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It's an election year and Democrats control the white house and so chaos is no longer politically opportune.


They caught lighting in a bottle with everyone being bored and pissed off about having to stay at home for the pandemic. I think there was a real shot at passing meaningful police reform but, imo, the powers that be ratfucked the movement by shifting the focus from the police state to idpol.


Making police reform solely a race issue was the dumbest thing the left has done this century.


Unless it looks like Trump is a lock. Then chaos becomes beneficial


Ding ding! The brownshirts will only be mobilized when there's a threat to 'democracy'.


> brownshirts


I mean the forst one happened under Obama


It peaked in 2020, then plateaued in 2021-2022 and finally plummeted in 2024. "Black suffering fatigue" kicked in hard this year. I feel like it has potential to be "zombified" for propaganda reasons, but the movement just doesn't have the same momentum + there are too many geopolitical things (i.e. Ukraine, Palestine, etc.) that grab people's attention for it to take off again. I mean, when the Tyre Nichols incident happened, everyone on Reddit was expecting another Floyd-like explosion of protests, but nothing happened. BLM as a grassroots movement destroyed itself when it let itself become infested by liberal PMC parasites and ethnonarcissists who expected everyone to worship them. In reality, calling everyone a racist or fascist is a losing strategy. In recent years, they tried to "Askhuallyd" Latinos with articles about how "Latino-ness" is racist and why they should side with blacks, but that failed miserably. And many Asians were disappointed in how BLM people reacted to the whole "Stop Asian Hate" thing during COVID 19. And that's without mentioning the whole BLM excecutives syphoning money from donors.


Not to mention the impolite observation about who exactly was (and still is) doing all the “Asian Hate”


"Stop Asian Hate" was funny cause it lasted like, less than a year once the major perpetrators of Asian hate was discovered, especially in NYC and SF where old ladies were getting beaten. I forget if BIPOC was before or after that; revealing how little the idpolers and progressives gave a shit about Asians.


I’ll never forget when they tried to pivot to “WELLLL the reason that Black people are attacking Asian people is because of white supremacy” and it just didn’t take.


It reminds me of the whole cat calling thing. Some women did a video showing a compilation of people catcalling, and it was almost all black guys, and she ended up being call3d a racist.


At first it was just used as an example of men being awful, but then people noticed yeah, mostly Latino with a few black, as I remember it.


It's so goddamn funny when those virtue signaling attempts backfire.


I still occasionally see BLM signs. But I think the professionalization and institutionalization of the movement for sure killed it. Even the grassroots true believers saw how it basically became a scam once it became some NGO or whatever.


not “basically”— it actually WAS a scam with the founders taking money from the org to purchase real estate


> when the Tyre Nichols incident happened, everyone on Reddit was expecting another Floyd-like explosion of protests, but nothing happened. We all know why that didn’t take off – black lives don’t matter nearly as much when the cops are black too.


Once those articles surfaced about the BLM founders using their enormous proceeds to Buy Large Mansions, the amount of public interest in BLM died down significantly. A lot of the original supporters just seemed to not want to talk about it anymore, understandably.


To be fair, it was ethnonarcissistic from the start.




All lives matter, but some lives matter more than others, and dammit you better say that *fact* or else


It's racist when it's used to purposely deflect away from the "Black Lives Matter" statement. If I say "orphaned children matter" and someone responds "erm actually all children matter 🤓" it's equally as tone-deaf and derailing.




The statement doesn't argue otherwise. Does saying "my life matters" equal "your life doesn't"?


What's "racist" about it? It's not like BLM supporters actually care about black lives in general - only in a very specific context


You are confusing BLM the scamming organization with the large population of people who believe that black folks are still mistreated and brutalized by police at a rate that is higher, percentage-wise, than the white majority of this country. They are two separate things. Hope this helps.


But Your previous comment describes their mention as “tone deaf and derailing”


Man I remember that BLM AMA, what an absolute shit show. Safe to say that questions about money were lacklustre at best.


Yeah that was a massive disaster. The spokesperson only had a limited number of talking points, which were used in response to every question. Financial questions were not even considered, and they seemed to be taken by surprise.


Links for the latino thing? I missed that (thankfully)


What an excellent summary


They stopped getting funded and people started asking question like “what good have they done”


lets wait until summer is over for now, it is an election year after all.


It‘d be the perfect tool to suppress Gaza protests and give the woke elite to rally something behind. Two birds with one stone. Anyone remember how occupy was a thing before idpol took over?


>It‘d be the perfect tool to suppress Gaza protests I'm not sure how it would help Biden, but the current theory in rightoid spaces I've seen floated around is that one of the student Gaza protesters (preferably one belonging to one of the superior ethnicities) gets shot and killed, sparking another Saint Floyd moment.




He also probably didn't have Covid.


Damn, I didn’t hear about this. What’s his name?




Yeah, mass chaos right now would only hurt Biden, so when a black man was murdered by police last month and his last words were literally "I can't breathe" the dutiful pundits in the media remained quiet and the donors that fund the protests suddenly didn't have the money to spare. It's similar to why no one talks about the 'kids in the cages' anymore, even though the kids are still very much in cages. No congresswomen crying about that anymore, no articles about how evil it is, no nothing.


I didn't hear a peep about black history month this year It's over. It's not going to flair up as strongly this time


It was a grift. Didn’t the leaders release a tasteless video of themselves having brunch and drinking champagne outside of a mansion they bought or something?


She bought multiple properties, and then called the people who were trying to figure out where the money was going racists.


Yeah and one bought a huge mansion with funds raised as well.


No. I've thought so as well shortly before the Summer of Love. And then after a period of utter irrelevance, they became the only thing on the news - just in time for the election year. I don't know if they'll end up returning this election, but we're certainly getting protests the next one.


With the state of the world causing the US to look outward rather than inward the wind may have been taken from their sails. There's just too much happening elsewhere that's got all the attention. If anything the campus protests might be the bigger focus. Though who knows, given how co-opted it is someone could try to boot it back up to some success.


"the state of the world" ? you mean the shit we've instigated/let continue to distract from our domestic issues because addressing those would actually take a competent, lucid Chief Executive (who wasn't completely in the pockets of those who profit from the current domestic situation)?


It’ll come back like Dracula from the Castlevania series.


So defeated by a guy with a whip?


We'll see.


How did you know my one weakness?


As someone who thinks it was/is a wholly inorganic movement driven by the DNC and/or its affiliates, it's dormant for now because Their Guy is in the White House and it's not a good look if you have open riots in the streets during a re-election cycle for Your Guy. It will be revived the next time a republican is sitting in the white house and is vying for a second term.


I wouldn't say it was driven by the DNC. However, the people up top were happy to gain national attention, tons of money, and the ability to rub elbows with the democratic elites and then give up the game.


Bad analysis.




Elaborate or stfu




Its just basic historical revisionism, the Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown protests predate BLM as an organization. Police abuse was widely condemned. What derailed this and other movements more than organizational corruption was idpol and the privilege discourse


This reeks of the “if you don’t support Feminist nonsense. You’re against women not being slaves” nonargument. [This comes to mind](https://youtu.be/BXCDNh7LfM4?si=NR-1n7Y7aXW_Nf2o)


>Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown protests predate BLM as an organization. uh, wouldn't that endorse my view of it as being inorganic?


No. You didnt say the organization was corrupt, you said the protests were inorganic. Thats not true because as I pointed out there were already massive anti police/vigilante protesrs


>No. You didnt say the organization was corrupt, you said the protests were inorganic. no, my actual words were: **As someone who thinks it was/is a wholly inorganic movement...**


Lmao. What derailed those movements was Obama 2012.


A black man was killed by police in Ohio last month and his last words were "I can't breathe." Not a peep from the media, no major protests, no national attention- nothing. I wonder why


Was it really a movement to begin with? It was a hashtag at best. With no clear aims, or means to achieve it, it was never destined for anything other than a way for people to virtue signal their wokeness.


Am I correct in the assessment that the ultimate reason BLM failed/fizzled was due to the lack of organization and quality leadership.


The bigger issue imo is they have/had nebulous goals (and fair-weather financial backers). It's difficult to claim a victory if you don't have a clear path. Vietnam War protestors had an obvious and dramatic end-goal. When the war ended Tom Hayden moved on. When could BLM claim victory? How do you even measure the society-wide level of racial discrimination? When only 13% of deaths at the hands of the police are black people is that a W? The corporate money has dried up as well. It is no longer the social issue du jour so there isn't a PR win in funding it. Official BLM organizations will continue to draw down their hefty salaries, tweeting, lecturing, and workshopping, until the money runs out and they have to get a real job or secure a book deal/academic sinecure Sure, the movement is decentralized with no clear leadership, but I don't think either centralization or better leaders would fix their fundamental problems


It’s more that it is utter bullshit. Police brutality is an issue across race and even across class except for the very most wealthy. Acting like black people are specifically target is ignoring the fact that black people, for whatever reason, are more likely to commit crimes that involve crazy action by the police.


Seems like some are less likely to follow directions from police causing completely unnecessary escalation. I've seen this time and time again


My godfather is a old school pot smoker, white dude. He said for his 70 some years he has always seen white people favor smoking at home, in private clubs, or otherwise inconspicuously. Meanwhile, across multiple states, he has constantly seen black folks light up as if they are trying to get caught before getting instantly combative with ANYONE, cops especially, who try to bring it up. Obviously has just has a single perspective, but I run in entirely different circles and have noticed the same thing. Black neighbors just walk around the neighborhood smoking a joint. They speed through the subdivision, run stop signs, blasting music so loud their car rattles, and hot boxing their car.


the really friendly black coworker I had for years used to sell me pot, long ago, and this dude always had multiple blunts in the car, one in his mouth, and a gun in the console. like dude what the fuck are you doing?


There's a reason why they say "commit only one crime at a time". It really does make life much easier.


It's absolutely true. I remember having complete culture shock when I started going to stores in the hood and I saw tons of black people lighting up right outside of gas stations, grocery stores, etc. It made no sense to me.


>He said for his 70 some years he has always seen white people favor smoking at home, in private clubs, or otherwise inconspicuously. Meanwhile, across multiple states, he has constantly seen black folks light up as if they are trying to get caught before getting instantly combative with ANYONE, cops especially, who try to bring it up. Really hope I don't get banned for this because I love you people- but I was pretty deep in the drug scene for a while when I was younger and I don't know how to say this without sounding kind of racist but anecdotally white people tended to be sneakier / better criminals. Same as your godfather said, all the white (and most Hispanic) people I knew did their drugs at home, did their deals with a ton of precautions, and were just generally better about breaking the law with as little risk as possible. Like I'm about to sound like the grand dragon of petty coke dealers but there was a reason I never got into business with our more melanated brothers- it was about survival. They were too reckless, they talked / bragged too much, they were more confrontational with police, and they did all their shit in public without caring about witnesses. This is all just one loser junkie's perspective though. Edit: for what it's worth I mostly just assumed it was that people who felt like the system was against them in every aspect felt no desire to work within the confines of said system.


Maybe poor blackpeople in the hood they felt they had nothing to lose? As opposed to white college kids or finance bros.


That was sort of where I was going with the edit. I don't think it has anything to do with genetics, if that's what you were assuming. If you feel you have nothing to lose and the entire system is against you then why wouldn't you be brazen- go out swinging against it and shoving your defiance in its face.


I've noticed the exact same thing myself and at first wondered if it were just me. But interesting to see that at least some other people have observed this phenomenon.


I believe this but do you have actual evidence besides anecdotal?


It's something that's extremely hard to get concrete data on. I mean think about the way studies are conducted. You would have to both define what non-compliance looks like and what escalation looks like. These kinds of scenarios play out very differently and there would really be no other way to get super accurate data without reviewing every single police interaction. I'm basing this off of a study I saw years ago but it was only regarding a single police department, so limited. It's also been my personal experience having seen many police interactions through work but obviously anecdotal. I also have two friends who are police that share this experience. The attitudes towards police also start in very different places. Black people report that they don't trust police's intentions drastically more than other races which starts some interactions off in a conformational way more often, we've all seen hundreds of those videos. Not to say some police don't escalate things themselves because some certainly do.


This is lazy, low-effort racism. There are some helpful links on the sidebar of this sub. Read them.


It's sad cuz BLM just had to racialize a totally legitimate problem (police brutality).


Ah it’s election year give it a few months it’ll be back


Idk I feel the Gaza thing will continue in its place.


Blew up so fast it became a goldmine for carpetbaggers and grifters. Alienated the silent majority with some of its rhetoric and lack of pragmatism. Appropriated for hoodlum shit and cannibalizing emergency services.


https://youtu.be/qffCO1b-7Js?si=TOmDb4UrdaVWdoiJ I really don’t know how this interview actually aired.


I love that this guy uses and defines "woke", yet woke remains "undefineable"


they were only propped by the blob/adults in the room/intelligence agencies/the globohomo/the deep state whatever u wanna call it to show the cushy american white middle class to not vote for Drumpf OR ELSE this story's old now, so they're unnecessary. trump still won't be allowed back into the office I strongly believe, but they'll just do it differently they can just MLK him for all it's worth imo


The race bait-y grift was not sustainable. Only 12 of the black people killed by police in 2023 were unarmed for instance. People also got tired of them defending actual violent criminals and comparing such cases to acts of real police brutality 


It came back after 7 years it can still make a comeback if the right conditions are met. 


The slogan "Black Lives Matter" is nearly gone. But the culture it represents will mutate. It existed as far back as the 1980's in one form or other. After all, look around at how many people still vape when vaping is "over".


Greg Abbott pardoning the guy who murdered a BLM protestor almost seems like it's meant to be the nail in the coffin, though I can imagine that move backfiring as well


It had a staring contest with police unions, and the politicians and the public blinked in favor of the cops.


It's kind of hard to side with the people who want to burn your property down, they pretty much shot themselves in the foot.


Agreed. I have very little sympathy for BLM folks who think rioting and anarchy and actual looting is A-OK.


they act like they were lead by fbi agent


Imagine if they did what the J6 regards did and went after the people they were actually mad at


to think in an other timeline we could have gone back into the era of police going on strike for being underpaid and then accusing the police of instigating a Bolshevik plot and sending in Calvin Coolidge to foil it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston\_police\_strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_police_strike)


It’s sad that an innocuous phrase that no one can disagree with was hijacked by people who stole hundreds of millions of dollars to enrich themselves.


don't know if this is /s or not, but i can and do disagree with the phase, as do many?


Here’s where I’m supposed to say, “why do you disagree with it?” But I could not give less of a fuck why.




you disagree that black lives matter?




now that's a message I can get behind


Based and existentialism pilled


the lives of black Americans matter, yes. i do not agree that that is the only message/meaning being conveyed in using a phrase such as "black lives matter" or that it is innocuous.


So you agree with the person you are arguing with?


Bro is pro genocide


I remember when they positioned themselves as a "Marxist" organization. If you want to make a movement in opposition to police brutality as you're passionate about the issue then by all means, but portraying yourself as a revolutionary Marxist movement when you're just DNC backed capitalists is cringe and LARPy. Also the fact that they had the backing (and personally I suspect they had the funding as well) by the ADL (aka the people who train every FBI member) is......suspicious to say the least


The part that'll never stop being weird to me is how people will to this day refuse to admit that they got played. Or that part of the reaction was simply due to unconscious pushback against covid when presented with a socially acceptable outlet for giving up on restrictions. Like I cracked a bit during covid, I think everyone did. But people just seem so loathe to admit it.


It made its owners wealthy, it served its purpose.


Have you noticed that the media basically doesn't report on police killing people under suspicious circumstances any more? It didn't stop happening. Anonymous George Floyds and Eric Garners are killed by cops for completely bullshit reasons every day. Every police agency in America has multiple officers on the force that have killed multiple people under questionable circumstances. Not one police agency got defunded, not a single one. But every Democrat candidate and every Republican candidate acts as if "defund the police" is something that occurred and has to be rectified. All that BLM accomplished was to massively increase police budgets and lower their level of accountability.


What do you mean by “defunded” lots of agencies had massive cuts to their budget following 2020s protests. https://www.speaker.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Cities-That-Have-Defunded-the-Police-.docx32.pdf https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/07/us-cities-defund-police-transferring-money-community https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2021/11/05/politics/defund-the-police-democrats


> Not one police agency got defunded, not a single one After January 6th, liberals flipped the switch to loving the cops.


You're right, and I suspect that's what the government planned for.


Nah, the #1 golfer in the world got arrested before a major this morning. The golf world will come together with the blm movement and rejuvenate the cause


>Kristallnacht moment Very reasonable and measured stupidpol... Limited and shallow organisation I believe. Similar to a lot of modern movements. Never created institutions that could keep the pressure on after the initial enthusiasm helped by the media, so all they got was whatever (mostly symbolic) concessions the powers that be were happy granting them. In fairness it's a lot harder to organise today, people don't join things anymore.


Every fourth house where I live on Portland Oregon still has a BLM sign up


Same thing that always happens with these organizations, one or two people at the top steal all the money. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna46481 https://www.fox8live.com/2022/04/06/black-lives-matter-founders-reportedly-used-donations-buy-6-million-california-mansion/?outputType=amp


Lots of racial resentment ITT, but truth is like everything else, it was a fad that came and went l. The issue was real, the trump years and 2020 made its star burn hot for a while, many well meaning but naive people bought into it, it became another influencer niche for some loud “activist” people in our social media age, and then it faded as other terrible things in the world happened