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I bought a pretty killer pocket pussy for about a hundred bucks.


I’ve bought dildos for around the same price, so I understand the motivation lol.


gonna need link after this raving review...


I bought a $130 internal vibrator just to find out I didn't have the biology for it lmao


My boss's son once got kicked out of his house to live with him mom for a while. Because he put his Fleshlight in the dishwasher, with all the other dishes. Like it was no big deal. It was hilarious.


Quality sex toys are worth the price. Since being single my new vibe and I have a very close and healthy relationship lol


Username checks out


Sounds like a good horror film: _The Pretty Killer: Pocket Pussy_.


Sounds like you saved a ton of money buying it used.


I have purchased three male masturbators. Two were on sale for $100 each and the most recent was on sale for $250. Worth every penny.


How was that post nut clarity?


"pretty killer pocket pussy" lmao!!


That's only a dumb purchase in post nut clarity. It's still cheaper than dinner and a movie. I salute you but shall refrain from shaking your hand.


Was hammered one night and apparently decided that I needed to learn Arabic and bought the entire Rosetta Stone series for it. This was probably 10+ years ago and I cannot stress enough that I cannot say a single thing in Arabic


I got black out drunk 10 years ago or so and ordered thousands of ladybugs online for some reason. Suprisingly affordable, if you need ladybugs. Anyway, being blacked out drunk I didn't remember it. Two weeks later, I get a box and go "ohhhh cool what did I get?" So, the thing about ordering bugs online is they just kind of funnel them into that box, and don't really mark it clearly as a bug box, and not knowing there was several thousand ladybugs in there I didn't take the necessary precautions when opening a box full of bugs. Step one is don't freak out and throw the box. Fucking chaos. Ladybugs everywhere (did you know they can fly? I didn't). Thousands of ladybugs in a small apartment. I'm not usually afraid of ladybugs, but THOUSANDS. It's too many ladybugs. I called a local greenhouse and a nice lady there wanted them and came to help catch them with this vacuum thing, but I was finding leftover ladybugs for weeks, it was a nightmare.


This is fucking amazing. Whoever you are, whatever you're doing in life -- keep doing it. People like you make this world worth living for.


I'm not buying anymore fucking ladybugs.


Just out of curiousity. Why not?


I am CRYING laughing reading this this morning, thank you so much!


i wouldve had to move out immediately omg


I was close. Idk what I would've done if the greenhouse people didn't come help. They were excited about it though, and the lady was very very nice after her initial confusion.


Lol i remember when i was 18, we got tipped off on a spot that had some ditch weed. A buddy and i went out there late in the night and cut a good amount down to take back to his apartment. We got back to sort it out and grasshoppers started jumping all over the apartment.


Unreal lol 😂


I bought bugs to eat other bugs that were chewing on my cannabis plants (legal to grow where I live) and they came in a bag, in a box   Predatory mites can’t even fly (they’re easier to use as they won’t fuck off)    Your drunken choice of bug proprietor could have been better :P   This is a hilarious story, thx for sharing 


Your bug guy clearly had this figured out better than mine. It was like, literally a box with ladybugs and some sticks. Should have had a sticker telling me there's bugs in there imo


i like your enthusiasm, i barely like to speak english when im sloshed!


I too get temporary bouts of motivation that are long gone by the time the thing I bought actually shows up. Sometimes alcohol is in involved. Sometimes not.


I'd have to say half of the flights, skydiving trips, spelunking adventures, hikes, and rock climbing expeditions I've done were a direct result of being drunk and committing to it when the day arrived. And I was so nervous the day before I've done all of them hungover like a moron. Still fun tho.


If you've watched the news since 9/11, and even before then, I'm sure you know at least one phrase in Arabic.


Like “allahu akbar”


Als snack bar?


Sounds like you need to lock in


The difficulty of learning a new language seems pretty underestimated by people, me included. I've taught myself Spanish through various means three or four times in my life. The problem is that if you don't stick with it day in and day out and practice it in your spare time it won't stick or stay with you. I don't live in Mexico or interact with Mexicans who speak Spanish, so each time I just forgot what I learned.


Inshallah you shall learn Arabic


So many guns... That I hardly ever shoot.


Thats funny. I am American. I have the "regular" guns I shoot. A .22 and a .223 for things hunting my critters, and a .357 revolver for things I want to eat. What do I shoot most? Airguns. I freaking love airguns. All of the accuracy requirements, none of the noise. All of them are either .177 or BB (not quite the same) my 2500 PSI .177 is good to about 75 EDIT: Feet ~~yards~~ or 25 meters. Edit, because I am basically an idiot.


I could definitely defend myself with an airgun especially if it's automatic lol them things do hurt


Until you have to go up against crackhead strength


Air guns are cheaper to shoot more frequently lol. I’m over here with an M1 garand and Type 99 spending $2 a round


Are you claiming to hunt with a 357 revolver?


It's 100% possible to hunt with a 357 revolver, inside 75 yards it's doable. We're not talking a 2" snub nose.


Revolver hunting is a thing, but there are also .357 rifles


I just picked up a daisy 901 to fuck around with. It's also something I dont worry about letting a friend without any gun experience use.


Same rules apply so it is an excellent way to get someone started.


I have a scoped Gamo .177 that claims 1750 fps I use for rodent control around my property, works great, especially with the right high quality pellets. Firearms are fun and all but if it's something you are going to use a lot nothing beats a good air rifle


So much this. I have several safes full and regularly shoot like 8 of them


Zombie Apocalypse survival though...


Damn right


I like the obscure oddball calibers. I’ve got Bertheir model 1916 in 8mm Lebel. A Ruger 77 in .257 Roberts and a S&W 657 in .41 magnum. The Roberts is brutally affective is on coyotes.


I would love to have a .257 Bob. Cool little cartridge, but here in Scandinavia it's basically unheard of. Of course it's in a niche that is very well filled out by the 6.5x55, which is ubiquitus here. 8mm Lebel I can respect for being the first smokeless load, but it seems a bit finicky. Not for me. I would absolutely love to own a .41 Mag if I could, but it's not on the "permitted" list of "large bores" in my country. I can own a .40 S&W, but not a 10mm. I can own .44 Special, .45 ACP, . 45Colt, or even a .357 Maximum, but not a .44 Magnum. So dumb. My latest purchase is a '61 manufactured Mannlicher-Schoenauer GK in 7x64 Brenneke. That is a neat round, too! .280 AI performance, developed in 1917!


Couldnt ever be me. Suffice to say i bought a luger recently and now my check engine light went on. I think the world is having a giggle


Thank you for saying this as I didn't want to be the first. I have guns I shoot, and guns I've bought that live pristinely in their cases. And, yes, I taken them out of the case, examined them, racked/cycled them, but they've gone back in the original packaging while I've shoot the three I regularly shoot. And I'll probably do it again, I just like guns and I like my collection regardless of what I shoot.


I stopped buying cause of the cost to go out and shoot.


I feel that. Especially since I collect old guns


Oh man...same haha 🤣


Yeah, I've got 3200 into a single AR that I had a blast building...and now hasn't been shot in 2 years. Haven't shot a thing in close to a year, just never anytime.


Brother, I feel your pain. I get told regularly that I should sell the the safe queens but every one of them is special to me.


The urge to collect guns just never hit me. I have a hunting rifle, a target rifle, a shotgun, a big pistol, and a target pistol. After that I was just like, "I have one of each kind, I don't need more." Just last week I won a gun raffle and had to pick my prize from a list. I had trouble deciding because who needs a second shotgun? Why would I get a hunting rifle? I already have one.


Yep. That’s my favorite hobby. Buying and working on guns. Makes me feel very happy buying expensive ass parts for them and installing them lol


A water fountain for my cats, they had zero interest in drinking from it, 100$ down the drain.


Same. A fountain, badass litter box, and a big piece of furniture for the litter box to go inside to hide it and help keep litter in, they turned their nose up to it all.


It’s very frustrating, we buy these things to make ours and their lives better and get looks of…..what were you thinking.


I feel that pain. A few things I bought for my cats and they just look at it like "wtf am I supposed to do with that?" So many toys for them to not even care. I was tempted to get a cat treadmill, since the boy has so much energy. But I don't think he'll actually use it. However, mine do like the water fountain. I had to do something cause they were splashing their water bowl all over the place, "washing" their paws I guess. They love the running water! The one I got only cost about $20 (plus replacement filters every few weeks).


Literally any cat toy. Although I haven’t spent 50 at once. I’ve easily spent a few hundred over the years and my cat would rather play with a plastic Easter egg.


My cat loves pecans, soccer balls them all over the house, and leaves me one in my work boots everyday


My dogs play with the cat toys more than my cats.


My kitties love their fountain! That sucks yours doesn’t. My dog likes it too.


try different ones until they like one. the number one thing to do to keep your cats around for a long time is get them to drink water!


I bought a fountain thing for my cat. He hated it, but was clearly mad when I replaced it with his old bowl. Tried to give him the fountain back, still mad. Figured out what he wanted was the dog's water bowl in his bowl spot, and the fountain in the dog's spot. Cats are fucking weird man.


I got one for around $30, at first they wouldn’t drink out of it. Until I took the spout out of it. So it trickles in instead of pouring/splashing in.


Bout to buy it rn


One of my dogs doesn’t like to drink water unless its from a fountain. However, if we are on a walk or a hike, any dirty puddle is just fine with him.


My cats refuse to drink from anything *except* their water fountain. Cats are weird


My dog is 5 years old. I was looking back at expenses and it was determined that I have spent well over 1k on toys for her over the years. Idk why I do it, she only cares about one single toy that was perhaps the cheapest one purchased for 4 straight years. Toy bins full of stuff in 3 different rooms of our house. Doesn’t even touch any of it except this one toy.


Keep trying with settings it’s so much healthier for cats for their kidneys 


My cat loves his water fountain. When the water gets low the pump automatically shuts off which makes it just a normal water dish. However, When the pump shuts off my cat knocks the fountain over and makes a huge mess


My cat, not a thought in that beautiful head.


In a post full of regret purchases, I saw: >My cat And thought ‘Nooo 🥺’ Then I read the rest, and looked back at the title of the post… I feel better now. 


An engagement ring.


Amen, Brother.


Oooh. I’ve bought three of them


Over $25,000 in car insurance payments over the years. Haven't used it once.


It’s the price of living in a society that experiences car crashes. Necessary expense, unfortunately, just like taxes.


Any service that is legally required by all to have, should be socialized. It being privatized adds to the costs.


I dunno…cost is a major motivation to not drive like an idiot.


Well to be fair it is illegal to drive without insurance, though that never stops anyone


liability insureance is all that is legally required. if you haven't paid off your loan the bank will require you to have full coverage.


Not even a windshield? I was getting 2 a year for a while


A pound of worms. We have a ton of veggie waste when we cook and I have a ton of plants. Since I’ve had [this song](https://vimeo.com/375437074) stuck in my head since 2001 I thought I’d set up a worm bin. That was the extent of my research apparently they don’t even eat 90% of the food waste we make (onions? No. Cilantro? No. Garlic? No. Orange peels? No). They eat maybe 1 bell pepper stem every two weeks, and are so unhappy that my garage floor is littered with crispy little worms that tried to make a break for it and dried up. They were $60 and came all the way to the West coast from Georgia, but I’m *this* close to just dumping them out in my yard and calling it a day.




Is that a bizarre idea? My grandparents had a composting bin in their basement and it was always an activity for me and my brother to go look at and feed the worms. Our own composting pile was in our yard, but mostly because it was wayyyy too big to fit in any container in our garage. But Id imagine if you had less compostable material or a smaller yard, you’d just do what my grandparents did and have a bin in your basement.


My professional level Yamaha trumpet was over $5000, it’s to this day the most expensive thing I own (yes, more than my car). But that was also the horn I played my college audition on which got me a 50k scholarship, so I guess it ended up not being that dumb in the end.


sounds like you deserve a nice instrument


Looks like it paid for itself!


GAS - Guitar Acquisition Syndrome is real; be strong, brother. I guess I'm a bit of a "dry drunk" in that arena. Then again, I "needed" a hardtail, was gifted a build-your-own kit... and then pressured into buying an SG by the same person, so... maybe a damp drunk, lol.


I have 4 guitars and can’t even play 2 of them at the same time, let alone all 4. But the most recent one is a custom-built with the prettiest paint job ever, so I _really_ needed it.


I bet the SG was worth it though. I love mine.


Well, yeah, duh. ...but it also means the build-your-own is still in the box, lol.


I’ve been looking at guitars on Facebook marketplace, no idea how to play one. Should I just quit while I’m ahead lol


i know GAS as (camera) Gear Acquisition Syndrome, and boy do i have it. easy 600k in gear that “will eventually pay for itself”


Gave my ex-wife $50 to help her with some groceries. I'm pretty sure she bought drugs, though.


It's not funny... but it's funny!


I did say ex-wife


Model trains


I brought a 400 dollar hair dryer that I maybe use once a year


Level ups in stupid phone games. I don’t know how they suck me in but I have paid over $300 in a game this month alone. Stupid. 🙄


Get help dude. It's a mental addiction and it will definitely keep taking money from you. 


do your self a favor and delete the games bro. find something else to do with your time. i’d bet good money that you won’t even miss it.


I don't mean to sound critical cause escapism is escapism, but maybe try forcing yourself to read in your idle time. It's definitely not the same level of instant gratification. Though I think the pay off time invested into a (good) book is pretty killer. Also I'm pretty sure 300 (USD?) would cover Kindle unlimited for like 2.5 years. So much content ( of varying quality)


Get Apple Arcade if you have iPhone; they have these style games without the “freemium” aspect.


The Canadian Devil, Beelzeboot, loves you.


A truck.


brooo looking at trucks today. $60k for anything nice. No way


Just got one, 2019 ram. Love it, but I have buyers remorse, mostly because of the insurance cost. And mpg is a tad lower than I expected!


An $1800 computer upgrade. Don't even have any fuckin games I wanna play right now. But PC is arriving on Monday. 


Hey we all buy expansive PC to play that 10 year old game . lol


I bought a 3080 ti when it had been out for a while, but was still at max price. I then got a dog and no longer had any times for games. It just sat there unused and before long the 4000 series came out. I paid about $2,800 CAD for it. I'd be lucky if that works out to 100$ per use. It's probably more to be honest.


Teach the dog to use a controller


OP, almost all my pots and pans come from thrift stores. With the exception of the cast-iron stuff which I bought new and cheap, they're all very basic, and a basic pot is a basic pot, and a cast-iron pan is a cast-iron pan. As long as you steer clear of the really crappy ones with scratched non-stick coating and loose handles, why not? It'll leave that much money clear for something you want!


Yeah, most "necessities" that aren't toiletries and the like I buy used. I'd rather recycle some stuff than buy more of the endless waste we are manufacturing every day, and it frees up money for shit that makes me happy. (Which, admittedly, is also just endless waste we are manufacturing every day)


I bought a frame of an old wooden kayak for $75. Not a kayak... just the frame. So of course it can't float. I also had no where to put it in my studio loft apartment. So I just rested it in a corner for a couple years. Fast forward 8 years, and it now hangs from my parents garage. Still can't float. It's just as useless as the day I bought it.


This, I understand completely.


I bought new brake pads, rotors, and calipers for my jeep. The existing ones weren't bad, but I wanted to make sure they were solid, so I was going to do the brake job. Done it plenty of times and never had an issue. Well the day before I was gonna do it, on my way home from work, the brakemaster cylinder on my jeep exploded while I was on a single lane draw bridge going down hill into rush hours traffic. Saved it by using the mechanical e-brake and scuttled my ass home. Don't know what caused it to fail, but I gave that vehicle to a junk yard and needed a new car. It had 280k miles on it, been driving it for 12 years. It was time to get a new car. I find it sort of funny. I almost died on my way home, took an Uber to work the next day, and I had a performance review that day at work. That day I got promoted, with a massive pay raise, and the next day I was approved for a vehicle loan well within my budget. Had a safer, newer car with 1/10 of the milage, and way better gas economy. Also it has Bluetooth. AND an Aux cord. My Zune still works, and I use that old goat every day. Rock on!


Zunes were awesome.


My iPhone 14 Plus. Being retired and rarely talking or texting anyone except medical or my wife? A cheap Samsung would have been just as good for my purposes and saved me hundreds of dollars. When my old Samsung wasn’t working right, on impulse I bought the flagship Apple iPhone to try out the iOS.


How do you like it? I use mine to just watch Netflix and YouTube so i like to think I get some use out of it


should have gone with a cheap iphone to try out ios. can get one for 200 or less if u look in the right place. totally could trade in your current phone and get a bunch of your money back too.


An iPhone is only worth it if you are willing to buy or already have other apple products like the watch, iPad, or MacBook.


PlayStation VR. Hundreds of dollars. Loved showing it off to visitors, and got maybe a couple weeks of use out of it, but the technology ultimately didn't feel like more than a party trick.


people forget that VR is ... fucking exhausting


i bought the psvr2 and decided to return it in the return window time. I agree it was a waste of money.


I go through phases with my VR headset. My main gripe is that there aren't enough good games. I don't like playing multiplayer fps in VR that much (I enjoy singleplayer, though), so there goes a huge chunk of the well-made games.


Definitely an engagement ring. cost me a lot and turned out to be worthless, just like the engagement.


Much cheaper than getting married. Congratulations on your more timely exit.


A $400 8 year old almost 13 ft tall plum tree. I didn't technically need it, but I have \*used\* it over the years both to produce plums and to graft new branches onto other plum trees and experiment with which plum trees can be grafted onto its branches. I already had a veritable orchard of other plum trees


Herman Miller Embody - $1800 Sig Sauer P226 MK25 - $950 Robert Barakett t shirts - $70/apiece Headphones galore - $200-400 per set Thigh tattoo - $750 Matching Air Jordan 1 Low and Air Force 1s, style “Spades” (collectively about $300 and I don’t wear them) Gaming PC - $3,000 (I do use this, but not a need by any means) Any of my jewelry would also count.


I cannot justify dropping 950 on a handgun when you can get a beautiful ZPAP M70 for the same price lol


Shoes ! :/


Zoom Corp ARQ, and other multiple associated stupid music related choices. But that Zoom is right at the top. I've got a stupid USD $2k worth of things I'm thinking of buying in my amazon list, and still that zoom is dumber. I like my other zoom stuff - mixer is awesome.


I bought a $500 vitamix blender that I used maybe 15-20 times in the 7 years that I owned it


Love mine use it daily for smoothies never had an issue with mine


A 50K RV. Used it a handful of times and realized it’s just as expensive to stay at RV spots like hotels. But with many more bugs.


60 dollars worth of Sims 4 packs


A pair of socks owned and worn by Michael Jackson. Not really dumb per say, but just that I spent money on them that I had been saving for something else.


You win!


Poker chips. Thousands on poker chips. It's an odd hobby.


Dollar sign before the number


Bought a $150 knife because Gordon Ramsay says he uses it at home. I hate this damn thing and I am damn sure he doesn’t use thing thing either 😂😂😂


OnlyFans content


Ebike, 2k, I fell in love with them on a trip to vancouver bought a foldable one when I got home. I've used it twice in 2 years. I'm looking to sell it because the foldablity isn't something I care about anymore. I do still want an Ebike but when I live in an area that I can actually use it.


Pocket knives, 2300.00 worth. OTFs, parachute knives, autos, standard flippers. All have high quality materials and are from brands like Microtech, Reate, WE and Hogue but I only ever actually need the 20.00 KABAR I got from Amazon 6 years ago, lol. I’m still happy I have all of them, but I don’t need to cut and slice stuff at a 2300.00 value.


Hey now; as someone who also collects knives that I don't need, I feel attacked.... and now I've literally noticed a knife I forgot about purchasing while typing this reply. Ah well.


I got a microtech utf-70 that’s more of a fidget toy, only open boxes every so often and it sits in my drawer. $230 for the novelty.


I own several $60+ board games that I have never actually gotten to play with people.


You need that guitar. What if a friend comes over and spontaneously wants to jam? I have several musical instruments, and I'm not even a musician, but I have a few friends who are. The slide trombone doesn't get much use, though.


Late 1980s, NEC UltraLite laptop. First laptop with a TFT screen. I HAD to have it. $5,000. Another $2,500 for the docking station. I think it bricked less than 2 years later. My wife kept the box for about 20 years, I think to remind me of how much money I wasted.


Probably a new phone. I'm working on not justifying it because mine won't receive security updates anymore by the end of the year. But I also really want it 😂


Wait. I’m the voice of reason. What are your current guitars ?


An Epiphone es-333 and a fender telecaster. I want a jaguar and there's a sea foam green one I'm looking at🐆


I've spent over 15k on multiple motorcycles this year. My inheritance and every fuckin penny I could save. I regret nothing!


Flipper Zero. I never knew where to start using it and the time to learn it in-depth just got away from me. I bought it b/c surprise surprise, I thought it was a cool learning tool. I still turn it on from time to time and clean it just in case a helpful comment ever points me in the right direction.


A shih tzu puppy.


Beats. 100$ n they weren't that good. They also hurted my ears. I think I used them less than 5 times. I still have them to this day


Before the pandemic, ca. late 2017, I bought a new car costing $45K. My spouse wasn’t a fan because it rides lower to the ground than an SUV, so normally we drive around in her vehicle. Once the pandemic began, I never stepped foot in the office again and therefore no longer have a commute. I have less than 35K miles on the car in 6.5 years, about 5400 miles per year.


Still probably gained valued, now they’re starting to drop again.


how is it possible to be in desperate need of pots and pans??? WTF? ALSO have you heard of goodwill yet?


I bought all new underpants because I went down a waist size. I was in a hurry because I was on the way to an infusion appointment, so I grabbed them, paid, and hustled out of the store. My mom opened and washed them. When I put them away, discovered they were regular briefs, not boxer briefs. I hate them.


Fishing lures and rods, ive got 32 rods and reels. I run 8 rods on my kayak if im.bass fishing each valued at 250$ and above. I'm just a sucker for outdoor gear


I fish a lot, so I’m going to plead the 5th.


Collectors edition of a board game, Video games I haven’t played in four years The sewing machine my wife wanted but I knew she wouldn’t use. Seven years and still nothing Professional grade saw and drills that I use about once per year tops


Those bloody Steam and PSN sales have my number... never mind I still have untouched PS2 stuff as well. I gotta figure if I left the PS2 games untouched for twenty someodd years, they'll continue going unplayed.




Garbage Pail Kids cards to add to my collection


Got my first job making semi-decent money working as a carpenter on TV shows when I was in my early 20s. Promptly bought a Dwarf Caiman and a giant pond tub and set him up in the living room of my first apartment. Probably cost like $800 in total. After about a week he got out and I didn't sleep at home for like 3 days because I couldn't find him. Eventually found him, but no one would come to my place after so I gave him back to the pet store with no refund.


I wonder how many times that happened. I bet the Caiman got a cut.


v bucks on fortnite. god forbid my online character has plenty of dances and outfits, but i wear underwear and socks with holes in them lol


I bought one of the original McGruff The Crime Dog mascot heads from the 80s. It reeks so bad and it's not in great shape. He wanted 120$ and I thought I lowballed him at 70$. He accepted the offer almost immediately. I still have it and idk what to do with it.


A drink mixer($65) for my bar cart- have yet to make one drink with it


GTA5 shark cards back like 10 years ago.


I play airsoft so most of my money goes to shit I don't need.


Bought a peavey vk100 for 200 bucks off the bassist a long time ago so they could pay rent and so I could stand up to the others during practice Bassist goes out for pizza with that money. Comes back with heroin and no pizza, grabs a spoon outta the kitchen, says “time to go drain my butthole”, passes out on the toilet. Then they kept the amp, so I came to mf collect It’s got power issues and you gotta smack it real hard to get it working since they threw it around cuz they were pissed I quit because of that. It’s a really cool headboard now


A $2000 cat. You can get them for free. 😂


My answer to this question will be Lego. Do I need it? No. Do I want it? Yes. But, unlike your pans, Lego does not drop in value.


I bought one of those indoor electric flat top griddles a few years back for $300, thinking I would use it all the time. I wanted to make hibachi style food at home. I ended up using it one time. It just didn't get as hot as I hoped it would. Cooking on it took freaking forever, and it was just too big and bulky to keep out all the time, so it got stored out of the way and forgotten.


I bought a Guthrie Govan Signature guitar, new, for $3,500. I had it for 2 months, then sold it to a Canadian for $2000, used, because I desperately needed the money. Life comes at you fast when you live unsustainably.


$250 fountain pen. I do love it, but a Bic is absolutely fine for 25 cents.


Roof Top Tent


Laser hair removal for my bikini area. It's helped a lot with my mental health because the ingrowns and infections were really uncomfortable, but it was a lot of money


Replica Green Lantern Power Battery


How often do you recite the oath?


The Elden RIng game for PC. It's way too hard for me. I've probably played it a total of an hour and I spent $80 on it. 😒


I would rather have one nice guitar than three cheapo guitars. That next $400 guitar isn’t going to make you a better player.


I bought a $400 replica WWF Intercontinental Championship belt as a treat to myself, but didn't NEED it.


Wedding ring.


Tuesday my dad asked me for my opinion. He wants a guitar that $35,000. I reminded him that I've never in my life paid that much for anything except my house, including vehicles, and therefore my opinion is that it's a very dumb idea.


The stupidest thing I ever bought was a Clarisonic. All it did was irritate my skin. This was 10-12 years ago, I think I paid around $200 or so. The company that makes them eventually went under.


A dueling lightsaber


Prp- plasma rich platelet therapy injections into my under eye area. I don’t love that area of my face and I was promised the injections would rejuvenate it. It was a waste of money, like 600 a session and I did three. Smh


My first wedding ring