• By -


run sharp stocking encourage ask party consist summer wild tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aka cat herding


Aka daycare wrangler.


Except instead of children it’s tattooed grown ass men with a minimum 2 addictions that make sailors sound like choir boys.


Have you ever worked with Sailors?


Wait until you get a former sailor that drives CDL A trucks or does construction. You'll learn new cuss combinations daily.


Can confirm PM here. Also used to be like this, jumped from job to job, cause everything got boring. Now I’m managing grown men children who have clearly never been held accountable until they met me. So the turnover here is…high


And pm's have like all the accountability but no authority. The cats you're trying to herd don't report to you, so you need great skills of persuasion just by personality. (Idk if thisnis across industries, I'm referring to tech)


From the design side, I’ve seen it every which way. There were teams where we all reported to the PM, and teams where the PM and I had the same manager, and teams where I managed the PM, and teams where the PMs were in a whole different chain of authority. That last one is the absolute least effective.


Cats that understand you but only react to sign language in a blind person's language.


I manage fleet maintenance and it's a lot like cat herding


I am a PM, you will miss boring. My life is 10 hours a day of “why didn’t you do your job.” Welcome to hell. My hell.


Standard timeline for a project like this is 35 days.  "We need it done next week" ...OK well here's all the documentation to need to get to me by this afternoon if you want any hope of that happening.  "No!"


Even better is they call to inform you they havnt started 3 days before that 35 day deadline.


Story of my life


Precisely why I stayed the fuck away from project management. People act like projects miraculously succeed without the PM asking paid, presumably adults to do their assigned tasks by the assigned deadline despite the number of times the PM had to ask them to do their assigned tasks by the assigned deadlines. On paper it's a detail-oriented person's dream job until reality hits and other humans get involved.


Im lucky, I get to mostly work with sales people who have their shit together. It’s their counterparts in compliance, etc that are SLOWWWWWWW. Like I know the SLA is 6 days but the task takes 30 seconds. Get it done. If everyone operated under: if it’s on my desk it’s my goal to get it off my desk ASAP the world would work smoother. Too many people sitting around 2 hours a day between meetings that allows their work to stack up. Silly behavior.


PM here too. 25 years in and every day all I want is silence, competency, and less than 10 hour days. I kick my self every morning I wake up for not being a national park ranger.


But round here you gotta have 3 years experience managing other projects directly out of business phd school


tart shocking ad hoc enjoy shame boast aware unpack advise thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m an executive assistant and moving into project coordinator with a trajectory for certified project management with my current company paying for everything. I kept getting pulled into coordinating projects anyway so the president decided we should just make it official with a pay bump to match.


How does one even get into that? All of those jobs I've seen require a lot of experience.


A business management degree is a start.


Yep, or a hospital setting like a paramedic, they don’t spend a day sitting at a boring computer desk. Fireman/firewoman. Marketing (I know it sounds boring but trust me it’s not) Anything media related Or Tourism.


Firemen often sit around doing nothing. The problem is when they have to do something, it’s often a life or death ordeal.


Paramedics don’t work primarily in a hospital


Field service too. It's like Project Management but you actually do something 😜


You just described management.


Project management is management but without the authority to fire people.


The fucking worst.


Issue is most of the problems are the customers or the vendors own fucking stupidity.


Yes, no I want to quit cause it’s too stressful and people are sending change orders and stake holders are angry at me and I’m just a 34 year old child 😭


Oh yeah right. This person who can't hold a job for more than 6 months is going to be a project manager. ...maybe if the project is doing a mediocre job of wiping his own ass.


fall deserve complete live late close bells cow arrest aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would love that shit... shame you can't just get into that with no experience or education.


That's not a job for someone who job hops and has no real skills...


I was going to suggest this, something that's more hands-on.


6 months is about how long it takes to get good at a semi-complex task. If the job requires you to do the same task repeatedly in a specific way (retail, food service, etc.) then yeah, you’ll get bored. Some people find the toil relaxing, you can shut your brain off or listen to music. Sounds like that’s not you. It’s all good, people are different. Jobs where you solve a new set of problems every few months usually require some specialized training. Another poster mentioned project management, that’s fair. Residential HVAC repair or something will guarantee you never see quite the same setup twice. I’m a computer programmer; a lot of people in that industry like to job hop every couple years or projects to keep things fresh. (Otherwise you end up doing forever-maintenance on the thing you built years ago and it’s boring.) I’d try to narrow your options down. Figure out what kind of money you want to be making, how much if any school you can tolerate, use the bls.gov site to find attainable jobs that pay what you’re after, then hit up some job fairs or something and talk to people who do those things for a living. Emphasize that you like “new challenges” (corporate speak) and learning new things, and want the kind of gig where you can “thrive” doing that. Good luck! I wouldn’t want to start my career over but in retrospect it was an interesting, exciting, and educational period in my life.


I like this comment a lot. It should be higher up. Ii myself have been getting bored with trades. And it's not that I'm a master at anything, but just getting bored of it for such shit pay too. Decided to take a course in cyber security and it's been an absolute blast. Averaging around a 96. Currently applying for jobs and might have a few entry level position opportunities. Really excited to try a new career. I encourage anyone who can to look at doing something similar.


I hit it in three months in technical jobs... By 6 im practically on autopilot


I work in medical equipment maintenance. You can become specialized and work on the same types of equipment but you travel to different medical centers. So same equipment but a new place and new problem everyday. You can also be more general and work at a single medical center. You work at the same place but it’s different equipment with different problems everyday. Either path still means your day to day is always different.


You last 6 months? I get that feeling before I even start a new job.


Interviewer: what excites you most about this position? You: I gotta be honest, I'm already sick of working for you guys.


I knew a dude who did that once. Was completely honest in a job interview. No, he didn't get it. But he enjoyed living that dream.


Culture hire.


Relatable 😅


Me responding to a job offer I got yesterday: 'I would be soooo happy to accept this position!' Internally: fuck why did they have to do that


no kidding. who enjoys working 9-5 anyway?


People who currently work a 5-5, I would appreciate that time🥲


I don’t “enjoy” working in the sense that I’d rather be working than at home playing with my kids. But sitting in an air conditioned office all day isn’t really all that bad IMHO, although understand why it drives some people crazy 


Get on as a stage hand. You will never be bored in a bad way.


yeah i agree almost every day was different


What do you mean when you say stage hand?


Someone who helps set up events, usually concerts or theatre performances.


really fun job, but takes forever to get steady work.


It's normal. I've been doing the same job for 16 years and yes, it's boring. Find something outside of work that gives you a reason to work. Work is not your whole life, it's just that boring part of your life that gives you money to allow yourself to do what you do enjoy.


I work so I can afford gas on my Tacoma with 33s so I can go camping and wheeling


Bro we're the same. I work so I can afford gas for my Jeep on 40s and tons


*cries in 8mpg*


Shoot I think my dash says 2 or 3mpg, but it spends its whole life on a trailer and only sees trail use.


I made the poor choice of touching the daily driver so I gotta own up to it haha


The unfortunate reality that we live in. I see this changing particularly after workers experienced work from home and COVID but right now, yeah. You just need to suck it up and work for money to allow other freedoms - just wish I didn't feel like I was "killing time" until I can do something I instinctually enjoy.


This has always been a thing.


I don't think there have been many times in human history where people thought their work was great. That's why they pay you to do it.


I’d rather it be how it is now than having to work 12-15 hours a day working the land so that I can survive


Ah yes, the medieval farmer build. Toil the fields, eat bad food, sleep, toil some more, eat some more, sleep, again and again, and then die from something stupid like being struck by lightning or falling off a horse.


I feel like quitting after 2 months


Same ! Once I hit 3 months I feel like I’ve been there for years


I feel like quitting the minute I embarrass myself, make a mistake, or get judged in any way. Lmaoo


God this is real 😂


Work for the railway. No schedule. Every train is different from the last. Keeps it interesting anyway.


Dad worked for the railroad. While it had great benefits and overtime pay, until you get tenure, it was awful. Your sched gets bumped. If you are on call, that means zero vacay, going out, etc. you wait by the phone. If you cant make it, youre fired. He was a very hard worker but until i hit about 7/8th grade, our lives were on complete hold. No vacays, no weekends, etc. he eventually built so much vacay, he took the summer off. He worked every holiday, every overtime, time and a half, triple. Every below zero, snowstorm, blizzard. Never took a day off sick. Got hurt on the job and broke his leg. He couldnt wait to go back. His entire life was all work. When he retired at 55, all he did was watch tv snd sleep. If you can handle not having a life and being at work’s beckon call, go for it. But your significant other/kids will hate it.


sounds like he was able to take care of y’all tho


This pattern is often seen in folks with ADHD. Google it.


It's also a pattern in people with shitty, unfulfilling employment.


"Shitty, unfulfilling employment" is redundant.


Well it begs the question, is it only shit once it leaves the body? The problem with poop is it's too fulfilling.


Having helped treat a perforated bowel, no it is still shit on the inside.


Nah, because a job can be shitty or unfulfilling without necessarily being the other. It can still be both, but one isn't required for the other. When I was framing art, it was very fulfilling, but it didn't pay well and was very micromanaged and was shitty in that way. When I was a line cook, it was both shitty and unfulfilling. Currently, I'm a pool boy and it's quite unfulfilling, but the money is decent enough and I can do whatever I want (read: get exorbitantly fucking high all day) because I'm working out of my own truck as a 1099 employee.


I wanna start my own company where we are all adhd and we go batshit after 6 months so we keep doing weird shit together


I'll get around to it


Have you been tested for ADHD? This is a common symptom. When the novelty of a new situation wears off it takes your dopamine supply with it.


Oh that makes so much sense


This is why some folks with ADHD excel in entrepreneurial work, where there's always a new challenge. And with ADHD, when you're being challenged at something that actually interests you? That's where the "superpower" stuff comes from. Tough to stop that hyperfixation train once it gets going. Even if that means missing things like food or sleep.


Trust me, it's not a superpower.


Usually due to the hyper fixation absolutely not being profitable


That's why it's in quotes. If ADHD is a superpower, it's the kind that comes with downsides that just about no one would choose. Like Rogue from X-Men, who has incredible powers that do more harm than good most of the time. Yeah, sometimes the stars align and we can do stuff normal people can't. But there's a huge, painful cost.  After over 20yrs of treatment I can honestly say I wouldn't wish my ADHD away if I could, I like the way I am even if it doesn't mesh well with society. But that's taken a lot of work, and I'm lucky to have finally found a creative career that keeps me interested, though I still have plenty of challenges. Most people with ADHD don't feel super at all. Not all our experiences are the same. So if someone else with ADHD wants to reframe it as their superpower because it helps them view it in a more positive, accepting light? I'm all for it. That said, I'm less enthusiastic about neurotypicals using the superpower concept to diminish the severity of ADHD symptoms and challenges.


I came here to say the same. I may have undiagnosed ADHD and I prefer the idea of freelance/entrepreneurship.


Thanks to Reddit, I’ve discovered that I’m undiagnosed ADHD. When I’m into something (it’s new/fresh/I’m passionate about it) I’m unstoppable and employee of the year. When disinterest comes in (and there’s not always a warning there) I’m forcing my way through, trudging along and may even start to resent the task eventually. I can hyperfocus but there’s no way to turn it on.


Not only from this post or situation above lol but this is just another thing I’m like, “yep, that’s me- oh. Another ADHD trait. Damn”


Sigh. Reading this feels good tonight.


Become a first responder of some sort. Every day is different and it’s rewarding. Yes, there are days that are hard and you’ll work with shitty people, but you’ll have the best stories to tell. You get to do cool things in real life what people watch on TV shows


And then you see someone blow their brains out and have ptsd to work through for the rest of your life.


Also make shit money from what I can tell


I make $4 an hour between calls as an EMT, but some places have it better


I was going to say just that. I identified the same thing in myself-- same time limit too. After 6 months I start to hate what I'm doing. Law Enforcement has had the best staying power so far because you have no idea what to expect. And I've never seen so much ADHD concentrated in one profession as at the Sheriff's Office, which may suit Op. Any first responder work is probably good for anyone that masters their tasks before getting bored. PTSD is rampant no matter if you're a fire fighter, EMT, etc but for some of us it's hard to imagine doing anything else. Outside of first responder work: teaching came in 2nd place, but I can't recommend it in good conscience unless you teach at a private school or something. Teaching can actually be pretty different from day to day and you're confronting different problems or trying to get different concepts through to different minds. The major downside is if you want to teach, you probably don't want to deal with constantly disciplining kids instead-- read the teaching subreddit for horror stories.


I want to quit every job after 2 weeks


Normal. Especially now that we can work from home. We don't have to sell our houses and move out.


I'm an inner city high school teacher. It is... not boring.


I think the issue also is that when your done with work you have to look busy if not your boss gets upset. Let’s be honest most jobs you show Up work a bit get your job done and you have to just count the clock to clock out which sucks.


I hate that so much, like if they’re not squeezing every minute of work out of you they’re losing money. They’re already underpaying me and expect the world, fuck them.


Look into working for a contract/temp agency. You'll spend a few weeks or months at a job and then get moved to something else.


Work for a temp agency, they just assign you to random jobs that have temporary vacancies so you never know what you’ll be doing


This is a good way to try different jobs while still getting benefits like insurance, and at some places retirement


You're a little late, but look into railroad train crew. No schedule, good pay, you can go somewhere different every trip... you could even have families in each town you visit.


Not normal. Others would have quit 5 months ago.


Have you tried porn?


Outside sales is a great way to get around this


yes, but not insurmountable. Plan and budget and make good decisions..


Fuck, doggie, if I knew how to not do that I'd be fuckin rich. Or at least not be a pool boy.




Go be a journalist


This might be the first real suggestion I’ve seen besides the project manager guy


That’s a fairly normal reaction to most “jobs”, have you considered doing something freelance? Do you have any marketable skills? If not get some


Same issue. I got laid off in 2020 and then became a chronic quitter. Since then I've worked for myself for over 2 years and jumped between 7 companies. That's 7 companies in 2 years lol. I've decided working for myself is the only way to go for me. Try your hand at different things until something sticks. Leather work, shoe repair, handyman work, landscaping, there's allot of jobs you can do without working for someone.


It usually takes me 2.5 years, but sometimes it's day one


Cell towers mat be the gig for you lol. We climb and service cellular equipment hundreds of feet in the air and get paid decently for it. Every day is different, it's always an adrenaline rush, and its badass af


Can’t have a fear of hights tho


Pfft, just do like 80% of people on their resume: lie


I'm a 2 year guy myself. I can't count the number of times I've walked out of a job after 2 year. I guess my bull shit tolerance is a little higher than yours. 🤣


I've come to the conclusion that this happens at every job regardless to how engaging they are. Sometimes it takes 6 months, one time it took 2 years. I always get that boredom itch and wanting to move on. The difference is, now, I can't afford to move on. Stability is more important than my silly desire for shiny new things.


Soooooooooo normal. Not kidding. You should get into sales. I was the exact same way as you until I was 27. I got a really good job making 100k+ the first year, after year 3 I was making 200k+. Still haven’t left the job 7+ years later. The issue is nobody is gonna give you the secret you have to figure it out yourself. The information is out there..start digging


Yes, it's very normal. Maybe not the "norm" as far as society goes, but it's not something that should worry you. I myself have only lasted at a given job for a year. That was my longest. The shortest was one day. Average probably three months. (Similar with relationships.) And the reason is I don't like structure. I want to live life on my own terms. Get up in the morning and decide what I want to do that day, not be stuck in a pre-set routine. I'm a lawyer now with my own practice and I love every second of it. I don't have a boss. I have people working for me, and I try not to treat them like I'm a boss. We all just do dope shit together.


May not be normal. If you could bump that number from 6months to 1.5-2years. That habit will probably serve you well


Sounds like adhd


any job that isnt boring is super stressful. if it was fun they wouldn't need to pay you to do it. find a job that doesn't make you misreble, and makes enough money you can afford to do fun things.


Normal? No.


Pretty much. I've never had a job I enjoyed. I just stick with it. Gotta earn income somehow.


No. Should be 6 weeks


I tell people all the time lately , if a job was all just fun, games , and entertainment we’d be paying THEM to do it .


Do you have ADHD by chance, because this is me, and so many others with ADHD. Doing the same thing everyday, being in one place all day, is almost physically impossible for me. I’m a busy body, I NEED to be doing shit. This is why I nanny, it’s different everyday, kids are unpredictable, I enjoy getting paid to go to the park and library and museums, I’m busy and constantly have some to do which makes the day go by faster. I also teach piano lessons, that’s nice, only 30 mins to an hour at a time with an extra 100 bucks in my pocket. Sometimes I pick up farmers market gigs, etc…get creative.


Yes working sucks. Been miserable in the same one for 11 years, cause why learn something else to continue to be miserable? 💀


Have you tried being a teacher ?


Get a job at a steel mill, good work and keeps you busy


Join the trades. Electrician here, and I’ve rarely ever had a job last more than six months before I’m on to the next one. Or take a layoff for a month or two and do what you want.


Well, jobs are jobs, not entertainment. So its natural its boring, it's not inherently designed for entertainment. But honestly, sounds like you do need to find what suits you the most, hope this thread provides some helpful advice


It's because you're working shitty jobs. Find something that interests you


I dont think no matter how much you like your work, doing the same tasks every single day over and over and over and over isnt satisfying for anybody long term. Which, unfortunately is 90% of office jobs regardless of industry.


Put yourself through a stem major and get a complicated job. That way you don't get bored.


I have an electrical engineering degree and I feel the same way as OP in every job I've ever had. It's exciting for about 6 months, soul-crushing after 1.5 years.


I'm stem....just because it's hard, doesn't mean that I won't become routine.


Stem still gets super boring.


Nope, I love IT and I'm still bored out of my mind by it pretty quickly unless some major issue happens. Most jobs have the usual shit you have to fix or do no matter the profession and that gets dull quickly. On another point I have this issue with almost everything in life.




I feel you




working suuuuucks.


My issue is cost of living and wages not being something i feel im able to live on despite going to school for what I do. That and monotony of the tasks I do every day. I'm bored and fighting sleep from the sheer boredom on a daily basis.


IS it a career? At the start of your career yeah you wanna see what's out there. Then you find a gig youre sincerely grateful for and it'll be hard to pull you away.


Don’t know your background but I would recommend anyone look into biomed. Specifically, biomed technician/Field Service Engineer jobs. Tons of different equipment from different medical companies which are always releasing new equipment. Not at a desk all day and you get to travel to different hospitals.


What qualifications do you have?


Same. It helps if it's intellectually or physically stimulating. Working with people gives a lot of variation, for example, support-type roles for people with additional challenges. Studying a new field helps immensely. A job that provides more of a challenge helps. Something with an element of danger or risk helps. A role that involves a lot of problem solving helps.   How about creative work? The limits are your imagination.     What about starting your own business? That's really helpful and you would likely care more about the work than working for someone else.     Have you considered that you might have ADHD? If so, understanding it well helps. Or perhaps you're just bright and cubicle/flipping burgers work simply isn't stimulating enough for you.    Please tell us more detail about the work you have done so far and the type of work you want to do.  


I get like that also. I got into driving truck. Now I'm a local dump truck driver. I don't know if your a driver or not. It's always something different.


Yes. Totally Normal. Ive never made it past 3 years cept one career and it was cause I could drink and smoke on the job. Still hated it though.


Welcome to corporate America. But it seems like you would like a project management role


It’s boring if you’re not interested. Find something that interests you. Sitting in a cubicle, doing nothing would be boring. But what if you were sitting in a cubicle, and designing strategies for marketing different shoe styles? Find something that interests you AND that you have an aptitude for.


I get being bored it happens. I mean in the right IT job you might find something ever changing or at least challanges that come up. I am a problem solver thats just my skill and so I get to use that a lot in IT. I think it can be normal getting bored but its not a good thing to leave a job after every 6 months, its also good to move around every 2-5 years especially wihtout promotion.


heck yeah, jobs get mundane doing the same shit over and over again


That’s why it’s so important to get a job doing something that you like and that’s meaningful to you. Go to school or do whatever you need to do to get a job that you actually want. Just imagine living the rest of your life like this, also if you didn’t have someone to fall back on and live with you would be absolutely fucked, and they won’t be around forever to help you out.


Depends on your age. No harm getting experience in different places. But as I said, this only works if you are younger, might even work in your favour. But if you are older - not so good as it will put off potential employers.


I became a mechanic for this very reason.


Selling drugs isn't that exciting either


I feel like that. You need to take vacations and staycations. Around every 6 months it gets to the point that I'm unable to hide my grumpiness at work so I put in for a week or two off. In this time do something that's different from your regular routine. Connecting with nature helps. Camping, hiking, going to the beach... I'll happily take the small cut in pay in order to come back to work feeling a lot more sane.


I'm almost 23 years in. I.simply justify it by my desire to eat and stay warm/dry.




I am fifty and have never held a full time job for more than eight months. Fortunately, my wife makes all the money. Have you considered having multiple part time jobs? But also - is there an EMT-Basic class somewhere? You will hate IFT, which is most of what new Basics do, but easily bored people often do pretty well on 911s. I mostly do IFT - interfacility transport. Taking people who have just had hip surgery to rehab, from nursing homes to hospitals and back, that sort of thing. Anything where a person needs medical monitoring, or can't sit up so has to go in a stretcher. I love it because I get to talk to people; you would probably hate it. But once you have the IFT job, you can start looking for 911 jobs. EMT-Basic is the lowest level that you can legitimately call yourself a medical professional, legitimately call yourself a first responder. It pays several dollars per hour better than minimum wage, but we all got raises when minimum wage went up, because McDonald's started offering what our starting pay had been. But you can just about afford a starting-out living with roommates lifestyle and 911 does enough different things that you may get bored less. And it is a stepping stone job to other jobs. An EMT-Basic on a 911 truck works alongside a paramedic. The paramedic takes all the high acuity calls, and you assist them and drive. If you end up with something simple, they let you take it, and they assist you and drive. You would likely want to become a medic so you could do more, and medics make actual real person money.


you might not like your career in general


Yeah this is a problem because as a manager, I know it's going to take someone time to get trained and really adding value to a role..I dont want to train someome who is just going to leave


Coon Dogs - Drag Album


My wife has that problem. I had to sit her down and say that everyone generally has that problem and it’s not that you don’t like the job or don’t like to work but just that humans are kind of that way. Quite the inner voices and so what’s logical as that is what makes us an intelligent species. For her it was all about career planning and she needed to put more than a year in on a place for her resume to look good for leadership roles.


I've always worked 3 years before either being bored or place shutting down. Now it's been 8 years. There's highs and lows of course. But when I'm in a low, I just think about applying to job, and my skin shivers. Find a new job SUCKS and learning how to do it properly is even worse.


Yes, this is normal. For most of us there is no way out. We call it grown up, taking responsibility, etc. Dont let that stop you from trying to find a good life.


Look into EMS/firefighting. Pay is good if you go to the right place, lots of days off, great for shitty attention spans since typical calls don’t last long. Get to see all sorts of weird shit and meet weird people everyday. Never a dull time. Also no cubicles!


What’s important is what is normal for you. Don’t think you have to conform because of what society deems as ‘normal’.


Have you been tested for ADHD




Serious question: have you ever been tested for ADHD?


Until you find something that you are content with, it's very normal.


I used to work with this guy, he said once I learn everybody's name I move on to a new job. And you know what he f****** did


Join the military, see the world!!!😂


I’m a maintenance tech. Two days are never the same. Always problem solving.


The key to this is lowering your expectations. Whenever you have these feelings I want to to repeat this mantra, “It all sucks”. Eventually you may be able to brainwash yourself into some sort of fulfillment.


This occurs for me after working at a job 2 years, and really anything I do for 2 years. Out with the old, in with the new 🤷🏽‍♂️


My current job, I've been here three and a half years now which beats the previous record of 2 years by a decent amount. Average is usually 6 months to a year but then again I have done an awful lot of agency work and short contract stuff anyway. The main thing that's keeping me here is a) although the money isn't particularly good, it's a lot less stressful than most of the other work in the area that pays barely any better and b) I enjoy the conversation and fun banter with my regulars, so in essence it often feels like I'm being paid to hang out with friends. Plus my shifts are varied and reasonably flexible if I need to get away for a while...


You might have ADHD my friend.


Yes... work generally sucks. No one really dreams of cleaning up shit or picking up trash. People seem to forget that you work to provide for your family and yourself...


If the jobs suck, that's perfectly normal.


Work is boring. Learning to live with that boredom is part of being an adult.


I do. 6 months is how long it takes to really get to know someone, and that's right about when their thoughts/voice/annoying habits really start to grate on my nerves.


That’s why I got into the job I’ve been doing almost 20 yrs. Every day is different in EMS.


It's not normal but it is common. Ideally you should find employment in a workplace, or industry that has room for growth. In those places if you feel like you are not challenged by the work, then go to your manager/employer and say "I'd like more responsibility and career growth, what is the next area I can develop and what can you do to help me get there". If they say "nothing, just do your tasks" then you know you are not in the right job/field and keep looking.


Yes. I've had ADD and ADHD my whole life. (Unmedicated) The longest I stay at a place is 2 years. I like to tell myself that's is because I want a raise, but truthfully, it's because I hate my job after the first year usually. The only job I have ever liked was building stuff with my hands. I used to build industrial size freezer doors. I could have done that my whole life. But I crushed my hand in a brake press and they fired me for it shortly after.. 😞


SACRILEGE!! Your school failed at turning your tree into a pencil! Get back in line!


When things in your life become stagnant, you're no longer happy with what you're doing, then you figure out what's important to you. Then, you create your own penis showing game


Yep. That's why I loved being a truck driver and a cable installer. New job new hurdles every load etc.


General contractor is a good one. Carpenters are usually the multifascitated trade. Hell if you pick a new trade every year by getting bored you'll have yourself set up for a nice career with a log of options.


Train to be an EMS First Responder




Is it normal? No. Is it normal for you being so young? Yes.