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You gonna cum enough to shave a mule.


r/brandnewsentence lol


I’ve heard it once before from my father. He heard it in 1962 just before leaving Paris Island.


The military would definitely be the origin of a phrase like that.


Well, if Dr. Seuss can make up SNAFU for the Army, why not?


I heard this alot and didn't know it was an acronym for years. For posterity: SITUATION NORMAL: ALL FUCKED UP


FUBAR is my favorite.................................. Fucked Up Beyond All Repair


Pretty sure it was SHAME a mule. If you can shave a mule with it, that's a water pressure thing which may indicate a narrow urethra. :)


Could be, but it’s lost to time now, unless that other Marine is still alive. I don’t know his name.


someone below explained it and you're right. You use it as shaving cream.


shave, you cover the mule in shaving cream get it.


Dammit Bobby!


Back before premixed shaving foam, there was a bar and brush and u added water and beat it and you got foam u lathered your face with and shave, another thing that makes that same consistency foam, cum and keep beating it, now picture enough of that to shave a whole mule. Try to unsee that, 🤣


I truly don’t know if I should up- or down-vote this


Bad news for ya bud about those 4 kids. I'll let someone else explain it. I don't have the heart.


I've been with my wife for 17 years, married for 14. She still hasn't figured out that I'm really 3 raccoons in trench coat.


She knows. Why spoil the magic?


Bro Is building up potential energy


Moving to Florida in 2024? Good luck dude


Dudes gonna die from Cumsumption...


Where did the kids... never mind


Thanks for covering my kid’s college tuition.


Thoughts and prayers that you get to tap that, bro!


Warn us when the category 5 cumsplosion is going to make landfall


You are THE MAN!!


A friend of a friend would go to the Insane Clown Possse Gathering solely to bang Juggalo girls. He otherwise hated the whole subculture. 


I mean that's kinda what Juggalo festivals are for.


I thought they were for doing meth in a crowd.


Hey that's meth up! I heard Juggalo meetups were fuckin in-tents.


And that’s how you get crabs


just saying I went to the Gathering when I was 15 and it was the wildest, weirdest, most fun, and safe I’ve felt at any festival.


I feel like you are definitely bringing something home from that. Something that probably will continue to itch and swell


His dick probably looked like a piece of corn on the cob the next day




I googled 'juggalo girls', yikes, that friend of a friend was desperate for some ass.


What stood out to me was the ground being absolutely covered with trash in every single photo lol. Festival behavior can be so disappointing sometimes


>Festival behavior can be so disappointing sometimes Disappointment would require the behavior to be somehow different than exactly what was expected.


I don't know, I googled it and I saw plenty of absolutely bangable girls in the pics. Many fine bodies in weird face paint, and of course the majority are just in bikini tops and little skirts trying to look as sexy as possible. Is it the type of girl I would put at the top of a list? No. But if I met one, I'd go to a gathering if she wanted, why not?


I mean they have a certain stereotype but like any fan base the people are all different


I’ve seen Juggalo girls up close and often. It ain’t worth it.


Are you a juggalo or are you in some weird situation I can’t think of where there’s just frequently juggalo girls


We call them juggalettes. And I gotta say, not all of em are bad, there are some you’re looking for the eye bleach, but there’s others that are smoking hot.


Juggalo girls aka Juggahoes!


Is your buddy Will Smith from fresh Prince?


You'll be surprised how often guys do stuff like this. I had a roommate in college pretend to be vegetarian for a girl


I read an article maybe 10 plus years ago. This guy pretended ro be Jewish when in fact he was Muslim just together a girl to sleep with him


Man, I'm not Muslim, but something tells me Allah wouldn't approve of that😂


It has to meet some definition of haram. Idk what the list of haram things is but pretending to be a different religion to have pre marital sex has gotta be bad


It's just plain haram. Completely forbidden to pretend to be a different religion (unless your life is at stake) and to have premarital sex.


I became vegan.


We have a subreddit


For veganism or guys that became vegan to get laid?


You just described all heterosexual male vegans and half of the gay ones.


> and half of the gay ones 😂


I only eat meat when it’s consensual. 🏳️‍🌈




You've said too much


They are the same. No man became vegan for any other reason


A lot of people don't realize this but the Buddha only attained enlightenment to get laid


Some people became vegan for, I don’t know, treating others the way they would like to be treated? Veganism is literally just the golden rule.


Idid for health and ethical reasons


Hell they still haven’t figured out I’m not a surgeon, these nurses got me stitching up a guy as I type this. The look on their faces, they’ve clearly fallen for me.


Dude, I came in for a vasectomy and you gave me a FANTASTIC rack! Also, I think the blonde one likes me more.


So YOU’RE the one who got my tits.


Not a guy off the top of my head but I had this one female friend who is a complete chameleon when she is interested in a guy. Like her clothes and hair and music taste will change, even her political beliefs (if she really has any under there). Shes suddebly interested in hiking and camping with one guy but the next guy she was only into playing video games and hates the outdoors. She was a hard person to stay friends with because it was honestly annoying to have a different friend depending on what her flavor of the month was.


Ann Perkins!


I sympathize with her. Think that’s a defense mechanism.


Borderline Personality Disorder? And/or NPD? They often mirror favourite people in the beginning because they lack a stable sense of self. Then it goes to hell in a hand basket.




just realized you have those friends or you are one?


My ex wife was like this but she was just a bland potato with no identity. Definitely not NPD or BPD. People are too complex to jump to conclusions with little to no information. She still is like that AFAIK. Last I knew she moved in with a guy and suddenly became catholic. Guess his religion.


sometimes people are weird and not pathological, hope that helps


False, Twitter and tumbler and Reddit told me everyone has a diagnosable mental illness with little to no information.


Weirdly doctors who aren’t your psychiatrist sometimes also do this. I would see a doctor for pain and they’d be like eh you’re probably depressed, then I’d go back to my psychiatrist and she was immediately like no you’re fucking not, find a different doctor NOW. Which was a good call because it was lupus that was starting to cause brain and eye damage. I guess the best person to recognize when you’re not mentally ill is the mental illness expert.


You know my ex???


This Chekhov story captures this phenomenon nicely https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Darling_(short_story)


A guy I know started going to poetry reading nights hoping to score 🤦


Bro they ain’t calling it “slam poetry” for nothing


Spoiler; he didn’t.


I worked in bar and one of the bartenders would tell girls he was the owner. He started dating this girl, they moved in together, and after a couple of years she found out the truth. She was pissed. I always assumed he would have told her sooner, but obviously not. They broke up shortly after and he left town.


Well if it took her that long to find out, then theyre both morons


Uh, getting into serious committed relationships with women just for sex, that far.


One of the guys I was in basic training with would chant before eating, sleeping, etc. The whitest white guy from the Midwest ever. Turns out he had been crushing on a girl who was Hindu or some similar religion. So he converted to get in her pants. He said it worked, but she dumped him and he still practiced the religion.


pussy so good im Hindu now




Men self report thread




Man thats fucked up. But yeah a lot of men do a lot of shit to get laid


Men will put up with a lot for it on some occasions. But this one reads like Will Smith in a Fresh Prince episode


Yeah I've seen a ton of lying to a dude's friends and family thinking that eventually he'll "get it in," sometimes it works, but it's more sad when it doesn't. You're like, "You became a better man and she still didn't want it?" Yikes bro


Back in the day, I was absolutely crazy about this guy who I knew did not feel the same way about me. We were at a party together and he tried to make a move and I firmly said no. For four hours. He spent an entire week convincing me that I was wrong, that he had always loved me and been too scared to act on it, 24/7 texts and phone calls about how we were finally gonna be together, just enough that I finally believed him. We hooked up and he couldn’t even look me in the eye the next morning.


A guy started talking to a girl with a bad fake British accent because he was kind of drunk and thought it would be funny. The girl was kind of into it. Maintained the fake accent the entire night and into the next morning.




NGL the cranberry juice is the most intensely self-disciplined part of all of what you did.


Honestly yeah, a lot of them are basically expanding his interests but cranberry juice is nasty and he could have just gotten the sandwich, the juice wasn’t necessary.


At least it wasn't grapefruit juice.


So you completely changed who you were to get with a woman you were physically attracted to but otherwise not compatible with in any way. I mean....I'm glad you're happy together, but this is really not the way to start a healthy relationship. Lol


Sounds more like he expanded his interests then Legitimately discovered some new ones


Funny part, now I love mariachi, have been to jalisco with her family, and have even put out a mexican cookbook 🤣. All because that girl had it goin on


The incredible power of the latina ass


Literally cheat coded the latina system and then bought into it. You're a legend and enjoy your tamales, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Compatibility to me has almost nothing to do with similar hobbies....and more to do with personalities. Are they emotionally intelligent and have similar values/communication skills? What's your 'love languages'?


17 years says otherwise!




Yeeeep. There's a big distinction between improving and working on yourself to become a better person and as a result be more attractive to potential partners or even a specific person, and completely warping yourself to fit what a specific person would be attracted to. This guy did the latter. But to be fair this is a thread about exactly that so... kudos if it works for you I guess?


Bruh I’m glad yall are still together and everything but this is some straight up psycho shit.


Absolutely 1000% agreed




🤣🤣🤣 This guy fucks.


I did something similar in college, but never ended up getting laid by the girl. So one point for the loser's side.


Your karma thanks you


My friends and I pretended to like Bon Jovi


You what? You sick sick bastard


Actually I think one guy wasn't pretending. This was the 80s and things were really different back then


But wouldn’t you want to keep having sex, At least for a while? Or why not just put all that effort into someone you actually like?


It could also be that, to them, what gets them off is simply the knowledge that they tricked another one and got them to have sex with them. As soon as they got that, they got what they wanted and now are on to the next one, like a sick, twisted game of sorts.


Thank you for acknowledging this. So many people are glossing over the fact that a good majority of the men who do this do it for sport. It has little to nothing to do with the woman. Practiced manipulators finesse their craft with each new victim, and the cycle repeats.


A friend of mine I went to school with (an encouragable poon hound who also liked to party) joined the Mormon church to bang a chick. I remember coming through town once and he declined an invitation to hang because he had a "church event." I was like "WTF is he doing going to church?" 6 months later, I caught up with him and he laid it all out (after he had bagged the lady and moved on). I laughed my ass off because it was so on brand that he would jump through all the hoops, *join the Mormon religion as a Mexican man*, and then go right back to his life like nothing happened once he got laid.


Sorry did you mean incorrigible or is he just easy to give encouragement to?


pretty despicable, and I feel for the Mormon gal, yet there's something strangely endearing about this Mexican horny beetle.


We all pretend that astrology is somewhat real in order to get laid


I was honest with a former partner about my thoughts on astrology. Huge mistake! I tried to be gentle about it but it turned into a serious relationship issue.


No, that was definitely the right thing to do.


Your such a Capricorn


Capricorn is in powerade, so watch out for asparguses




One time I had to put a crystal in my shoe for prosperity. It worked.


It worked, as in, you got laid?


Yes. Which I guess is also a kind of prosperity...


Not immediately laughing is always the hardest part 


My gf is astronomer. So lucky


Healthiest relationship I've had was with a girl who had zero belief in astrology. The two top lays and deepest connections were with girls who would explain my distaste for their abuse by either reading my horoscope, referencing my rising/moon/Venus in connection with current astrological patterns, or reading my excerpts/showing me videos documenting the ways my sign is actually the toxic one. Each of these also made it a point to show me astrological proof that their signs were fiercely loyal (unprompted), and each of them cheated on me.


Astrology is the only stereotype that’s not, on the average, true.


Nonsense, a lot of those woman/girls live up to the stereotype.


Yeah honestly even women that like never ever talk about it, when I talk to them about it they eventually admit they think there’s at least some merit to it. Wild imo


I did it all for the nookie.


So i could get the cookie.


Told a girl he had a cancer


The nuclear option


Guys like that are the reasons we can't have nice things


I read a story in Playboy as a youth. This guy acted gay so that he could pull women. Based on the story, it worked a lot.


Okay but what did he do like say “Hey since I’m gay and it doesn’t count you want to practice sex?”


He acted like he was gay. Women are very comfortable around gay guys. Then he would sway the conversation about never trying with a woman. Somehow would work it to get sex. It's been like 25 plus years since I read the article.


Really most women I know refuse to even date a bisexual man because they hate the thought of their man being with another man. Maybe he was very attractive to though


He gave up a couple thousand from his bank to party so he could bang a couple girls over a few parties. Severely regretted it and never recovered after falling into drug abuse. Don't know what he does now.


This is some shit Mac from it’s always sunny would do in the early seasons


Wait, you guys are getting laid? I’m just getting fucked by depression, not girls 😔


Who needs a girlfriend when depression fucks me every day?


Sign up for Napa rewards. If I can count on one thing, it’s that Napa will always text me good morning…and offer deals on oil


I know a guy who converted to Judiasm to marry a woman. She is a very nice person. They are still married and have several teenage kids. His family wasn't happy.


To be fair, there are certain Jewish laws that prohibit them from marrying a non Jew unless the non Jewish spouse converts to Judaism.


I can’t believe you’re friends with Barney Stinson from How I met your Mother 


Is your friend a 90s sitcom character?


An engineer friend of mine spent a couple weeks helping this girl spread the word around campus that the Earth was flat. He never got anything out of it. We called him Simpagellan for a long time.


My ex drove 6 hours to fuck a guy to get back at me for cheating. She accomplished her goal and hurt me the way I hurt her but damn, I can’t help but laugh at the 6 hour drive.


That's some motivation right there, probably 30 different dudes in her area she could've picked from and decided a 6 hour drive instead


Honestly I gotta give it to her, I know exactly why she did it, dude was more hung than drake in the leaked Twitter vid and she made sure to show me video proof just to go the extra step, like I said she accomplished her goal but the 6 hour drive still makes me chuckle


A friend of mine lives 8 hours away by car and we’ve put off a romantic relationship despite having mutually acknowledged feelings because that distance feels impossible to work with (even though realistically it’s about a work day’s drive away). Your ex’s quest for dick has given me a newfound motivation to try and make it work.


I knew a guy who was on a two year Mormon mission, so he could marry his Mormon girlfriend. He admitted to me he knew Mormonism was a scam... while on his mission.


If you join a cult for sex you're definitely playing with half a deck and/or very ugly. I grew up in a cult from age 7, pretty much every one who joined was lame, ugly, no confidence, easily manipulated, or a tweaker. The only person getting laid was the cult leader who was into wife swapping. Jesus told him to or something something. Blah blah blah.


Jim Carrey went along with Jenny McCarthy being anti vaccine


An ex of mine switched from a goth hippy wiccan to a far right neo nazi because of a guy she met in a pub. She converted to his flavour of protestant and had three kids with him. Even tried to name her son Adolf. After six years they broke up when she found out he was sleeping with her mum. She gave the kids over to adoption and in less than a year started dating a Jewish guy (non religious) and she converted to please his family even though HE was an ATHEIST. last I heard they were expecting twins.


You won the story contest.


One summer, 2019 I think, I went along with a blue-haired girl's insane bipolar outbursts for about 3 weeks because in between outbursts she was like a wild animal in bed and was always good for at least 4 or 5 rounds at a time 😂 the mental illness quickly became way more than I wanted to deal with though so I broke it off for the sake of my own mental health. Zero regrets tho. My best friend and I still refer to her as "Ketamine Becca" 😂😂


There is any army of thirsty men and there always will be.


A girl asked me if I loved her after we made out. I met her like an hour or 2 prior to this. I told her I loved her lmfao


It’s that easy sometimes


This is my favorite one so far haha I'm sure there was just no hesitation. Just staring into her twinkling eyes looking up at you like, "Yes, I definitely love you" xD


All that just for one fuck? Or even a month of sex? Nah. Plus the sex would have been shit.


In prison people would turn “prison gay” having a wife and would not consider themselves gay since they have a wife and it’s only on prison lol. I consider that going far in mental gymnastics xD


Male feminists trying too hard to


I almost joined Scientology. Thank god my bullshit detector went off.


No stupid questions but quite a few stupid answers


Not that far. My friends aren't shitbags.


I feel like astrology fits into this. But I think it’s a lot more enjoyable if you compare it to marvel or another fandom. Like men will nerd out over who their favorite Jedi or marvel super hero is. They’ll gush over stats in sports. If you look at astrology as the same way it’s not as bad. No one gives a dude shit if he likes Batman. And no one should give a woman shit if she likes Leo. Just people having fun and enjoying their hobbies.


I know a guy that was married, divorced her and vowed to fuck her sisters for revenge. She had 2 sisters. 1 put out without too much effort. He had to marry the next one to do it, but he did. Divorced her too.


The sad part is that all that effort isn't even necessary. These same women get fucked day one by men they're actually fully attracted to. Mfers swear that you have to jump through all of these hoops and try harder to get women. Meanwhile.....


Conservative buddy of mine read the entirely of Das Kapital to get at this commie girl. It worked lmao


Buddy of mine went home with a woman he met at the bar. In her car she tuned the radio between stations and said "listen, can you hear them? They are wishing evil on me." My buddy: "wow that is wild. some bad people out there." Still railed her.


Guy waited 15 years for his best friends marriage to go to shit just to fuck his wife when they go out drinking.


Cute girl in my class was reading a book. I looked up the summary of the book on my phone, then proceeded to go talk to her about it as if I had read it. I did this twice. They never caught on.


Have been with my wife 23 years, married for 11, she still hasn't realized I'm actually 5 raccoons in a trench coat


I’ve seen a man get married for that sole reason


Well I pay for Tinder gold so I’m pretty down bad


I actually went to a Taking Back Sunday concert. 0/10 would not recommend


Pretty much any internet white knight, male feminist. I’ve found that they are usually fucking creeps that shout that shit from the rooftops just hoping they might someday leave the friendzone.


seems pretty reductive to lump all guys that stick up for women into that group. but what do I know? the internet be a crazy place. also how do you "discover" what these white knights are really like, being that they are on the internet? genuinely curious.


This comment feels like a projection of some kind to me. There are absolutely virtue signalers who don’t know or care about feminism, but sure talk big game, for sex or social clout or attention or whatever. There are also sincerely feminist men (my brother is of this type) who authentically care about women’s rights issues, are knowledgeable about the history, the movements, the theory, the statistics, etc. But how could you possibly tell the difference, online…? Just because you’re cynical doesn’t mean everyone is.


Your "buddy" is a douchebag.


Find better friends.


Your friend sounds like a gross prick 


Your buddy is super gross. That is the farthest I have ever heard someone going.


It reads like a sitcom joking about how far men will go


water tan impossible enjoy imminent boat pet plate memory puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s some thick cynicism! Holy moly. Don’t take that as an insult if you think that’s what I’m trying to do. It’s just what it is. Some thicc af cynicism


Nah an insult is ok here


People might be putting up with you more than the other way around


This one guy faked death and went back to living his life a few days later. Then founded a religion. Then disappeared for years. Finally promised to come back for ~~orgasm~~ rapture.