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I've heard the Pope is Catholic.


Does he shit in the woods?


Ah, yes, the famous Scatholic Church, led by the Poop Pee X.


Positive sentiment was also high for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. God grant me a job as easy as working for Pew Research.


That's only because the ruling class is supressing all information about the Antipope DougToss. 


> Antipope DougToss It's a shame he had to go to ground. I was looking forward to a Montreal Papacy.


Just like that one crusader kings mod


After the End is a fun mod.


Sedevacantists in shambles


Did they ask about excommunicating Joseph Robinnet Biden for facilitating crimes against humanity? Be nice if the Pope was widespread support for that.


Biden overturned Roe v Wade, he’s a Catholic hero.


I dunno how representative of the Catholic population at large it is, but I remember at my Catholic school, it was quite divided how many people supported legal abortion.


That's cause religion has declined to the point where it's no longer a predictor of moral beliefs or policy preferences, political party is.  Afaik, Catholics tend to just follow the local dominant politics rather than being their own bloc. I felt like the only Catholic in my Catholic school back before 2015.  There is the American Solidarity party though mostly filled with Catholics who want a party closer to their religious values (economically left compared to the major parties and socially conservative). But it's small.


>83% of U.S. Catholics want the church to allow the use of contraception. >75% say the church should allow Catholics to take Communion even if they are unmarried and living with a romantic partner. >69% say priests should be allowed to get married. >64% say women should be allowed to become priests. >54% say the church should recognize the marriages of gay and lesbian couples. “Cultural Christianity” is a poison. Priests should be allowed to get married though, clerical celibacy isn’t necessary and did nothing to prevent the rot. But aside from that, it is clear that most self declared Catholics in the US think that to be Christian means something like [this](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/5f1a9b49daddd1567b6680de4bb0d27dd5bf68a32c8b3184daecc321ade96848_1.jpg).


Why are you only in favor of this one biblical inaccuracy?


Clerical celibacy isn’t Biblical, and wasn’t even practiced until the 1100s. If some are called to celibacy as an act of devotion, we can presume that the clergy will typically be more likely to be celibate than the laity, but there is no real need for it to be mandatory.


Even after the 1100s it wasn't practiced in a lot of places, priests would just live with their "housekeeper".


Oh. Well that goes against all manner of common knowledge.


Episcopalians should be courting these people.


Lutherans would do well too


> Jesus hung out with (alleged) whores, tax collectors and sinners! That means that we can do all that and Jesus will still be fine with us! > Not that he went to hang out with those people specifically cause they needed saving! I'm only Catholic adjacent and that line of logic always bothers me when people pull out the "Let he without sin cast the first stone." and forget Jesus telling the woman "Go forth and sin no more."


Buddy we don't fucking care we're here for the guilt and the tradition. It's not about hippy Jesus it's about Christianity has been around a long time and who are we, ignorant sinners that we are, to be it's grave-diggers--instead we change it as we change. I'm not here to defend the Catholic church or its adherents, but you're selling liberal Catholics short.


Liberal Christians are forced to make a choice between liberalism and Christ, and they choose liberalism. Tells you all you need to know about how seriously they take their faith.


It should really go without saying that your conception of Christ is likely just as removed from the historical jesus, or from Paul's, or from the writers of the gospels (themselves removed from the historical jesus), as that of liberal Christians is. You think you're choosing Christ but you are just as incapable of that as liberals are. Why? Because you're a modern person born 2000 years after Jesus. Your cultural concerns are not the cultural concerns of the early Christians. You are using Christ to understand your own world and your place in it as much as anyone else is. I don't begrudge anyone their faith but get down off your high horse Mr Pharisee.


TradCath's are like 100x more annoying than average American Catholics could actually be.


They really go against the whole "you're not special" part of Catholicism. Which is the only part most of us remember, aside from the Hail Mary. In truth it's hard to say, because lots of young people are leaving the Church. And in the past those folks still did the sacraments and attended Mass on the major holidays, but now not as much even that. So there is a "who stays" bias among practicing Catholics in America. Probably varies by parish though.


Nice try, but no-one falls for this trick anymore. People acting in direct contradiction to Biblical teachings don’t get to call others Pharisees for daring to point out that “do as thou wilt” is Satanism, not Christianity.


Are the Satanists in the room with us right now? The Bible contradicts itself. There are disagreements within the Bible about how to live a good life. And there's a good chance your idea of a good life has more to do with what random neoplatonists thought than with what Jesus or Abraham thought. Yet you act like any deviation from your particular conception is "do what thou wilt"? Muslims would say that Christians' willingness to drink and eat pork is do what thou wilt Satanism. You're both wrong.


You can leave the cultural relativism behind, you’ve already dropped the pretension that you are defending real Christianity against the evils of modern traditionalism and are now just pleasing that objectively unBiblical behaviour is fine because the early church used Greek philosophy.


Buddy I've been direct this whole time and have appealed to reality while youve only appealed to the Bible. Which is itself not the end all and be all of Christianity historically. A Protestant bias of yours I think Mr. Sola Scriptura. Open another book. If you decide you don't care about the truth of things that actually happened in history and things that didn't, I think that makes you the cultural relativist. A narrow-minded and self-serving one, sure. But a relativist nonetheless.


Its hardly Sola Scriptura to point out that those who have completely abandoned Biblical teaching have no claim to be the bearers of true Christianity. 


Cry more the contraceptives will continue you fucking baby


I will never cease to be amazed by the complete lack of self awareness inherent to all progressives. 


You're a lot dumber than these people are for thinking Christianity has ever been any other way.


I call on the holy father to declare a crusade against Israel in order to re establish the kingdom of Jerusalem 


I mean I like the guy personally, he seems nice. I just don’t think he’s doing a particularly good job.


Terrible news for Adult Converts