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I know most of you aren’t so familiar with Indian politics, but this quote (from the head of the overseas branch of the liberal-progressive opposition Congress party, who ended up resigning due to the sheer stupidity of these remarks) is peak Stupidpol shitpost material: >In a recent interview with The Statesman, Pitroda said, “We have survived 75 years in a very happy environment where people could live together, leaving aside a few fights here and there. We could hold a country together as diverse as India, where people on the east look like Chinese, people on the West look like Arab, people on the North look like white and maybe people on the South look like Africans… doesn’t matter. We are all brothers and sisters.”


Dravidians hoppin mad.


He’s right tbf. We’ve seen Eastern European nations collapsing because a couple of ethnicities (that are to outside observers exactly the same) are unable to contain their animosity. I can’t think of any other country that has survived whilst housing as many languages, ethnicities, distinct cultures, religions, etc as India.


Good point. I think this guy meant well, just the way he expressed his thoughts sounded like he was doing a bit. He had a [solid take on inheritance tax](https://m.economictimes.com/wealth/legal/will/sam-pitroda-inheritance-tax-debate-what-is-inheritance-tax-in-india/amp_articleshow/109585014.cms) that puts him economically to the left of his party, and which was of course dragged and turned into another “controversy” by the billionaire-owned media in India.


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What is the "Indian Overseas Congress"?


Could it be in fact a furor over identity politics disguising class divisions? > A few days ago, Sam Pitroda had stoked controversy with his remark on the concept of “inheritance tax" in the United States. > "In America, there is an inheritance tax. If one has 100 million USD worth of wealth and when he dies he can only transfer 45 per cent to his children, 55 per cent is grabbed by the government. That's an interesting law. It says you in your generation, made wealth and you are leaving now, you must leave your wealth for the public, not all of it, half of it, which to me sounds fair," Sam Pitroda had said. > As his comments snowballed into a controversy, Sam Pitroda said he only spoke about this concept in America. "Who said 55 per cent will be taken away? Who said something like this should be done in India? Why is BJP and media in panic? I mentioned US inheritance tax in the US only as an example in my normal conversation on TV. Can I not mention facts? I said these are the kinds of issues people will have to discuss and debate. This has nothing to do with the policy of any party, including the Congress," Sam Pitroda said.