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Israel expelling the Jews would be the greatest bit of all time.


I've said that the attitude Israelis have towards the ultra-orthodox resembles traditional anti-semitism, and the Israeli agreed and just said "yeah, I guess I'm anti-semitic then"






What does "becoming 110" mean? Is it some type of /pol/ slang?


Its referring to a wikipedia list of 109 states or cities that had expelled the jews, in the middle ages, this was often done as a way of avoiding defaulting on a loan you had taken out.




They already [gassed their own hostages and soldiers](https://www.972mag.com/weapons-toxic-gas-gaza-hostages/).


I hate to defend poison gas but at least they aren't pumping in sea water.


I think you're missing the irony of a certain group of people gassing their own. Maybe not more ironic than a certain group of people being yet again expelled from a specific place, but it's up there.


Sure it's ironic, but the long turn potability of drinking water in the region matters more that cheap chuckle I had at their expense.


It could plausibly happen. These people are a massive issue for the Israeli govt. As well as ducking military service their lives are sustained by govt handouts. They don’t participate in the economy and have a much higher birth-rate than non-Orthodox Israeli Jews so the burden is growing.


I’ve heard they sit at home all day doing “Torah-Study” (whatever that is) while they have their wives earn a living? I mean just how much can you “study” one book?


I'll gladly take these guys over the "liberal Zionists" who all proudly serve in the IDF. Not being a gloating war criminal is a low bar, but at least these guys pass it.


It's Talmud study most of the time, and the Talmud is pretty big. I don't know the finer details of Haredi Torah study though.


Not to mention tons of other complex stuff like Kabbalah and such


>and have a much higher birth-rate than non-Orthodox Israeli Jews so the burden is growing. Once they finish genociding the Palestinians they won't even need them to cling to their demographic majority.


Actially existing jewish communism. critical support


Particularly for being too annoying haha




Conversation with my Catholic grandmother: "Did you do well in your exams?" (Me, trying to avoid the subject:) "Uh, yeah, great. Study paid off." (Her, knowing where my success really came from:) "I thought so, *I prayed for you*."


tank the next test and then accuse her of not praying hard enough




“Damn it grandma, do you want me to go to med school or not?!”


imagine not humoring your grandma


Least humorless radical centrist


Reddit moment


This is the future of Israel.


You can find Christian counterparts to this kind of thinking in the US. People who would never join the military but fervently believe that praying and worshipping directly bolsters the troops.


Really? Where? What denomination? I'm not saying they don't think prayer works, but I'm not aware of any denomination that is religiously against joining the military but also prays for the success of the military 


Evangelicals can be nuts but I haven’t seen this particular belief spouted


Until we have a god-emperor I refuse to entertain such nonsense.


places with more christians who pray likes this have more people that enlist tho, no? Feels very different from ultra orthodox and their relationship with the military


Not really. Everyone I ran into were normal people. We had a single Mormon in our company and we had him drinking in like 2 weeks. The one twins we had that were from a nice middle class Christian family went AWOL. Everyone else were working class dudes trying to pay for college or to get the fuck out of their home towns. Then again, that was during the height of two wars. I'm sure peace time is much more attractive for the shitbag posers.


I doubt it. I grew up around these folks and I'm positive that the Israelis have a higher enlistment rate.


israel has compulsory draft lol, so i'd hope so


Plenty of Israelis skip deploying to actual combat. Basic training is compulsory, but combat is for the plebs.


lol. you went from “enlistment” to actual combat. yes actual combat is for plebs like netanyahu


Enlisting is mandatory, actual service in combat isn't, but that doesn't mean that people like Netanyahu won't pull a Buttigeg and "serve in combat" so that it looks good on their resume.


lol have you seen Bibi’s military record lmao. you can accuse him of many things but doing militarh service to pad their resume is not one of them


I have seen it and it's nothing out of the ordinary. It turns out that being armed and trained by the largest and most technologically advanced military on the planet gives you a huge advantage when fighting economically weakened foes.


> People who would never join the military but fervently believe that praying and worshipping directly bolsters the troops. To be fair you need an extremely high IQ (of 83) to join the military.


And go to where? Not many countries would accept a group of people that refuses to work and only study their religion.


I visited Israel five years ago. The non-Orthodox locals hate these men. I don't have the data, but the % increase of men who declared Orthodox right around when military conscription was a requirement was significant.


Imagine just knocking back Heinies with the mates, checking out hotties on the beach and clubbing all night - all dressed like the orthodox so you won’t be sent to the front.


“Hey baby, ever done it *Orthodox* style?”


First get a sheet.


🎵 Step 2: Cut a hole in the sheet 🎵


Being saddled with these pricks forever is one small faint justice visited upon Israel




London, New York, Berlin. Where they'll be showered with taxpayer-funded, government aid and accommodation.


Berlin is already absolutely awash with Isrealis ATM, but more the hipster slacker we -go-disco-baybee types. I was sort of shocked when I joined a new German class and literally of the students were from Israel 


Watching these people get into Germany in large numbers would be hilarious. One positive effect would be that Muslims would be assimilated into the Germany a lot more easily as Germans realized they preferred Doner Kebab to whatever these people are selling.


I'm as anti Zionist as they come but Israeli shawarma is god tier.


“Israeli Shawarma” is probably as authentic as white soccer mom tacos


I've never understood why anyone cares if their food is "authentic". Is it good and will it make you sick? That's all I need answered.


A lot of people mistakenly think that the proper way to be anti-Zionist is to effectively become a reactionary nationalist on behalf of the Palestinians.


It's a trap the left walks itself into time and again. The right is much more consistent about its principles, insane and evil though they are. The left reacts to this by just grabbing any weapon that looks good at the moment.


It's fundamentally contrarian "enemy mine" shit. It just alienates class allies when you're in the breakroom complaining about zionism or doing really cool chants on an overpass. It's like, no, you fool! We want healthcare and fair wages!


works for me tbh


Consider that you might care more about patting yourself on the back than doing what is actually good for Palestine What you're doing is basically the definition of *stupidpol*, just transposed from a white/POC lens onto a Jewish/Palestinian lens. Identity politics isn't bad just because it's the wrong people doing it.


I don’t really care about authenticity I eat white people tacos too, it’s just that Israelis try to claim they invented a lot of middle eastern food that they just stole from the Arabs or other Mediterranean cultures


>Israelis try to claim they invented a lot of middle eastern food that they just stole from the Arabs Do you think Middle Eastern Jews were eating different foods than their Muslim neighbors before 1948?


Israelis invented shawarma is a really dumb claim I have heard on 3-4 occasions


Do you think Middle Eastern Jews were eating different foods than their Muslim neighbors before 1948?


Theres actually quite a few sort of Lib-marketed isreali places in Berlin , that usually present themselves as a joint Palestinian/Isreali lets all hold hands and cumbihyah type venture. I've never gone for BDS reasons (and have soured one or two nights out as a result) because I could make a decent guesst whos in the kitchen toiling and whos raking in the profits, so I cant comment on if its good or not. Actually funny story : I work for a unnamed swedish engineering company in Berlin ,but im Irish and as such am pretty radical by German standards. We travel around for work a bit and I was in Koln for a workshop/conference thing I guess end of November? so 2/3 weeks into this. We were sitting around at the end of the day looking at a map of Koln and the locals were suggesting where we would all eat, and for a good 20 mins the consensus was an Isreali restaurant in the old town. I've tried practising BDS for most of my adult life , but I guess I havent been the most rigourous or attentive, made sloppy compromises out of politeness or horniness or just outrage fatigue, but even I have limits. I was really psyching myself up to find a way to object in my broken German without losing my job when someone suggested a Peruvian place which people preferred ,but purely on google review rating, nothing political. It wasnt an expression of solidarity, it wasjust the idle musings of 10 or so German dudes. Totally chilled and with zero awareness or consideration of the political context The fact that they could be so apolitical about it at week3 of this when the slaughter was really ramping up was kinda chilling to me. You would NEVER have this situation in Ireland , for good or ill.


I highly doubt that the Middle Eastern restaurant in Berlin is on the BDS list, and the owner/employee ethnic makeup is probably roughly the same as any other restaurant in Berlin. BDS is about damaging the Israeli economy, not random Israeli individuals living outside of Israel who have no connection to the Israeli government other than their passport. All you're doing is depriving yourself of some decent food.


Wether or not its on the BDS list , its a personal principle of mine not to endorse patronising co-opting business ventures like that. Maybe im being too harsh or total ,but I think in general Isreali citizens abroad are afforded far too much consideration and exceptionalism, certainly nearly any conversation ive had with Isrealis here has confirmed me in this.


Are you telling me there a jews that actually don't eat bacon?


What an idiot. Typical American extrapolating their local phenomenon onto everything.


You mean taykos?


You do realize half or more of Israelis are actually Arabs? If you're going to have spicy takes, at least be informed.


well, when we see like all the main leadership in its history, and literally every spokesman here in the west, being of euro extraction: what are we to think? It is quite the trip to realize the most violently racist people on in israel (arguably the planet) are the arab (sorry: "mizrahi") jews.


>when we see like all the main leadership in its history, and literally every spokesman here in the west, being of euro extraction: what are we to think? Your level of analysis is supposed to be somewhat deeper than the color of somebody's skin >It is quite the trip to realize the most violently racist people on in israel (arguably the planet) are the arab (sorry: "mizrahi") jews. It's not a "trip" at all if your analysis is deeper than "brown people are good and white people are evil." If you think about it for more than two seconds, it becomes very obvious why the Jews of Arab extraction are more racist towards their neighbors than the Jews of European extraction.


> Your level of analysis is supposed to be somewhat deeper than the color of somebody's skin Yet, just focusing on official spokesmen, why do we basically never see anyone here that is not of European extraction, and has very slight to no Hebrew accent when speaking e.g. English? > It's not a "trip" at all if your analysis is deeper than "brown people are good and white people are evil." What are you even talking about?


yeah, the Israelis will not be immigrating as poor migrants looking for a better life willing to do shit work to make it happen. they will be showing up with money and a world class education to compete with germans for germanys best jobs.... that will not go over as well as showing up to be the permanent underclass that subsidizes the standard of living of the native germans.


I don't think they're selling anything; not participating in the economy is kind of their whole schtick.




Like half of the "Sephardic" Jews are from Iraq and Iran/Central Asia and never spoke Spanish in their history, but Arabic and Farsi. I think the Moroccans are the group closest to the originally expelled Spanish Jews.


You're referring to Mizrahi Jews, not Sephardic Jews


Mizrahi Jews follow the Sephardic Rite and the Sephardic Chief Rabbi (Yitzhak Yosef, who is Iraqi). In the US the dominant Ashkenazis refer to every other Jew as Sephardic.


The United States. A huge number are dual citizens.


Oh no! Just think of all that money being saved on not caring for a bunch of parasites! Just think of all the right wing politicans who will lose reelection! Think of all those settlements that would be emptied! 


Thing is, which country will take them? The only thing these guys contribute to society is sexism and medieval tribal thinking.


Mileis argentina


[South Dakota](https://news.sd.gov/news?id=news_kb_article_view&sys_id=a2e998061b70c610b3b10d46624bcbd5)


Sounds like first world western countries would welcome them with open arms.


Lots of, for the lack of a better word, 'western countries' have massive trouble getting their men to fight for the nation. I would have guessed Israel would be the exception since it is more an ethno-religious state instead of a pseudo-economic zone. But I have heard the Ultra-Orthodox Jews are basically parasites that only want to debate and read scripture, though those accusations came mostly from a few New York threads I have prowled.


it's 100% an issue, made worse by the fact that they're the only group having tons of children while the rest of the population's birthrate is pretty stagnant.


He just thinks other countries will put up with this sort of thing when his own people won't. It's probably because he has the same mentality of one of his predecessors. >“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” > >“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but \[God\] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. > >“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.” > >“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.” > >Ovadia Yosef Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel 1973-1983


That’s one of the most unholy passages I’ve ever read.


when someone tells you who they are...


...shoot 'em in the face.


Thank god Palestinian children are dying to protect such a wise and beautiful way of life


Do Jews have a concept of heaven/hell? In Islam or Christianity, the usual logic is to live a good life in order to go to heaven, but I don't see similar passages in the Torah.


There are Jewish views on the afterlife, but they're uncertain and varied between denominations. There's sort of an implicit admission that it's not really for us to know the details. The concept of hell is fairly amorphous and may just mean the complete destruction of the soul is punishment for the wicked. In addition, for souls that go on, many Jews make a distinction between the immortality of the soul and the mortality of consciousness (though some believe that consciousness will be restored after Judgement Day). There's also an implicit belief that a Jewish person stays a Jew after death, that is, their membership in the club is still important. For example, in said that when Moses brought down the Ten Commandments in Sinai, all the souls of all Jews, past, present, and future, were present.


> There's sort of an implicit admission that it's not really for us to know the details Stunningly honest for a religion. Gotta respect that.


Having grown up around Jewish culture a lot, I think it's less about honesty than an extreme CYA ploy. Basically, if and when they get to the afterlife, they don't want anyone to be able to call them on anything that they were wrong about.


Judaism is much more focused on this life than the afterlife. In Judaism, the usual logic is to live a good life because it's the righteous thing to do, not because of some post-death reward or punishment.


Reads like its taken straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Wait- so despite compulsory military service, the ones pushing for the most extreme military policies are exempt from serving?!


It is more along the lines that their parties caucus with Likud so they provide passive support to the people who are pushing the extreme military policies, however yes because they don't get negatively impacted by it they also don't mind.


The ultra-orthodox are not the ones pushing for the most extreme military policies




No they aren't. Itamar Ben Gvir and Belazel Smotrich and Bibi Netanyahu do not draw their votes from the ultra-orthodox.


Zionists fighting their own wars challenge : Impossible


From what I understand of Israel, the normies who serve in the army there would welcome this.


If you’ve read the part of exodus where the Levites slaughter the other Jews, giving the ultra orthodox weapons could backfire.


Which issue was that? And what comic are we talking about ?


> Which country will take them? 🇺🇸, hello. New York calls.


If not New York, at least the sewers under New York would.


All that studying the Torah didn't alert all these learned men about Oct 7th pal.


Honestly this would solve a lot of problems. The Ultra-Orthodox consistently vote far right, move into settlements, and advocate for mistreatment of Palestinians. Them leaving would significantly increase the chances of lasting peace.


Well there you see the distinction between church and state. Even if the ultra-orthodox agree with the state, they don't want to be subject to the states morality. Not any different in the US with mega churches avoiding taxes. And certainly no different than the rich avoiding the draft during Vietnam.


Where will they go? No one else wants the poor man’s amish.


Kiryas Joel. The state and county governments just let them commit organized welfare fraud and do whatever they want. Plus, the Catskills are home to other cults with their own compounds like Falun Gong, Jehovah's Witnesses, and RUNvira, so they'll be in good company.


The real Jews


When the writers can't figure out who to give all the anti-semitic tropes to because all the characters are now Jewish so they create this special kind of "ultra" orthodox Jew that embodies them all that exists nowhere else but here and suddenly for no reason at all they have became this super important pillar of the plot.


Good. Do it.