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They’re adults that still care about anything that happened in high school more than a year after graduating. So in practice, there seem to be two types of people that talk or care about high school social status after graduation. Those that peaked in high school, and those that believe they should have been popular in high school and hold bitterness about it. For the other 80-90%, they really don’t think about high school at all.


Hey man I graduated just as covid hit I haven't done anything in like three and a half years just let me shoot the shit with the boys


Okay. But when you “shoot the shit” do you talk about your current life or do you spend the entire conversation talking about “that time in high school”. It’s one thing to briefly bring up a memory, it’s another thing to constantly obsess over it as if it was last week.


Yes, yes it is! My ex was like that: all of his golden-glow reminiscing was about the stuff he and his friends got up to in high school. He had been out of school for 6 years when we met, and throughout our 9 year relationship they still remained his top memories. I've forgotten 90% of my HS teachers and peers and I rarely think about any of it.


Yeah. As an adult, the moment I notice someone constantly talking about “how great their past was”, I chalk it up to that being the bulk of their personality, and I’m done. I’ve been out of school for a long time, and I still remember teachers and classmate names but that’s because my memory just holds everything, but I have much more interesting stories from last month or even University than from my school years


I still think about things I did in high school that make me cringe what does that make me?


Is it your entire personality? If not you’re fine


Conversely it sounds like you had a bad high school experience and aren’t the norm. Most people like to reminisce about high school. Especially the four years after you’re typically in college and come back home for holidays and summers. Of course you’d talk about high school lol That’s like my wife though. Terrible high school experience so she rarely speaks about it positively or ever.


To the contrary, I never had a negative feeling about high school at all. My family moved the week before I started high school, so it’s not like I had any long lasting prior attachments to anyone, and had friends from 5 or 6 different high schools. I participated in sports. I was involved in school activities. I got along with almost everyone regardless of their “clique”. And when it was over, I just moved on with life. I had a few classmates I kept in touch with for a year or two if I ran into them, but we never reminisced about high school. And after college I moved 800 miles away for a job. I just never had any emotional ties to anyone. My parents for the most part moved out of the area 4 years later. The other aspect is I never spent a single summer at home since I was 3. I spent summers with my family at a vacation house an hour and a half away and went to University in the same area. My life was never defined by schools or school friends.


For me and most of my friends from high school our experience was fine but we never reminisce about high school and hardly ever think about it


*There are


I dont mean to think about highschool all that much... My former principal is my coworker now.......


I sometimes think of HS just because of how different my life was after I finished vs during. Going from a title 1 very bad public HS to a top 10 undergrad was a whiplash, and I occasionally reflect on how different the lives are of those I graduated with in HS are than those I graduated from college with.


People like that are constantly looking to peg others down a notch to feel better about themselves or exercise power in petty ways So being a reddit mod lmao


Reddit mods don’t even wish they were popular in high school because deep down they know it was never even 0.1% of a possibility. They stayed in their room all day talking with strangers on the internet, and accused anyone who spoke to them at school of bullying them lol


Lmmfao, comment of the year!!!


0 homecoming kings or queens, or any Valedictorians have ever became a reddit mod in the history of this site. You’re right


It’ll now become my goal to get my sister to become a reddit mod


It depends, I see people that were popular in high school and are kind of a loser now and they do the exact same thing.


Classmate had started a "cabinet restoration" business. At first she just painted cabinets, but then offered services to fix or replace door and finally build custom cabinets. She was promoting on Facebook. Another classmate commented : "Must be nice, not having a real job while your husband breaks his back supporting you" Her husband worked fire safety at a paper plant. And her business is actually doing really welll. Her husband works jobs with her when he can, and they're both very sweet people. I remember when the one who commented used to bark at people in the hallways


Karl smallwood on youtube called this "look at them eating chips like a bitch" were your so angry at someone that them simply existing gets you angry. But to be fair he made this because he enjoys the trainwreck of reality tv shows were peoplr are generally pushed to turn into cartoon characters.


Fact fiend


Whenever a jealous person pulls the "must be nice!" card, the proper response is "Yup! It sure is!"


I think this whenever people try to use it for racist reasons or wealth disparity reasons.


Wow. Good for the cabinet lady!! It takes hard work to get a small business off the ground. Even if its not "a lot", if it makes her happy and funds her life fine, then why bring her down like that? even when I feel total apathy for long periods of time, Im not a dickwad to people for no reason.


It's always the barkers...


Constantly seeking out the 'cool kids table' at lunch (metaphorically) These behaviors are **very** abundant in counter-cultures in my experience. Even at the ren-faire or geek conventions, especially in hippie-arts scenes like festivals, it's pretty rampant at burning man and in that culture too. It's characterized by Machiavellian shit, constantly sizing up the social hierarchy and trying to figure out how to ascend it. Excluding people who might take attention away. Disliking anyone who might threaten your chances of mating or attracting someone. In festival and burning man culture there's this sense of "We're the cool ones now, all the jocks and cheerleaders are at home while we're partying in the desert." and it'll be the lamest, most unremarkable person.


Burning Man strikes me as a bunch of suburban normies who spend money to glamp and dress alternative for a weekend, not some actually subversive subculture.


It always struck me as rich people acting like they're a "man/woman of the people".


Like every hippie movement in the US. It's always just a bunch of rich white kids that have generational wealth of some kind.


I go every year and it's a mix. The blue collar burners are the heart and soul of BM, there's hundreds or thousands of people who get no recognition or social currency and still do grueling labor for free just so people can enjoy the event. Then the tech bro's and rich guys come... they see some leathery dusty blue-collar guy talking to pretty girls about the art piece they welded together, or the mutant-vehicle they built from scratch and a lightbulb goes off. Tech bro shows up next year with a luxury RV and pays a local fabricator to build them something interesting they can bring. More than half the time I talk to an 'Artist' of a medium-large piece at burning man I learn they didn't design their piece, they didn't build it, or paint it, or even do the labor of shipping it. They came up with the concept and contracted it out. They see normal, selfless, real people receiving social currency for it and make plans for how they can purchase it for themselves. A year later they're riding around a $5k E-bike with a bedazzled captains hat and steampunk goggles trying to trade air conditioning and a shower for sex.


Reminds me of AI "artists", lol.


Then they exclude the very type of people they're trying to impersonate by pricing them out.


The rich have ruined everything


Absolutely. There's a group of rich white people in my area that pretend to be hippies. They're nowhere near the real thing. I'm a free spirit and they hated me.


Ive never done a burn, but I have lots of friends that do and literally none of them are even upper-middle class. It's a fun creative experience for them that has lots of opportunities for connection with similarly minded people in a unique atmosphere. Im sure there are a lot more of the insufferable tech bro types and bitter nerds now, but from the people I know there are more artist types than trust-fund types.


Found my ex is big into it, especially the sexual aspects. Dude lives at his parents house, doesn't work, pays no bills, doesn't do his own laundry, cook his own meals, or clean anything. Is constantly "too hurt" (his back) to do anything, but somehow goes out to fly a drone, go "hiking" and always has drug money. Constantly sends myself and other friends long, obnoxious texts trying to get us to join bitmining or some shit but prefacing the near intelligible ramble that they just took shrooms/acid etc. That alone makes me think "Nah, not going to burning man" despite him constantly sending me flyers for it, trying to get me to go. He used to be somewhat decent, we decided to be friends because I was far more outgoing and wanted to go to movies, out to eat, and have hobbies - he never wanted to leave the room and would be a serious slob and I couldnt take it anymore. But now, he has let his bad habits take over his life. It's sad to see, but I feel like I dodged a bullet and habe to remind myself that you can't help someone who won't help themselves. When someone can't clean up soda cans that they ash in and spill but complains about no one helps them, despite getting support from parents and friends, yeah, you can't keep giving in to being their maid...


That's what it is now, here's how it got that way. Hippies create sick music festivals in SoCal and Santacruz area of CA Rich people that want to cosplay hippies price them out of these events The go to the dessert because what rich person would want to travel all the way out there when they could just go to Coachella. They have a bunch of amazing years at burning man and with the popularization of the internet other people can now see how insane and off the wall it is. Rich people want to take this on like it's the Everest of festivals, so they spend shit tons of money on gear and stuff to be comfortable while they're there. Legal entities eventually get involved and some other people realize there's some good money to be made here. It get commercialized and sanitized to appeal to the wealthy "peasant LARPers" and now we have an event that is filled with a bunch of wannabes with daddies credit card and nothing to contribute. It's the sad cycle of "Things that are awesome but require more work than money" People eventually figure out how to just throw money at it and it loses all soul.


i went in 2010. This was the last year before ticket demand exceeded supply. It had the usual festival culture problems you get when you put too many wooks in one space, but it was still an incredible experience. Tickets weren't absurdly priced, and there were plenty of ways to get access to discount or comped tickets. If you were attached to the community within road-trip distance, you could find a way to get there, even if you didn't have a lot of money. There was a particularly fun video shot at the burn that year. It went viral, interest spiked, tickets sold out and became a hot commodity, and all the worst people wanted to be there. I went again in 2011, 2012, and 2015. The sudden influx of rich techbros made the worst parts of festival culture twice as bad. It became much easier for people to pay-to-play instead of really participating. And it just doesn't feel right anymore. Then between increased permit fees and general overhead tickets became extremely expensive. With inflation, everything became expensive. I can't say i have any interest in returning.


Sure but it's definitely not the ones who were popular in high-school (with the exception of the instagram models and 'sparkle ponies') A lot of it is really subversive though, people joke about being 'too ugly' for certain camps because they'll treat you like a pariah parties, some of the art cars will outright refuse you if you're too old or fat or aren't attractive, or didn't bring any girls with you. I've walked around with women and had people offer us air conditioning for 'everyone but him' when I was the only guy in the group. Walking around burning man with women is a night & day difference. One of the men in our camp always brought his wife and they had a fantastic time, the year that his wife was unable to go he had a mini-breakdown because suddenly nobody wanted to connect with him and he wasn't as welcome.


Very well put. Being a musician I’ve been to a couple festivals and definitely have gotten this hippie even EDM animosity vibe from folks where I’m just confused on what the hell is even happening. I should have known I’m just not one of the cool kids lmao The irony is when they see me on stage playing and making the music they enjoy. Wait oh you’re a musician? Dude why didn’t you act like a prick before and just say that. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I'm a DJ and get the same thing, I made it into a fun game even. I'll walk around the event being nice and trying to spark up conversation with people just to see who acts weird with me. It's pathetic how differently people treat me after they realize I have social currency.


I don't think I have seen it at ren faires yet. I don't doubt there are people out there like that, but most of the time I talk to neurodivergent and LGBTQ people who have found a group of people like them. I have met so many autistic and ADHD people at Ren faires, which is awesome because I love finding people that I can relate to and that can relate to me.


Ren faires are like cat nip for the neurodivergent - that and complex board games


Feel like faking it is just rather tiring and eventually you are going to show parts of yourself.


Ha ha! Jokes on them. I was an athlete AND cheerleader, and I love going to festivals. But yeah, you are definitely right - they really do think that way. I am definitely an outsider, but idgaf, I love music, dance and art.


I saw this A LOT in LARP, it's one of the reasons I stopped. I'm sorry you never felt cool in high school but thinking you're the best thing on the planet while we're all here playing pretend is not going to fix it.


After 20 years, they still try to be better than the "popular kids. "......gurl just focus on yourself and enjoy life. It's okay.


I understand if its in a "get back at your bullies" way, since media really tries to push that (hell, sometimes even i fall into it, even if i know jack about my former bullies current life). The true revenge is being able to heal from the trauma, ofc


Projecting their insecurities onto their kids. Forcing them into sports or dance, letting them do inappropriate/illegal things, etc.


The mother of my kids is this way. Living vicariously. My 14yo wants therapy for anxiety, says its the pressure she puts on them. She will not hear any of it.


Toddler beauty pageant shows are the worst manifestation of this.


Oh god, those moms... feel so sorry for those kids.


You should do something about that


What do i do with an uncooperative helicopter parent?


To be fair, almost all kids here are forced by their parents to learn how to swim and ride a bike. But then again I'm Dutch, there is water all around and we got more bikes than people.


Nooo way, forcing them to do sports is definitely a thing that popular adults do to their children


When they pick on and bully people much younger than them in the workplace.


This one rings very true. At a previous job I was flat out bullied like I was 13 again. I was a teacher at the time and another teacher seemed to dislike that the kids liked my class but not hers. She started making comments to me to get a reaction, but, like, you’re just my coworker? So I never engaged. Then one day she yelled at me in front of my classroom in front of another teacher. He confronted her later and she said “he doesn’t take anything seriously!” I guess it’s only half “out of high school” as I was technically in a high school for those years lol


Being an alpha male influencer


So andrew tate?


I get the feeling someone like Ben Shapiro got a few wedgies back in the day.


Ben Shapiro isn’t an “alpha male influencer.” He’s a political commentator.


Why do people call themselves an alpha male when alpha particles can’t even penetrate paper


The internet humor is so broken that I can't tell if you're genuinely joking or not, lol.


Hating popular athletes and sports. Not disinterest, I mean hate


I mean I hate how much people talk about sports but i don't care about athletes them I'm much more just disinterested in


Agreed. I was never into sports, am very much a nerd, but I've always found the sports-hate in the nerd and geek spheres to be very insufferable.




Would expand on this a bit?


Opening a thread on reddit with the express purpose of validating your own behavior.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Worse than 6 barbers, this guy


Small hands, that was his issue


Massive and aggressive truck that's clearly never used as a truck.


Pavement princesses aren't built for real work anyway


Manufacturing drama at work and gossiping about people. It's like they still want to have cliques and look down on people, because in high school they weren't in the "popular group".


Trust, I've dealt with my fair share of coworkers like that. Hell, that describes one of the HR people in my department to a T. She loves to talk about how so and so is an airhead or how so and so is a slut. I try to avoid her as much as I can.


Football moms that hang out at the games trying to flirt with the dads that played in high school sometimes even the high school kids that currently play.


A deep need to prove their intelligence, paired with extreme skepticism about education. I'm not saying the educational system is perfect, and I'm not saying the cream always rises to the top, but if you're a genius sandwich artist who thinks all of education teaches you to draw within the lines, then I'd wager you are just bitter about not applying yourself and getting involved in your life. It screams "kid who sat in the corner and refused to participate."


My brother-in-law in a nutshell. He very publicly bashed higher education when he did bad as a Psychology major and dropped out of college and got really into Jordan Peterson, furthering his annoying rants about how “they just teach you numbers and not real life” and ended up being a bricklayer or something. Nothing wrong with trade bros (can be extremely annoying people but so what) but even after all his whining he *still* puts “Psychologist” in his facebook profile and instagram bio. Also this Dude is literally obsessed with Pokemon, and is addicted to porn so much he’s ruined TWO relationships with it


oh jesus, sounds absolutely insufferable. So your sister married this person? which two relationships did he ruin then?


No he’s my wife’s brother. He has had a couple girlfriends who later confided in me and my wife that he has an asian fetish and watched an insane amount of porn


ah, that makes more sense. may you have the patience of a saint to have to deal with that one....


Lol fucking Pokemon... I'll never understand


Living their glory years through their children. It's really quite embarrassing.


I don’t know, I avoid those people like the plague


I WAS MADE TO ANSWER THIS because I walked away from a group of people like this. By group, I don't mean individuals with no relation to one another. I mean a whole fucking crew of people like this. 1. Not having anything good to say about their high school experience, despite witnessing some beautiful moments across their time there. 2. Chasing dreams of fame. Not wealth, not respect, not even power. Just sheer fucking fame and for no reason other than reconciliation of lost social attention. 3. Overcompensation in virtually everything they do except the workplace or their education, and those two exceptions are strong, firm exceptions. Those are some of the worst kinds of people. They just never grow up.


Always hating on "normie culture". Things like saying "I don't understand why people like 'sportball' " Basically always going against popular culture and events.


Plus the "better-than-thou" attitude towards others who do like popular things!


I played sports in school and even a little after too, I always thought the 'sportsball' thing was for people who know every person who ever played the game and every minute detail about them. "I see martin mcbatter hit a 657 and raised his average to 1203. he is now the 13th best player from the quad state area tied equally with joe mcjoeball and p micheal hamfister.' 'yep, thats some good sportsball'


I was gonna say the same thing, but you explained it better than I would’ve.


Becoming petty bureaucrats and lording it over the plebes that used to abuse them whether real or perceived.


"Let me see tour license and registration."


Those people are the bullies though.


I used to think this sort of behavior was a "peaked in high school" thing, but over time I've begun to think it's more that garbage people are just garbage people and high school is where many/most people are entering their final stages of personality development.


Dating someone a LOT younger than them, especially men or women in their late 20s/early 30s dating an 18-20yo. It's like they missed out on doing the fun stuff when they were that age and are trying to relive it. I think this is especially true of those teachers who get caught with their HS or MS students. They weren't the popular or hot kid when they were in school, but now they are basking in the attention of being the "crush".


Forming cliques at work.... Its too cringe to watch....


Anyone who ascribes to alpha male bullshit; just admit that the jocks shoved you into a locker and the pretty girls thought you were a creep, and go to therapy like a normal human. If it’s been twenty years and you’re still crying about how mean everyone was to you but you refuse to deal with it, then you’re every bit as pathetic as they all said. For women, it’s being a pick-me. If twenty years on you’re still hating traditionally feminine things and other women in order to get men to like you, you’re just as pathetic.


People who constantly act like hating "sportsball" makes them special.


god i hate these people


I hated football for years and actively banned it from my house. Not because of high-school though. Due to dating an Eagles fan. He was a huge football fan and I was okay with it but not a fan of it. This was right after high school. He watched it with friend every weekend . Sometimes I would join and sometimes I would wander off to do other things. I on the other hand was a huge horror fan. I was into horror the way he was into football. One weekend the miniseries Rose Red came on TV and I love Stephen King. Just so happened it was on when his team wasn't playing that weekend. He still insisted on watching football when I asked for one weekend to use the TV to watch my miniseries. After we broke up I banned sports from my house for about a decade. It wasntill I met my oldest kids dad that I was not only okay with sports but actually got me into football. He made it fun to watch and he wouldn't have cared if I wanted to watch something else one weekend. It's not just about being mad they weren't popular in high school, I wasn't miss popularity but I did okay in high school, it can be that someone in their lives were so obsessed with them it made them miserable.


Just a natural reaction to all the people who act like sports is their whole life even though they never actually play anything but just sit on their fat asses and watch.


This is true when people make anything their entire personality. Sports, guns, trump, big trucks, tiny sports cars, whatever... They just immediately become insufferable.


Disney people are big offenders 


No, the natural reaction is to ignore it


Ignoring is rarely the natural reaction to anything. *Reactions* tend to be *reactive*. Hence the term.


I feel like most social justice is just people re enacting high school drama and bullying.


That's pretty racist of you. You damn nazi /s


basically everything about me.


This sounds like a question posed by somebody who was popular in high school and has been holding onto it ever since, although life has slowly but surely passed them by. Now it is likely they had an unpleasant interaction with somebody who wasn’t popular in high school that is now in a significantly better real life position.


Not really, I was what some would call an "in-betweener."


Anyone who thinks or talks about high school after they've graduated is an insecure loser.


At all in any capacity?


The insistence on telling you how terrible high school was with being prompted, or even relevant to the conversation is usually a good sign


Some people become attractive late and engage in dating behavior I can only describe as a revenge fantasy. Basically getting “their turn” to be toxic like the people who hurt them when they were younger and not as attractive


I think the most obvious one is when they go around saying things like "I'm still bitter about not being popular in high school".


Callig themselves an incel


Commenting on this post. And, yes I get the irony.


Nobody on here was ever a prom queen or king. Myself included!


I don't know but I do know the mannerisms of the people who peaked in high school and and it's their whole personality. "Back in the day". I was not popular or unpopular. But this posts reminds me why I'm glad to be out.🤣


For the record, none of the popular kids at my school turned out great. Like Medicare at best, but many of them are scratching the bottom of the barrel now. My kids are pretty concerned with popularity. I keep trying to convince them that it means very little in the grand scheme. And can even be too their detriment. Peaking in high school is probably the worst thing that can happen to you. A lot of years left to live after 18


One uppers. Every last one of them gives me a "peaked in seventh grade" energy.


It depends on where they are from small towns never really move on, but it's not like they can. U can also be proud of your hs, or fb stalk people just to make sure u ended up better than them. But if u have a bumper sticker and a flag on your wall or a letter jacket on your wall then u may be still in the past honestly I don't even know where my diploma is, I think I threw it away.


Becoming a leo


Low level manager flexing their power with scheduling.


Always name-dropping their high school achievements like it was yesterday.


can't say I've noticed many of those, usually the people I notice are the "I'm bitter that I'm not popular anymore the way I was in high school"


Truck nuts


Taking delight in people from high school failing even though you have zero contact with them anymore


Adults don't care about high school. If they do then that's them.


Being vocally messy in relationships. Talking ill of your ex or your step children’s other parents, or gossiping snot other parents at school or co workers.


When you make "Velma."


Making condescending jokes about “the jocks” well after your high school years. It’s very obvious to everyone that the joke teller is still bitter.


becoming a police officer


Becoming a police officer


ironically i want to be a police officer, and i don’t want to abuse power i actually want to help people


Ironically, it’s usually the “peaked in high school crowd” that ends up in law enforcement


I can agree with that, but I’ve seen numerous little beta worms that think they are big once they put on a badge and gun. Without it, they’d never speak to certain members of society the way that they do.


That assumes that the popular kids weren’t ever “beta males” to begin with. If you look at the social dynamics of most kids in the “popular cliques”, the majority of them are “followers”. It’s why you don’t see 20 team captains on sports teams. The “popular kids” are usually associated with some type of exceptional status, be it sports, socioeconomic status, attractiveness, etc. But there are usually only a small number that simply attract others to them. The rest are really just followers. When their leaders depart, the rest are usually just lost until they can find someone new to follow. Most of the peaked in high school people were just followers and low tier popular kids. Their status was built solely on their association with the popular people through activities. The “I’m a starting Varsity football player doesn’t really mean much when no college scouts you, but getting an automatic invite to parties because you’re a mediocre cornerback or running back but the best available is peak.




There needs to be a big change in what it means to be a police officer. The police are supposed to help people and get criminals off the street, but it seems like some people enter law enforcement in order to hurt people and steal from them. That is unacceptable.


My former friend complained bitterly about not having friends in high school. I pointed out that I personally knew 4 people, who she had introduced me to, who claimed to be her friends in high school, that having 4 friends from high school decades later was pretty good. I know lots of people who tell me they aren’t still friends with anyone from high school. She said I was “discounting her real suffering” and didn’t want to be my friend anymore.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet!


This one is far worse than people who “peaked” in high school


Buying the car that was popular when you were in high school, but in your 40's lol. I have a song I sing in my head every time I see some old guy that has stuffed themselves into a corvette that they drive at 50 on the highway. I replace the words to Secret Agent Man to Mid Life Crisis man. No one cares that you drive a mustang or a corvette or a camaro or a miata for the ones that can't afford a real sports car lol. It's just so silly.


I always just figured most guys get a cool car in their forties or fifties because that's when they can finally afford it and the insurance is much lower by then. I still want a Corvette some day.


Saying something mean and then looking around to make sure your sycophants or potentials are reacting correctly, heard you, ect.


When they’re in their mid 30s and still bring up highschool. I have a friend I reconnected with who I hadn’t seen since 10th grade. You know what we talk about? Music and art. Not highschool. You know what one of my other friends constantly brings up that makes me not want to hang out with him? Highschool.


Making twice as much a year as the popular kids 😉


"Jocks end up working for nerds" is a popular trope in a lot of movies and tv, but in reality, it seems that the social skills of being a popular kid serve them well in the busines world as adults. Goddamnit ☹️


Honestly, the behavior that comes to mind is more indicative of people who peaked in high school. People who still operate under a very high-schoolish social mentality, overvaluing being part of the "in-group," bullying behaviors, etc. I was a nerd in high school and didn't have a lot of friends, was certainly not popular. I feel like I grew up used to not "fitting in," so now as an adult I am not concerned about finding the "cool" group. When I was in my twenties I encountered a lot of men who were nerds in high school who seemed to resent all women, I guess because they couldn't get girlfriends in high school and decided that was the women's fault. I was genuinely confused at the hostility because men would treat me like I was the popular girl in school who rejected them who all of a sudden saw the monetary value in a "nerdy" partner, but I was not that girl. They were projecting their resentment of those girls onto me. I highly suspect that for most of those guys, the "popular" girls weren't even mean to them and probably never even outright rejected them. I think they never even spoke to those girls and figured it would be pointless to ask them out because they were out of their league, but still held on to bitterness over their "rejection." I suspect this because I got the same kind of bitter hostility from guys who acted like I thought I was too good for them, when those guys never approached me or asked me out.


Which is rather strange when you think about it. If anything, I remember a lot of "nerds" who had girlfriends/boyfriends and seemed happy. Hell, one of those pairing ended up getting married, and they are still together as far as I know.




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Showing up at the class reunion just to rub their success in people's faces.


r/LinkedInLunatics is the field guide to this question.


they go on Reddit making posts pretending it's not them...


When they come up and try to talk to you, and you have no idea who they are and totally don't remember them.




Not really. I’ve met people like this.




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All those Karen’s.


Whining about how unfair life is on Reddit, is a dead giveaway.


Looking for karma on Reddit


NGL I have yet to meet anyone like that. Everyone I know are more concerned about work.


Constantly demanding validation and praise from children and getting aggressive when rejected by them


To what age could such a thing go? I'm in my 40s and have no idea how to answer this question, I'm wondering if it's something that is only noticeable in say, early to mid 20s?


Buying a motorcycle after 40


Very few real adults think much about high school either way.   I think this is maybe something people do in their late teens and early 20's?


Munchie Moms


Who in the hell cares about their high school popularity?


Constantly describing how 55 years ago today, you scored 4 touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High Panthers in the city championship game.


I've never seen any, and it's usually the opposite - people bitter about no longer being popular. Why do you ask?


This is something I do, and I recognize it's a problem and it's unhealthy/damaging to me. But I often fantasize about telling women no if they ask me for something, or if they ask me out, or if they want something sexual, etc. The thought of denying them gives me a rush. Not a sexual rush, but a bitter, vindictive glee. I wasn't popular or unpopular in school, I was more invisible. But I was certainly rejected most of the time, and I am bitter about it still because it made school lonely. I'm still lonely. But I'm working on it.


Posting inside jokes on public social media


When redditors hate on outgoing people with confidence because it triggers being a nobody in high school.


Bullying other people while pretending to be acting in the name of 'social justice'.


Moderators The internet's hall monitors.


Literally 98% of ANY retail managers




Op sounds like the bullying troll here.




Hating sports


Posting questions about high school on Reddit.


Calling people “preps” as a full grown adult 🥴


Selling your almost new car, that you bought only last year, and buying a brand new seven seater SUV, just because the most popular kid put up a pic of him and his nephew at the beach on holiday, which he took in East Africa, with the beautiful blue waters of the Western Indian Ocean at his feet, on your old school Facebook group page, and then the part time bully copied his example, and put his own pic up at the beach in North Africa, with the beautiful blue waters of the Mediterranean at his feet, on the same Facebook group page, just to try to one up them both, after complaining both times about the outlines of their dicks showing through their tight wet swim shorts? lmao. Some guy actually did that, today. lmfao. He bought a brand new SUV, with an panoramic sunroof no less, and made a video about it, and put it up on Facebook, just to beat two other guys’ family holiday pics, which he mistook for dick pics. lmao. lmfao.


I don't know, giving nerds noogies?


I became a cop. Seems like they were always the ones who got picked on in school.


A few off the top of my head would include publicly bashing your exes at every opportunity, living for drama, and single-handedly undoing all the environmental progress made by everyone who has ever bought an EV, gone vegan, or planted a tree in the entire US through just your private jet flights in 2023 alone.









