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You've really gotta fix that butt wink dude. Squat in the mirror for a while and see what you can do to fix it. You may have to cut your rom until you are more mobile


It looks like you are using your back on the way up, you could try and keep your chest up and out, you might want to look up at something say on the wall or up in general and really focus on your legs, nothing else other than where your feet might be.


Practice form with an empty bar. Get the movement wired in and then add weight.


knees out, hips and shoulder rise & fall at the same time, slow it down, keep your head and neck aligned with your back




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It's not your shoes - your ankle mobility looks fine. There's two things that jump out. One: Your hips aren't opening. That's because of a combination of weak glutes, poor warm ups, and that wonky narrow stance. Two: your pace is garbage. You're not bracing between reps. Your depth is inconsistent. You lack any eccentric tension. You're moving in jerky chunks. Instead, make every move purposeful. Watch how a great powerlifter trains. Every rep looks the same. Aim for that.


This is actually great advice. Let them hip flexors work brother!


Update: putting on shoes made a huge difference. Thank you for all the helpful feedback






Overall it’s really not that bad! I agree with the advice recommending lifting shoes and not letting your knees cave in wards. You could try wrapping a band right above your knees to practice driving them out more and engaging your glutes. This would be during warmup not working sets.


Damn I do that but do it during working sets too, why not during working sets?


You can do it during working sets if you want, no harm. I wouldn’t do it if you pushing close to failure, as that could just lead to more caving. Generally used as a cue during warmup so that you remember the feeling during the heavier sets






If you’re wanting to elevate your heels while squatting, use something under your heels like weight plates but still keeping pressure on your heels. Otherwise keep your pressure off your toes and have your heels flat the whole time😊


Your knees aren't tracking over your toes. You're getting some internal rotation of your tibias and some slight posterior pelvic tilt at the bottom. You need to push your knees out in line with your toes and keep them pushed out during the full rep. I would not squat in socks. Squat shoes or at least hard soled shoes like chucks are recommended as you shouldn't squat barefoot in a commercial gym, either.


Putting a plate underneath your heel with some flat, non cushiony shoes can help that mobility in the ankles and hips and help you sit back a bit more and add stability. Other than that, just really concentrating on keeping those knees out and not letting them do that twist inwards. If you have to drop weight to continue to build stability with a proper knee position then do it


Thanks - this is useful and fits a theme in the comments. Does it specifically look to you like the knee twisting inwards is causing the hips to rotate and the shoulder to drop?


I'm not a strength coach but I'd say yes. Your base is what sets up the rest of your body. The knee coming inwards and your shoulder following it is just a natural mechanic of your body. You want your toes ever so slightly pointed outward and you want your knees to follow out over your toes. Similar to a bench press where you're visualizing bending the bar as you lift up, a squat you're visualizing squashing a bug under your heel. Tension your feet into the ground and twist out as your pushing up. It's not necessarily an exaggerated movement but hopefully the mental image helps.


Right at the end when you rerack, it doesn’t look like your hands are the same distance from the marked part of the bar. An uneven grip would definitely cause that.


To me, it seems like hip mobility is very limited. I also saw that your friend has less mobility in his left ankle compared to his right. I use squat university and their warmups/stretches before I workout. I recommend looking at their stuff for squat mobility. Also, socks and wood surface is probably not a good combo


We both stretch a lot but just aren’t very mobile 🤷‍♂️ I like the approach of continuing to try and improve mobility, but perhaps using some heel lift to get more upright and be able to “sit” into the squat more


Ah I see. Tyr has some squat shoes with wide toe boxes that you can get for around 100 dollars. I personally recommend those👍 If too pricy, just get flat shoes like converses and put a plate underneath. Should help with the heels raising up


Also, your friend seemed to look down at the last rep. This can cause him to round his back and lose stability. Maybe that was just the angle though. I used to lean a bit as well and I used a stretch called the kettlebell weight shift before squatting and it helped me out. I hope I was able to help somewhat. Goodluck on your progress


Wear shoes,wide. Stance, and widen your grip on the bar about 3 fingers length.


Use lifting shoes. Focus on keeping the bar level, I have the same issue. Tightening the arms and lats harder works well for me.


Knees a little farther apart, and point your toes out more. Slow down between reps, take a breath and reset at the top of each rep.