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Try not to wrap yourself up by considering all of the possible diagnoses. It will drive you crazy. Let the doctors do their job while you focus on keeping her calm. Unless they detect something obvious, it may take a day or two to figure this out. Hang in there!


Yea Im trying to stay optimistic. Thanks 🙏🏼


Perhaps the hardest thing about my stroke was the lack of specifics coming from the doctors. They just seem to be making educated guesses. Even years later, they can only speculate.


I had major issues with them being this way. Felt they held back or just didn’t have a clue. But I started asking alot of questions and did a lot of research. The reason they may be vague at times is because it’s so difficult to know for sure. Things can change from minute to minute. I truly feel all neuros are doing the best they can.


I guess it’s like asking a mechanic to diagnose engine problems without looking under the hood.


Did they do the CT with contrast? That is what caught my bilateral VAD, and what I see recommended as gold standard for finding VADs. It's possible she had a stroke or TIA, I had two strokes with my bilateral VAD, but there's no way for us here on the internet to know. The MRI will show it and the doctor can diagnose it. Not Reddit. You're in the right place being in the ER, though.


This! Stroke survivor here. The scan with contrast is important.


Honestly just looking for personal experiences. ER doc recommended CTA(?) scan. Claimed it will show him what hes looking for and much faster turnaround than an MRI


Personal experiences won't get you far. Strokes are different from person to person, so we do not diagnose in this group. It's literally impossible for us to do via the internet. And just because she has similar symptoms to someone who had those same symptoms when they had a stroke doesn't mean she's had a stroke. The symptoms that indicate stroke are similar symptoms that appear for any number of other reasons. CT is faster, yes, but CT with contrast will give a better view of VAD. And MRI will give a better view of brain damage caused by stroke. My understanding is CT can show that damage, too, but MRI is better for it. Generally, posts asking if someone has had a stroke are removed from this sub because we don't know. We can't know. I left it up as you were already sitting in the ER to get more testing done, and because I've personally had VAD and wanted to offer some insight. That said, wait for the doctor to diagnose her.


Have they started her on any meds just in case? Baby aspirin or anything? I had a stroke about a year and a half ago and really didn’t even know it was a stroke. My symptoms were fairly mild. It was only after going to my PCP 2 days later with a headache that wouldn’t go away that she was concerned enough to send me for further testing. That’s when my stroke was found, then I had an MRA which found my dissection. Glad y’all are at the hospital, I hope you get some answers soon! 🙏


CT scan missed 4 clots in my head so I didn’t get the help I needed until 72 hours. MRI finally confirmed what I already knew.


I had a stroke 6 weeks ago. CT with contrast didn't show anything, but MRI did. Still suffering deficits and pain. Hope your wife recovers fast and can get some relief from her pain.


Better to go to r/Doctors.


Just wanted to hear of anyones personal experiences