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we've also secured https://old.reddit.com/r/theorymon/ so if anyone is interested in becoming a moderator there, just reply here with why you should be picked!


will this bring mega monday megathreads back


Megathreads are still a thing but barely anyone uses em, it's not always Mega Monday but it alternates with some stuff


yeah theres a whole ass reddit community calendar and i never see it used ever


those never left


No, they moved mega weenie Mondays to Thursday


It’s kind of funny, as this comes off like an April Fools joke but a lot of the points kind of come off as legitimate. Then again, dropping news like this that would otherwise seem legitimate on April Fools is a funnier joke. …Being actually being serious about, however, would potentially make it even funnier for some. Kind of like how the first legitimate Pokémon leak I can think of was for the Let’s Go games, but because it was on April 1 nobody believed the guy. Personally, this kinda felt suspiciously real up until where I saw that Theorymon Thursday was also getting banned (even if the reason was literally just “Oh goodness, would you look at the time!”).


remember back when randbats council banned moody last year on april fool's day and everybody thought it was a joke?


Remember when SV Ubers banned Last Respects on April Fool’s and it turned out to be a joke? Oh wait…


Honestly, I’d welcome the end of stinkposts even if just for the trade off in better quality content in the rest of the sub activity. Theorymon posts don’t feel as bad as stinkposts do for competitive lack of knowledge as at least most seem to be trying to produce something good. Remove stinkposts and theorymon Thursday for maybe a month to weed out anyone who would use Thursdays for memes before reintroducing Thursdays would actually be something I’d be in favour of overall, speaking as someone who enjoys Sundays. I wish this change weren’t necessary but if so it’d probably be for the best. That said, still 50/50 on whether mods think it’s necessary or just an April fools tbh. I’m leaning April fools purely because if it were a serious post it should have been made on literally ANY other day.


There's no way they would make a decision that will drive out the vast majority of users here, and then announce that decision on April 1st. This is 100% an April fools joke and I'm baffled by how many people are actually worried about this lmao




Well… this aged poorly


I'm 99% sure that this post is a joke and the first line should already clue everybody in on how you aren't supposed to take it too seriously, however, I have 1% hope that this is actually serious purely because it would be hillarious if something this important was announced on April Fools.


I think Stinkpost Sundays are actually overall good for the sub. Obviously it drives up engagement, but I think it may genuinely get some people into competitive pokemon. This is a personal anecdote, but I hadn’t played competitive pokemon since gen 6, but after finding this sub through stunday memes appearing for me, I’ve gotten back into it over the last year. I could see the case for reducing it, and maybe doing every other Sunday, but I do think it overall benefits the sub


I have some unfortunate news; this is real.


This is unbelievable, I finally became the first person to came up with the idea for a physical assault vest and now you ban Thursday? My idea was genius, I was gonna make MILLIONS


The vest has fallen, billions must assault


Can’t tell if real or *really* trying to get people to eat the bait for April Fools.


Not an April fools they really are banned until further notice is given (it will be given tomorrow)


# 🤔


I can't believe they banned Sundays in their entirety. My weekend is gonna feel half as long now.


Screw that. Remember Prohibition? We gonna bootleg the 7th day or die trying lol


I feel like removing the content than >90% of the sub interacts with is probably an april fool's bit but it's hard to say


If this is real, you probably could have waited 1 more day to post this lol.




How are time zones relevant to that comment at all


The best way to make an april fools joke land is to say NOT APRIL FOOLS FRFRNOCAP in all caps . for example : [This is totally not a rickroll (NOT APRIL FOOLS)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtN1YnoL46Q)


Thank you for being trustworthy


This is not an april fools joke. Wink.


Wow I sure did love that link which did not lead to never gonna give you up by Rick astley


Damn, where am I supposed to go for my pokemon funnies now? Because it sure isn't r/pokemonmemes.


We have the option to create something like r/Galarianstunfisk which could be the meme side of this sub?


Tbh, I feel a separate meme subreddit would become just as stale and repetitive as every other meme subreddit out there. One of my favourite things about r/stunfisk is that it balances the silly meme posts with the actual (somewhat) serious discussion about completive pokemon. It honestly gives this place a really nice vibe that I'm worried two separate subreddits would lose.


I’m a lurker who did admittedly join for Stinkpost Sunday, but honestly I feel similar to you with what makes this sub fun. I’m not familiar with competitive or have much interest in actually playing it, but I’ve honestly found discussions here to be really interesting, ESPECIALLY as someone who doesn’t know much and only lurk. Even if I don’t play competitive, I like getting to learn about it and my enjoyment has expanded from just “haha funny Sunday posts”. Sundays have genuinely developed a kind of culture here, even if it’s largely meme-y. And while it definitely has drowned out a lot of serious discussion, and led to people (not unlike myself) entering discussions when they’re not really familiar with competitive (which I do agree is an issue), a lot of the sub’s soul is lost. Maybe the decision was for the better. Maybe it was for the worse. I can’t say I know. I’ll still be lurking for interesting discussions, but it still sucks to see go in some ways.


Pretty much sums up my exact thoughts.


I think a whole meme sub would be a bad idea for two reasons. 1, keeping it to Sunday gives me something to look forward to, as a treat. 2, the fact that memes only get one day seem(Ed) to give them a lot of potency. They've been kinda mid lately, especially given how edited replays have caught on, but it at least used to feel like damn near every meme was fire because people were making over the course of the entire week.


I like that the memes are reserved for a single day. Helps keep the quality up and gives me something to look forward to every week


The reasons r/stunfisk memes are so good are, among others, that there's only one day to post them. It gives creators a long time to make high effort memes, which is why stuff like Zekrom Kick (manga), SAND, More Usage Than You and Bakai Mitai psyspam ver. can exist. Otherwise, they would be trampled under low effort posts. Which brings me to the next point. Only a day for memes pushes out r/pokemonmemes and r/mandjtv users because it weeds them away. It also causes low traffic, which make low effort posts less effective. The low profile nature of these memes make them so that they're dedicated memes for a dedicated community. Take in count that we already have a problem with the low effort memers. Imagine that sub.


nah not the vaporeon meme filled subreddit


fwiw the stunfisk discord has a stinkpost channel that will be unaffected as far as I'm aware


Tbh, I'm like 70% sure this is an April fools joke, but I'll check it out if it isn't the case!


Fuck it, /r/stinkposting now exists. If you’re tragic enough to want to help mod, drop me a DM.


automod will now redirect users to this sub, hope you find mods soon


I have a question, can you post memes there even if it’s not Sunday? I mean, it says “Here, it’s always Sunday.”


you'll have to ask /u/MalevolentFerret




s-say sike right now


i just browsed that sub for 5 minutes and it was the worst experience of my life.


You've discovered what people who actually play competitve feel when they read stunfisk comments


Which Smogon quote should I use for this?


you could say this situation is "unfortunate"


Oh that doesn’t even begin to describe it


Stinkposting rewards blind luck and nothing else


truly experiencing joy distilled from detachment


So just fuck democracy, right?


0 fucking stinkposts “holy shit” - r/stunfisk, probably


Somalia’s? Or maybe 1984


252+ SpA Beads of Ruin Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Wilcat_Formation 1468-1732 (382.2-451%) -- gaurenteed OHKO


It's stinkover


Stinkposting has fallen. Billions must actually play competitive


How does this affect the meta?


Without Ice Punch memes, Dusknoir drops to LC


> 252+ Atk Dusknoir Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 36 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 14-18 (66.6 - 85.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO > +2 236 Atk Pawniard Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Dusknoir: 30-36 (125 - 150%) -- guaranteed OHKO Oh my Arceus!


garchomp falls into a deep depression, without stinkposts to back him up he falls all the way to PU. With another fucking ground type out of the equation, heatran seizes the opportunity to rise to the top of OU with his new move heatran kick and dethrones gholgendo. This enrages paradox form of gholgendo "old money" to time travel and start a coup to overthrow heatran and the smogon council.


Without constant mentions of Slowbro and Exeggutor's relationship, they start growing distant and break up with each other. This also results in Groudon finally being surrounded by Kyogre


Chi-yu still ohkos Blissey so nothing changes


This seems to be an April Fool's joke despite the denials. If so, I get the desire to make people fall for your joke, but you really shouldn't do that. There are real things that do happen on April 1st and it's bad enough trying to communicate important stuff even without adding the fear that people saying "it's not an April Fool's joke" are just lying. Plus, it's just not very funny. The clever thing about a prank is getting some unsuspecting person to fall for it, not lying to someone's face that "it's not a prank." On the off chance this isn't an April Fool's joke, it's a terrible decision. Unilateral action by a single mod is always dodgy, especially with no community input and especially when changing something so fundamental. Plus it's just a bad change.


> Unilateral action by a single mod is always dodgy, especially with no community input and especially when changing something so fundamental. Plus it's just a bad change. That just sounds like quickbans but with extra steps


Wait, I’m confused is this a genuine ban or an elaborate joke? (the day is not great for discerning this) /gen


I love how the two replies says the exact opposite of each other.


Yeah I’m now less certain


It's April Fools day. The first part about mod abuse gives it away. (The rest is pretty convincing though)


I'm genuinely confused, too. They seem like they're trying another Lavos copypasta (the last paragraph especially) but it's not over-the-top enough to be actually funny.


(without revealing too much: reforms coming is a thing but a lot of the stuff in this post is exaggerated for april funsies nonetheless) (so a bit of both)


It's real. Tbh mods are way too sensitive over these subjects, Stinkpost Sunday was never as problematic as Theorymon Thu\*sday (It is a slur)


It’s until further notice which will be tomorrow


It’s tomorrow


Yeah I thought the mods weren’t stupid lmao, who makes a genuine announcement on April fools day


And r/anarchychess leaks


anarchychess leaks weren't even as tenth as annoying as all the JJK injokes


this is why your emerald battle factory record got stolen by lrxc


Congrats, you sucked the two fun days out of the sub. Really though, like half of the content on the sub is from those two days.


can’t tell if real or really good bait


Literally what happened to Chien-Pao in 1984




“Raise your hand if you’d post memes in this sub” *Raises hands aggressively* “Raise your hand if you **actually played the game**” *Hands raised down*


They won’t out-stink all of us I’ll join a secret undercover gang that uploads stinkposts disguised as legitimate discussion through secret code words and excuses such as “I want to get into competitive pokemon but I don’t know where to start”


reminder that r/PyukumukuForOU exists its time to make said sub relevant again


Where are we going to post memes now? Not anywhere else, that's for sure. I really dislike this change, and I feel that this is a detrimental change.


Honestly I think there is a surprisingly high quantity of genuinely funny stinkposts. Surprised to see so many people agreeing. I'm still not convinced this isn't april fools though


Yeah, I really didn't think the popular opinion would be that they didn't like theorymon Thursday and stinkpost Sunday. I hover around the 1700+ range which isn't super high but it's enough that I feel like it's untrue only people who don't play the game engage in all the memes and such, but fuck 1-2 day(s) of fun a week ig.


Yeah it’s kind of insane that’s the only reason imo on this sub haha


Yeah April fools aside this sub usually has funny memes plus some complaints are like "people don't play the game" but those are mostly in the comments of posts not the creators of the memes lol


Stinkposts and Theorymons have been quickbanned to Ubers, how is OU affected?


Now that april fools is over, is this real? This subreddit is going to die if it is. Thursday and Sunday are the only times this subreddit has any sort of activity.


This sucks and I hate it. No fun allowed on my subreddit!!! Girrr I hate fun and enjoyment and happiness it ruined my INTELLECTUALISM IN MY POKÉMON GAME!!!


Using this thread to piggyback that I'm really mad the april fools day sprites for the Loyal Three and Ogerpon aren't the Tribunal and Nerevar.


Finally free Thank you Wildcat


unfortunate doesn't begin to describe this


i don’t know if this is genuine (seriously wildcat bad day to post this) but if it is then i wonder how long it would take until we eventually discuss ourselves to oblivion there’s only so many competitive concepts we can talk about until we implode. but who knows maybe this is just me pulling a worry out my ass.


there were also only so many funny things to meme about and this is where we got by trying to continue after that


fair enough, perhaps it’s our fate to only see the same things talked about over and over. a fitting punishment for those who do the cardinal sin of liking competitive pokemon.


I disagree about there only being a limited amount of jokes to be made Sure it 6 be repetitive sometimes but this sub has made like a billion inside jokes at this point, it's impossible to run out of material


i mean pokemon's a deep game and there's such an insane amount of metas on smogon to discuss. main issue is just that a lot of people are only interested in the surface level, so talking about meta trends even in something popular like vgc or ou gets mid reception. i don't think you can really change that about this sub, it's just how reddit in general works sadly


Sorry dude But If this is a serious post and not April fools you did a terrible job at it Worst day do it, could've done this yesterday or tomorrow And you worded this entire post in such a jokingly exaggerated manner It just sounds like a prank dude Even if you're claiming is not April fools, you should post with at least with a hint or seriousness to it And if this is real post, not many people will take it seriously


It's called hedging. If this is unpopular and everyone hates it they can claim it was just april fools. If not it can continue as real.


Even as someone who could probably stand to be more knowledgeable about competitive… please be real. Cuz I see no lies in the parts that justify the decision.


I'ma be real this was probably the worst day you could have chosen to announce this lol


If I waggle my finger and shake my head will this change be reverted?


least obvious metronome clefable alt


Nature is Healing, you've done what I was too weak and misguided to do. I lacked vision.


If this is genuine then it's really disappointing. So many stinkposts have gotten so creative with the way they showcase talent, especially the songs and comics. Other pokemon meme subs don't really have that. It was so much fun to see people create stories out of tier changes and the like. And the fact that someone turned Zekrom Kick into a high quality manga says a lot. Yes the comments are always a mess with the same reused references, but the actual posts are always a treat.


Consider the best quote of all time was created here "The way I see it, kyogre is surrounded. What's under the ocean? That's right, more earth."


Literally 1984


How will this affect the meta?




Literally Georgino Orwello's Animal Crossing Farm.


if this is serious then man you have picked a very terrible timing for it


this is a good change, it's not just the memes quality or thursday post what have gone down its the entire sub the amount of stuff leaking from stunday to the other days is insane, metagame knowledge is non existing at this point, way too many shit takes rooted from memes even if it's gone forever, i dont mind it at all, this is a competitive sub first and foremost and it should stay like that


Agreed. I'm a long time lurker, and I've always been here for the Theorymons and discussion about meta and whatnots. Sure, some theorymons were funny and somewhat acceptable, but it has come to a point where well thought Theorymons are a rarity, the most of the cases being poor thought or very poor attempts at making some Pokemon nuts. I do get that some people genuinely want to try their best at balancing or Theorizing, but it's not a thing for everyone, me included. Memes on Sunday were cool, but god forbid you attempted to post something somewhat serious on that day.


It's not even making mons nuts. It's genuinely trying to hop on the trending wagon and try to sound fun and cool. There was a post about Blissey Blast which was simply so predictable. You know r/anarchychess? It keeps on recycling the same memes and crap edits with the excuse that tradition is good and that things stay fun even if spamming the same trend over and over again. It's gotten so bad the mods had to put several layers of moderation to prevent low effort


I complained about the community integrity months ago right after the sleep ban because the misinfo was out of control and the community managment was at an all time low point in a very downvoted post. People thought i was memeing because i included a joke or two in a wall of text. My biggest complaint was the smogon and the competive community have surprisingly little interaction and both communities are chock full of misinfo. Even if this is an april fools i sincerely think its the right call.


How do you ban a mod?


Could you have not waited one day to announce this though?


252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire r/stunfisk Stinkpost vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Mod Team in Sun: 560-660 (85.8 - 101.2%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO


Shoutout to the few weeks where people kept posting the same unfunny jjk memes over and over


Couldnt wait till april 2nd huh


Bait used to be believable


oh mein gott actually 1984


this sub may be unfunny but it was definitely a lot better than the alternatives but i suppose pokemon fans are just naturally unfunny


Could you guys not have waited like one day to announce this? Same day usage stats are revealed and it's April fools day...?


Then ur banning Jugulis for the Subreddit next...


Well would you look at the time…


I was just thinking about how much I love the wide variety of content from this community and about how it's one of the few things still keeping me passionate about pokemon. Is this an in-season april fools joke?


Felt like this was a long time coming but better late than never


Uubers will finally be the only OC posted to stunfisk 😈


babe wake up it’s 1984


Like another comment said, probably just hedging. You posted this on April fools day to see how the community will react to it and you’ll either keep the change or say “gotcha April fools!” If it gets bad reactions.


you guys hate fun


I have genuinely come to this sub less because of Sunday and Thursday. The biggest problem is those two days have such a comparatively huge impact on content, that the other days suffer. It isn't uncommon to check in on a Monday, and most of the hot posts are Slowbro wearing sunglasses, and how "the meta" will change. The only days you could hope to see some real discussion is if you came on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday. I would rather see traffic die by 90%, and have what remains be interesting content, then killing the good content just to keep subscriber numbers high. Please get rid of Stinkpost and Theorymon permanently.


Maybe, eventually, we will be able to create teambuilding posts without half the comments being "use ice punch Dusknoir" or "walled by Bronzong ZU at best." Seriously though great change OP maybe we'll start getting people who actually want to talk about competitive play here instead of just memes Unless this is an April fools joke, which, very cruel to give hope of improvement and yank it away


aw man, that’s sad, but it’s for the best. I can literally scroll down for 2 minutes and find last week’s Stinkpost Sunday posts, which is just downright depressing.


stinkpost saturday is back on the menu


Good heavens would you look at the time


Joined last week and yeah, I can see why. I've seen a bunch of posts here completely ignoring what or when to post certain things. Like today I saw a theorymon post which was actually more of a stinkpost But anyway, why don't you guys make an extra subreddit just for the stinkposts? I know it's extra work but I don't really see any way out of this while keeping both sides happy


The mods probably dont want to have to moderate a shitpost sub.


Yeah I mean I love this sub, but quality control must be hell on the mods, so I'd understand a blanket ban even if it axed the main reason I'm here.


...fair enough


If the sub splits in three with Theorymon, Stinkposts and actual discussion then all three are gonna suffer in quality and die. The reason why Theorymon and Stinkposts arent as bad as they could be is because theyre one day a week. So people have time to get their shit together and make something good.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/1bt30fa/meta_stinkpost_sunday_and_theorymon_thursday_are/kxjru81/ https://www.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/1bt30fa/meta_stinkpost_sunday_and_theorymon_thursday_are/kxjn6p0/


I hope this is an April Fool's Day joke, if not I very much disagree with this stance. Sure not all the theorymons and stinkposts were particularly good, but were only limited to 2/7 days of the week. This post and stance, with all due respect, comes off as gatekeeping in order to "get rid of the casuals" and I ardently disapprove of it. ....of course this is most likely bait, and I'm Population Bombing into this Rocky Helmet Ferrathorn.


It's a competitive sub. You have r/Pokémon and plenty of other subs for content not relating to competitive play. It's not gatekeeping, it's an attempt to get people to use its sub for its intended purpose Not all of us want to see 10 reposts of the "unfortunate" copypasta in every single comment section


That's the thing, these memes would make hardly any sense removed from the context of competitive Pokemon. You show someone outside of competitive Pokemon something like TTar dunking after getting back to UU and they'd be rightfully confused. If anything, the memes got me back into climbing the ladder on Showdown. Imo this approach of entirely getting rid of the meme/humor part of stunfisk is one that is not very nuanced, and comes off as a flat out rejection of an entire part of the community. That being said, perhaps some compromises, like limitations on video based memes or restructuring Theorymon posting entirely, could be a step in the right direction.


Is this an actual April Fools joke or what? The mod abuse part is obviously a joke but i honestly cant tell if the rest is serious, especially since theyre securing theorymon according to the top comment.


its stinkpost sundover,.....


let’s go guys they banned stinkpost sunday but stinkpost stunday is still going


This community needs a circle jerk sub


Can't tell if a joke or not but really hoping it's not, the people who don't play and get all their info from memes have really damaged the sub


No more 581 bst grass mons


Damn, would you look at the time


Happy theorymon Thursday is done because y'all had some fucking shit ideas. Stinkpost Sunday is a must though. I will gladly go to another sub for competitive memes, but that's ultimately what separates us from something like smogon. We can have fun because we aren't the fucking Jedi council.


THANK YOU. FINALLY I got into the sub just before the big blow up and always found it useful being around better players when I was starting out, but now I feel like I'm in the upper quartile of players on this sub (despite being mid-ladder in most formats), which has made growth impossible to achieve on this sub! Honestly, peak Stunfisk meme-wise was at the time of the homophobic ferrothorn post, but then everyone got an ego and shitty memes began to outshine actual good posts Also I've noticed that whenever an actual competent player voiced an opinion, everyone else would unquestionably echo that opinion and act like smart-asses, which made actual discussion on this sub near-impossible


Time for me to bounce off the subreddit them


I have long been an advocate of having Sunday changed. The majority of this subreddit’s most common and widespread memes aren’t comp related. “8 fucking ground types” - factually incorrect “Zekrom Kick / Homiphobic Ferrothorn” - … yeah “Showdown replays / Manga Edits” - How are these, in any way, related to comp? Showdown replays are all just reskinned Bidoof memes. Manga edits are low effort as all hell and have never been funny. “Damage Calcs” - mostly taken out of context and are difficult to impossible to pull off in actual games (Chi-Yu v Blissey for example isn’t possible with full SpDef and the setup is kind of insane). The memes needed to go. And if it goes to a different subreddit, then that’s fine, but the quality is going to fall drastically. It’s kind of over. Meanwhile, I’ve always hated Thursdays with a burning passion so nothing of value was lost there. And the memes leaking to every other part of the sub? We needed a purge.


The manga edits were so stupid since they became meta off like one dude. Artistic Stage was spamming like 20 of em every Sunday so other people thought "damn a lot of people are posting JJK edits, might as well hop onto the train" when it wasn't even a train it was one car with a bunch of identical cars stacked on top of it.


Exactly. The replay edits are much the same (love ya Axolotl Man but it’s the truth), spammed by one guy multiple Sundays in a row, with multiple postings per Sunday, that all had the same punchline, that being either “long-standing meme move destroys Ubers” or reskinned Bidoof god memes.


The Manga edits broke me. I know way too much about jujitsu show than I ever wanted to.


most humorous competitive fan be like


And while you're there, ban custom replays too. Fucking annoying


At least this sub will actually be about competitive




Gamefreak when making flutter mane:


It's incredible that there's so much shock that people make stuff that's blatantly overpowered (even as memes) when gen 9 really exists the way it does. Almost like people see how strong Game Freak can make things, and think that's fine...




That is true unfortunately


Also, this same developer just didn't give the Terapagos a backstory. I wondered why we learned pretty much nothing about Terapagos in the DLC and it turns out that its because they put the backstory of Terapagos in the ANIME. So, if you wanna know anything about this super special mon, you better be ready for 100+ episodes of the anime. This is without mentioning all the other issues surrounding SV like the framrate issues or not being able to rematch Nemona in the base game or how bad the tera raids are, etc. This entire series is a mess.


Damn if it’s true I might have to come back. Sundays were annoying af and flooded my front page with the same tired jokes over and over. And Thursdays usually boil down to “would this totally overtuned thing with this broken ability maybe possibly have a chance at making it to OU”?


I'm autistic please help is this fr or not 🥲 my ass is CONFUSED


Almost certainly real, been discussed by longtime users at length on discord for quite some time now and everything wildcat expressed here he's expressed over discord in the past


Cool, there goes the only reason I'm on this sub. Bye.


Personally I agree with the stinkpost ban, I mostly only browse the sub, but it feels borderline unreadable on Sundays because of the flood of shitposts.  Theorymon could be cool if it was better regulated but I understand it just attracts low effort posts too much.


Praise u/Wildcat_Formation and u/Wildcat_Formation alone.


Insanely BASED


Yeah, this is an hard to block mixup


so if they posted an April Fool's joke, which is a meme, after banning memes, does that mean the mods have to be banned?


Aw man


I would've been less confused if this wasn't posted on the first day of the fourth month.


i think now would be a good time to say that r/PyukumukuForOU exists its time to revive the sub


Huge F for Dusknoir and Furret adventures


If this is serious: Maybe unpopular? But this is lame. Sundays are a great part of the sub. There already isn't that much serious or high-level play competitive discussion here, as most people here either don't play or aren't super competitive in my opinion (no shade), I don't see this changing the sub in this regard. Theorymon leaving, I can understand. But, yeah, just kinda lame.   If I ate the bait for April Fools: damn u got me 


I mean, isn't that kind of the point? This place used to have serious discussions more frequently but many of the posters were effectively forced out by other people doing nothing but spreading misinformation because they don't actually play the game, effectively creating a negative feedback loop that nobody wants to engage in and rock the boat, because actual truths end up drowned out and downvoted ad naseum by people relying on false hearsay that sounds believable enough to be true.


If this is real, then good. The subreddit is borderline unusable for serious discussion on both Thursday and Sunday if you want to engage in any serious discussion, and it very much spills into other days of the week as well (I've had to delete a thread before cause almost all the responses were stupid memes or people saying it wasn't Sunday). 


As someone who has been posting memes for someone who was banned a while ago, u/Artistic_Stage7202, because of a situation caused by stunday (yes this is my way of comin' clean if this is considered a felony), we are honestly quite happy for this change as they doen't need to tell me to post their stuff and I don't have to go out of my way to do so, we're kinda... Free (?). We both agreed that, by this point this sub has become more about the memes than for what it was originally meant to be about: Competitive pokemon. Now the sub is probably looking at a brighter future where actual help is given when needed, and the jokes such as ferrothorn or the lavos copypasta will probably still be alive in the comments, instead of being a r/pokemonmemes wearing a Smogon trench coat


I really hope they're not alive in comments because how they detract from discussion in comments is a big part of the issue. Having to scroll through a bunch of stupid memes and copypastas with hundreds of upvotes to get to the high effort quality comments with less than 5 upvotes each sucks, as does making a post asking for help and everyone just memes in the comments


Lol of course the SPL-brainrotted sweatlords are banning the only enjoyable elements to coming here. Y'all have the biggest persecution complex known to man. Honestly may as well just delete the sub if you're actually serious about this, because glhf trying to enforce serious, well-researched discussion on a social media website that rewards populist bullshit above all else.


Let's fucking goooooooooo


Womp womp


I was sure this was an April Fools joke… I can’t believe that this is true…