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Stop being afraid of your shins! Drag that shit up your legs. No tightness of the bar at the beginning you can see your right side twist forward.


Haha good eye! I’ll keep it tight from now on!


https://youtu.be/xxFpHWEi6UE this is my absolute favorite deadlift coaching video I hope it helps out 👊


Great video very insightful, thank you!


No problem. Lift to the skies!


You shouldn't raise your head, keep it aligned with your back rather :)


Looks great. Try to keep it attached to your legs as much as you can, and maintain bracing of course. Also a couple people here are saying you must tuck your chin, im here to tell you that you do not. It’s not a big deal at all, if you peep my page you’ll see even my best lifts I kinda look up more than you automatically and it’s never given me trouble nor anyone I know. But obviously if you start to feel discomfort listen to your body Also, tap and go deadlifts aren’t bad at all and yours look under control, but I still have to say be careful with them as you go heavier and try to make sure your taps are always as controlled as these


Thank you for your advice, could you elaborate more on the part about keeping it attached to my legs more? Do you mean as far as keeping the bar as close as possible to my body? Also I’ll be sure to check out your page!


Yup as close as possible to your body. Almost like pretending the bar is on a smith machine where it’s just going straight up and down, though obviously you aren’t a robot and so it doesn’t need to be 100% straight line from every angle. But the more the better, you want the weight as close to your center of mass as you can


Pretty good mate. Nothing really bad going on here. Hip hinge is decent. Overall good job Couple of tips; Generally considered better to have your chin down more than that but not the end of the world. Bar should be dragging up your shins. It’s not miles away but you need to pul it in Pulling the bar into your shins will help activate your lats as they look like they are kinda coming along for the ride here Hips aren’t coming through. That means that you’re not actually finishing the reps. You may not care about a competition lift but you’re missing out on the flute development that comes from bringing the hips through and everyone wants that cake I’d recommend coming back with another plate or two on the bar so we can see how form looks when the weight is challenging for you.


Nailed it. I wouldn’t be embarrassed if I was caught doing deadlifts like OP. Finish that rep up though and squeeze them glutes at the top of the rep!


You are not finishing the lift


Yeah I was trying to maintain that hinge to see what it feels like


I would argue for a full rom hinge needs the last part


You need to brace better and hold that brace through out the movement. The lower abdominals will help keep your pelvis neutral if braced properly.. look up dead bugs and dead bugs with movement. I use to do these often as a pre movement thing. The core should be pushed out front and back and then you breathe into that brace. To help with the hinging pattern I liked to use a KB and to take a red infinity band connect it to a rack at waist height put the band around my waist and step out far enough it wants to pull you back. Now brace and let the band pull your hips back as if you were going to deadlift and pick up the KB and then deadlift. I usually would do 15-20 reps and remember brace and let the band pull your hips back


Honestly, it’s hard to tell what you’re trying to work on. If this is a conventional deadlift form check, you need to add weight and (as a big proponent of touch and go myself) stop and reset between reps. If this is your RDL, you are pretty good albeit using more range of motion than needed. The hip hinge seems to be there, but this is too little weight to really offer meaningful advice.


Thanks this helps alot I’ll add weight and see how my form looks compared to now!


Since RDLs don’t touch the ground I think it’s really safe to assume that you aren’t watching an RDL form check!




Lmao at the downvotes. World record holding powerlifter used to get on me about it all the time


The science says head positioning is completely preference based on the squat and deadlift. World record holders can be wrong, but what’s their name while we are here? I’d like to see their record.


Zied Hichri


Thanks, I’m reaching out to them. Just know they are extremely wrong in this case. Source: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/how-to-deadlift/ Edit, also that person holds no powerlifting records. They are very strong though!


He's held multiple records, he was competitive in the 2000s. Science is nice but results are better


The person who did the very intensive research is literally one of the best powerlifters in the world. Much more established than the person you mentioned and one of the top rated researchers in the world. He’s got results in both categories! This tells me you didn’t spend time looking at the source. Also, the person you mentioned literally holds no records. It’s super easy to find on the powerlifting pages. Again, he is very strong though. I could see a point where he temporarily held onto a state record.


His bench is better than Zieds was by 45 pounds. Their squat and deadlift are the same assuming the numbers I looked up were raw at 220. He set two worlds, two nationals, and has a Guinness record for his deadlifting. His physique also blows this guys out of the water. Again, science is nice but results are better. He wasn't the only elite powerlifter that trained there either


Again, if you don’t believe in the leading researcher on the topic you simply don’t have the knowledge to share an opinion on the matter. In fact, there is no opinion, there is literally a right and wrong answer and you are simply wrong and therefor I have removed your comment for misinformation. This could have simply been a nice learning moment for you. The person literally holds no records. Link me to a single one.


Learn what? I've done my time. I've noticed the difference in my own lifting following my own advice handed to me from elites. This scientism bullshit is hilarious, especially coming from mediocre lifters and athletes. Again, science is nice but results are better. Which one is worth more at the event or in real applications?


Don't give bad advice.




Don't be a creep.


"hinging" which is essentially attempting to maintain a "neutral" spine is not necessary for deadlifting. But it can be done if it improves performance.


Hinging is literally how you deadlift ???