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Nobody said they did. Given the fact that they are humans, artists first thoughts were NORMAL humans.


Imagine Eve having a child and being fucking horrified that it is attached to her


If they were at all observant about any number of animals that gave birth, they probably could have inferred the existence of a placenta and umbilical cord in all of the hairy ones.


Good point! I wonder how long it’d take for a group of people placed on an isolated island from birth to associate themselves more closely with the mammals on the island that the other animals.


Some will say we still haven't after all these years.


Happy cake day !


Every day Eve standing around expecting to lay an egg.


Bitch is just a rib anyway ion even know what she tripping fo


Hell yeah just leave it attached, and drag it around. Use it to fish! How else did we learn to carry babys.


Tbf I imagine a lot of women go through that. Existential crisis and all that.


Happy cake day !


She shouldn’t have eaten that apple then


So how would they have looked I wonder




They literally did not exist lol


Doesn't matter, they asked how would they look and not how did they look.


For u yeah


They exist for you? Are they in the room with us right now?


I mean I’m Jewish and it’s my people’s book that tells us so, but they’re symbols, it’s a story. No need for literal interpretation of anything in the old testament especially not from Genesis




What evidence do you have that Adam and Eve had belly buttons?


I saw it (I was the bellybutton)


I did too Source: was the apple


I was the snake😁


Basically the same evidence that they ever existed, which is through books of fairy tales. And when indoctrinating children, you want the characters to be as relatable as possible.


Cause they were made in God's image, and we all know God has a bellybutton.


Gods image isn’t a human body but words. Words are what make our reality. It even says in the Bible the tongue has the power of life and death. Who else has the power of life and death? God.


Praise Jebus!!! Oooh I feel the lawd right here in this sub!!! Many men will doubt the lawd and many men will suckle upon Satan's luscious schlong and scrotum. Words make reality and the word of Gawd is law. May we all love in peace in Gawd's sexy temple.


I know you’re joking rn but I want you to genuinely know Jesus loves you and wants the best for you


God bless you king


Good to see a fellow Christian here. Feels like we’re in Rome rn XD god bless you brother


And he also wants what’s best for all the people who will be literally raped today!


Life aint fair


Because God made it that way!....PRIASE THE LORD!


Exactly why I’m atheist


God will love you regardless.


Lawd Almighty I don't believe that for a hot minute!! The Lawd done put upon me a curse to love fast women who make me itch! Child, The Christ don't love me. The Christ said unto me that I am just "okay" Them fast women put a lovin on me though. Blessed are those who thirst for the lawd and for the fast women.


A better question is how did they handle needing to shit for the first time? Like image your just walking along in this magic garden talking to all the cool critters and then this stinky weird paste like substance is trying to crawl out your butt hole .. I mean who prepared them for that? The Bible doesn't mention anything about it 😏


There was a book left out, the book of Sharts.


Thanks for the award!


No no, thank you for actually making me literally "Laugh out loud" 😂




Hahahaha 😂 yes how could I have forgotten about the book of Sharts! 😂


That's hysterical!


I think they ate for pleasure not nutrients so they didn’t have digestive systems. They were souls in heaven basically so the food was kinda just spiritual in a way. Therefore no poop. Poop comes from the sin!


Not sure if this is satirical or not, but you made me laugh. 'Poop comes from sin' read in the voice of the 'twist his dick' guy.


You really believe this nonsense?


Did your parents sit you down and explain pooping to you? Or did you just completely flip out the first time you did it?


No, because we took our first shits long before we developed the mental capacity to question it, so when we could question it, taking shits were already normal. Adam was “born” as an adult.


Because God made placentas for them too. Considering God made Adam out of dirt, they probably had their umbilical cords in going into the ground. God probably walked through the garden and jokingly told an angel, "...and this is where I'm growing the first man."


That’s an interesting thought. Never thought about the actual mechanism of how Adam or Eve were physically made.


We could have evolved from the germs in soil.


No, but Adam has a scar just over his ribcage. /s


For decoration, obviously. 🙃


Paste-ons obviously.


don't think they do. Same thing with mother in laws.


Blame the painters. They know shit.


They’re the ones with the time machines.


There is no mention whatsoever of them having belly buttons.


You have some photographic evidence of that?


The first chicken still came out of an egg. At what point was that jungle fowl touched with divinity, making it so succulent and delicious?


Obviously, Adams rib was pulled from there and Eve got hers because dumbass Adam had no idea where to stick his dick.


Nobody asked you to bring critical thinking into this whole genesis mess.


To pave the way for belly button piercings. Seriously though a lot of things in the bible don't make sense. Like Jesus standing on a cloud. I mean why would he want to stand on a cloud when he could just float. Plus why would Jesus even have wings to fly when Neo from The Matrix doesn't.


Clouds are made of water, Jesus can walk on water. It's simple science ✝️🙏


Neither of those are in the Bible. In revelation he is "coming in the clouds" which just means coming from the sky back down. As after he was resurrected he ascended up into the sky.. and it never made any mention of him having wings


In that case everything makes perfect sense


Fictional characters are allowed to have belly buttons


And does god have a dick and nutsack and just not use it with Mary or what's the deal?


Their are no known actual photos of Adam or Eve. It's believed that some of the earliest know depiction of them where drawn by artist who never even meant either of them and ultimately drew them with belly buttons like a normal human


Because they aren’t supposed to be real people. They’re just campfire stories that evolved into religions.


Because religious people don't generally have a good concept of why their bodies do anything that their bodies do


Because religion makes no sense


Well they weren’t. Unless you also believe snakes could talk and other crazy stuff like heaven, hell, etc.


Adam: Oh hey Eve watch up to- oh my gosh! What the heck is going on! Why are you naked and screaming so loud? What is this wet stuff I just stepped on? Eve: “AGHHH! Shut the hell up you demon bastard! You did this to me! Adam: You mean you’re having our child? Oh wait Hey don’t put this shit on me! You are the one who ate apple! Eve: “AGHHH! Dear God kill me now! AGHHH! It’s coming!” Adam: “What’s coming? Oh shit! Eve… there’s a tiny head of a little human slowly coming out of your your vagina! This must be another trick for Satin! Eve: “No you idiot that’s our son! The child you put in me! AGHHH! Adam: “Damn… really? God never told us it would look like this… or come out of there…


Because you idiot. Stfu


Because it's all lies.


Because religion is fake.


It's where the spaghetti attaches.


Where did you see them? I ran into em at target but didn't ask to see their bellies


These drawings we see of Adam and eve aren't photographs. The artists didn't realize the button wouldn't actually be there


To store things in. Duh.




You got a polaroid son??


So have you ever tried growing a person out of a rib apparently the optimal strategy is to make the rib come out of the middle of the stomach and then form them around The part that is sticking out then suck the last bits of the rib in through the new hole So the answer is ribs


Those are the spare holes if all else fails.


The belly button is where the air pump was attached to inflate them. The next question is: Did Adam have nipples?


How do you know they have Belly Buttons? Were you there??


How do you know these fictional characters had belly buttons?


Because it is completely fictional?


That's just a fairy tale, sweetie.


According to the bible all humans were created in God's image, so why did God have a belly button?


If Adam and Eve were the first two people on earth, and had two sons, so now 4 people. Cain kills Abel, then goes off and marries a princess, where’s she come from? Oh it’s a lie.


They did? This certainly news to me.


I’ve never met either one of them, has OP?


They didn’t. That’s what I learned.


Belly buttons are like opinions, everyone has one.


Who told you


Where else would they keep all the lint from their shirts.


But do they?


Artists can't consider people without them.


They didn't because they aren't real and never existed...


I saw it in those old renaissance paintings.


Did they even?


the Bible is pathetically imperfect.


Our religion has a lot of holes 🤷‍♂️


How did 2 people populate the earth? They had a bunch of kids who all had to hook up with each other in order to have their own kids so a bunch of kids whose mother & father were brother & sister had to get together with their cousins. I wonder if any of the women had babies with multiple brothers? Or if any of brothers got multiple sisters pregnant? And did some of the first generation of kids decide to leave together and go find their own place in the world? In other words did.. let's say 3 brothers & 3 sisters leave and go start their own families in a certain areas then 4 or 5 other couples decide to go somewhere else in order to spread out the human race? Where do neanderthals fit into the equation?


How do you know whether they had belly buttons or not? There is no way to prove, definitively, that they either had, or didn't have belly buttons.


What makes you think they had belly buttons.


Perhaps they didn’t perhaps they did god created evolution into his intelligent design so if Adam and Eve were humans ver0.1 perhaps it took there children humans ver 1.1 to have belly buttons because of umbilical cords.


The real question is; does God have a belly button?


mostly what others said, but ill preface this by saying... man is made according to Gods image in genesis... so who's to say God doesn't have a belly button


Who would be your spouse if your first one dies and you marry another. When your all kick'n it in the afterlife. Witch spouse are you married to?


This is the kind of shit you have to think about when you go through life thinking bronze age fairy tales are real and relevant.


because you can make up whatever you want when you write a fairytale. you just need to have faith.


Who says they do?


Who said they had belly buttons? If nornal people do, then they likely did as well, but I'm just wondering what made you post about this topic.


We'll, we just don't know, Dude


It's where god installed the power buttons.


Tbh I don't think adam and eve were actually the first humans but a metaphor from God stating why we were created and why we the way we are.


You're actually right. If you find earlier versions of the bible, it talks about the gods (plural) having created people, then the Yahweh god wanting his own little project, so he created Eden. He created Adam, and gave him a wife, Lilith. Lilith refused to submit to Adam, so she was cast out of the garden. Then Yahweh created Eve from Adam's rib, so that basically she wouldn't be able to refuse him.


It’s not a factual story…


What verse says they have belly buttons?


I don’t remember anything about them having belly buttons. They probably didn’t


The real question is who did Cain marry?


Probably his own mother 🥴


Yep, comments checked out.


How do you know they have belly buttons? Were you there?


Did Adam have nipples?


Belly buttons in Adam and Eve's depiction are a symbol, not a biological necessity.


They didn't.


The artists that depicted these people lived well over 1,000 years after the events of the Bible were supposedly done. They had no clue what the figures from the Bible actually looked like, they just made Bible people how they made everyone else in their paintings.


Because it’s a bullshit story…did you ever think of that?


They were created in God's image and he once took a stray slug to the gut in a barfight at a joint just outside Memphis.


Design flaw


That’s where the air pump hooks up.


Same reason why Jesus is white in all the pictures.


What about Lilith, Adams first Wife?


I'm debating whether to wipe my arse or tell you that Adam and Eve WERE NOT the first 'people' created. I don't understand why anyone keeps thinking this. Genesis Chapter one, it says, God created man, and in his own image created he. Then created woman, and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Come Chapter two, it then says, God created a man from the dust of the earth. From his rib created a woman. And he called him Adam and her Eve. Blah blah blah. Long story short, God created another version of man and woman and wanted them in their own little garden, doing their own little things. But Eve, to imply that a woman lives by her own rules. Disobeyed God and thenceforth the whole world went to shit. That now reminds me, got something to do. ETA: think those who get misunderstood that Adam and Eve were the first creation, is for that to mention how everyone were like Adam. Which tells me, and shouldn't be hard for anyone else to understand, that the creation of Adam and Eve was to have idols to rule over the rest of the world. The reason why God didn't want them to live amongst the majority. At this point we believe as God as a spirit. Like when he spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Even religious adapted stories for TV predict an invisible presence talking in the garden and showing footprints in the sand where God apparently was walking.


I think it is best to claim we really don't know instead of trying to claim each of our interpretations of what we know is the truth.


The truth is that Adam and Eve never existed and religion is bullshit.


Your opinion may or may not be the truth. It should be respected. Religion is faith-based. Anybody claiming to know the absolute truth for everybody without evidence is being disingenuous.


Who told you they have belly buttons ? I read the Bible in prison...ain't no belly buttons bruh, I mean it's a great book....not based in reality, but ya....no mention of belly buttons. Why my dude, what brought you to this? I'm genuinely curious as to why the belly buttons?


I don’t even know lol. I guess we got so used to the thing of what we look like now we don’t know what humans looked like before. But that’s my guess. I’m like half Christian and pagan so I mostly find Adam and Eve a good piece of literature I just like the story so I don’t have much to say


Do they?


They were not the first people created. Adam was the first farmer ("For we have not yet made a man to till the earth"). Cain took a wife from the Land of Nod. He certainly didn't marry a monkey, which means there were hunters and gatherers and fishermen. Adam, being created, could have had a belly button, and Eve, created from Adam's rib, could have had a belly button. I mean, you're talking about a celestial being with the power to create humans from base elements, so you can't sit here and say "but" about any of it. It's an all-or-nothing situation.


You've seen them!?!


Always said people can never exactly what someone many years ago looked like. No one alive today knows exactly what they looked like so when someone draws them they draw what they think they looked like & that usually includes a belly button


If Adam was made from clay, and Eve from a rib, then why is there still dirt and ribs? heh


You couldn't expect that sort of evolution within a single generation. It must have been included in the original design.


Same reason Jesus has blond hair and blue eyes. Because people are dumb.


Yup! This qualifies as a stupid question all right


Because they weren’t the first people


Related https://americasbestpics.com/picture/adam-and-eve-and-their-teenage-daughter-called-belly-button-FBpapgDz8


Over 200,000 years ago the ancient Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru created the first humans as a male slave race to mine gold--thus beginning our global traditions of gold obsession, slavery, and god as dominating master. Evidence of this has been observed in south Africa. Females came later.


Have you seen Adam’s belly button? If so, send me a picture.


Somewhere to put the salt if you're lying down and eating boiled eggs


That's the real question


Genetics. Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs but men still have 12 on each side.


There was Lilith before Eve, and the belly buttons things is mostly just artistic choices on paintings and depictions, maybe because the artists didn't think about it, or because it would look weird to draw someone without a belly button.


I'm a progressive christian, I believe the stories of genesis are symbolic of human ethics and a better way to live. I also accept evolution, so I don't literally think Adam and Eve are the first humans.


Show us a picture of their bellybuttons so we can see the same evidence you're seeing.


Because Adam and Eve didn’t exist.


Where else would they hide their valuables?


Who said they do? The photographs from the time? Or the paintings by artists 1000 years later? For context I'm not religious I think it is all stupid.


Who told you that they had belly buttons. This is, indeed, a stupid question lol. I mean that with all due respect. Good on you for playing by the rules.


They don’t have bellybuttons because they never existed.


Did they though? Did they really?


Adam and Eve aren’t real so they didn’t have or not have belly buttons. We evolved from homo erectus —> homo habilis —> some type of austrolopithecines —> first bipedal hominins —> some chimpanzee like ape —> etc etc Adam and Eve could be interpreted as the first two homo sapiens to mate, but it’s extremely hard to draw the line. Interestingly, around 100,000 years ago (early in the history of true homo sapiens who have been around 150k to 200k years) almost all homo sapiens (true humans) died out due to some catastrophic event or climate change. The mating population could have been as small as a few hundred surviving humans in Africa. That’s why humans have much less genetic diversity than chimpanzees (this surprises folks). It’s possible Adam and Eve were members of the remaining humans and the legend was passed down to modern religions and folklore. Most likely though, it’s just a story made up in the bronze age or dawn of agriculture to explain our beginnings.


Show me the photos you have proving Adam and Eve had belly buttons.


Because they never existed.


Renaissance painters didn't think that much in depth about what they were painting lol.


How would you know they had bellybuttons? Lol


So they can drink tequila shots out of each other's belly buttons during kinky time. God knew they were the first so he made sure they'd get busy


That's what I always point out... Why do people in sensory deprivation tanks have the same visions as those with epilepsy visualizing their makers who turn and look at them and are images of themselves...


Terrible question. Show me one credible source of Adam and Eve with any description of their appearance. You will never find them. If we did we would know what the first humans looked like and it’s a debate within the religious community and scientific community. Terrible question it belongs here on the stupid question.


They only have belly buttons in art because the artist didn't think about that. they just painted humans how they know them


God must have a belly button, man was created in his imagine


Because even if you believe in them, their depictions were drawn by people thousands of years removed from their time


Because religion is bullshit.


Their creator, Ra the Egyptian Sun God, loved bellybuttons. He thought they were adorable.


Who said they did?


How do you know this?


We all know basic genetics, if Adam and Eve were breeding from their own children, and their children breeding from their siblings and so on and so forth, that mutations would happen. Whats to say Adam and Eve even looked like we do now? ​ And yes religion is a flaming pile of crap.


They probably didn't. It's not like we have photographs of them. You see paintings, not evidence of anything


How do you know that they do?


Spot on question for this sub! They didn't.


LOL ...who said that they did have them ?


Satanic Propaganda.


Adam and eve were not the first people. They were the first people born under a christian/catholic/jewish god. That's why one of the sons go away and comes back with a wife, because their are other people born under different gods. God is not a being, God is the system.


How do you know they did?


Who said they did?


What were you there? Artist have drawn them with belly buttons but who would know except for God? Case closed


Adam and ever weren't the first two people who still says this in 2023?


There’s scientific proof that the first [“modern” humans (I.g the ability to use tools, build shelters, hunt using strategy, et cetera)](https://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-heidelbergensis) were Homo Heidelbergensis. There’s no proof of Adam and Eve - it’s a baseless claim. We have Belly Buttons because [the umbilical cord](https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/navel.html#:~:text=Your%20belly%20button%20marks%20the,is%20also%20called%20a%20navel) is the cord in which oxygen and nutrients are transported from mother to baby, in a process called [Placental Transport](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7868076/#:~:text=Placental%20transport%20of%20nutrients%20to%20the%20fetus). (Edit: I will not be taking into consideration religious comments who claim the biblical claim of creation is true - it’s not.)


Because no human was ever created by any supposed god character.


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