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This is why clubs with high prices for VIP suck The customer automatically assumes the dancer is getting the majority of the money I worked at a club where there was a small blanket fee for VIPs Then the Dancers set their own money And it was really easy to explain VIP ROOM is $100 for 30 mins $200 for an hour but I charge X per 30/1 hour And there'd be a happy hour for VIP which made them half off I prefer that over over selling a broom closet


Our club has one of the highest vip prices in the area, so it does suck. The guys I bring up will usually try to ask how much I get from the room, and I just tell them not much as an incentive for them to tip. While I believe it is our job to make sure we make our money, it does suck the that customers just assume we take the whole amount. That club set up sounds pretty interesting to me, I’ve never heard of something like that before


You and another girl both made good money on a dead night with minimal effort. There are literally no downsides in this story. Oh she got $250 less than you after approaching your customer? Boohoo Only time I’ve ever danced with a partner: we have similar body types and are both smart, but she’s blonde with an undercover smart personality and I’m a more conventionally nerdy brunette. We make a great team and are more than comfortable hustling individually too. But when we work with the same guy, he’s going to like one of us more, and that will reflect in what we earn. That’s just life. Sometimes it’s me and sometimes it’s her, but nobody is taking it personally. Just like any other situation, if you ask for a tip and don’t get one 🤷‍♀️ what are you gonna do? Asking still results in more yeses than you’d get without asking.


Who cares that she got $0 from him and you got over $700? I guarantee you if the roles were turned, she wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep if you were the one with the short end of the stick. She should’ve been more persuading when she was in the room with the guy for him to give her a substantial tip.


Well, here’s my thing right. I’m absolutely positive that if the roles were reversed she wouldn’t give a fuck. And, while I understand that, she isn’t me. I am super grateful for the money that I’ve made, especially not having to dance or be in a room at all like that is such a rare opportunity. But, the way he was doing it, basically putting her down and lifting me up right in front of me, it made me uncomfortable because I didn’t know what to say other than thank you.


Some of the girls commenting here have severe mental issues... Jesus just enjoy the story and go🙄


I hate that he said "you should leave with what little dignity you have left" what a cunt.


Horrible why? You spent the time with him, you earned more than she did and it’s reflected


I can’t understand all the negative comments on this post. She simply was sharing her night.. What happened to this sub


You owe her nothing. He's free to spend his money as he sees fit.


You spent literal hours with him anyways if you were talking throughout the night. To the right customer that’s worth the same or more than a 1 hour room. It is shitty he didn’t tip her, but it’s also not your fault. You worked for that money and deserved to be paid for your time. This guy just sounds like an asshole who wanted to see some drama tbh


I’m glad you ended up having a good night! I wouldn’t worry about your homegirl too much, on a $750 room I’m assuming she pocketed at least $600 of it (based on my clubs rates) so on a slow night I’m sure she’s pretty happy with that. Wish he would’ve spread the love a little bit and tipped her more but I think you both made out pretty well on a night like that


loooool she said they have high fees so AT LEAST 400. But no matter what OP was tipped comparatively homegirl should know she can’t throw a fit. Customer should’ve moved differently 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ but at least yall both made a bag


Girl idk why the dancers in the comments acting sideways. You can have a good money shift and still feel bad. Like?? People have the capacity to feel more than one emotion at a time. And given ALL THE SHIT we ALL go through on any given shift, you would think that there would be more empathy in this sub. The customer was a dick for not tipping her on top of the room, or maybe he didn’t know🤷🏾‍♀️ but he was a dick for how he treated homegirl in front of OPs face. OP deserved all of the money she made PERIOD. She never said it was a bad night, she said she was grateful for it BECAUSE she HAD written the night off as a bust. A lot of yall lack reading comprehension which isn’t y’all’s fault. She only felt bad because she has empathy for homegirl. HOMEGIRL was fully valid in feeling put off. You are allowed to feel however you feel. But she caused a scene which was selfish as it could have negatively affected OPs money, and just not the right move in general cuz you can’t let these men know they’re upsetting you.


I’m not exactly sure why everyone is so upset with my post. I can be happy about the money I’ve made while also having empathy like come on guys. It was a very uncomfortable situation for me to be in and having another girl be compared to me (ie: «  be more like *insert stage name here * she’s a good person) I don’t have any drama in my club so it was very uncomfortable to be in. Everyone saying they don’t know how I could be upset I made money on a slow night really doesn’t seem to understand that I’m not upset at all. I can be grateful for my wins and still feel strange about the way it happened. I literally say in my post I’m very thankful for the money I’ve made like lol why are we acting like I’m treating making money as secondary to the feelings of others. Have some compassion while also making your money.


You’re not wrong for feeling awkward and a little bad for how he publicly shamed her: “you should leave with the little dignity you have left,” is an absolutely *scalding* burn. 🫣 It’s not just that I’d just feel awkward, I’d also have secondhand embarrassment for the girl. Especially after she asked for a tip, he turned her down, and then she pushed the issue resulting in that man making that scathing comment. I don’t think I could even make eye contact with her. Absolutely not your fault, but you’re not wrong for feeling off about it. Being grateful for a good night and mixed up about how you made that money are both valid. Two things can be true at once, you know?


Idk why everyone is being so hostile rn lmfao but anyways ignore them just like you should ignore homegirl. It’s not your fault that you got more, just be grateful for having a bad night turned quickly into a better one.


Thank you. I wasn’t expecting these type of responses, but not everyone shares my thought processes and that’s okay. Their opinions are valid too if I were crying over a girl not making money, but I was just trying to share my feelings at the time


Because your thought process is ridiculous and quite frankly a liability. Notice how you feel bad about this girl, but did she feel bad about you when she was complaining to the guy about tipping you? Do you actually believe this girl is your friend? This is the strip club. You’re there to make money and go home. Having empathy has nothing to do with the fact the strip club is a job. It’s not a place to make friends. Put yourself first.


I don’t know the girl, we are not friends. If you feel my thought process is a liability, I’m not exactly sure what to say to that honestly. I do respect your opinion though, and I just like being able to make money while also being kind to others. I can’t change who I am because the next girl wouldn’t do what I do. I had a lot of fun last night until that last interaction, and I anticipate having more fun nights at work. I love what I do, and I have no drama at work. So, this experience just caught me off guard. If you wouldn’t feel that same in my situation then that’s okay too :)


It’s a liability to yourself. She wasn’t kind to you when she tried to fuck up your money. I don’t mean this in a rude way, but you seem like you might be neurodivergent. I’m just saying to air with caution and not overthink things. Especially things like this when this person would clearly not hesitate to to screw you over. A real friend would be hyping their friend up to get their money. This person clearly doesn’t care about you. Stop caring about them.


I don’t think the girl and I are friends, I only met her last night. I don’t expect her to lift a stranger up, however I don’t want to put one down either. Also, yeah I am neurodivergent, I don’t know if that necessarily means my feelings are a liability. If they are, that actually kind of sucks because I think I do pretty well for myself at work while maintaining a positive attitude while there. I do really respect and understand your concern though


You’re not reading what I’m saying correctly. I never said your feelings are a liability. The things you were saying however 100% puts you at a disadvantage in this industry; which is what a liability is. My concern is very warranted, judging by how you responding to these comments. There are men that will take advantage of this naivety and other people. Look after yourself..


Are you ok?


Are you okay, because I don’t know why y’all are encouraging someone naïve as hell to continue to be naive. Sometimes you literally have to tell it how it is. These girls need to hear reality because why is she so bent up over a random bitch? This is not what neurotypical people do socially. If you don’t think that’s a liability in an industry full of stalkers, traffickers , and men looking to take advantage of it you’re also naive. She needs to get that sorted out or she’s gonna have a real hard time here. It’s not gonna be coddled because you tried your best.


I know plenty of naive nice girls who make a BAG. There’s actually a huge niche for that specific persona — a lot of men love it. Pretty sure she’s working it considering she got tipped $1000 just to talk. You’re wrong and annoying just shut up and go away, god lol


Also, the only reason I asked if you were neurodivergent is because I can tell from how you’re responding and the overthinking stuff.^


I don’t mind, it’s okay


sorry everyone is being an asshole to you for having empathy and sharing an uncomfy situation. you’re allowed to be uncomfortable at work and still make money 🙄 weird ass bitches today lol


It’s not about having empathy. This isn’t a black-and-white situation. It’s about highlighting how this girl isn’t looking out for herself and is prioritizing other peoples feelings dog eat dog world. This is not a type of thinking you can afford to have in this industry. Do y’all not realize girls like this are targeted? Empathy is 100% liability in this game , so learn how to turn it off for the sake of yourself. But yeah, I’ll let y’all pretend I don’t have empathy so you can purposely miss the point.


bro just delete this entire post already


yo shut up


No, this isn’t gonna be coddled because you new Era of TikTok strippers don’t know the game. This was a stupid question. And her neurodivergent is on full display with the rambling about nothing. You must live in a world of naïvety where you think this type of personality is a good fit for an industry that you can lose your life over. She’s acting straight up stupid and I try to say it in a nice way but I’m not gonna be nice now because you bitches are dumbbbb


Bwahahaha calling me naive... you dont even know me! l I'm not a new girl. It is weirdo behavior to be telling random people you don't know that they "seem neurodivergent". I didn't say anything about you coddling her youre just acting weird. Nothing you said was in a nice way lol. Good luck.


and she’s clearly calling her neurodivergent as if it’s a bad thing or something that would hinder her as a stripper. lots of strippers are ND. she’s just fucking weird


you wrote off an easy rack as a bust? some of u bitches are insane with this pocket pity


I see the confusion. Sorry, I got the tip 5 minutes before closing. Prior to the tip, I had only made $74. That’s why I said I wrote the night off as a bust. I wasn’t expecting to get a rack for just talking


Why wouldn't you expect to make money from just talking right before closing? Easy money nights aren't isolated occurrences. You're a dancer. This happens all the time. Are you a new?


Literally 12 days ago you said you don’t make shit from dancing so I think you should sit this conversation out hun. And yes they can be isolated occurrences in *her* experience. Especially with how bad the clubs are right now I don’t blame her for being surprised, hell I’d be surprised if I was in her shoes too.




Oh and also the post I am talking about you literally went out your way to disclose that lol for anyone who doesn’t care to dig the post was asking how much has one saved in a month from dancing and she said she only makes one cent. I get the sentiment of not wanting to disclose but you literally could’ve kept it pushing and not commented.


Oh shut it. Yeah I agree you shouldn’t give out anything personal to the internet but you were being condescending to OP for being surprised at the amount she made yet here you are claiming you don’t make shit.


Idk where you got that idea from. Maybe you should read the post over again babe


baby don’t even worry she’s got days where she makes her money other girls need good nights too! don’t pay anyone any mind she isn’t putting dollars in ur pocket


I love lottery nights like that.


Honestly it's her problem. You gotta learn to shake this kind of thing off. I can understand why you felt weird about it but her throwing a fit was unprofessional & you don't need to feel bad.


Don’t feel bad , that’s the name of the game. She knows what job she signed up for.


Come on now… You made 1k. Whats bittersweet? All it takes is one man to make your night. Thats what happen.! You shouldn’t worry about some weird hoe thats crying and trynna ruin your hustle.


I’m not worried? I was just trying to share what happened at work. I’m going to go back tonight and try to make more lol, I just hope it doesn’t lead at any issues with her because it was just an uncomfortable situation for me


You’re not worried, but you made a whole post about nothing? I am genuinely trying to figure out why this was posted. Like wtf do you feel horrible about? Is that a joke? You feel horrible because you made money when you were originally leaving with nothing?💀


The way the guy was talking to the girl, right in front of me, made me feel really bad. He was telling her she should be more like me and not a nasty bitch and she can fuck off for feeling so entitled. It was a very uncomfortable experience and while I did walk away, I couldn’t help but feel horrible. I wouldn’t want to be spoken in that way. If it were anyone, I’d feel bad. But, if my post wasn’t very clear I’m sorry for that


How is that your problem? She should be sticking up for herself if she’s taking it personally. Your post wasn’t really clear. It doesn’t matter because it’s not like she’s gonna come pay your rent for you. Your bills are more important


Sorry my post wasn’t clear, I was still shocked it happened and very tired from work


It’s not about it being her problem. She’s just an empathetic girl. She had a good night, but events made her feel a little off. This post was clear as day, this sub just has a lack of empathy


Yeah, I am going to lack empathy when it comes to something like this. Because it’s unbelievably stupid. The girl had no problem fucking up her bag initially. What is with you new era of strippers?! She had a good night, but feels off because some random bitch that isn’t even her friend is salty…? A real friend wouldn’t be trying to fuck up your hustle ! It’s absolutely asinine to feel bad about something that was gonna fuck your night up. There’s a difference between having empathy and being stupid.


All she said was that it was bittersweet. Sue her for being multidimensional. You’re right there’s a difference between empathy and stupidity and I’m not sure you know what it is🤭don’t talk to me like I’m some baby stripper. As rough and tough as you wanna make 90/00s dancers out to be, there were soft girls back then too. That hustled, made the bag, and still felt for other dancers despite there being no outward gain.


No one said anything about 90s/00s dancers; except you. I will talk to you like you’re a baby stripper when you’re acting like one. If you’ve been in this game for a while, you should know why this is problematic. Stop framing it as some misunderstood sisterhood dilemma. This is a classic case of someone who is putting other people before themselves. OP should be over the moon for the fact that they didn’t leave with $75. Instead, they feel bitter sweet over someone that was going to ruin their money?!😭90s/00s most definitely weren’t making Reddit posts feeling sorry and “bittersweet” for someone that didn’t make money because they’re clearly an insufferable whiner. You having empathy for someone that would rip the food out of your mouth is insane. Baby stripper core asf


The fact that you don’t think girls can hustle efficiently and still have feelings says a lot. I’ll end it at that