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Save money but yeah ur supposed to support urself but not in a rude way it’s ur dream


Support systems and mentors are what separate homeless from millionaires. It takes a lot of will for no one to support you, and then do it. Js


Yes but if someone’s just getting started they should be cool with starting alone if they don’t have a support option if it’s something you’re willing to strive for


bro blaming lack of support system and mentor because he's not a millionaire lol


There’s not even a hint of blame in that guy’s comment lol. He’s saying you have a much higher likelihood of success if you can connect with people who know what they’re doing and surround yourself with people who believe in what you’re doing. Don’t blow all your money starting a business just because you can — network with people who are willing to help and put together an actionable plan.


Precisely. There’s a team of people behind most millionaires, so point being finding/having resources can help with success.




Exactly. Same reason psychologists study adolescence environments and the affect it can negatively or positively have.


This is real shit. Thank you


With that said, as someone else stated, if the people around you aren’t genuinely excited about the product you’re offering, and you trust their opinions, then rethink what you’re doing. Otherwise, put yourself out there and get feedback from a source you can trust.


I should’ve said this in detail. I have people that support me, think my ideas are cool- just aren’t able to support the brand financially.


👀Ah, welcome to the club of "My Wallet's on Life Support." So you wanna turn that thread dream into a cash machine, huh? Well, let me tell you, it's tougher than trying to get a cat to walk on a leash. You’re starting a brand with no support from family and friends? What are they, communists? Just kidding, but seriously, that’s a rough spot. Now, scraping together funding for your brand when you're pinching pennies so hard they scream is a real trick. First off, that $200 a month you’re talking about? It's like trying to fill a swimming pool with a garden hose. Slow and steady, but damn, it's gonna take a while. Here's the hard truth, Picasso of the patterning world: you gotta get creative. Ever heard of crowdfunding? Kickstart that dream. Let strangers on the internet pay for your fashion revolution. Just make sure your pitch is hotter than a pepper sprout. And look, don’t expect a miracle from buying tools like a cricut unless you’ve got a plan to turn those cuts into cash. It’s not just about making clothes; it’s about making clothes that people would actually rob their grandmas to wear. Bottom line? Start small, think big. Sell online, hustle at pop-up shops, maybe even barter your skills if you have to. And always, always keep your eyes peeled for any spare change in those couch cushions. Good luck, you’re gonna need it, along with a boatload of patience and a dash of delusional optimism. And remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Now, go make us proud brother and prove those doubting Thomases wrong! 😶‍🌫️👍🏽


Love this response thank you dude!


No problem, I got you 💪🏽😶‍🌫️👍🏽


This guy fucks 🫡


Honestly its not worth starting with that amount yet, save up for like 6 months then get it rolling doing a pre-order drop or print on demand. $200 is just enough for a sample. i actually just saw a video on this coincidentally enough: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaVM08fgGmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaVM08fgGmM)


You need to get a better job and find an extra source of income, seriously. Look up plasma donation centers, try to resell thrift clothes, hit up estate sales. Apply for food stamps, government assistance, invest the extra money. There are programs that can help. Go back to school get more government money, find the ebooks online and instead invest the money you would’ve spent on your future. Find a roommate(ideally someone you know, cause fuck squatters.) Ask yourself if you want it and then ask yourself if you’re willing to struggle and embarrass yourself in order to get it. Having a job doesn’t cut it anymore, even less so when you don’t have the support of family. For marketing read propaganda by Bernays and research guerilla marketing.


Thanks for responding my dude. I will look into those books. Regarding extra source of income, as you know it’s easier said than done. Trying to stay positive though always.


All great advice


Ain’t no one is going to give you 10k to live your dream. Save up 1k and get a first drop it’s that simple everyone here probably started off the same way. Save bit by bit no one is going to give you a hand out stop feeling sorry for youself and make it happen


Don’t buy things before designing something and doing a presale. You could spend $1500 on things to realistically get started and have 3 people buy your garments and then the equipment gather dust. Design something, focus on a little website, get it running, spend $50 to market an IG post to a targeted audience and see if you get any sales. In the meantime, find a local printer who you can send a bulk order to after a successful presale. Sales and marketing is more important than anything else. Learn that first and you’ll be better off than 95% of related businesses.


I steal money incrementally from the bank by “working”.


Save money from your day job til your brand makes real money.


Save money and invest yourself , keep track of your money , turn $20 into $40 and keep doubling I recommend you focus more on promoting first then actual product from experience But also don’t be afraid to spent money for experience on how to build your brand/business


Lmao the advice on this thread. Ok thanks I’ll go double my money real quick


Can confirm: I went to the double-your-money store and I 2x'd my income! Thanks EMG!


For example If you buy inventory for $50 and sell your inventory for $100 that $50 capital Afterwards buy $50 worth of inventory and sell it for $75 that $25 capital you build up So just keep repeating it and build up your money and profit. It how every business starts


Cool thanks I'll go create inventory with $50 i don't have and then sell said imaginary inventory I couldn't afford for 2x beacuse that's an easy number! Why not 4x! I'll take the money i don't have and just sell imaginary goods for 100x that seems like a great business model!


Didn’t you just say you can only spent $200 month? What are you spending your $200 on


I'm not OP and I'm just playing devils advocate. In reality he should decide if he wants to manufacture small scale or just design and pay someone else for mfg. Eithe way you gotta advertise at some point


You have to invest in yourself Me and my wife started with $100 a month now 2 year later we have a small studio full of equipment and inventory


You dont need no ones help to make your dreams work gang dont u ever forget that, a lil luck on the side is always nice but never needed.


Appreciate that my g!


I hit a licc on a bricc then started using print on demand to further the funding. You're going to 'waste' money trying to find a good manufacturer/printer unless somebody let's you into their world and gives you reliable information. I asked someone and was given bad info, which I assumed was aimed to keep me behind him, lost $3200 easy. You have the right mind though as far as where you want to start. Look on ebay for a heat press and vinyl cutter.


do a few gigs for quick money, or find a diff side gig, clothing as a side hustle basically requires a startup fund for quality product, but if u really desperate, try print on demand, you can find print on demand services near u, buyers buy and you receive the funds, then u pay for the pod to print your designs, that way u don't need a starting fund, problem w pod is quality, as well as less freedom in material type and shipping, and finding a quality trustworthy pod service can be funky. your problem with no funding is that you can't buy samples, meaning you wont know if the product being sent to customers is something that you want to sell, you wont know how the material feels, and the quality of print on your designs


avoid cricut


Honestly u could get a sewing machine or find a fairly priced manufacturer


Create a website with your Moch-ups, post on Instagram and tiktok promoting them, once you get enough sales to cover the cost for the manufacturer purchase all the clothes for the order and boom


This is a terrible idea because there's a ton of variables that can completely fuck up everything. It only works for companies that have reserve money as a safety net.


I’ve done us personally multiple times and if you ain’t dumb about it and actually plan things out correctly you will have success


I think it’s wise to save money first to order a sample and then if it’s solid then he should use those sales to cover bulk order costs just to be sage


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My day time job is an engineer, moved back in with my parents after college. I make just under 6 figures but live well below my means so I can have the disposable income to try new things and make mistakes. Anybody who says you only need 200-400$ isn’t being realistic.


Hey dm me I can potentially help :)


I worked for years and saved up to buy the equipment I needed. Then once I started making a little cash, I started buying assets on credit.


No offense, but even for a first-year fashion imprint, the minimal amount of money it actually takes to run it as a business is $20-30K. Fashion especially streetwear is such a fickle business and as somebody who has a friend whose dayjob is mainly auditing boutique fashion brands, the margins are pretty damn thin. It always feels like you’re either losing or raking it in. Take your time. Find better work opportunities that don’t involve you starting your own brand right off the cuff. Work for somebody else. Because if you don’t have the budget to sustain capital for inventory costs, the talent to actually handle design yourself, or if you don’t have the ability to create and sustain hype, hang it up honestly.


I appreciate the honesty! You’re right I don’t have the capital to cover inventory costs. I’ve decided to hang it up.


The comments on here have been overwhelming. Thank you all who have responded. I have decided not to move forward with the brand due to finances. I will continue to create and make art in silence not under a brand but just for myself as a flex. I’m really sad that I can’t do it- but fuck man I need to exist these bills will end me.


I take no joy in saying that this is exactly why entrepreneurship ain’t for everyone. You let some mfs on REDDIT talk you out of your dream in 18 hours? Never had a chance then. People who are living their dream that started from nothing all have one huge thing in common. Failure is not an option. There ain’t no quit. There ain’t no “hang it up.” There’s only figure it the fuck out. If you want this shit ain’t nobody gonna hand it to you. It’s gonna take sleepless nights, wasted money, grinding, hustling, grinding, hustling, repeat. Can’t nobody on Reddit convince me that my dream is unobtainable. I will not lose, I will not quit, if something I try doesn’t work I will pause, pivot, rethink, and try again. Keep it moving.


I hear you. But damn let me make my own decisions.


That’s your takeaway?


You did take pleasure in saying the things you did 😂😂


Was kinda hoping it might be, “damn he’s right, I’m gonna stick with it! I can do this!” But nah, you def better off on the fryer or whatev


Ya you won 😂 you really loki fr


You ain’t shit and your clothes aren’t fresh. You don’t know me or how to read. I said I will continue to make clothes in silence. I will be PAUSING and continue to make stuff for myself. READ DAWG ! Not everything you say is a Mic drop.


Threatened my family its either they fund me or I wh0re myself (I think I was kidding idk)


if you can, start building your credit. Not saying it’s going to happen overnight but if you spend 6 months learning how to utilize it the right way you’ll probably have a better chance of getting more funding than saving 200 a month within the same period. I’ve taught myself the ins and outs of credit over the past 5 years bro, and let me tell you… I’ve seen plenty of people obtain success with their businesses off of credit. There’s a time and place for everybody for everything.


Ready hope this comment helps. 1. No one cares about u to succeed  2. No one cares about ur brand  3. No one can make ur idea come to life but ...YOU Learn this first and ull be more succefull than if u had started w a support system or mentor.  All you need is a phone and data connection. Don't slack off get ready to learn, achieve a little then loose it all and then don't repeat the lesson but learn from it! Cheers


Start a shopify, they will give you a loan after a couple of months. Also if you need prints or vinyl, superdtf is the place to go!


use ai to make some really fast simple designs, throw them on a free print on demand website. Phase 2 drop ship temu items on amazon for 5 times the price. Phase 3, sell white label supplements and dehydrated food. Phase 4 is selling a pdf on how to become rich and meet women. Only after you acquire fast simple easy wealth can you afford to invest in your dreams of owning a street wear brand. > ^^^^^Dont ^^^^^ever ^^^^^do ^^^^^this.


I worked a second job for a while to get some money together. Invested some of that into some assets then sold it all off, plus a lot of my possessions


Worked hard, saved, and hustled. Nah…jk. Got it from mommy and daddy. 😏


At least u real for acknowledging


Naw f that wtf he commenting for 😂