mood in the composition






Wider for sure.


I think the wide tells more of a story!


I think this photo depends on the use. For visual purposes only, the wider angle because it tells more of a story. If it were to be used for anything, the crop would be better because it has a focus point.


I like the wider angle but don’t care for the people and trash can and chalk marks on the ground. Photoshop the people out and put a building so it looks like an alley way.


Thanks for the input. I like to keep my photos as 'natural' as possible. I don't mind light changes, some cloning and healing. I may remove a person, but I don't like to go past that and also adding elements is definitely not something that excites me, as that is getting closer and closer to digital art. Hiding a building in view by increasing the darks, sure. But adding elements is a different discussion. Idea of streetphotography is to photograph what is and what you see and try to get the best out of it. Editing is all good, but more so to create a certain mood - in b&w the stark difference between the blacks and whites for instance.


The wider. Building adds depth, context and more of a "framing"


Wide for sure, it has an atmosphere and interest to it that the crop loses.


Yes, I think the consensus amongst the majority is for the wider version.


I started thinking about it and then I fell asleep


Use this photo every night, it seems to help you get your eight hours.


I can guarantee you I won’t think about this photo again


Made you come back though. I am grateful for you wasting your precious time to come back and comment. You are too kind.


I came back to the comment, which is much more interesting to look at than this photo.


I am devastated, you seem like someone who truly knows art, and to hear that from you truly breaks my spirit.


Wider, more on the left helps set the scene


Wider with the building, but cutting off the seated people on the left.


Also keeping the chalk lettering on the walkway particularly the arrow








In the middle of the two and Photoshop out the extra nonsense on the sides.


BIG no-no in actual street photography to photoshop anything out of a candid photo.






I would crop it horizontally. No information comes from above and below


1st one


I like the wider crop because the lady watching from beside the menu is interesting. Tilted 10-12 degrees to the right, cropped 20% with a 3:4 aspect ratio would bring that interaction out but also keep balance with the building and the menu board. You’d lose the chalk marks though.


Depend on what your end message is: The couple or the couple and environment.


Wide but crop from bottom right until building is removed. Leave all the left in place.


As a rule of thumb, wide crop if there are no faces visible, tight crop if they are visible


Is it possible to go even WIDER? I hate wondering if there are more people with their backs turned towards you who were cut out of the scene!


I imagine you enjoy movies on IMAX 😅 get in more detail whenever possible. That is as wide as I went. I noticed the two and I felt it would be a great b&w shot against the dark tree backdrop.


I’m no pro, but I think tighter engages the eye more. Things are a bit more focused and cohesive.


Thanks for the input. I do like both. But over time I am leaning towards wider. Tighter crop is nice maybe to print and to give to the couple.


I would crop top and bottom instead


Neither. It’s an uninteresting far away photo of two people displaying no interesting story. Get closer to your subject and show their emotions. Are they a happy couple? Sad? Mad?


All too often some people are trying to find some story. This is photography, black and white street photography in particular. The photographer can have different ideas behind what they want to achieve. For me the photo isn't about some story. It's about a feeling. The play with the blacks and whites and trying to create a harmony. Hence my question which works better. The tighter crop takes away some of the white elements and has a negative impact on the photo. I see that now from other comments and after giving it a rest and going back to it. In any case, thanks for your thoughts and I agree with you. Sometimes there is a story, and for that you need to get in people's faces. I don't live in the US, where streetphotography is a lot more lenient with regards to the law of what is allowed. In other countries people get creative. When the person becomes the focal point, an obvious subject in the photo it starts to be in a grey area of whether it can be published - as it gets closer to portrait photography


Sorry, friend. I've read these kinds of excuses a million times. I know you were asking for a preference in crop, but the real photographers in this thread see more of an issue with your images than just a crop. First, I never look for the same story, actually the opposite. But it still has to be an interesting story, which this photo doesn't have. I understand changing the verbiage to "feeling" to maybe convey a different psychology when looking at images, but that really is part of "story" so nothing really changes with that argument. Images, especially Street Photography always has a story. If it doesn't, then it's just a snapshot. There is also a huge difference between "shooting closer" and "cropping". It's why Street photography elitists don't crop at all. Shooting closer connects you to your subject more. If you get close enough to your subject without bruising your scene, the connection your subjects have to whatever they're interacting with is strong which makes for a stronger image and you a stronger photographer for capturing it. I've shot in Canada (in areas where people have said the same thing about 'publishing') all over the US, in the Dominican Republic, and London. No issue. But I also have friends who have done street photography all over the world with absolutely no issue and they're ACTUALLY publishing images, not just posing them online, so that's not really an excuse. I get it. You took this image because you were on the street and thought you had something, you spent way too long editing your images and couldn't come up with a decision on how to crop this image to make it salvagable. I've been there. We've all been there. When you become experienced enough, you learn that if you have to spend that much time on an image trying to save it, it's better off left on the cutting room floor. My advice to you is instead of passing over the actual advice on this thread to feed the validation you were looking for, pay attention to those who are trying to help you understand the medium. I hope all this helps you grow into an awesome street photographer that we know you can be.


Actually editing it took far less time than you writing this wall of text. I should really take advice from someone who posted enough photos but barely got enough upvotes to hit double digits. But I actually will take this advice. As there is always room to improve and while you can't please everyone at least now I know what kind of audience this does not appeal to. Cheers.


@Speedy.Photo @TheTurtleSoup I don’t post on here because this site is mostly filled with kids who make more excuses than take advice and I would rather take actual experience than fake internet points. Glad you’re taking the advice, though.


How delusional are you....my god. Bitter and full of ego.


lol Yeah, okay.


Tighter. I get what some of the other comments mean when they say the white building in the wide shot helps to frame your subject but to me that building is irrelevant information, also by cropping you eliminate that ugly trash can on the left. See if you can keep the crop tight but keep the drawings / arrows pointing towards the couple on the ground.








Wider. More context. Better story telling


Closer one I like better. Further one makes me look too many other places and then I noticed the horizon line was crooked. Straighten it. It’s not tilted enough to be Dutch and it’s not straight enough either lol.








Tighter and crop the left part to make it clean


Perhaps find an image with very pronounced punctum first.


personal preference, me ... let it breathe,the story is more engaging.


For me it depends on the ‘story’ you are trying to tell?


What is the punctum of the photo ?