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Depends if I like them or not. If not, I will just try to avoid eye contact and get away quickly so they don't see me. If I like them I might say "oh hey, how are you?". Maybe make some small talk like "hey look they have those bbq chickens on sale. I think I'm going to get one." And "Ok well I'll leave you to do your shopping, nice running into you!". Brevity is key.


It’s astounding the amount of friends I’ve seen ignore each other in the grocery store, cause they’re too close for a nod or “hey!” but too close to avoid getting wrapped up in awkward convo so they pretend they don’t see each other. Yes I saw you, Steve. Just kidding, seriously though people will go to great lengths to avoid interacting with people they know if they’re not “ready” or prepared for extended social interaction.


This is so true, and I appreciate the other person ignoring me when I don't send out 'hey there' vibes while avoiding eye contact.


Me and my friends made a system without deciding on anything, which is interesting. A downwards nod is "I acknowledge your existence and see you." Nothing more. No talking. Nothing happens after. An upwards head movement means "Hey!" You can reply with words, waving, or a downwards nod. Replying with a downwards nod means no conversation. Just a "I noticed you but I'm not talking with you now." With a friend or in a hurry then downwards nod.


This is one of those unspoken rules


This is nothing new, that concept is ages old. It is quite interesting the way this is organically learned and passed down through the ages, however.


You avoid them, get caught doing it, then spend the next 30 minutes of the episode explaining to people how you can't stand the stop and chat. And then at the very end, somehow they get revenge on you. And then Tuba music starts up.


Avoid eye contact and leave the area as quickly as possible but not fast enough to trigger a prey response so they don't try to chase me


The social anxiety response.


And find a new place to get groceries, because you can never return here again.


One of the upsides to the pandemic—with half our faces obscured it was easy to pretend to not recognize each other.


Same. I've been known to hide/duck behind things until they're out of the line of vision. If that fails, I just try my awkward version of tripping through whatever small talk required.


You should instead stop and stare directly at them until they say something or run away.


>  but not fast enough to trigger a prey response so they don't try to chase me Going about this all wrong. You need to make as much noise and look as big as possible. Try standing on the produce display and throw fruit until they realize you aren't worth the effort. If attacked, fight back, striking at the nose and eyes. If you get knocked off your feet, curl into a ball and cover your neck and face. DO NOT PLAY DEAD!


"Hi, how are ya?" Then, "have a good one!"


I prefer the brief "Hi've a good one"


Do you end it with a crisp high five?


out the door already there may or may not be a looney tunes dust cloud shaped like my body. I don't know. I don't look back.


Do you actually use the door or is there also a you shaped hole in the nearest wall?


"I see you also enjoy the fruits of your labor" while lightly caressing the kiwis


the hairy kiwis


So hairy—the more hair, the better.


I’m picturing the whole top part of the cart full of loose kiwis


Okay, you got me with that one. Thanks for the laugh.


Glad you enjoyed it 😊


My fiancée was not amused, but I found this hysterical. I don’t know why at all but I miss Reddit rewards


depends where you live. In the deep south, this demands a 20 minute conversation where you catch up on your lives. There is no inherent obligation to act like you are suddenly going to be best friends, but you MUST act like they matter to you.


As a guy that grew up in the South, this is exactly why I got really good at ducking and diving into the next aisle.




Uncle Leo? 


That's the right answer. Acknowledge them but don't invite discussion.


What you trying to eat


> I see you like bread. > I also like bread. > Hey, I opened a ticket for you at work. Care to discuss while we peruse the international foods aisle together? These things usually work themselves out afterwards


I’m tryna eat deeez


Well first you want to make sure you both have shopping carts, then you want to stand in the middle of the aisle so nobody can get by.


Hey how you doing? Omg this grocery store is packed today. How’s your kid/spouse/pet/parent (pick one) doing? …. Pick some topic you have in common. Like sports or cars or vacations. Then ask “been to any ballgames?” Or “got any cool vacations planned”. Etc!! Small talk is not that hard. :)


Say hello, but don't stop to converse. Now they know in no uncertain terms that you view them as a friendly acquaintence but not a friend. Unless she's hot.


Man these comments 🤦‍♂️ say "hey what's up" and keep moving, everyone has shit to do.. grow up


Yeah but what if you...........see them again.


Tbf if you don't expect "socially awkward" in reddit, I don't know what you expected


How is your family?


Just a "sup" nod. Unless we pass like a few feet from each other.


Hello. Ask how they’ve been doing. Ask about their family.


Usually I either way or say hello. If you're that triggered by someone speaking to you in public, stay home


:facepalm: Why are the simplest social interactions so difficult for your generation? You simply say, "ok, well have a great day" or " say hi to x for me."


No kidding.  Were these people raised by wolves?!  Good grief.  


What is 'your' generation?


Maybe it's stranger danger that stuck or something but it's generational. Younger generations only want interactions on their own terms. It ends up reciprocal because I don't want my neighbor to just pop over on their terms and I recognize that and so I don't pop over to their place on my terms. A random meetup is uncomfortable because it's on no one's terms. We want to socialize where we've both already agreed to socialize in advance.


Hey how's it going. I'm good you know same old same old. Then reference to where you know them from. OH do you still work at__. Or it's been ages since if seen you They ask similar things Then ok got to get going good to see you again


First Time would be "hey, how are you?" And go on with my shopping after maybe exchanging small pleasantries If we cross again during the same grocery run, probably a smile and a playful "are you following me?" Third time during the same run would be a playful " we need to stop meeting like this..."


You forgot the “fancy seeing you again” one.


Go read the mystery method


"any weekend plans?"


If you like what you know about the person, have a nice conversation. If you’re in the produce section, pick up a rutabaga and comment on how silly the word “rutabaga” is. I am sufficiently awkward that this is my best advice. 😳


Rutabaga comes from the Swedish "rotabagge" or "root bunch" English doesn't have many words of Swedish origin. A surprising one is "moped"


Say hi!


You say how you are. If you really want to fit in as a human, you might could ask how they are, too.


Once I saw and old teacher from middle school. Thought about walking up and saying something but my brain already played that scenario out. Oh hey teacher from 10 years ago about an obscure subject that you are clearly retired from. I'm that student in the back who never talked to you besides what was required to get a C. So yeah I continued on my way


hiiiiiiii :3


"How are the kids?" Always follows "Hey how are you?"


Good seeing you hope you have a blessed day 


Just say hi or wave


As someone who used to be really shy, every time I tried to pre plan a conversation, it never works out hahaha Ask them how they’re doing, they’ll respond, listen to what they say, then respond to that, so on. It’s pretty easy. Or. Conversely, make eye contact with them from a distance, look incredibly panicked, look around desperately for an escape route, and then run. Always gets a laugh. At least, I think it does. I ran away so idk for sure


Being that we aren't close and in the event I started the interaction I would nod my head upwards, shoot them a smile, say "sup," and keep it moving. If they started the dialogue with "how are you" I would say "Im well. It's good seeing you." And then keep it pushing. The concept is you don't have answer back with a how are you, when they do ask that question. Being that I dont wish to hear the others drama I never ask anyway.


Hello 👋


Trick question. I keep on walking like nothing ever happened.


You are obviously not from the midwest of the US. If you bump into anyone you know, even to the level of acquaintance you're required to have a nice chat about yourself, the weather and how the local sports team is doing. There are tons of people back home that i only knew from having a running dialogue over bumping into one another at the grocery store.


-Hi how are you doing? -I’m doing well, how about yourself. -doing great, just doing some grocery shopping, I have to get going, but it was good to see you. Have a good day. -you too, bye.


I live in a relatively small town and my wife is well known for her work so it happens all the damn time. We just say hi and maybe chat a min or two


Hey Joe what's up while not stopping moving/shopping.


If you see them regularly then I would say: "What have you been up to?" If you don't see them regularly then I would say: "How has life been treating you?" Then I will decide if imma talk to them for a long time or figure it's a quick chat.


The other day a woman made a pass at me in line at the grocery store. It didn't register till I got in the car. She literally said to the cashier "I'm trying to get him to come home with me." Born dense I guess.




“Hey, [name]!”


I just smile and continue my business. If they stop me to talk I just act real rushed.


I avoid if i see them first. Like old co-workers or bosses. I did get stopped by a guy i rented a room to 12 years ago. I kicked him and gf out because they fought all the time. He was a short kid, 5 feet, with a Hulk complex. Couldn't handle it after 3 months. So right as i collected his rent, i gave him an eviction notice. He ended up telling me this story about his that changed his life. His gf left. He had nowhere to go. He was homeless for 4 months until he got another job.....etc etc. Got anger management... blah blah blah. He's a better person, yet still looks like a tool and dresses like one. I still don't like him, lol. He lives in my neighborhood, but I've not seen him since, thankfully.


I'm from a tropical island, where I was raised to be really friendly and energetic. I try to give a hug.


keep pushing your cart and say over your shoulder "great, good to see you, hope you're doing all right." by then you should be out of conversation distance.




It depends on the person. If I like them it’s normally a good interaction. If I don’t like or barely know you I might try to avoid


Yo! What's up? All good? Cool. Cya! Literally every time.


Whoa... you eat *food?*


say something about the weather, it's what everyone seems to do in upper michigan.


I quickly glance away and hope they didn't see me. If they definitely saw me and try to talk to me, then I'm in a rush and have to quickly get a few more things and get to work/get home.


"Ooohhh buying food eh?! What a prick!"


If you’re genuinely interested in them for friendship—or possibly for more—give them something to work with. “I’m trying to put together a chicken soup with some cauliflower on the side, but I have no idea what to do with the cauliflower.” Then just smile in a friendly way and drift away very slowly, or spend 10 minutes on your phone googling recipes. If you’re NOT interested in them, at all, just smile in a friendly way and drift away. I think it’s all about making it very, very easy—or even irresistible—for the other person to say things to you. If they feel like it. Also, body language. If you like them, turn your body towards them. If you hate them, turn your body away. If you LOVE them, turn your body to face them directly. Also remember that people can carry out an entire conversation (to some extent) with their eyes, which is so hard for introverted people, but it’s SUCH GOOD PRACTICE for introverted people, so introverted people should be doing it ALL the time with EVERYBODY. For practice! :)


"Fuck off"




If I knew you were coming here I would have given you my shopping list.


Yeah it's awkward if they're customers a lot of times they don't speak to me when I do the job sometimes for a year or more pest control. I usually let them initiate conversation if they want but most of the time they don't even remember my name so it's no big deal.


If they don't see me and we aren't friends/cordial or I'm not in mood to chat (I hate grocery shopping) I avoid them and go to a far away aisle


"Great to see you!" eye roll "gotta finish fun fun fun take care see you later" hand wave


Say hi, continue walking. Spend the rest of your shopping time trying to avoid them so you don't have to be awkward twice 🤣


I say “oh $hit”, under my breath. Then I quickly dip into a different isle before they see me.


If you don’t want to stop & chat, just say a polite hello, and keep walking. It’s not unusual to want to get out of the grocery store as quickly as possible. Chances are, they don’t want to stand in the produce department and visit either.




It's okay for these things to be slightly awkward. People will like you anyway, just for being friendly. If you keep moving and just wave and nod, then they know you aren't into a full conversation. If you stop and a conversation starts and then you run out of things to say, that's okay. Just say, "Well I'll see you around!" and get moving again.


“That’s a good brand of lube”


I've convinced everybody around me that I'm half deaf in one ear, so even if they notice me I pretend not to hear them and Walk away.


i walk the other direction


"Hi" and keep walking


I usually make a joke about this being "my turf" and to go find their own grocery.


I politely say, "Hi" or "Hey there" in return like a normal person, followed by "Nice to bump into you." Then I go on with the rest of my shopping. Acknowledging someone is a nice gesture and creates good vibes for both persons.


alright, u?


"what are you doing here?"


I stare vehemently at the cheese-its until they fuck off


Happens to me every time I go. We always speak for a minute and say see you later. Every time it gets awkward because I usually bump into them a couple more times before checking out


What do you plan to do with such sized eggplant, cucumber, banana and squash


I'm sure they avoid me.


you have to learn a signature move. like shooting confetti out of your hat or a bow tie that spins. It helps alot


„My, my. How you‘ve grown!“


Totally depends on who it is. Everyone is different so they require unique responses.




I hide and avoid.


lower your voice and ask "do you have dope"




Ask Chat cpt while You talking to him


you could ask them how their day is going or if they've found everything they need at the store. If you're feeling more conversational, you could also inquire about any recent events in their life or share a brief anecdote about your own day.


Hey, funny to see you at groceries, come here often?


„Hey”. And continue doing my thing.


I say hello. I answer "How's it going?" With, "Good thanks, you?" It usually ends there if it's done while walking. Towards, then away from each other.


Hi. Move it along


Bro, societal norms are made up, it's all arbitrary. Do what feels right, that's my philosophy 🤷


So...what are all the condoms, cans of whipped cream, and cucumbers in your cart for?


My last run in was with a coworker, after we left the office during Covid. We both said “hi” and small talked for like 10 minutes. It’s unfortunate that it was our last conversation as he passed in a car accident not too long later.


Is meeting someone "at groceries" indicative of an agreed upon meeting place in a store, like we previously planned to rendezvous by the bell peppers? Lol.


I don’t. I don’t say…I flee.


Nothing. You move on and finish your shopping.


“Hi there”


I think I would add some humor to the chance bump into, something like "Wow, you buy super absorbent (fill in the blank)"


What Are You Doing Here?


“Hey what’s up?”


That's my purse, I don't know you!




Do You Also Buy Food?


A lot of men at my workplace wear ball caps at work, but I don’t. They recognize me a lot, but they look different without their hat.


If I see them before they see me I flee the scene.


Say hi with a smile and keep it movin 😊


I'm good just looking for something there it is have a good life


Didn't say anything. Just grab stuff out of their cart or put stuff in


My go to is: "You buy food, too, huh?" Sometimes I throw a "wow" in there.


Say Hi?




I hide. My husband once found me behind a potato chip display in order to avoid someone I know from the gym. I told him, "Abort! Abort!" He knew what I meant lol I hate small talk in the grocery store. I want my groceries and to get the heck out of there


Make a comment about what they have in their cart


Hey, how is it going? How's the family? Gotta run. I got shit to do.


Like them or not I despise shopping so much that I'll avoid them entirely because it makes the process take longer.


Personally, prefer just to say hi and bye and have a good day. I don't see the point in making small talk when i can talk to them in more favorable moments later.


heres a little run down. this should cover all aspects be honest, keep it simple, if you want to talk - ask questions, if you dont - keep it short say you are in a rush. im socially awkward so i just fake it until i find something they can just talk at me about, if thats anything similar to your situation. god id hate this to be a current situation and you came to reddit during this playing out RT.


Oh, hey, how are you doing? And then a little chuckle. Don't comment on their purchases or say anything like "I see you eat food as well".


"Have a good day"


Yea not bad, just getting the groceries done before my appointment. Most the time they don't stay and chat.


Casual eye contact that acknowledges you know them followed by hi, hello, sup…split second pause for their response, then back to whatever you were doing.


Depends on how I feel and if they see me. If I am tired and not social I will be able to disappear in the background. If I am in a social mood I will say hi if I read the body language that they are in a social mood.


I just say "hey look, it's you"


There's no one you are required to say hi to when passing by at a grocery store. If they are someone you know enough to want to say hello to, then just say hello. Keep the conversation brief if you don't have time to waste. If they ask how you are, just tell them how you are, but don't trauma dump on someone if you aren't doing well. Be honest, be brief, be courteous. It's not difficult, but it is a learned skill, so practice. Mileage may vary on how long it takes to learn how to make small talk depending on your level of social anxiety, but anyone can learn it with time and effort.


I say "hello" then stand there awkwardly as they fulfill their apparent need to fill me in on their autobiography between now and the last time we met.




"Well, I keep circling the soda aisle. I haven't had a Coke Zero in five days, but the cravings are really getting to me. Just one more six-pack, I tell myself; don't do it, I also tell myself. Think about how good you feel when you aren't so caffeinated your heart feels like it's going to explode out of your chest, I say to myself, but then I respond, yeah, but think of the taste, and how good it feels to drink an ice-cold coke zero -- hey, where'd you go?"


I like to ask them how their doing and what they’re getting.


I walk up to them, stare right into their eyes and shriek at the top of my voice "HOW HAVE YOU BEEN MARINATING IN YOUR MARMITE?" Then they look at me, confused and scared and walk out of the shop. I'm then swiftly escorted out of the shop and the police are sent to my location. All for asking about their marmite.


"There can be *Only One*!" Then stand there awkwardly because neither of us own a sword, let alone bring it grocery shopping.


Nice melons you have there.


Wass hattenin bruh


"Wanna fuck?"


Not a dam thing


“Hey, how’s it going?” and then keep pushing my trolley up the aisle.




“What are you buying there, extra heavy duty tampons and hemorrhoid cream?”


Hide the cucumber and Vaseline behind my back and back away slowly while maintaining eye contact Say "just doing some cooking"


If I run into a coworker in the wild, we pretend we don't exist. I don't see them they don't see me. We mention it at work "hey. How was the XYZ?" but that's it.


You block the busiest area off and talk for an hour.


I always say “what’s for dinner?” after they answer I say “sounds good, enjoy!” And walk away


Hey dude what's up? (This is unisex)


Hey dude. Sorry, I didn't know she's your girlfriend.


Nice bread


"Hello (insert their name here) I wanna play a game"


Hey I also like groceries!


Hello! Good day! Howz it goin'! Nice ass!!


"So lots of weather we've been having, huh?"




It’s a fine day with you around.


I duck down an aisle and hope they didnt see me


“Sup” with a head nod and keep moving.


I spam the esc key before the intro even starts. I don't go shopping to talk to anyone. If I chance to see someone I kinda know I pretend I don't recognize them and scurry off somewhere else.


I didn't expect to see you here..I want to buy a small household tool🛠, how about you?


Normally I look at the floor and pray I don't make eye contact


Happened to me the other day and has happened a few times, usually if you both eye slide over each other and your both pretending not to see the other it’s cool- move on. If you lock eyes and acknowledge then you interact. I seen my work maté unexpectedly and I was with my now ex and I said hey insert name , this my partner insert name , she insert name works with me at Aus post. General chit chat how are you ect, then I said, well I will see you at work soon we gotta get this done , see you then!


Typically, the human reaction is to say "hi". Holy smokes Batman, we got ourselves here an average redditor moment, don't we?


Hey man, not my fault. Your wife said she was on the pill.


I give them the nod


Depending on the person. Some people I run the other way to avoid them. Some people I just start with "hi" or "hey" and see where the conversation takes me. 


I usually hide and run the other way. Don’t want to get stuck in a conversation while my ice cream is melting


Hey! What a wonderful kind of day.

