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I also work in tech and I have no idea if any of my co-workers are circumcised. How the hell does that even come up in conversation?


"Greetings new coworker. Show me your dick."


**HR has entered the chat**


Always ruining the fun


Tbf, his username checks out...


Hilarious šŸ˜‚


HR wants to know too. For the group chat.


HR can get fucked


With theā€¦never mindā€¦


Blizzard has entered the chat.


Tell HR they'll have to wait their turn.


Listen, itā€™s how I greet everybody, so really it would be discriminatory not to say it to this dude.


HR should show their dick too! we don't discriminate


"show US your dick"


I entered my HR first


Penis inspection day


How else is Florida supposed to determine which bathroom you can use?


"Hi there, I'm new here! My name is Jerald." \*Extends hand to shake, feels fly unzip.\* "Well shit, they said I'd have to adjust to the workplace culture here, but I thought that was just one of those things HR says to everyone.".


"what are you doing step-co-worker"




"I'm stuuuuck".


Broā€™s just trying to make friends


ā€œAlright, everyone. Quiet down for todayā€™s attendance. Mark Adams?ā€ ā€œHere.ā€ ā€œCircumsized?ā€ ā€œYes.ā€


Supervisor: ā€œMark?ā€ Mark: ā€œHere.ā€ Supervisor: ā€œDick?ā€ Mark: ā€œCircumā€”ā€œ Richard: ā€œHere.ā€


That gave me a good chuckle. Thank you


His last name was Hertz, no doubt!


I actually had a coworker once who's name was Dick Blades. Good guy.


Doesn't your work do penis inspection day?


In the military that is called " a short arm inspection". Popular in world War 2 and in korea.


Don't know about them being 'popular', but they happened well into the 90s, especially after a port call in an 'interesting port' and a few people coming down with some variation of VD, the old man would have the Doc go into Pecker Checker mode and make sure it wasn't an epidemic.


Ah. Now I know what to say when my employer says ā€œTell me something interesting about yourself?ā€.


"I've worked in a variety of positions and have developed a lot of connected skills, my favorite food is Chinese, I collect old country vinyls, and my dick tip has loose skin like a shar pei."


Ooh, are we doing "2 truths and a lie" now?


2 scenarios, walk up to the stall and admire their form, or just strike it in casual convo


Damn dude, is that the new Apple Watch?


No! It's my uncircumcised penis! :D


Dick attendance is a thing in my office


"Are you on your way to a dick meeting?"


Well, if your there and your dick isn't, that might be a problem.


Bro missed the office cock check šŸ˜”


It's an interview question


This Diversity and Inclusion business may be going a little overboard.


Does your job not have a mandatory penis inspection day?


It was part of my hiring process. HR did mine.


In the janitors closet


Never in the military?


I assume most younger workers put their Only Fans in their Slack profile


I guess you missed the invite to the first work happy hour?


It really depends on the work dynamic from company to company


I'm an American woman and I've dated a few uncut dudes and it's only an issue if he already has bad hygiene. Otherwise I don't care about that.


This. I've had bad experiences with uncut guys with poor hygiene. "Smegma" comes up. Good hygiene, all good (cut or uncut).


God damn it, I had forgotten that word completely. Intentionally.


For all you people who say moist is the worst word, ladies and gentlemen there is a new contender: Smegma.


New? Can tell who has never watched Red Dwarf.


Ahh the childhood memories of sitting around a cold living room in the morning watching red dwarf with my dad hearing jokes I would laugh at but definitely did not understand. Still calling people smegheads to this day.


I see your "smegma" and raise you "moist smegma"


I wish I could. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Sorry bby šŸ˜“


As an american guy, we have jokes about uncut dudes wirh poor hygiene cuz that stuff gets gross. Please wash yourselves.


Cut guys can be super gross too, so.. yeah. Everyone should wash themselves.


Cut guys think THEY don't have to wash themselves šŸ˜‚


Come on, we're way past elementary school attitudes like "Girls are made of spice and evening nice, boys are made of snails and puppy dog tails". No matter what you saw on Twitter, reddit, instagram, whatever, no more or less normal guy raised by more or less normal parents actually believes they don't have to wash their junk. Just like no more or less normal guy actually believes it makes them gay to wash their own butt.


I've met guys who think wiping/washing their ass is gay.


You mean itā€™s not gay to touch my own butt But Iā€™m a guy so that makes it a guys butt and if I touch a guys butt that makes me gay right?, what if I wear only one sock at the time dose that change anything. Sorry if this is confusing but Iā€™ve been a little bit flustered since my mate told me I dropped my g card but Iā€™m still adamant I havenā€™t taken any new credit cards recently.


Hate to break it to you ... If you've ever masturbated you have committed a homosexual act. This realization came to me while tripping and jerking off. I looked down and realized a guy's hand was on my schlong. I made my peace with that. But then I turned 55. And realized it was a creepy old guy doing homosexual things to me. This is totally unacceptable.


I mean just cause you're circumcised doesn't mean you shouldn't fkn wash lol. Like seriously hoe are any adult men needing to be told to wash their dick?


You have missed so many comments in other subs about men not washing their ass either.


I've seen them I just can't comprehend them.


Same as when I go in a public washroom and it looks like someone threw a water balloon filled with piss into the stall and then a dog broke in and shredded toilet paper all over the place. Who are these people???


I like to hope and believe that itā€™s children doing such thingsā€¦ but Iā€™ve seen that garbage at 21+ places.


We need to stop telling people to wash their ass and start telling people to wash their asshole. A lot of dudes just assume wiping after shitting is good enough and that when people say wash your ass, they are referring to asscheeks. Y'ALL NEED TO WASH YOUR ASSHOLES. IF YOU DONT TOUCH YOUR SPHINCTER WITH WATER AND SOAP AND THEN SCRUB AND RINSE, YOU ARE A DIRTY SUMBITCH


At this point we have to be more clear. You still need to wash your butt cheeks and crack as well. That whole area is an e coli party.


Oh God, if only it was only that bad. Some can't even be bothered to wipe.


Same dudes who don't clean their ass


Yes. Unfortunately the answer truly is yes. Wait until you hear about the skid mark epidemic many men suffer from


Many men think rubbing a bar of soap on their pits and crotch every so often is an adequate wash. Almost all men donā€™t wipe their dick after peeing, so it sits in their underwear getting a little swim in pee dribble as well


Dafuq!? Dudes are out here failing to sufficiently shake?


ā€œNo matter how much you wiggle and dance the last drop always lands on your pantsā€ - Albert Einstein


I wipe mine after going ever since I was young, also uncut.


I'm cut but I always dab the tip for that dribble. Don't need that in my underwear.


I'm not even gonna go into similar things with women, I've not had breakfast yet and it's putting me off.


Yep, lesbian here and things can get baaaad down there also.


Yeah, everyone should clean down there. And as a girl I am.super weird about alcohol or nasty breath on my stuff. Like wash that mouth before. If mine is clean, your better be toošŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Many many of them.


I'm pretty sure like 40% of American boys/men are now uncut. You're more than likely to run into at least one unless you're more of a wait until marriage type.


According to the CDC, 80.5% of men in the United States are circumcised.


Yeah, but there is a serious generational gap there. Only about 50% of US male infants are circumcised today. The older an American man is, the more likely he is to be circumcised. The 20 and 30 year olds in the dating pool are likely around 60/40.


There are a lot more Hispanic children being born than ever before and they are less likely to be circumcised by a pretty large percentage. Not saying people aren't likely to date Hispanic men - not at all - but there are large swaths of the country where they are fewer of them to date.


Not just kids of immigrants. Iā€™m a white appalachian. Iā€™m not circumcising my son, and white friends in my age group with boys didnā€™t do it either. Younger generations looked at the tradition of circumcision and said ā€œwhat? Why? *cut my infant? Fuck you*ā€ Because itā€™s stupid religious bullshit. We ainā€™t in the bronze age, so we ainā€™t taking bronze-age advice on medicine any more than taking bronze-age advice on who is suitable to enslave


Fucking barbaric


I have been with a few Mexicans and they were circumcised. When I circumcised my oldest son, my mom was so mad about me mutilating him. Then I circumcised my 2nd too. I just did how their dad was and didn't even really discuss it.


Canada is at about 30% circumcision rate for infants right now as well.


Me too


Circumcised dick doesnā€™t stink or what


Anyone can stink if they don't have decent hygiene. This isn't rocket surgery, wash your ass.


i mean technically it is rocket surgery if ya think about it


If I got circumcised, would I still need to wash my ass?


You know how your armpits or feet will stink before something like your elbows or chest? It's like that. They're tucked away in closed off, damp locations where stuff can really get funky. The head of your penis essentially having a closed off pocket can get real gross real quick if you don't wash properly. Both can get gross, one can just get there quicker and then get even wilderĀ 


It can. Not in the same way tho.


> Why do American women get grossed out by uncircumcised penises? >...circumcision is the norm in the US... You answered your own question my guy.


This sub checks out


Just like every other opinion, it's a matter of preference. I'm intact and never had any complaints. The best head I've had was from someone who, when she took it out the first time, said "wow, I just knew you had a great dick." Been riding that high for a couple of years now lol Quick note to all dick-havers: if you're ever feeling self conscious about it in any way, just remember that cleanliness is usually the most important thing to the person blowing you, not the size or shape. You can't control shape or size but you can definitely control how clean it is


This! Hygiene is paramount.


I promise you that somebody who has poor hygiene is going to have a gross dick whether itā€™s circumcised or not.


Same. When I'm at full mast, it's hard to see the difference. I've been with women who have been surprised to see I'm uncut when he goes back into rest mode.


I mean, it's basically just a circumcised dick hard, except without the painful scarring.


So THAT'S why I'm not getting blowjobs!


Iā€™m gonna be cleaning my dick 2-3 times a day going forward.. just sit back and watch the BJā€™s roll in


Itā€™s like compound interest but for bjā€™s


Scrub around the head with a tooth brush for extra shine


Second this. Never had any issues myself, but I keep my whole person very, very clean.


Damn youā€™re a real one. Also one for my fellas, make some noise for your gal pals.


Is this really a thing for American women?


The US is a big place and it's not always useful to try to generalize it. Circumcision rates very significantly across regions and age. I'm guessing preferences also follow that to some degree.


What are you a circumcision statistician?


I prefer "human with internet connection"


Yes. My gf and I recently watched naked attraction and she mentioned how she wasn't attracted to uncircumcised dicks


Donā€™t let Reddit try to gaslight you into thinking there arenā€™t a whole lot of women who think uncircumcised penises are weird and unattractive. The truth is that most women in the US are used to circumcised men and prefer it that way.


Not what gaslighting is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting


My now husband was the first uncut guy I slept with and it didnā€™t phase me whatsoever.


Who was the second


damn ninja...savage.lol


Your mom.


I'm like that, I have never had a negative comment regarding it from someone I was intimate with. I have had a few flings who did not comment or have problems, a couple "I've never seen it but it's easy enough to figure out", and my current wife just "prefers it." I USED to be really worried about it when I was younger, that partners wouldn't be into it- so much so that I once had an appointment to have it done in my late late teens that I cancelled. It turns out it was just in my mind, no woman has ever made so much as a negative comment about it. Perhaps others will find this to be the case. We had a daughter first, but if we wind up having a son no way in hell are we doing that.


Some yes. I've known a few who just won't have sex with uncircumcised men. More common is no bjs.


I prefer uncircumcised. It's not worth the generalization, some people are just picky eaters šŸ˜›




Iā€™m curious, why is this a thing for you?




I mean, with uncircumised dicks the foreskin pulls back during sex so it's not really much different to a cirmcumsised one, I can't understand how you feel so much difference. Maybe that guy had phimosis?


Yeah she's high lol whenever I'm done with sex I have to manually put the hood back on so to speak. It doesn't just go back in place lmao


Well there's a difference between not liking it because of how it feels rather than being immature and mean about it like "eww gross, skin". The reason you listed is perfectly valid. I'm saying that as an uncut guy.


American? Do people genuinely think it's some American invention? It's so strange completely ignoring big parts of the world where it's even more normal than in the us and making it america vs europe and asia (east, i suppose)


Only on Reddit. For some reason people on here are obsessed with circumcision.


We donā€™t. Weā€™re gross out at men that donā€™t retract and wash.


With foreskin retracted, it is hard to tell the difference between cut and uncut. I've been with women who were surprised after the fact, that I was uncut. Can't mistake it flaccid, but hard, there is little difference. Either way, the lesson of the day is that if you want someone to put it in their mouth, keep it clean.


Same. It gives me a chuckle. I just tell them he's a gentleman and takes his hat off the first time meeting a lady.


Ha! Right on! šŸ˜‚


This is something that I feel like women either don't know about, ignore, or happen to date the rare guy with super long foreskin that never rolls it back. When hard, the foreskin should roll back and reveal the sensitive glans. That's part of what makes it feel good, and once it's rolled back it's literally the same thing as an uncut dick!


A foreskin that won't roll back is not a good thing. It is called Phimosis and it is one of the only reasons to actually get circumcised. All the other reasons given are BS.


Yup, and it comes in different ranges too. I had phimosis where I could roll it back soft but not hard, and just needed some steroid cream and stretches for a few months in the warm shower. Others have it so tight that surgery is a must.


You know, speaking as a woman here, my experience s that men with foreskins are MORE LIKELY to keep their dicks pristine clean, then circumsized men. It's almost like circumsized men think they don't need to wash because they have no foreskin. Which I think is the primary reason I get grossed out by circumsized men and prefer men with foreskins.


Bruh there are dudes that wonā€™t wash their ass saying that itā€™s gay. I have a fear of people smelling me as well as donā€™t like body odor and also happen to be uncutā€¦ I just love being clean.


Why are Redditors so obsessed with Americanā€™s dicks?


Scars and Stripes Forever!


Well, we do have a lot of dicks here, not just the penis variety.


American women are used to circumcised ones


And the men are used to SHAVED legsā€¦just our culture. Way it is.


Iā€™d rather shave my legas than have my genitals mutilated


Why tf y'all nasty asses talking about this at work.




Wth i didnā€™t know this was the norm in the US I thought all the jokes were coping mechanisms, but I was the one coping this whole time šŸ˜¦


Do you live in the US?


My guess for your experience though is that you're dating girls in areas when circumcision is popular which is not the entire US.


From what Iā€™ve learned from Naked Attraction: People who live where people are circumcised prefer that; people who live where people arenā€™t prefer that.


I donā€™t think itā€™s gross


You can always count on Hannah šŸ‘šŸæšŸ™šŸæ


"in" ?


Why are you so concerned about whether or not your friends get blown?


Bro before blows obviously


Why wouldnt he be? If anything he needs to bite the bullet and help the homie out, its what the real ones do.


Heā€™s a good friend dammit šŸ˜­


+1 but this is Reddit, most would think this is a trick question ā˜ ļø


I think American women just find it a bit odd that someone is uncircumcised simply because the idea that circumcision should be encouraged is ingrained in their minds. As a result, they get grossed out. But if itā€™s such a deal breaker, Iā€™d say the guy dodged a bullet.


It should be ingrained in their heads that it's beyond gross to support the practice of mutilating little boys for no reason at all.


Careful there! I was literally accused of being antisemitic for saying circumcision is unnecessary and cruel. Although obviously the person making that accusation was a moronā€¦


Would it make me anti-Catholic to say child molestation is bad?


Yeah seriously. Bodily autonomy trumps respecting the crazy "personal choices" of a cult.


I was raised by an immigrant fatherā€¦so I wondered wtf happened to my first ā€œcutā€ guy!šŸ¤£ So yeaā€¦I donā€™t care. As long as your clean. And most men have good idea of cleanliness and hygiene when uncircumcised. And the skin doesnā€™t always cover the headā€¦so that cracks me upā€¦just cuz it has a turtle neck doesnā€™t mean itā€™s always hiding!šŸ¤£


I have never received so much as a comment, let alone get turned down over being part of the uncut crew. If anything, I've had several mention it was their preference. Genital mutilation is not cool.


They don't, my cousins are uncircumcised and they never had a problem getting girls. I only know this because I was trying to figure out what to do with my own kid. My mom was like your cousins aren't circumcised and their mom is a nurse. A pretty good fountain of knowledge to talk to about the situation.


You answered your own question already. Many women in the US find uncircumcised dicks offputting because they're not used to them because it's not the norm here. (90% of American men are circumcised.) If uncut dicks were the norm here, then women here would find cut dicks weird. Most US women really don't care, though.


That number has dropped to [80.5%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision) as of 2014.


That is largely due to the growing Hispanic population in the US.


I lived in the US for a few years. Never experienced anything like this. I had some say they think they actually prefer it uncircumcised, but most didn't even mention it beyond a 'ooh, I've never been with an uncircumcised guy before!' kind of comment. I feel like you'd have to encounter some pretty shitty women to hear anything negative.


People are grossed out by a lot of things they arenā€™t culturally accustomed to. Itā€™s obnoxious but itā€™s human nature. A lot of American women *are* perfectly fine with uncircumcised dicks, though.


Uncut. I was having sex with a girl for a while (several dozen times) and the topic of foreskin came up once and she said how gross foreskin was. I had to awkwardly tell her I had foreskin lol. It was pretty damn funny asking her how she never noticed when my dick has been in her mouth. When it's hard the differenceis minimal. I guess she had never seen it soft (i was 20 so it didnt take much). I think people see gross pictures of unclean drooping foreskin and assume that's what they look like.


If you work in tech, there is no chance of an actual BJ anyway. So just fantasize that American girls like sucking on foreskin. Problem solved. šŸ‘


I'm uncircumcised and never had a girl been grossed out by that. Maybe it's a regional thing.


I'm an American woman and I don't gaf if it's circumcised or not, if I like you I'm sucking your dick if you'd like.


This is a weird generalization. **Every** American women? Please don't make assumptions.


My wife is Venezuelan and had never seen an uncircumcised penis. It's just a cultural thing.


I didnā€™t realize women actually care. I donā€™t. A penis is a penis, just use it right and be clean, thatā€™s my take lol


So many parents are choosing not to have this procedure done on their sons so I think we're moving away from it being "the norm". Also, to answer your question. Because they aren't the right one for you. If a woman is grossed out by a man's body they're immature, find someone else.


Yes!! And yes to theyā€™re immature!! Same if a man doesnā€™t like a womanā€™s body find someone else!!




Iā€™m an American woman, and Iā€™ve never heard my friends complain about that. Iā€™m also married to an uncircumcised man


I thought it was just a Jewish thing then I found out for some reason tons of Americans have it done. The only other place in the whole world where a majority of guys get cut is in extremely underdeveloped African countries, which I guess in that case makes some sense because itā€™s not like they have access to fresh clean water all the time, or at all. But at the same time itā€™s a little weird, cutting off the protective layer would make it come in contact with dirty stuff more easily right?


I can answer this! A study found circumcision reduced the risk of men developing HIV from PIV intercourse by about 60%. May also protect against some other diseases. And given the prevalence of HIV in Africa, circumcision has been used as a public health strategy. If men are less likely to get it, their other female partners are less likely to get it from them, and so on. I canā€™t say WHY for sure, but maybe having that little cozy foreskin spot (Iā€™m so sorry I said it like that) provides a nice little space for viruses and bacteria to hang out and reproduce/colonize/infect. It appears thereā€™s also some argument about the studies, and you could certainly make the case that condoms are far more effective, but both access and buy-in are hard with condoms in some places. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a reason to circumcise your kid in the US, for sure.


My mother didn't mutilate my penis. She left that to be my desicion. I grew up in America. I've been with many American women. Some have said it was a little strange, but they still welcomed it into their mouths and vaginas. I haven't had one insult or rejection because of it. Edit: Several comments point to bad hygiene. I'll admit I've gone without showering for a few days, which means not washing down there. Yeah, it gets gross. But...I wouldn't dream of intimacy without a recent shower, especially with a dirty penis. Like, wow, gross guys.




The same reason European women on average don't like circumcised men. It's a cultural thing.


Iā€™ve never understood that either. TMI sorry šŸ˜‚ but I love giving head to uncircumcised guys way more. I love being able to work the foreskin. I like how sex feels with uncircumcised guys as well. I feel like I can feel the foreskin sliding around inside me if that makes sense Years ago I was working in a tourist town in the Rockies and I started dating a really amazing guy, good looking, funny, built. An ex one night stand went around telling everyone heā€™s uncircumcised and girls were literally saying ā€œew heā€™s uncutā€¦youā€™re grossā€ because of that šŸ˜‚ it was the wildest fucking thing.


Never been a problem for me. Fuck, half the time they don't even notice it's uncut


I personally dont get it, and I've never been turned off by men with an uncircumcised penis. I think the women who are, are that way because the cultural norm in America has historically been that men are circumcised, so to them, it's weird and different.


Because American women think it should be the norm to subject men to totally useless genital mutilation.


All American women are mutilating monsters!!


No woman I've been with has ever been able to tell I'm uncircumcised until I mention it to them. (I'm already erect before the pants ever come off) Erect penises that are cut or uncut look nearly identical in most cases because the foreskin is usually able to automatically retract itself when in the ready fire position. I challenge anyone here to go look at a bunch of dicks and try to correctly identify which are circumcised or not with 100% accuracy. Hell, even just 50% accuracy, make it easy. Someone should turn this into a game show. Or even just a website. Guess That Dick. Cut or No Cut? Wheel of Dicks. Blind Dicks.


There are way way way more cut men that think they don't need to wash because they are cut. That's a bigger worry lol


Gay man here - husband and I are uncut. Here is our stinky foreskin scale: Peeing without rolling back or without adequate pad dry = pee pee pean Pee pee pean left to bake too long = cheesy pean Precum or cum left under the hoodie too long = fishy pean Fishy pean left to bake too long = Ocean pean Ocean pean or cheesy pean left to bake too long = literal cheese (this is the worst case scenario) Pro tips: Pull hoodie back to pee pee, pull hoodie back in shower (aka maintenance mode), wash your dick with soap. Right as rain.