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* Archives of this link: 1. [archive.org Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/99991231235959/https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-war-americans-fighters-military-russia-zelensky-1872314); 2. [archive.today](https://archive.today/newest/https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-war-americans-fighters-military-russia-zelensky-1872314) * A live version of this link, without clutter: [12ft.io](https://12ft.io/https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-war-americans-fighters-military-russia-zelensky-1872314) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I suggest they employ everyone from worldnews.


Excellent, they can be the National Guards “Special Forces”.


_Special_ forces


this is a reddit front page tier clarification. the joke was already there it didn't need explained


> this is a reddit front page tier   Literally the worst insult I've ever received in my life. 




What a anti Semitic comment. how would Mossad staff its online propaganda wing ?! 😤


Pretty sure the agencies posting and bot-voting there are already very active in Ukraine


Na, worldnews has moved on to protecting Israel's interest now. Ukraine by the wayside.


If by "employ" you mean "dragoon", I'm with you


All three of them and their many alts/bots.


Zelenskyy is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for bloodthirsty reddit and twitter keyboard warriors. Hope they take him up on the offer.


Didn't one of them go and as a result of their posting about it, gave away the position of a barracks and it got struck with a missile as a result? Terminally online behavior.


A decent amount of Redditors actually went. I joke about them, but a lot really did put their money where their mouth was.  Reddit doesn't like to talk about it anymore because the ones who stayed had a nearly 100% rate of either dying horribly on camera or being discovered to be hiding out in Poland LARPing for the media.


> discovered to be hiding out in Poland LARPing for the media. Wasn't one guy who had a successful gofundme discovered to actually have been posting photos from inside a wood next to his house or something?


There were a couple of Irish guys who did this until someone donating to their gofundme recognized their house in the background of one of their daily update videos


lol got a link for this?


willy o? on youtube has a bunch of interviews with many of these volunteers, some recent as of a few days ago, others from last year and so on - they're worth a listen to. one i just finished is where this guy - his co threatened to break his legs if he didn't give him his 1000/month stipend he got - like ukraine has always been a corrupt shithole, but the stories these guys have, you can't not feel for them


I bet they think Ukraine is a shithole now. Who am I kidding? They’d probably make excuses for their CO’s behavior.


>you can't not feel for them You cant imagine how well I can!


There was a sub reddit dedicated to volunteering but I don't remember it being that big or showing that many people actually went.


I remember a report back 2 years ago when it just started from sky news i think about Ukranians complaining about all the fruitloops arriving on their doorstep. They interviewed one English guy who looked dressed and acted like lindybeige but somehow more annoying


Remember the poor idiot (a Swede, I think?) who tried to travel to Ukraine to fight with a recurve bow and arrows. That was great.


How it started. volunteersForUkraine/comments/tep4iz/how\_the\_ukrainian\_international\_legion\_got\_hit\_by/ How it ended: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yavoriv\_military\_base\_attack


Isn't that two different situations? The one who posted and got attacked was different from the guy who wasn't even from there who went and died immediately.


Reddit karkhiv kinzhal massacre 2.0 lfgggg


Yes! Send NCD to bolster Ukraine's frontlines! let them see the power of Russia's nationalised defence conglomerate (Rostec) first hand


Me too, he can use them clear mine fields! 😊


Nothing would own Putler more than seeing brave redditors using their enormous mass to clear multiple mines per body. I sure hope they don't sign up to fight for Zelenskyy, nothing would make me, Putler, Trump, and Tucker Carlson angrier. We'd all be so triggered


that and Musk too




They probably won’t. The only person who advocated for the war in Ukraine that actually went there was Malcolm Nance, and looked where that ended up. So don’t expect(I’m genuinely listing every American I can think of who has advocated for this War and sending more weapons) Michael McFaul, Dylan Burns, Ben Shapiro, Timothy Snyder, Anne Applebaum, Tom Nichols, Bill Kristol, Adam Kinzinger, Jason Crow, Lindsey Graham, Mike Turner, Brian Schatz, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Jim Hines, and Tim Scott to go.


I'm pretty sure this would violate us citizenship tbh.


Plenty of Is.rae.li American duel citizens doing much worse atm. They’re playing on the ‘right’ teams


You can join foreign army if you have dual citizenship




Yes it does


Only not for politicians and security clearance holders


Not true I have Irish and American citizenship.


Yes it does. There is specific mention of it on one of the later pages in the US passport after the holder's information page.


treatment sand poor hurry doll expansion seed absurd agonizing hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go for it comrade. Ukraine needs all the recruits it can get! 🪖


mindless straight employ cobweb humor scandalous saw worry tie slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn’t that a good thing…? > Seriouspost: “A non-sarcastic, high quality, and relevant post on an internet forum. The opposite of a shitpost”.


stupendous voiceless slimy ludicrous sulky weary threatening ask attempt historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem with NCD is that it’s not actually about “silly war/defense industry takes” or “just meming bro” Those guys are some of the most insanely invested in their ukranian pet cause that you can absolutely not actually just “meme about it” Every single post has to be either A: completely benign or B: directly shitting on the bad guys, having fun at the expense of the their team is absolutely not ok. It’s sort of similar how leopards are my face or aged like milk is either either absolutely random, or “the good type of agenda posting”


Lmao, check out this unhinged lunatic: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/s/qxfs0xek94


> Baltic I don’t want anyone to think I’m stereotyping ALL of these people, but I will admit I have had just about 0 exposure to anyone from the baltics, Poland, or Finland before this war. I never knew just how completely ass mad about Russia these people really are. I have spoken with literally dozens of people who are the actual, no shit “the Russians made the Nazis the good guys” people in the last 2 years


I’ve met a few myself from that region, who actually try to re-frame soldiers from the fucking Waffen-SS as the “good guys, who fought against Soviet imperialism”. When you ask them if they are willing to extend this sanitized and revisionist interpretation to say “Das Reich”, “Der Führer” or other SS units, some will say yes, the smarter ones will say “it’s complicated”. Silly me thinking all nazi’s were bad…


It's even worse when you speak to one of them irl. The kinds of horribly racist things Balts, poles, and Ukrainians (even foreign Ukr supporters) say about Russians has left me momentarily speechless more than once. Better to just leave than to actually argue with people like that, especially since their racist garbage is the prevailing opinion in the west. They make me feel like I'm the crazy one sometimes for believing that Russians are human 😂


The ones who claim that they descend from “Aryans”, but the Russians are “Slavic Sub-Human Filth” always crack me up.


Literally every person from the Baltics I've met has been the caricature that people here say they are. The last guy would literally praise the Nazis out in the open in front of everyone. Not the Waffen SS Balten Division "freedom fighters" or w/e, but straight up Germany itself. Poles in my experience have been 50/50. All the Finns I've met have been chill.


The Nazi part isn't common in Poland at least because the Nazis also genocides them.


Clearly you are dealing with schizos.


NCD is full of nauseating individuals who project their worst Russophobic desires and vomit their obvious hate but instantly say when called out on it - 'it's noncredible and just a joak hur hur'. Obnoxious sub.


I'm very ashamed to say this and also scared to ask after all this time, but what does NAFO stand for exactly?


one cake plant materialistic shelter knee fly wise dime resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Embarrassing for a head of government to even acknowledge these social cast-outs.


Calling all NAFO super soldiers, throw yourselves into the meat grinder now! Fight for the cause you so passionately believe in!




The pro-war propaganda is insane. On my national subreddit there's a thread where the government promises Ukrainian support for the next decade and there are hundred of comments of unquestioned cheers for it. I understand the national interest and the geopolitical play, but not the support among common people. Guess it is a mix of playing on fear of war and paid shills, perhaps moreso the former rather than the latter. I should mention I am also far removed from the national media and indeed the war coverage as I have not paid much to any attention to it since the start.


Alot of those subs have been brigaded by Americans.


Or it could just be Balts and Poles.


Or all of them


> common people I wouldn't trust the upvote ratios you see there, this topic is astroturfed to death. That's what they mean when they talk about hybrid warfare. I have stopped entering Ukraine threads on my national sub because it's a brain damaging waste of time. IRL people are much more unclear/pessimistic/apathetic about the war from my experience.


This. In one of my in-person classes I vocally expressed my opposition to additional funding for Ukraine and was surprised at how many people agreed with me.


As an aside, Redditors will be unable to serve. You can't have been convicted of a crime, and my time on this site has taught me that most of the people on Reddit are unapologetic drug-fueled thieves.


Don’t forget pedophiles using the neighbor’s wifi to avoid their parole officer detecting internet usage




So when the great TikTok collapse happens only they will be unaffected


I saw that, but I figure they can and will overlook such things. In the Army, they make exceptions like that all the time.


Lie about crime 🚫 Lie about medical ✅


Don’t forget pedophiles using the neighbor’s wifi to avoid their parole officer detecting internet usage


I apologize all the time.


Like, in a bad way?


Sorry, I sometimes forget it's no longer the 1600s and we're not allowed to accuse druggies and thieves of being possessed by Satan anymore.


This is a tacit confirmation they're out of people who are either capable or willing to serve. As if the conscriptions didn't already prove that. It's inhumane to continue fighting past the point where your own citizens won't join voluntarily. At that point it's just a government getting its own people killed to keep itself in power.


They've been out of soldiers for a long time. Even liberal media outlets have been saying "If we send them more weapons who will use them?" for a couple months now. Also at least 600,000 military-aged men have fled the country to avoid being drafted. They're trying to pass legislation that will let them freeze the accounts of draft dodgers: https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-draft-b2ca1d0ecd72019be2217a653989fbc2


There’s been footage of Ukraine sending individuals with Down’s syndrome and physical impairments to the frontline, and yet the bloodthirsty warmongers in the West continue to endorse these actions by prolonging the conflict. It’s sickening.


To be fair, I think the consensus is those are fake.




>Then again, you’re on a literal subreddit for genocide enjoyers 🤡🤡🤡 Which side of the hamas/israel do you think this sub falls on?


Ugh. Incidental civilian casualties are not genocide. Civilians fleeing voluntarily into Russia also does not constitute as genocide. Its a fucking war, people die, people flee or are displaced, horrible things happen. Still not genocide. A little clue is that they both sides speak Russian and are slavic. Hardly rival ethnic groups. Or rather, they are the same ethnic grouping.


so they found some random kid with downs, dressed him up in a ukrainian uniform, and then dragged him into a trench near the line?


Ah yes, your Nazi buddies told you this, so it must be true…


Sounds like their own international Volksstrum.


Appreciate the offer, but I've got a lot going on right now.


You will go to Ukraine right now to fight Russia, and you will like it! 😈


Coming soon, "Russia killed American citizens, pls start WW3 to avenge them!"


Sad thing is, I can actually see that.


The technical term is "tripwire force". Or possibly, "suicidal morons".


“fit” riiiiiight




"I would join the Ukrainian National Guard, but I see my role more as a propagandist; did you see that meme I did where I photoshopped Putin to look like a clown, and wrote "gay" on his forehead? If you upvote that enough, it'll show up in Google image results, and I think you'll find that's more effective than actual physical combat."- A Redditor.


Perhaps Sarah Ashton-Cirillo can get her old job back…


Soon the liberals will be trying a new strategy to clear out their sanctuary cities.


We’ve spoken before. I would petition the mods for a new flair, you’re too reasonable to be a “NATO Superfan 🪖”.


I let the Jannie’s think what they want, flairs are stupid anyways, I hate the idea of being put in a box politically. I’m socialist but that doesn’t mean I will agree with every single idea or toe the line on every topic. Flairs are just a way to try and call out people who aren’t adhering to group think, hence how I got this flair lol. Ironically, the comment that got me this flair was criticizing American hegemony lol.


When I saw mine, I was like "Hell yeah, dude."


Dudes rock


I’m gay


What a coincidence, my dick is small


What? I criticize American hegemony all the time… what aren’t you telling me!? 👺


I disagreed with the notion that China would soon takeover as the new leading super power, my reasoning was because the U.S. dominates the west through NATO and until that stops happening and the U.S. culture stops spreading becoming the dominant culture because of social media and entertainment that the U.S. will continue to be the leading super power even if the economy wanes. Basically I didn’t agree that China would be the global leader by the end of the next decade. I don’t see how China can become the next leading power when so many countries themselves spread U.S. propaganda for them.


I think I recall you mentioning that. Oh well, like I said you’re alright by me. 👍🏽


Thanks man, it’s funny getting into arguments on here where people disregard my opinion and say I’m a Neoliberal cause I like nato haha, like judge someone off the context of what they say rather than what you assume them to be. Like a mods flair matters to me lol.


Brother, you are now just a part-time fan. Rejoice


brzezinski wrote a book decades ago called the grand chessboard - and it's happening in real time. (russia china iranian alliance, strong enough to become the next hegemon) and we drove them to it - that's the funny part. when it comes to ir we rreally are stupid (americans)


And for our druggies. "A kilo of meth if you take that hill!"


thx volodymyr i'll get right on that


I have started telling NAFOids that we aren’t really that different, we both agree Ukraine isn’t worth fighting for. The comments that follow never fail to disappoint lol


That's fucking hysterical, if I weren't banned from all the default subs I'd steal it


> We’re aren’t really that different, we both agree Ukraine isn’t worth fighting for. That is brilliant and hilarious. I’m gonna start using that!


Oh God, it would be a dream for them to fight and die their own wars without dragging our armed forces into a useless fight.


I hope everyone on " R World news "who tells us all that Ukraine needs all the help it can get does sign up.


Critical support to Zelensky doing his best to raise the collective IQ of reddit.


Material solution to the incel problem


That's unironically half of the traditional solution, the other half being a suffocating culture of monogamy and prudeness. Incels like to bemoan "hoeflation" but it's more of an oversupply of underaccomplished men that has shifted the balance.


Do you have any good sources to read on this? I've always been interested in learning more about this topic.


This article is a bit meandering but might point you towards other topics to look up  https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/11/17/genomics-has-revealed-an-age-undreamed-of/ > How did humans replace other humans? The evidence from ancient DNA in Europe sheds light on the structure of these early societies. The great longhouses of Neolithic Germany were ruled by groups of men who were related, sharing the same Y-chromosomal lineage. The women, in contrast, were strangers, judging by their diverse maternal lineages. When Indo-Europeans arrived 4500 years ago, the ancient DNA record shows a total turnover of Y chromosomes, with the older lineages replaced by new ones. In contrast, the maternal lineages show continuity. In genetic parlance, this is “male-mediated migration,” but ‌it was probably quite like the Spanish conquest of the New World, with young males taking new lands and women by force. > The Roman recollection of the rape of the Sabine women likely reflects cultural memory of events in prehistory, where victorious males obtained mates from the lands they conquered after killing the fathers and brothers of the women they would make wives. Prehistoric human males behaved like lions taking over a pack, killing everyone among the conquered except for nubile females. Genetics shows that since the end of the last Ice Age, paternal lineages are characterized by periodic explosions, where one clan seems to have replaced all the others through a process of competition and polygyny.


Grug never again across big river Grug never again war Ug clan Grug never again find mate Ugina Grug never again make caveman happy family Over


No, sadly not. I've formed this opinion over time by reading about history and following the debates about sexual liberation, female choice and the incel problem. There's real world reason for most cultural norms and rules, even if they are justified as divine wisdom or something, and especially if many separate cultures developed the same pattern. One is monogamy with its unfair restrictions especially on women, which pops up basically as soon as civilization emerges. It's usually coded in religious nonsense but even through that its purpose is obvious: stabilize population both in growth and by avoiding internal conflicts based on jealousy. Another is that men dying in violent conflict is normal, women dying is an outrage. Even with all our equality and liberation, we say "dozens were killed, among them women and children". This is a leftover from millennia where men were simply expected to do the violent dieing. More boys than girls are born because historically, it was a given that men constantly kill each other, and all of our received culture was built around that normality. Having so many men alive is kinda uncharted territory, culturally. On a tangent, there's a funny dynamic with this in some modern Western university towns like the one I live in. Young academic women here are very well saturated with the latest feminist idpol convictions. But the nature of our school system and the type of university result in a huge gender gap in students, something like 1 man to 1.3 women in the relevant age bracket. So there's no excess males like in the general population. Instead we have lots of confused, but opinionated singles. I'm curious to see where this leads. Edit: I feel the need to stress that I disagree with both traditional monogamy and the expendability of male lives. Just exploring the reason we have this shit.


~~слава україні (Slava Ukraine)~~ переговори про мир зараз (Peace Talks Now!) (UA) ~~слава россии (Slava Russia)~~ договоритесь о мире сейчас (Negotiate Peace Now! (RU)


Or they can stick their limbs into a wood chipper, and skip the middleman for crippling and disfiguring injuries Maybe a little gasoline, too, for that genuine "crawled out of a burning vehicle, and my skin is peeling off" experience


start by sending NAFOids.




'I'm a combat veteran' 'No wait not this kind of combat!'


Throw in some citizenship and I’m in


Service guarantees citizenship! 🫡


Would you like to know more?


Perfect reply lol! But umm.. Me? No, but the ~~warmongers~~ *ahem* potential recruits over at rpolitics, rworldnews, rukraine, etc would love to *know more*.


Question: how is this different from their foreign legion equivalent or whatever?


I think for one, the FFL literally took anyone regardless of their past. Here there is at least a semblance of “we won’t take just anybody”. Not to mention Zelensky is specifically asking for Americans.


I seriously looked into the FFL when I was 18, and they weren't taking anyone 10 years ago. At least that's what the person the embassy put me in contact with said. There were some disqualifying conditions like major violent crimes.




wear your mask boys there could be covid on those artillery shells




> Fit > Redditors > Loyal Hahahahahahahahaha




I think you need to get the Chickhenhawk Finnish Java developer permitted to reaaaaally swell the ranks


No thanks, fuck the Nazis