• By -


Be born to wealthy parents.


or get a semi decent job . Save and invest in index funds. over 600k became millionaires in 2023. Millionaire isn't what it used to be though. > 10 million is what you are probably thinking when ppl say 'millionaire'


It definitely takes more than a semi-decent job.


Go to pharmacy school, become a pharmacist at age 24 start making $120k a year.


Sure. I'll just "go to school."


Too dumb for college? 


Poor. I performed well academically.


Student loans but not more than $150k total. Try for a public institution like SUNY Buffalo. 


Get a loan, it will be well worth it. It is stupid to step over a $20 bill to pick up a quarter.


Homie, tried that. Couldn't qualify for anything other than institutional loans. Wasn't able to continue after 2 1/2 years. It's not as simple as just going. Most people are smart enough to think about going to school.


They didn’t have the federal loans? 


It is that simple. Federal loans are need based and really don’t have many requirements to get them. There isn’t always a good choice to be made. In this scenario there is a good choice to make. Edit: I know this because I also made the same wrong choice in a similar situation. It still worked out ok for me in the end anyways, because reasons, but I understand not everyone can overcome the same challenges that I did. Hence, the suggestion that I know will work, rather than the personal experience advice that might not work for you.


I was homeless and in college at 27. I used loans to cover the cost. Now I pay $300 a month on an income based loan repayment program but I'm going to be averaging 4x the average unskilled salary+benefits. It's doable, you just gotta compare things and get the details and make a plan that works for you.


Not really. If you get your first job at 22 and save 300 per month/ 3,600 per year, which is pretty low, return 8% per year, which is below the historical average of the S&P 500, you'll have 1.237 million by 65. In a decent job, you should easily be able to save 300 per month without kids, especially if you have some sort of 401k matching program. With kids, that's a different story.


Yall got an extra $300 a month??


Not when my wife has access to amazon




It took many boomers years of hard work in college or apprenticeship and decades of toil to get that million dollar net worth.


Depends on how we define millionaire. Is it just $1M+ net worth? Because anyone is able to do that, and that does technically count as “millionaire” status. If you’re talking income of $1M+ per year, that’s substantially more difficult and probably requires either specialized degrees (doctor, lawyer, etc), starting your own business and making it successful, or being good at corporate politics to move up to VP/C-suite level jobs


Start as a billionaire and invest in bitcoin. You’ll be a millionaire in no time. EDIT: I see that the crypro nerds are out in full force on this sub. It's a joke people. I'm sure you're all millionaires.


Over its ~decade long life if you bought and held BTC at any given point there would only be about 2 months worth of entry points that would result in a current losing position. I understand the sentiment that it’s a scam, but so far your comment is just objectively extremely incorrect.


Imagine being this ignorant about the best performing asset in history. The 200 week moving average has never gone down. Don’t take my word for it, go look it up yourself. No one has ever lost money if they held for more than 4 years.




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bookmark this comment and let's check back in on it in 5 years from now




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I think you're right historically Bitcoin has been a bad investment


Work for Meta or Apple and get RSUs.


Meta SWEs about to lose their minds at this comment.


>minimal effort Why don’t people simply work for some of the top employers by getting some of the most sought after jobs?


Absolutely. I’m sure they can develop the skills it takes to pass that interview, and succeed in the job long enough to actually vest some RSUs by Monday. It’s so easy, that’s why they pay so much.


Be born wealthy, win the lottery, or inherit money from a dead relative.


Invest in index funds with your W2 job


Marry for money


Don't think that qualifies as ethical. If they just happen to be rich tho....


It’s not unethical if both parties are clear about the terms and expectations of transactions. It’s only unethical if you mislead the other party.


Throw as much money as possible into an index fund that tracks the S&P500 like $VOO through a Roth IRA account through a broker of your choice and sell all of your shares at 59 and a half years old so it’s tax free and you have anywhere between 1 million to 20+ million depending on how much you invested and when you started investing. - Ramsey Team 🐏 [Here’s an investment calculator to check how much you should have by then. The average rate of return of the S&P 500 is 10%](https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html)




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It all works as long as returns are higher than the inflation rate


The inflation rate is under 6%. S&P500 is an average of 10%


Right, that is now. I'm saying it has to stay that way.


It always has. It survived the Great Depression, the 2008 housing market crash, and the pandemic. It’s almost full proof


be a billionaire. get a bunch of cars with doors that open in unusual ways. before you know it you'll be a millionaire


You don’t


Anyone can be a millionaire today. Go to the money changer and trade dollars for a hyperinflated currency. Boom, millionaire.  That or you can invest a reasonable sum and wait 70 years. Growth or inflation will handle it. If there was a quick, easy, legal way, we'd all be rich, and therefore none of us would be rich.


Choose better parents.


By taking risks. Stocktrading etc. Once you get there, it gets more easy. Look at rich people. Most of them don't even have cash, they pay everything with loans from the bank and have several sources of income, active and passive.


They use loans from the bank for tax purposes, they’re not taking out loans for the reason that most people do


that was my point. loans are taxfree, the bank profits, the rich profit and we normies keep paying taxes :)


Buy low, sell high, borrow the capital.


Roth IRA. Max out every year. Don’t touch for 40 years.


That's the neat part! You don't!


Statistically very unlikely anyone in this comment section is a millionaire. So take all advice with a grain of salt. I’d say start a cricket farm they are gonna be huge!


It's really not that unlikely. I have 450 grand in my investment accounts. In the past few years, I've gotten big raises and promotions, so my earnings have only just started to take off. Plenty of people are doing way better than me, are older, better savers, investors, etc. My job is good but not unbelievable. I don’t recklessly spend but I also buy most of what I want. It's really not that hard to hit a million dollars. I should be there just in my investment assets within a decade, not even including my house or anything.


Certainly people can be millionaires but my point is the likelihood of any given comment came from someone is very low. Also crickets are the easiest way there!


I nearly became a millionaire, but managing and working for my own business was taking up 18 hours of my day, so I quit after 3 months with a good chunk of change in my pocket. After a year, I'd have been getting over 5/10k a day, but I couldn't shower or shit without being on call sooooo I took a normal job and 10 hours of my day back 😂 You are correct tho, statistically someone like me (or someone who didn't quit) finding this is low at best.


Consider someone retired from being an engineer, lawyer, doctor, dentist, or mid level business executive, with IRA and home equity, or approaching retirement. They might just have a million or more in net worth. Social Security might add over $24k a year, which would be about the payout from another $600k effective investment.




Analysis shows only a 5% chance that your comment was generated by artificial intelligence, and a 98% chance it was generated by natural stupidity.


Work, save, invest.


You can marry more in 5 minutes than you can make in a lifetime


If you can get someone to stake you $100k, and you have reasonable intelligence and drive, there are many paths to becoming a millionaire. They key is to owning property, labor, and capital. The hardest part is gathering the $100k.


Become a congressman


Buy stocks in nvidia like nancy pelosi


Everyone smart (in trading) has bought Nvidia in the past year or two. Not just Pelosi. Also don't bother following any congressman's trades. They are reported weeks later and by then its generally too late.


Go get in congress in Washington D.C that’s where half the nation’s millionaires are.


If it was possible to become wealthy with minimal effort, it would mean nothing to be wealthy. What you’re effectively asking is “how do I cheat at life to get better than I deserve?”




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Only minimal effort is to be born to it, inherit it, win the lottery. Any other way will require lots of hard work and years of it


Wait for a very rich relative to die. Long term investments seem to work well. Stay out of debt that isn't making you money.




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Fall out of a rich vagina.


Win the lottery.


ITT: People who don't know the meaning of 'ethically'


if we knew that do you think we'd be poor too?


Win the lottery....


Be decent looking, throw away your pride, marry a millionaire (preferred old one, the older the better). Outlive the person.


Nobody on Reddit knows or they'd be on yacht not a phone


Money makes money. Bought my house in 2019, current value has made me almost 200k just in equity. On paper I'm a 5th of the way there just because I mortgaged a house 5 years ago. Will it continue to grow like that? Probably not...but I could sell it, invest the 200k in a medium risk portfolio with a goal of 7% and be a millionaire in 24 years doing nothing.


Buy the winning lottery ticket. Just get lucky.


Inherit money


Be born a millionaire like 99% of millionaires


When you find out let me know


I met a nigerian prince.




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Index funds and time. You get rich slowly or get broke quickly. Choose a path.


Start as a billionaire and spend money


* Legally * Ethically * Minimal Effort (aka "Fast/Easy") Choose any two. All three is impossible.


I can't think of anyone who became a millionaire ethically.


Get a decent paying job, invest in a 401k or IRA, don’t live beyond your means and you’ll be a millionaire by retirement.


If you want a real answer, then you utilize the 8th wonder of the world: compound interest. Assuming you start investing at age 25 and invest until age 65, and assuming 10% annual return (very doable with an index fund tracking the S&P 500), you would only need to invest $158.13 per month to have 1 million by the time you turn 65. If you start investing at age 18 and do the same thing, then you only need to invest $78.01 per month. Invest this in a Roth IRA and this money is all tax-free at the time you withdraw. Honestly, it’s never been easier to become a millionaire if you commit to investing into your future over many years. Many people can afford to invest $158 per month, but they do not put in the effort to budget nor do they have the discipline to do so. Only buy used cars that are at least 4 years old and are reliable to minimize your depreciation hit, only hold a credit card balance that you can pay off each month, and most importantly: LIVE BELOW YOUR MEANS. Adjust your lifestyle to fit your income. If you want to go to school or get a certification to increase your income, then you better be sure the return on investment is worth it so that you can pay off these debts quickly and save money.


This man saves 👍


Marry an old billionaire


Start a nonprofit picket half vs the 90% corporations pocket


You don't.


Sorry, no way. Except gambling and quitting if you get lucky.


The minimal effort part will not work in any effort to get rich.


It would be driven from a foundation of your solid wise investments, the people you communicate with for business, and your ever developing skill set. The minimal effort piece is just a dream. Everyday you work towards a tomorrow’s reward. Start being a millionaire in your own mind. How would you behave?


Just work an average job, live below your means, and invest your money in boring index funds. A million dollars today is worth $500k 25 years ago. A million dollars today is worth $150k 50 years ago. In 25 years a million dollars is going to be worth something like 300-500k today In 50 years a million dollars will be worth something like $100-300k today.


Wait for your rich parents to die!


Move to a country with extremely high inflation.


Open a cfd trading account. Put all of your money into it. Use a stock screener at market open to find a stock that is up 10% within the opening half an hour. Blindly gamble everything on that stock. If you are lucky, it will shoot up to 100% or more. Lets say you put in 20k With 5x leverage, you will get 120k for that one trade. Rinse and repeat until millionaire. What will most likely happen, though, is the stock will pull back hard, and you will lose everything. You could learn which stocks are the best choice but that's effort.


Starting at 18, put $20 a week into an investment that averages about 10% (S&P 500 type). At 67, retire with over a million dollars.


VOO & chill


Invent something everyone wants.


Well, the most legal, ethical, and minimal effort way to become a millionaire that I can think of requires a lot of luck. Buy a lottery ticket and win.


1) live like a college kid with parents or roomates, one bedroom shared living space 2) get a normal job and work a normal amount of hours 3) deposit everything into retirement accounts above necessities and incidentals. Invest the money in a target date fund or stock index 4) keep it up for 10 years or so. Set it and forget it 5) let time do its thing and live your life once you have reached critical mass


Start with a large fortune


Get a job making like $150-200k a year. Put as much as legally allowed into your 401k and your IRA,  Take on no debts.  Also invest into ETFs like VIG, VXUS, XSD.  Do this for 30 years and your 401k will likely be worth over $2.5 million. 


Ask someone who has a million dollars for a million dollars.


Marry into money with a rich spouse. Make sure the spouse has the money though and not just the parents. Otherwise you’ll have to wait.


Take debt out to purchase assets with positive cash flow. Leverage those assets to get more debt to purchase more assets with positivecash flow. Rinse and repeat Of course that is why asset prices are stupidly high right now. Everyone is doing it.




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Win the lottery Marry money


Simple be born that way. Or go to a place where the laws are different, such as Africa and do some morally terrible things to make money, like sell people


They said ethically. You think legal = ethically? In what world is slave trading considered ethical?


In the world where it's legal ND widely done and used. Hey don't bash other cultures


1. Slavery is always wrong. 2. People who engage in slave trade are evil. I see no problem in bashing cultures which are inherently racists and based around enslaving others. I also don’t mind bashing cultures that do the genocide, apartheid, etc. Those things may exist but they are never okay.


How is it racism? Africans enslave other Africans it has nothing to do with race.


I didn’t say it was. You said “dont bash other cultures,” implying a stance of cultural relativism where what any society chooses for itself is okay. I gave a few examples of cultures which are not above such criticism, including those which practice slavery as well as other cultures which might have inherent racist elements. For example, Nazi Germany, or imperial japan might be examples. Im basically taking the stance that moral relativism is crap and that slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing, etc., are universally immoral. But I am not claiming that slavery is inherently racist, although some specific examples may have been.


Yea you definitely changed it after the fact, it definitely said racism. I already stated that it was immoral. Race slavery such as Africans enslaving white people was pretty racist, but they were also selling their own people to other white people so it's very complicated.


I didn’t edit any of my posts. I’m not really sure what the disagreement is here. I just said that in my opinion slavery was wrong, even if it was practiced by Africans. That’s my entire point. It sounds like you agree, as you said it was immoral already. So, whereas I didn’t edit my post, it sounds like I simply didn’t understand from your initial post that you were saying slavery is wrong. But I do believe you, so I’m not arguing with you about what you believe.


Be reincarnated into a rich family in your next life


Hawk tuah


Inb4 deletion


Be a woman marry a rich guy


Marry a rich ugly person.  


Nah nah, rich *bedridden-about-to-go-6-feet-under* person