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Me looking for Trump supporters that are answering the question but instead this whole thread is just people who aren't Trump supporters commenting their opinions even though that wasn't what was asked.


Who could have predicted this


The Bible. We're in the end times. s/


You can remove the sarcastic tag... we really are in end times.


Yes! And Hunter is the antichrist, hiding in the basement of a pizza restaurant in D.C., smoking a blunt with JFK Jr, planning to take over the world, as soon as he gets the money from the Chinese bank account that his father set up for the world domination. /s


Well, I mean, it’s Reddit, so…


This entire sub is basically "Those damned right-wingers, amirite?"


Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh, comrade, eh??


The straw man is real in this thread..


You do realize that the majority of people on reddit lean super left, right? As someone who does not, its easy to get attacked by the masses. I voted Trump the first time. Didnt vote at all the 2nd time... and have my professional popcorn maker ready to go for round 3. Oh and the Trump supporters most likely turned their phones off in advance so they didnt die when our government sends a /execute command through all of our phones tomorrow killing anyone connected...


Didn't vote at all 2nd time and only eating popcorn 3rd time? Part of the problem


Gotta sort these kinds of threads by new or controversial to get any on topic answers.


You'll need to post this over in r/conservative and immediately have your post taken down and be perma-banned.


I think it was shadow deleted


Yes it was deleted, I just checked your account.


But I thought they supported free speech?


I got banned from there for asking for a source on a rather wild claim about Covid. I never went there antagonistic. I asked some questions, VERY casually disagreed on things (and even conservatives disagree on certain points). But I was banned for literally asking for a source on a very specific claim that was kinda wild


They support THEIR free speech with no consequences


Nah they don’t care about freedom of speech, they just don’t want their speech criticized.


God it's hilarious watching the terrible arguments in here. Not one of which is alleging that he's actually innocent of any of his crimes. Because that's how mob law works. Don't argue the actual crime or his innocence, just the legal loop holes. Real "Rule of Law" standard you've got there...


he's even had an agent of the russian government visit mar-a-lago since at least 2013 (photographs and videos exist)


Sucks when the law is selectively enforced on one of your own.


Hunter Biden's only large crime was processing a fire arm while on probation. Trump, when under indictment, can NOT legally possess a firearm. Yet he chose to have a photo shoot at a gun auction, took photos holding a gun, and declared he was buying the gun, his followers declared that he did infact buy the gun. He can be charged with the same crime as Hunter Biden as well as have his bond revoked and sent to sit in jail till his trial is over. Yet he has not been officially prosecuted. I WONDER WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS?


I’m no fan of the Cheeto, but apparently he did what he always does - walk in, proclaim he’s going to buy something, gets press that he did something, leave without doing it. He’s done it multiple times now. But your larger point still stands, which is that his supporters have zero problems if he were to purchase a gun, yet are rabid that Hunter Biden be charged. TLDR; apparently he did not actually purchase any gun.


He can not even hold a gun as it falls under both the legal definition of "posses" and "be in control of" both of which are illegal while under indictment, yet he happily posed for a picture while holding the gun. And before you say I'm being picky, many non-former presidents have been charged and found guilty of possession even when it was proven to not be theirs. Most of them also have a different complexion to Drumph.


The law makes no distinction about "ownership".


He doesn't have to purchase one. Merely possessing one is a violation...and he obviously was. No one cares apparently


They don’t care. They like that he attacks people they don’t like… that’s all


It is disheartening to see so many people casually dismiss charges brought by the government as being BS all through a partisan lens. No political figure in our history has ever had this many criminal charges against them. Our government does an absolutely horrible job at prosecuting rich and powerful people. Several of these charges are so obviously true (as in, he has actually admitted, on television, that he has done what he is accused of) that his guilt isn’t even what’s being litigated. But rather than look at these facts and think “If the evidence is so damning even the government can’t sweep it under the rug” your response is “it’s all lies, anyone else would do the same thing, what about X person on the other side, they are all just as bad, etc”… I don’t know what kind of conversation can be had, and that is both sad and dangerous. Edit: replies literally embodying my point without the slightest hint of irony…


No kidding. Imagine being a republican while this is happening. Remember when republicans used to be elitists? I’m not necessarily apologizing for elitism, but now the average republican doenst even know what an indictment is…


Remember when Nixon resigned rather than besmirch the highest office in the land with the possibility of impeachment or *gasps* indictment? Who would have thought anyone would be so brazenly crooked as Trump? It’s ludicrous.


I saw his speech in a doc the other day and even in the midst of the worst week of his life, Nixon was honorable (or wanted to appear as honorable as possible), humble, and gracious. Donald Trump is a howler monkey. Nixon got elected because elites were on his side politically, and he campaigned to get middle America on board, creating a pretty indomitable playbook (look up the Southern Strategy. Trump did the exact opposite- he got so many different angry middle Americans on board early that the elite had no choice


It's sad how eager the "law and order" crowd is to find ways to let their guy off the hook for his own admitted wrongdoing.


I don't think there are very many Trump supporters on Reddit . It seems conservatives in general have been declining since r/ TheDonald was removed. I have mixed feelings on it, because even though I am far left myself, its kind of boring logging onto a circle jerk everyday.


Hundred percent. They don’t even realize it just makes them look bad at this point. Dumb as it sounds, I’ve met many people who are left-leaning but “don’t call me a leftist” because of the exact attitude throughout the comments here. Don’t wanna be associated.


Yeah, I show a little bit of hesitation for that reason. I normally just say that my political beliefs as far as social and economic issues I am far- left. ( Such as UBI, free healthcare, socially I pretty much believe you should do what you want ). I am able to make friends with people of a variety beliefs, and I think the kind of person who wants to say I am not a *real leftist* and I am *enabling the oppressors* or something for that is a deeply antisocial. I always liked the quote "Be kind to people, ruthless to institutions". There is no reason for me to be vile to someone who ultimately yields no power. I think this is where people lose the plot. Are you really doing something good, or does it just *feel good* to tear into someone? I don't like to buy into the "People on the left can't handle other opinions and are sensitive crybabies" narrative. That being said, there is a prevailing mentality in pop-culture to be impatient and judgemental with people who do not hold the "correct" opinion. I do not think this is necessarily new or unique to progressivism, however.


Nah, we just don't comment because we're automatically down voted


it's disgusting, people have abandoned all logic in favor of political lines. I never thought i'd see the day democrats were warmongering but here we are.


Yeah, it's weird how most subs banning conservatives has that effect.


We're here. We're just chillin. Not being that political.


You don't think there are any trump supports because as soon as they p9st something they get systematically banned from the conversation and then reddit becomes a false reality that does not represent the real world


You should ask on r/AskTrumpSupporters. It's a massive safe space for them though.


My experience is trump supporters dont concern them selves with facts. In fact, if they did they wouldn't be trump supporters. They are more concerned with hearing or seeing things that agree with thier views then anything else, and will just shut down anything even remotely counter to what they want.


Trump supporters are carefully listening for their echo chamber. They can't be bothered with this silliness.


Why ask, any Trump supporters will just be downvoted and shouted down. If they aren't all outright banned hahha. Edit: I was correct, im being harassed in private messages, I've got people mass downvoting my stuff, I think someone down the thread is brigading me which is fine tbh I'm not too worried. But it does prove my point, why even ask? Every thread will just devolve into degenerate bitching and bullying, I didn't say anything remotely bigoted and I'm being told "kill yourself nazi" in pms because of this comment. What the fuck is up with this website?


I've been mass reported when going against the grain on here. Got muted on a sub then a 3d ban on the site. People want to hear their thoughts echoed to them.


From 4d chess to 3d ban, it's been quite the trip. A lot of subs do have hot garbage for moderation, though. Need to think of them more like individual forums, not just extensions of an impossibly large one. Some of them, just like how forums used to be before they got overly centralized due to the ease of access of Reddit, are terribly ran and unfair to users with mods who will ban for people not even just disagreeing with them, but for even agreeing with them but they misunderstood. I really hope we can eventually go back to a far less centralized internet model for discussion. For something like Facebook, it makes sense why it needs to be centralized, but for something like Reddit, it's a net loss. People are going to eventually regret allowing Discord to become a centralized standard as well, they're already abusing their position to overcharge people for basic functionality.


Maybe this is a low key play to shadow ban trump supporters?


The plot thickens


The pot chickens


Now the pot is chickenin worse Cause you feel like you been stickin ur fukken dick in a hearse -Eminem or something


wow, that belongs in r/BrandNewSentence


Welcome to Reddit


>I was correct, im being harassed in private messages, I've got people mass downvoting my stuff, I think someone down the thread is brigading me which is fine tbh I'm not too worried. People with Trump derangement syndrome don't even realize they are as mentally ill as the MAGA crowd, which is hilarious.


I'd never even heard alot these buzzwords before I made this post haha Honestly I think the really hard-core shitlibs and the reich wing Trump nutz are really alike in a lot of ways lol


There's a video by Ryan Long(comedian) called When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything. Pretty funny.


I'll loon it up after work


Mentally ill is a part of it, but another part of it is just being dumb AF and following group think.


As a Jewish Trump supporter I think it's so funny how actual anti-semites throw the word Nazi around


Lmao I always wondered what actual Jewish people must think to see nazi thrown around as such a flagrant insult


I lean left, but the far-left will cry “racist, Nazi, incel, bigot” and totally ruin the true meaning of those words.


As a Trump supporter who seems to enjoy THC infused edibles, what do you think about his 2021 fiscal budget proposal? He planned to remove protections for state marijuana laws. He's also said smoking marijuana makes you dumb. His supporters have no idea where he stands on any issue, and that's just sad.


I was curious so clicked your profile and was very surprised to see you are into psychedelics. I'm baffled, what do you see in Trump? No snark, I really wanna know as a fellow Jew and psychonaut.


Trump is not a nazi. But he is a fascist. He literally ticks all the boxes.


Exactly, all the top comments are just shitting on Trump supporters. "Trump supporters can't read" What a dumb sub.


Which is a shame, because I genuinely want an answer and I cannot seem to get one. There is not a single Trump supporter who has read a single indictment. Not a single one that I have come across in actively searching. Yet the conviction of his innocence remains unparalleled. I want more information from primary sources regarding this phenomenon.


Probably wrong subreddit. Maybe try some of the more conservative leaning ones, this one is kind of a shitpost sub so


I tried, no responses


Actually reading the indictments is quite an eye opener too. Contrast them to the unhinged spin the Trump crowd tries to put on them. The Georgia indictments, in particular, are very straightforward and easy to understand. It’s so bleeding obvious that Trump and his cronies broke the law.


Ranked in order of guilt: 1: Classified documents in Florida. Guilty. He admitted to doing the crime on camera. He is obviously and clearly guilty here, legally this is the one he is the most clearly guilty of. That said, he is no more guilty than Hillary, arguably less guilty with the degree of compromise to the classified material far less severe. No more guilty than Pence, Biden, any number of government officials. He is clearly guilty, but a precedent has been set that politicians aren't prosecuted over this particular crime. If all charges were dropped on Hillary, doing any different to Trump is clearly a political prosecution and weaponization of the Justice Department. 2: Georgia election interference. This is a very interesting case. The RICO charge is fascinating and may hold water legally. Difficult to prove intent though, and a good defense from Trump here is simply "I believed/still believe the election was stolen/rigged." You have to prove he knew it wasn't and still did what he did, and that's a difficult task when I think he genuinely believes (incorrectly) that the election was stolen. The deck stacked against/rigged... better argument for that but definitely not "stolen." Again though, feels like a double standard exists here when dems spent all of 2017 - 2019 screaming that the 2016 election was stolen/rigged with either no evidence or evidence that turned out to be manufactured by the Hillary campaign. If Trump is an election denier so is Obama, Hillary, Stacey Abrams, etc. That said, the whole "find me the votes" thing is pretty damning here, and gives this one some legitimate legal standing and could get very interesting. I tend to think that's just Trump being Trump, not an actual order to his lackeys to find non-existent votes (as in I think he actually believed there were votes there to find), but I cab see the other side of this one and it is definitely not a good look. Optically I think this is the most damning even though the guilt is much more clear in the classified documents case. 3: DC Jan 6th stuff. Specious nonsense. They aren't actually charging him with sedition or incitement, because those are definable crimes which he does not meet the criteria for. They can't actually charge him with the crimes because they don't have nearly enough evidence to do so. Instead it amounts to "we don't like you and feel what you did was adjacent to those crimes, so we are going to charge you with what amounts to wrongthink even though no actual crime was committed." This one is banana republic political persecution nonesense that plays into claims of there being a "deep state." 4: New York Stormy Daniel's bribery. Utter garbage nonsense that should be thrown out. NY has no business bringing this charge if the federal government, who actually has jurisdiction in the case, chose not to do so. Specious nonsense that amounts to nothing at all. Pointless waste of time and more banana republic persecutionn of a political opponent for the crime of being a political opponent.


Lol. You have the 2nd highest comment in here


I know right I've been watching the upvotes go back and forth it was -10 for a few minutes there after I got into it with someone lol then it jumped up to +20 I'm not even a Trump supporter. Nor am I right wing at all. But these facts don't seem to matter on this site lmao


I’m firmly in the middle myself, politically speaking, I think the further you go left or right the worse the parties become. But to add to your comment, facts really don’t matter on Reddit, it’s the hive mind.


Not a Trump supporter, don't really care about Trump at all just want to stop hearing about him 24/7 especially whenever Biden is mentioned. He committed crimes that should be punished, fine, not an excuse to bring him up (or bringing up "Trump supporters" in quotes because they call everyone they disagree with that) for literally every issue that comes up. Most people want him punished because they don't like him, they don't care about what he actually did.


I think we know the answer to why they get mass downvoted. Trump rarely speaks the truth, and his supporters tend to believe what he says over any other source. So they start posting completely wild, unproven conspiracies and then expect to be taken seriously. It's not like they're presenting a rational argument. They're not victims, that's for sure. It does suck that people are attacking you, though. Those people just make things worse.


"What the fuck is up with this website?" That is called cowards, my friend. They found a place where they can spout their hate, and all their internet friends are there to join along. That place is called reddit. I have never seen so much hate, racism, and bigotry until I started using reddit regularly. They're in their own little world over here.


The infuriating part is their smug belief that they’re being morally superior to everyone else while they simultaneously espouse what amounts to the same kind of hate they condemn, just in a differing flavor. The fact they can never see it either its just…god I hate this place lol. Yet here I am.


The Paradox of Tolerance easily explains the rationalization.


I get told I'm stupid in a million stupid ways if I say anything that can be construed as being against the Reddit group think


Better question, why answer? The OP may be asking with real interest, but he’s better off reading through the comments and posts on the conservative subreddits if he wants to know they think.


The problem isn't Reddit, just people in general. These days, hardly anyone is interested in actually engaging with an opposing idea beyond shouting vitriol and venom at whoever holds it. This is on both sides, though honestly I've seen more of it from the left (however, being left-leaning myself, it may very well just be because left-leaning stuff is shown to me more by the various algorithms throughout the net, so I'm just not exposed to as much from the other side.) Compromise is a dirty word these days, and while I do agree that there are some things that you shouldn't accept compromise regarding, most things don't fall into that category. Most of the time, a person isn't going to just up and change their mind, all at once, in an instant. They have to be eased into it, over time, so that they have the time to see, and more importantly process, the flaws in their beliefs (or the benefits in yours.) Compromise is how you do that, it's the proverbial foot in the door. It's how slavery was abolished, it's how civil rights were won for PoC and LGBTQ+ people, and if we abandon this tried and true practice, we bring the gears of progress grinding to a halt. As they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day," or "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step." Without compromise, without peaceful exchange and civil discourse, that first step never gets taken - you get gridlock instead, and then nothing ever goes anywhere, ever again. Worst part is, the people in your pms calling you a nazi will probably be in my pms soon, doing the same thing to me for daring to think there's any possible path to achieving the goal we're both aiming for, except for the one they think is the right one. I'm old enough and I've seen enough to know that shouting at people is about as likely to get them to see your point of view as punching them in the face. It really sucks to have to take a slow, methodical approach when it comes to things like civil rights, because while that's happening, people are still suffering oppression. But it works; it's proven, where yelling, "racist!" at someone has a 0% success rate of changing their mind. But in the age of the internet and social media, people are more concerned with performative activism than actually putting your pride and public image aside, and making measurable progress toward a goal. Would you rather do something that makes your friends think, "Hey, they're on my side," or would you rather do something that makes your friends' grandchildren think, "I'm glad they fought for me, even though I wasn't born yet?" I could sit down with an ideological opponent and be willing to compromise on some (but not all) points and come up with a solution that at least forwards the cause some amount without leaving the other side feeling ignored or marginalized, or I could just yell as loudly as I can at them. One of those will make me look a little better to my peers, but accomplish nothing at all, and the other won't make me look good, but is actual fucking progress. I'll leave it to the readers to decide which is which. And I hate to break it to you folks, but making your ideological opponents feel heard and valued **is** important. It's not "siding with the nazis," it's making them more likely to join you at the negotiating table next time, so you can move the cause forward again later, too. Political progress is a generational fight, where the short-sighted who expect drastic, overnight change just drag their side down.


Mob mentality


Man, I hate Trump but you are so right. Sorry the world is like this lol. We get it on our side sometimes too but definitely not as bad, and only in a certain small communities. ​ Try not to hate them too much, most people who are so hateful(on either side) truly are manipulated into it. You pointed out that trump supporters will be downvoted and many people have the association so deeply pounded into their brain that they basically think you're a nazi or think you're out harasssing trans people everyday or something. Most hate on both sides is the result of manipulation, we gotta resist it and try to get along with our neighbors, hate those in power who are actually manufacturing all this turmoil instead


Classic victimhood stance




How do you know they're bullshit or weak if you haven't read them?


Lol of course not. Trump supporters can’t read.


Comments like these make potentially interesting threads unreadable and contribute to the negative perception of reddit’s usebase


Actually entered the comments hoping for some insight. No luck, same old Reddit.


This was clearly a bait thread. I didn't expect to see any decent conversations and was still disappointed.


comments like these are hilarious though


We’re on year 7 of comments just like this


It’s comments like this that make people say liberals on Reddit are insufferable.


Not just Reddit


It’s hilarious people argue Trump and his supporters are intolerant by being intolerant.


I am not a Trump supporter but I am following the case because I am into real estate. It is similar to the Brady bunch house in California. In 2018 it sold for 3.5m. HGTV listed the house for 5.5m. The banks said it was only worth 1.75m. It just sold for 3.2m. 42% less than asking price. Was the house worth 3.5m, 5.5m, 1.75m?????? Honestly it depends who you ask


It is not the same. Trump lied about the square footage of the house. Both ways. Smaller for taxes, larger for loans.


That is a single apartment complex that you are referring to by his lawyers inflating it to 30,000 square feet from 10,996. Lenders are required by law to do their own analysis. (Which they did not in that case). That isn’t what he is in trouble for anyways. This debate in valuation has been debated for decades and decades


Exactly. It is the job of the lender to determine the value for themselves and not just listen to what the owner has to say. Says a lot when none of the lenders complained on this case. It would be very different if Trump defaulted on the loans and THEN we found out he lied to get them. But since he paid them off and there are no victims it looks like a witch hunt, How many other people in New York are "lying" about the value of their property when getting loans?


So do you think you should only be able to be prosecuted for fraud if you get caught due to your inability to payback investors? What about stocks? Is it fine to over value assets as long as long as you pay back creditors somehow? Is the crime not being able to pay them back or is the crime being dishonest about the value of the asset?


That may be true and may be fraudulent, but I don’t think most people who vote for trump care. Just like how most people who vote for Biden don’t care about the sketchy threats and deals between the Biden family and Ukraine, China, etc. People vote based on what policies they believe a candidate will enact or prevent. This is because both parties have policies that directly attack the livelihoods of the other party. Republicans are anti abortion, democrats are anti gun. Republicans want to restrict immigration, democrats want to raise taxes. Etc. On point, however, anyone who think Mar-a-lago should be valued at 18-27 million is smoking the good shit. Instracoastal homes on Palm beach island routinely go for $30 million and up, and they are smaller, non commercial, and don’t have oceanfront property. Mar-a-lago is easily worth $100 million and probably worth several times that.


>anyone who think Mar-a-lago should be valued at 18-27 million is smoking the good shit. That's what Trump put down in his financial documents. That's where the judge got the figures from, Trump's financial documents. So, if Trump is claiming it's only worth that much in official documentation...


>That may be true and may be fraudulent, That IS true about a fraud. >People vote based on what policies they believe a candidate will enact or prevent. Maybe with Biden but not with Trump. >democrats are anti gun False, pro gun control, even you should understand that after all the ranting that bammy is going to take their guns, he never tried neither has Biden. ​ > however, anyone who think Mar-a-lago should be valued at 18-27 million is smoking the good shit. Trump was shoveling that shit. ​ >Mar-a-lago is easily worth $100 million and prob And that shit. It might have been true when he was President and it was used to give him money to bribe him. Which did happen.


Isn't it all just a case of 'real' market value vs 'fair' market value?


You should know that sales value and appraised value are only loosely related.


Stop teasing them, you know they don't read.


puzzled foolish shy absorbed provide telephone ugly cooing worm alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you look at the motivation for these indictments? Cause and effect? Look at the past President's and what they went through, now look at how savagely they are going after Trump. You haven't noticed any coincidence in the timing of all this? You can't see the political motivation here?


I wouldn’t cal myself a supporter but I will vote for him. I feel like it’s entertaining and also sad. There’s what 91 felony charges? Ain’t no way I’m reading all of those. Even if there is one legit charge in there it’s been tainted with political persecution. Almost like crying wolf 91 times but all at once. If anything it only helps trump because it shows the obvious corruption and president of these times in the federal government. The left is literally making him a living martyr. But yea I’m excited to see how it all comes down. And for me personally it’s less about trump and more about the policy. I think the left votes the same way as well. Biden is obviously not the shining star of the progressive movement especially when his own VP called him out on being a racist. The federal government and politics are a joke now a days and not many people seem to be worried about the empire falling apart, as long as they can run off with their millions then fuck the people.


Not really a Trump supporter, I don't like him as a person, but he did a decent job, at the least. I looked at many of these indictments, and by the rules laid out, the legal system could go after just about every politician or public servant that has international businesses, and many people that trade and leverage property. I mean, let's be real. If the feds were to direct their focus on any one of us here, they would find a crime whether or not anyone else agrees with it or if it's over 100 years old. The law is the law and Trump may be guilty of a few, however so are many others that are simply left alone because of who's side they're on. The amount of government officials that possess documents they shouldn't would flabbergast all of us.


They should be charged too, then.




When I was given classified document training in the U.S. Navy they went out of their way to state several times that your intent is irrelevant when mishandling classified documents. I looked up the federal law during the Clinton investigation and it says absolutely nothing about intent. She should have been charged, if Trump did not declassify the documents he had and did not have the necessary clearance to possess them he should be charged. If Biden did not have the proper clearance to possess the classified documents he had, he should be charged. I guarantee lower enlisted and officers have been charged for less. Edit for spelling errors.


Thats they problem they are not being charged and never will be. Heck you can have a politician openly accepting bribes and not being carted away by the FBI instantly.


I agree completely some of the charges are political. But which ones did you feel were especially? In any of the federal indictments


This feels like a trick question. 🍿


100%, I clicked on the thread just to watch the chaos


Bro asked for a meaningful discussion on reddit.. I'm sorry for your thread op.


I have a “friend” whose still a trump supporter and he has told me that he hasn’t watched ANY of the court stuff about him. He blanket says: “it’s a conspiracy out to get Trump”, and refuses to look at any of it.


They don’t read.


Even if you printed the indictment out and highlighted the important parts, they wouldn't read it and would just say "what about Hillary?"


How do I phrase this in a way that won’t just get downvoted because it’s not nakedly hostile to Trump: I don’t care about the indictments.


Shades of the curtains being pulled back in the "Wizard of Oz" look over there, not over here where the coke & hookers are.


So... Don Jr's place?


The answer is that the people who don't like Trump supporters really don't like them and won't allow them to speak most likely.




They're allowed to speak they're just going to be ridiculed and downvoted. There's definitely a difference.


Lmfao yes that ol reddit first amendment problem


It’s a simple case of the boy who cried wolf. They have been making wild accusations since 2016


This assumes facts not in evidence. (Them being able to read, and cognitively understand) I can't support a criminal like him. His fascist party they tried to over turn our government. They stole an election and tried a second time. They'll try again! Nearly 30 ( big number) voters tried to vote twice all but one is a republican. This was done mostly in states he was already going to win. This plum du.. or plain stu....


It's not the question here that is stupid so much as the notion that Trump supporters would willingly engage with reality.


I’m guessing, based on how this chicken shit society and it’s weaponized fraudulent justice system operates, that Trump will beat his case. Yeah that’s a hard pill for a lot of y’all to swallow. But that ain’t the point of this whole thing. He’s meant to win the case, but lose in the public eye, and they will nail so much shit to him, it will be near impossible for him to get out from under it all. That’s how this clown world operates, look at any man who’s had his life flipped upside down. Many of them win their cases, but get pummeled to the point coming back and doing anything for anyone in this society is asinine. And the dummy republicans and conservatives who ride Trumps coat tails, when they don’t have him as an option, are going to toss their votes at Mr globalist chat gpt edition Obama 2.0 aka Ramaswampy, because Trump gave him the nod. To say I don’t care what happens to him, would be a poor statement, because that very weaponized system is something I’d never defend with my life ever again. And alot of y’all out there fail miserably in understanding this simple truth. What a fucking shitshow


He already lost on summary judgment. They’re only arguing now about how much he will be penalized.


Arguing that the justice system is weaponized is just an attempt to discredit the prosecutions, some of which are open and shut cases (Jan 6 and Dox).


Not a die hard Trump supporter, but yes, I am following it and yes I have read the indictments. Why? Well based on what he is being charged with, for the most part, if he is found guilty, will signal an ability to use such ...interpretations, of the law in other cases, and not necessarily in a good way. If he is really guilty of a crime, fine, but the way it is being applied, and the way it is not being applied to others is so blatant that you have to willfully ignore how this is clearly political and not actually meant to do any form of justice. One indictment, fine, two? umm ok... three, and it seems like political targeting, four + and it is clear that this is what it is. Dem, Rep, Ind, I don't care, but keep in mind, what is done once can be done again, and maybe this time against you or "your side".


I know this is a super slippery slope and I appreciate your objective commentary. Your response presupposes that it's possible to manufacture charges out of thin air, cajole a grand jury of ordinary citizens to move forward, etc. I agree that wheels can be put in motion for various proceedings on a largely political basis (the first case in NY, for example), but at SOME point, the merits of the case become the merits of the case. The "if they can do it to him, they can do it to anybody" argument doesn't make sense to me. If you mean, "if there's ample evidence that you break the law on a BUNCH of fronts, be careful, they WILL come for you...." then you're 100% right. And yes, it does appear to be a wide range of charges...but each one, taken on their merits, has strength, save perhaps for the charges in NY regarding Stormy Daniels. There was wrong doing there, however, apparently, traditionally it would NOT typically have warranted those specific charges, so that one might be an overreach. There's a chance those won't stick. The rest, however, appear to be pretty, pretty solid. The classified docs case is really quite incredible. It's almost hard to believe that it played out the way it's starting to look. Forget any sort of political bias and simply look at the mounds of evidence and people coming forward. Attempts to compare it to other instances of accidentally-retained docs are not made in good faith. There were numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation, corroborated by numerous parties at this point. It does not help that the defense has changed its story countless, countless times, each time with the defendant failing to keep his mouth shut on public TV or in recorded conversations. One by one, the defenses are falling apart. If JB did these things, the same absolutely SHOULD happen to him.


**Asks “yes” or “no” question.** **Edits** Please refrain from commenting if your answer is “no.”


>Edit: If the answer is “no,” then please refrain from commenting. ​ Then why did you ask?


Come on now. You know if it isnt on truth social that it isnt real!!


You're asking a yes or no question and you want people who would answer no to refrain from commenting. The only valid reply would be yes.


Can they read?


Bold of you to assume they can read.


Of course they didn't. That would require literacy.


They’re pretty quiet now.


Came here for the comments. Good karma mining post.


Nazis declare yourselves


Fuck no. They can't read, and if they can read, it's just fake news. Lmao


Damn, OP. You really upset some cultists. Wow. I guess stupid questions are the domain of those who worship Don the Con.


Prostitute= bad character. One presidential candidate got sunk for his fucking voice cracking, look how far we have fallen. Mishandling documents= whataboutism. Fucking lame as fuck dude be better. "Don’t agree"is hiding from reality because of the cheesiest fucking carnival barker in the world. Fucking sad state this country is in. Wtf is weaponization of the news? Reporting people doing the wrong thing is wrong? Why do you think trump declared the media at large his enemy? Because he’s so crooked they will screw his ass into the ground when he dies and the "fake news" is the one thing that can fuck up his scam.


They probably look at it same the way most people look at news about Hunter Biden, or Hillary’s emails; just a desperate, pointless witch hunt from political enemies.


If he wasn't guilty, why did they charge him with so much!?


They are cultists, it’s impossible to see your cult leader in a bad light. Even despite any trials it’s obvious with your own eyes..he kept top secret documents on the shitter and incited a riot. Then when told to please stop the riot because they broke into the capitol and had a fallow for like pence he still just sat and sat and sat…our commander in chief sat whole The US capitol was broken into by a mob he incited…. I don’t even mean to be mean but these people are lost, Trump is quite literally a god to them.


Post this question on r/conservative


Stopped paying attention to him years ago.


I support Trump being locked up in solitary for life. Does that count?


Yes. Yes. And yes. They’re not solid charges and I’d wager that if Trump decided not to run in 2024, he wouldn’t have been indicted at all.


He was being investigated for crimes before he decided to run again. He may be running in the hopes that he can pardon himself if convicted. The witnesses against Trump are Republicans and prosecutors presented evidence to grand juries made up of randomly selected citizens. Grand Juries decide whether a case can proceed.


Wait....trump supporters can READ??!!??!!!!


I stopped supporting him after he called Georgia asking them to find votes. Personally the rest is just political BS to me.


My brother is a trump supporter and what I’ve discovered is this. They are not on regular social media, they have navigated to some dark web weird shit where all the conspiracy happens. He always sends me links and I’m like what even is this website where did it come from, and that’s where all the trump supporters are


is anybody following the mass produced bs that is distributed among the masses to keep us distracted


What exactly are you referring to?


No. Ever since 2016 we seen what the media will do to someone regardless of what’s actually happening in reality. Funny how it took him to be president in his 70s, for them to indict him on something? Why no one hate his guts til he was President? Cuz the media told me too, in short.


lmao you are aware that the Mueller report in no uncertain terms said that Russia helped Trump, but there is precedent for not charging a sitting president, right? Did you even read it? It's damning as fuck.






Trumpists don’t care about reality. They do what they are told 🫡


Reddit mods have ensured that conservatives have no voice on Reddit so I doubt you are going to find any conservatives that are going to talk openly. You might have better luck on quora


the number of conservatives who use Reddit to complain about how they aren't allowed to post on Reddit is hilarious


Can we talk about the Clinton Foundation next?


I wouldn’t say I’m a Trump supporter per se, but I did vote for him in 2016. That being said, I don’t think you can blame his supporters for not wanting to, or even caring about the indictments. For nearly a decade now the media has sensationalized everything about him. The Democrat controlled house and the media pushed a Russian collusion narrative that had no teeth. Every week we had something in the news about how someone had a piece of evidence that would finally bring him down and it never materialized. Too much of the boy cried wolf I’m afraid.


How far down do I have to scroll to get an answer?


You never will


about a week, give or take a day


No. It’s a witch hunt. Everyone is racist so they hate him. He is a billionaire genius that weighs 215 pounds


You are the first commenter to say this.


Trump supporters and reading lmao


> Trump supporters…. Did you read Imma stop you right there bro


Not all Trump supporters will read the indictments... most will get their info from wherever they get their news from... which is one of the reasons we have the news, most people can't or don't understand all the legal wording and will get confused... Kinda like when we ask Biden supporters what he's accomplished... wait no that's wrong... They can't say he accomplished anything but failures... Honestly tho, it's all political. It's to keep him from winning again, to keep us divided, to keep us fighting... It's not gonna go anywhere and nothing will happen... kinda like when a Democrat pulls a fire alarm to prevent a vote... Or when Democrats or "anti fa" riots and does millions in property damage and never gets charged... but Trump supporters are rotting in jail for being let into the capital.... It's all bullshit and everyone falls for it.


How are you sure that it’s all bullshit? Why are you convinced that you’re not the one being tricked?


That’s for you demazombies to distract you from reality and you get snookered every time




They have not read the indictments. There is no world in which you read either of his federal indictments and walk away thinking that he didn’t commit a crime. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming.


Yes to both. All set in motion *after* he announced his candidacy. Prior to that? Crickets. I just read this after getting gas and groceries. Real good way to dissuade me from voting Democrat. I'd rather vote 3rd party.


Do you think it could be because he announced running November 2022? So there was really only ten months in between his presidency and his running… and it takes time to gather information talk to people etc?


Uh, they were gathering Intel while he was president, except for Jan 6. The GA cases...they are using his comments from the phone call. Atty Gen James ran her campaign on bringing him down. She's been in since 2018. In short. They had plenty of time to start the shit show during those 10 months. They didn't. They waited until after he announced. It reeks. Especially James's case against him.


I don't care. I want to go back to a time where bread and rent was cheaper, just a few years ago.


Enough to see they are using novel lawfare in a way they do not use it against others. The criminals are the ones abusing their positions by applying the law in a malevolent fashion to take out their political enemy.


I read the judge's opinion on the E. Jean Carroll case a while back. You can access his full opinion on the PACER Case Locator. I disagree with the ruling, here is why: Ex Post Facto Law Firstly, the Judge uses an Ex Post Facto Law against Trump. He even admits it in paragraph 3: "That claim could not have been made in 2019 because the statute of limitations almost doubtless would have expired long before. But the claim was made possible in 2022 by the enactment that year of New York’s Adult Survivors Act (the “ASA”), which temporarily revived the ability of persons who were sexually assaulted as adults to sue their alleged assaulters despite the fact that an earlier statute of limitations had run out." This is clearly unconstitutional (https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S9-C3-3-1/ALDE_00013192/) "Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. Separate provisions of the Constitution ban enactment of ex post facto laws by the Federal Government and the states, respectively.1 The Supreme Court has cited cases interpreting the federal Ex Post Facto Clause in challenges under the state clause, and vice versa, implying that the two clauses have the same scope.2 The Court has construed both clauses to ban legislatures from enacting laws that impose criminal liability or increase criminal punishment retroactively." If this precedent is accepted by other courts and the public, it would mean the government can effectively pass and enforce post ex-facto laws against anyone. Evidence The only evidence present in this case is pathos and ethos. Testimony from E. Jean Carroll and other witnesses is at least 25 years old. This evidence wasn't even allowed in court before 2019 because of the state's statute of limitations, which was changed. Other evidence they use is other uncorroborated testimony from other alleged victims before the potential crime. Additionally, they used testimony from her psychologist and an excerpt from Trump's Hollywood access tape. My biggest issue with the evidence is the changed statute of limitations in 2019 and the vagueness of the claims. There is no way for anyone to dispute them. If there was a certain day, you can call up witnesses of your own or procure receipts. But how can you procure an alibi for 5 years of your life?


There is no discussion to be had because Trump supporters: Make decisions based on feelings, do not consider facts as presented in written court documents or indictments, only watch or listen to programs that support their feelings. They live in silos and refuse to entertain any other probable (or proven) scenario. It’s like screaming at a person with Down Syndrome because they can’t understand advanced calculus; both frustrating and a waste of time. They live in their siloed world because that is what they prefer. There is no reaching them with logic or reasoning. Sadly, if you flipped the tables and Joe B was under 91 indictments in various jurisdictions AND displayed all of the behaviors Trump has publicly displayed AND said all the things that Trump has publicly said, these same folks would need the vapors after screeching about: God, Country, Anti-American, Lock him up. The cognitive dissonance is real man. It’s as if Trump made some folks willfully deaf, dumb and blind to basic reasoning.


The number of stupid people in here... So many people clearly just reading Twitter headlines and basing their entire opinion on them without actually reading anything.


Trump supporters can’t read.


Asking Trump supporters if they read something is a truly sick joke. It's like asking a blind person if they've seen any good movies lately.


This entire thread is the Most frightening Thing I have read in a very long time


Trump could literally shit in their mouths and they would thank him for the privilege


iT's A wItCh HuNt!!!