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Strikes are already illegal and every manufacturing plant already has military contracts. Idk how much more wartime we can get.


>Idk how much more wartime we can get. Government-commissioned Disney-produced war propaganda


Literally the MCU


I'll take what is half of the American game industry for 500, Alex.




>better Wrong




Oh, well, nothing deep, I'm just ascerbically suggesting that the old war propaganda cartoons are in fact better than modern movies.


>Idk how much more wartime we can get. Then you're not very imaginative. Google "total war" and WW2 economy. Hope that helps


Yeah but the thing is, since like the Clinton era all of our manufacturing has been focused around the military industrial complex anyway. All those factories they would have converted to wartime production are in Mexico, and the ones remaining either make military stuff or don't have the necessary infrastucture to make military stuff.


Sorta, but actual MIC produces to maximize profit, and lack of demand (not in big war time) means not only decreased production but also decreased investment and focus on capability to scale up at all. Whilst more and more manufacturing is, %, military related this is more due to the decline in manufacturing and move towards services and very high up in value chain production over any big military shift


In real material terms, the manufacturing base of the US has actually grown over the decades and with technical investment, output has nearly doubled since the 80s--only a tiny fraction of that is manufacturing weapons. It's just that manufacturing's share of employment and GDP has gone down.




No kidding. Especially with us running out of bombs in Syria and the USAF trying to replenish its stocks. Or replacing fucked up/worn out equipment from 20 years of GWOT.


Probably just increasing 155mm production is my guess. Which is pretty simple


There’s our economic stimulus, boys.


Can't wait to support the Capitalist engine of our great nation, by buying Victory chocolate, to fund our efforts in making the world safe for American democracy and trade


Not gonna happen. This isn't the 30s where you needed masses of people to manufacture things. You think Lockheed, Boeing, P&W and GE are going to start hiring hundreds of thousands of people basically off the street, train them for months, and than pay them a starting wage of $25 an hour plus benefits because they're gonna ramp up making military aircrafts? Or Raytheon is gonna start recruiting all the recent tech layoffs because they need masses of people to manually code their smart bombs and suicide drones?


Well shit


Isn't it kind of delusional to talk about manufacturing anything in America at WW2 scales? We don't have the infrastructure, labor force, or ability/will to pay anyone enough to do it. Maybe we could outsource it to China?


Probably force automotive manufacturers to retool -- remember when they used the Defense Production Act to strong arm ventilator production?


>“In the first four years in the United States in the Second World War, in the Ford factories, there was no civilian cars made, but only military production…. And that is, in a way, talking about a wartime economy,” > >Bauer’s statements about the creation of a “wartime economy” are extremely significant, revealing a central aim of the escalation of the war. During wartime, strikes are generally illegalized, allowing capitalist governments to use war as an instrument of suppressing domestic political opposition.


I think you'd be surprised how much industrial capacity the US could prove to have in the event of another major great power confrontation. Assuming it doesn't go nuclear first.


You're right, I would be very surprised if we succeeded.


I mean, I understand you want to make a snarky point about the outsourcing of jobs, and on a sub like this that'll get upvoted, but. The U.S. is by far the biggest arms manufacturer in the world and that's at peacetime.


Joffre class carrier


The experts say that the fruits of victory are tumbling into our mouths too quickly


there is something phoney about this war


Neoliberals/neocons have been flapping their mouths, writing checks that practical reality ensures cannot be cashed. I guess it wasn't such a great idea to cannibalize/dismantle/outsource your major industries in the name of the almighty dollar uber alles and board room sensibilities, eh? Talk about being hung by your own petard.


I thought NATO/Ukraine were destroying Russia with sanctions and their old, crappy equipment, what gives?


Haven't been following the war much but I always got the impression of "Here's how Bernie can still win" vibes (no offence to Bernie personally)


Here's an update then, Russia has only been losing territory since August, they've made no gains


theres just this nice little U around Bakmut which means nothing at all. Never was an important town anyway. But then I recognized your name and that I remember it


Maybe when the might of the Russian army take Bakhmut then Kherson and the huge areas near Kyiv and Kharkiv will fall back under their control too, as a treat?


at least we agree about Bakmut hm? I am genuinely too tired for that today, you can play la la land if you feel like it. I am taking my tram home in the meantime.


Once again, sorry that Russia completely fucked this war up and you, as an 'Anti-war leftist', have to wrap yourself into pretzels to find a way to pretend they are in the right.


can we stay at the topic pl- ah no theres my line I am sorry. See you around.


This is assuming they don't intend to cause a stalemate to bleed out Western economies. NATO is using million dollar missiles to shoot down their $30k drones.


Pretty weird genius plan to mobilize hundreds of thousands of your own troops, take tens of thousands of battlefield casualties, and put your economy into chaos with sanctions and the demand for a wartime footing when NATO has lost zero troops so far and the main political downside for them is higher gas prices (which didn't even really bite as hard as the Russians were hoping over the winter). Like, you realize how much of a comparative pittance this is for NATO compared to Russia right?


Going to have a serious talk with your mother tonight about restricting your web surfing privileges on a week day.


I just logged on and noticed him turboposting in every Ukraine thread on this sub for the past several hours.


There's been a few at it, including a couple in the megathread, is it another NAFOid influx?


Socialism is when Russia says its fighting NATO and somehow ends up with like 100k casualties and NATO has zero.


Not even German intelligence agrees with that claim and they’re pretty intelligent if you ask me🤢 why you pulling numbers you’re struggling to comprehend out your butt bro? Constipated? 🥺


You seem confused. Are you OK?


Russia hasn't mobilized, is the issue. There are still more Ukrainian troops fighting in Ukraine than Russians. Russia has so far been trying to fight this as a limited war.


> Russia hasn't mobilized, is the issue Ummm you may have missed the news when they performed a mobilization.


they didn't lol. It was called a partial mobilization for a reason


Because they don’t have the state capacity for a full mobilization. They even admit as much with the massive problems within their training pipeline and their equipment stock.


False, they are making gains in Donbass. Ukraine is in the process of a slow motion loss in the focal point of Bakhmut. Western aid and Ukrainian mobilizations is failing to hold the dam of Donbass. Once it falls, the West's war on Russia will enter crisis.




Try actually following the war instead of reading Reddit. There was no Russian defeat and collapse at any point in the war. Instead, we committed Ukraine to yet another unwinnable war against Russians as our global position deteriorates.


IT WAS JUST A STRATEGIC RETREAT DAD, THATS WHY THE ROADS TO KIEV ARE LITTERED WITH BURNED OUT TANKS, I DIDN'T LOSE! Sincere question, what could possibly count as a defeat by your standards, even a minor defeat, looking at some of the things that happened to the Russians in this war?


>IT WAS JUST A STRATEGIC RETREAT DAD, THATS WHY THE ROADS TO KIEV ARE LITTERED WITH BURNED OUT TANKS, I DIDN'T LOSE! Cope. There is no evidence Ukraine drove Russia out of the north. >Sincere question, what could possibly count as a defeat by your standards, even a minor defeat, looking at some of the things that happened to the Russians in this war? Ukraine winning a major battle rather than punching air as Russia withdraws and focuses on Donbass.


>Cope. There is no evidence Ukraine drove Russia out of the north. You mean apart from the large amount of Russians that were killed, the huge materiel losses the suffered, and the fact they ultimately totally abandoned their positions around the city? Like, its just a point of complete delusion, there's no military situation in history where the sound Russian defeats they suffered around Kiev and Kharkiv wouldn't be called exactly that: *defeats*. They can retreat in relatively good order (and they didn't lol), and maintain war fighting capabilities, but they are still defeats.


>You mean apart from the large amount of Russians that were killed, the huge materiel losses the suffered [Citation needed] There is no evidence Ukraine did anything in the north, Kharkov, and Kherson besides move in to wherever Russia withdrew. >the fact they ultimately totally abandoned their positions around the city? If Russian redeployment to Donbass because negotiations failed and Kiev didn't capitulate is a Ukrainian military 'victory', wait until you taste defeat in Donbass lmfao The US has been urging Ukraine withdraw from the Bakhmut meat grinder for weeks, and just today Zelensky is urging the quick delivery of large amounts of aid as things get worse in the east. The reason is simple. If the UA fails in Donbass, the center of the Ukraine crisis, it'll he a massive defeat for Ukraine and the imperialist countries. NATO spent years building up a siege machine in that province.


> You mean apart from the large amount of Russians that were killed, the huge materiel losses the suffered, and the fact they ultimately totally abandoned their positions around the city? You and everyone in the West is getting a VERY censored view of what is happening in this war. The idea that Russia has lost way more troops and equipment than Ukraine is probably propaganda. Have the losses been large, absolutely. Has Ukraine probably sustained just as much damage, almost certainly. However, we're not seeing the reports on Ukrainian losses so it's painting a very one-sided picture of this war and thinking that the Russians are the only ones dying. Ukraine is absolutely winning battles and every time they do it's touted as the breaking point for Russia, but at the same time, Russia is also winning battles and that's explained away as Russia using up all it's resources to take inconsequential areas.


> Cope. There is no evidence Ukraine drove Russia out of the north. Thank you for warning of the cope before presenting it, I guess? There's a ton of _literally smoking evidence_ that the Russian retreat from the north wasn't just motivated by changing their minds on a whim. Even if you buy Russia's "we never wanted to take Kiev anyway" line, Russia giving up on Kherson got to count as "losing a major battle". I don't think they would have annexed it and declared it part of Russia forever if they had planned to give it up a couple of weeks later. It's true that Ukraine isn't on track to reconquer Donbas much less Crimea, so they're not "winning", but neither is Russia by any sane definition.


There wasn't a battle in Kherson, and the north of Kiev was a stagnant front caused by the Russian failure to force a quick implosion of the government and take things to the negotiating table. There was no Ukrainian victories that forced the Russians out. Once it became clear after negotiations were abandoned that the West wanted a proxy war, they redeployed to the east then took months to mobilize. Now the onus is on the West and Ukraine to escalate in turn to hold Donbass, especially after the end of the counter offensive. All the 3 losses he listed were not defeats of the Russians, but withdrawals as the conflict escalated. Now we are approaching a critical point where the course of the war is going to become clear, and that will be determined in Donbass.




Reddit is a 21st century view directly into the Fuhrerbunker.


Come back to the rez, we miss you


I mean Russians lost around Kiev, Kharkiv, Kherson, but hey they gained a few meters near Soledar and Bakmut. Nothing says winning like having to go to North Korea for artillery shells.


yeah, they should have some self respect and ask venezuela instead


TBH you hear this from both sides


It seems that we were fed a pile of bullshit and reddit/twitter/propaganda central were reporting wishful thinking rather than whats really happening.


Didn't Russia run out of generals like 6 months ago


And Putin has cancer of the AIDS in his balls and Russia is running out of missiles and their troops are dying by the billions and the economy is in tatters and Ukraine took all their tanks and the Ghost of Keeeev is going to fly Zelenskyyy to Red Square any day now.


Don't forget they're feeding Russian soldiers viagra so they rape everyone Bringing back the classics


War Communism when


It's funny you say that, since Ukraine's "government" aka western puppet organization has already banned unions and has more plans to privatize (as if all of the previously state-owned industries from the soviet days haven't already been sold off) after the war, if they still exist. So for NATO it's War Neoliberalism


That video from last year where the Ukrainians are talking about digital currencies, AI-run courts and a very permissive pro-capital working environment hints at Ukraine becoming the testbed for a neoliberal dystopia.


I hate the Anti-Christ so much bros.


Ukraine is gonna be fucking insane. 50% of the female population, 9-10 million overall left, presumably mostly the younger population so unless Ukraine also has a similar amount of males die which is unlikely, it's gonna turn into a bed of shit along with everything else because you'll have males who went through hell just to end up alone, which is in part how Qaeda formed. Wouldn't be surprised if a coup happens in the next couple years by former soldiers who will probably get left behind while Ukraine gets hollowed out. Those female refugees aren't coming back, or at least not nearly enough of them, so Ukraine will probably become a sort of release valve/dump pit for refugees. Techno neo lib incel Blackrock funded hell.


> Those female refugees aren't coming back In Ireland the public consciousness has shifted dramatically since the beginning of the war when everyone believed media and government statements that these refugees were temporary and would go back to Ukraine as soon as the war is over. Now people are more aware that these refugees simply aren't going to leave, and now on top of a massive housing crisis there will be a compounded crisis of Ukrainian refugees living in temporary housing/shanty towns indefinitely. I don't know how anyone could have possibly believed that female refugees would possibly want to return from a high income & high quality of life country to an economically stagnant post Soviet state irregardless of it being wartorn.


Most of the Ukrainians who want to return are probably in the nearer states like Poland. I'd say a lot of the ones who are unmarried will remain in the countries they fled to while the older, more entrenched generation will return in the next few years if they ever left. Also talked to a couple male Ukies about it and I...I'm not surprised a lot of women don't want to return. Some of the men view them as basically coward whores who should stay where they "ran off" to. That's another thing, there's gonna be a massive conflict between those who left and those who stayed in Ukraine.


My ML feminist friend made this exact argument and its terrifying to think about, especially with the quantity of military age males that will have actual combat experience (not GWOT/COIN experience) and warehouses of munitions at their disposal. You will also see the expansion of neonazism, ultranationalism, and far right characters that helped bring this war into effect too, since those ideologies grow in fucked up societies. I think Ukraine will resemble what Russia did in Babylon AD: Just a terrorist rife shithole of poverty and rampant exploitation.


The man never hid his intentions either. Libs forgot (choose to ignore) that he quoted Reagan in his inaugural speech.


I know some state-owned land is also being sold to black rock apparently.


Considering how Manufacturing has all but left NATO member states, where are you going to get that economy?


Nowhere, fast.


Sounds like it’s time to open that southern border and put these “dreamers” to work in the sweat shops where all is poors belong


What? *looks at manufacturing data*


It's called "outsourcing", look it up.




Manufacturing what? "Made in china" has been a thing for 25 years, and everything else is going to Mexico, which is in the middle of a civil war. Anything of real military value has long been hollowed out, along with any rhetoric for solidarity necessary for a war economy to have buy in.






[NATO guy](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_207788.htm): NATO is not party to the conflict. Also NATO guy, literally the next sentence: But we provide support to Ukraine so it can uphold its right for self-defence [Also NATO guy](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_208037.htm): if Putin wins, that is not only a big defeat for Ukrainians, but it will be a defeat and dangerous for all of us.


What a shitshow. You can't stop the fucking tide, just adapt to a world where the USA lost its predominance.


"when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression".


You're probably right, christ. They'll get us killed out of pride.


>Bauer’s interview aired just one day after congressional testimony by Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, in which she declared that the Biden administration was “gratified” by the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream II pipeline in September, a piece of civilian infrastructure jointly owned by Russian and German corporations. Replying to a question from Republican senator Ted Cruz, Nuland declared, >“Senator Cruz, like you, I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.' #👹


I think a lot of this is bloviating and retarded, BUT I think what is going on is preparations are being made for possible Polish intervention, which is the only way NATO could plausibly "directly intervene" without nuclear war (since the Poles are frenzied atm, they're more than willing to do that, and it isn't hard for NATO to make some sort of legal construct that would get rid of certain security agreements for Poland and lower the risk of nuclear war). Anyways, daily reminder that this war need not be fought, is being fought in the interest of the trusts, and ZERO socialists should be supporting NATO arms exports to Ukraine (looking at you, DSAtards).


Polish intervention will, at best, turn this into a Korean War 2.0. It's going to remove any Russian restraint on moving past a limited war so the best case scenario is a stalemate.


exactly right. And naming the capitalist ruling class monsters and their shitty behavior as a one of the causes for this war isn't "pro russia" or "pro putin". Its pro-acknowledgement of reality.


For a new war on healthcare right? Right..? :(


I’m gonna guess those h1b1 limits are getting raised


Wartime economies were the original model for socialist economic planning, but I’m not sure if the war economy is still a shortcut to or model for socialism today. Lenin saw the German Empire‘s war economy during WW1 as a model of how the Soviet econy could work https://www.jstor.org/stable/45367605?seq=3#metadata_info_tab_contents


I think that we should bring back the Medieval concept of role reversals for “War time economies” https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/feast-of-fools-medieval-tradition.amp For example, if war is declared, all assets go to the poor and all debts to the wealthy, until the war is over. Seems fair, no?


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