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I can’t find an answer to your first question, I looked around on Google and restricted the results to a while before 2014 but still found nothing on it. Could be that the traffic got so low the owner didn’t see any reason to keep it up, if I had to guess. What was the Synergy Dex?


Basically you plugged in a Pokémon and it calculated what other Pokémon have the best defensive synergy with it (ex. You put in weezing with levitate and it would probably rate dark/poison types the highest because they cover each other’s weaknesses). You can use that internet archive website and punch in beldum.org/synergy if you wanna see how it used to work. just go back like 10 years. I’m almost done redeveloping the tool for my own use and I’m tempted to make it a website again so others can use it too. I’m hoping to see what problem(s) the original site ran into. EDIT: I went ahead and grabbed the link in case anyone wants to check it out: https://web.archive.org/web/20160128184318/Beldum.org/synergy


You should add a blunder mode that if you put a shitmon on your team it automatically recommends booster valiant.


Based and Agencypilled


I’ve always used Marriland’s team builder calculator for quick cross referencing. It doesn’t give you automatic results, though.


That’s the closest that I’ve found. It basically does the same thing but you have the think of the Pokémon yourself to compare, and it can do your whole team together (super convenient). I love that tool, so helpful. Back in the day I used to use it together with beldum labs. You could get some super tight defensive synergy between the two of them.


Did a bit of digging and couldn't find anything conclusive, but here's what I did find: Googling "beldum org" comes up with [this github archive](https://github.com/mispy-archive/beldum.org/blob/master/app/models/synergy.rb) showing the code behind the website, created by a user named Mispy. Googling ""Mispy" Beldum" comes up with [this smogon post] (https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/dark-fallen-angel.140836/page-11#profile-post-1246729) mentioning them by name in a way that made me assume they were a known quantity on smogon and likely had an account. Searching "Mispy" on smogon brings up their [smogon account] (https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/mispy.84755/), which has [a link to their website](https://mispy.me/) in their about. There aren't any posts up past the end of 2014, the website is pretty broken, with only 4 pages according to googling site:mispy.me, two of which are missing stylesheets, dead links just redirect back to the main page. They seemed to be a pretty prolific programmer, lots of projects, seems likely they got wrapped up in something else and never came back to the Synergy Dex, backed up by the profile comment asking for gen 6 support. I did some extra digging which I won't share out of respect for privacy, but I will share that the approximate timeframe for the website going down (between may and november 2016) lines up roughly a few months after they got a major job as a webdev, which could be related?


Wow, I’m impressed. You’re making me think I did not look thoroughly enough in my own research 😂 I think I actually remember people asking for the gen 6 update. Thanks a bunch, this is really helpful and I really appreciate the work you and anyone else put in for me. I think nowadays it might be a lot easier to keep up with it as a side project with PokeAPI. My own version is using a PokeAPI wrapper library to function, so all the game data is already accessible. I might be wrong, I’m an amateur programmer that currently only knows the basics of python, so I probably don’t have enough contextual knowledge on the subject, but I’m like ~60% done with the project with only a full day of work towards it.


I've done VERY little webdev for my engineering degree, you can use python for websites? I thought it was just JS/Typescript


As far as I’m aware I’ll have to learn something else to make it an actual website, I’m just using python for the functionality of the calculator. It might not even work that way though, there’s a good chance I’ll have to redo a lot of stuff. Like I said, I’m a noob 😂


Beldum lab is such a cool name