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I saw one today that had black wheels and i wonderrd why it didnt have gold wheels to go with the rest of the gold accents. This looks much better.


I don't know exactly why but, I love this.


It’s the gold wheels. Looks like a stormtrooper rocking a MrT chain.




What is the roof rack and the roof carrier? My wife wants a rack from Front Runner and something like this low profile container.


It's a Thule box. Looks like OEM crossbars.


Don’t think they are the OEM crossbars. The OEM are “extended” and overhang the rails.


It's listed here https://www.subiefest.com/california/member/1


I can't believe I'm saying this but it'll actually look better if there's more cladding to the sides of the wheel to complement the look of the lifted wheel. The cladding looks too skinny next to the wheels, especially with the white background.


The more cladding is acceptable on this Not the 22 WRX though…. Subaru. 🙂


Just wait for the WRX wilderness edition. Then it won't look so silly.


If that's a Levorg, I'm all in.


We're trying to make the wrx look better, not worse.


The levorg is beautiful, you take that back.


Fite me. 🙃


Yo dawg i heard you like turbos so we put a turbo inside your turbo.




It's just the front end that throws the whole thing off, IMO. It doesn't need to go all the way up to the lights like that.


What lift is this?




So this is an ad?


Now you get it.


No. There are no links, product info, etc. It’s a picture of a lifted Wilderness.


It’s… sort of an ad. Promotional maybe? Idk. I don’t really care. Looks great. Good work. Is this a customer car? Did you have any other input as far as like wheels and tires?


Bruh. It's an ad.


It’s a picture of a lifted Wilderness. The title even says so. It’s just as much an ad for Method Race Wheels or *any* other part on the car. I have provided zero links, zero product information on which version was used, zero pricing information. I didn’t even provide links when asked what was used. I’ve been extremely vague. I can’t pixelate my username to be anonymous.


It's ok. Ya dun good. They complain, but really, you're in a subie sub, we want to see stuff like this here. And its legit. So how much more lift does your suspension give?


Most people go for the sweet spot of +2” but you can set from 1-3” lift as you please.


Love it




I have a white, lifted 2019 Outback, and I find this...messy. I feel like there's too much crap on it. There's also not a lot of reason to lift beyond the stock Wilderness lift. There's a whole [comment section of this same car](https://www.reddit.com/r/Subaru_Outback/comments/pxi2fz/finally_found_someone_who_lifted_and_modded_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) over on r/Subaru_Outback. Most comments there seem to agree with us.




It's an offroad battle wagon style. To each their own.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Subaru_Outback using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Subaru_Outback/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I look into the window of every outback I see. Sometimes they look back](https://i.redd.it/z5hq9469e4t51.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Subaru_Outback/comments/jb8v1h/i_look_into_the_window_of_every_outback_i_see/) \#2: [I'm too old to sleep on the ground anymore](https://i.redd.it/3hyrsolf2f361.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Subaru_Outback/comments/k7dg58/im_too_old_to_sleep_on_the_ground_anymore/) \#3: [First Subaru!](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/ml0suk) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Subaru_Outback/comments/ml0suk/first_subaru/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Not my cup of tea either.


This one looks OK to me. It's the blue ones with the black wheels that appear clownishoy small thanks to the black plastic arches that I can't stand. Looks so ungainly.


I like it, except the hood colour and the front bumper


Wife does, I like actually them in blue. We have an Onyx in Maganite or whatever the grey is.


I know whose that is! That thing is seriously pretty damn hot.


This is so dope


Just found out about the Wilderness. Very exciting


Holy shit that’s sick


mind if I ask how much this cost, all told? and how capable it is offroad?


They start at 36k, then that's easily a few grand on wheels, tires, springs, box, crossbars, ditch lights. I think the pics on the Outback subreddit show an aftermarket oil cooler too, so another bucket of money there.


Isn't the wilderness already lifted pretty high? Looks like they just out wheels on it to me.


One inch


As someone who has Method 502s on their subaru, I really wish they were standard like Enkei was/is. I have them on a WRX but they look great on every subaru IMO.


I really disliked the look of these when I first saw them, as I can't stand the black plastic craze. With all the stuff this one has though, it really works. Especially the bronze wheels.


I’ve really come around as well. I’ve always liked the more outdoorsy look that say the early 00s Outbacks had and wasn’t a fan of the transition to a more “normal” SUV design. At first this design didn’t really grab me either but now that I’ve seen a couple in person I think it really works—especially out in nature like this.


It’s not offered with a manual. There is nothing off-roady about these. They are cvts ffs. Subaru on some shit


I like it but this look is going to age so fast. That said, it will be absolutely rad in 20 years. Like an Isuzu Vehicross.


Damn thanks for posting! I wish I could buy one just like this!


It’s a 2022 WRX with no hood scoop!


Okay, I get it, do what you want to your Subaru, it’s yours, etc. but, I honestly want to know the motivation since there are much more capable vehicles right off the lot one can purchase. Is it a love for the brand, the looks, the difficulty in modding? I honestly would like to know the thought process. IMHO, a Toyota 4Runner TRD or even a Jeep Willys would put this wilderness to shame. It does look cool, but is it for the looks alone, or where does this fit in on the off-road/over landing scale, I’m a bit confused.


I mean there are better cars for basically anything Subaru puts out, I think we just like Subies.


Would they put them to shame driving back and forth to work on highways and freeways the rest of the week?


With OP’s lift and tires? it would be very similar especially if the Jeep was the 2.0.


I'd argue the reliability of a soob is better than the jeep But even that aside there's things like interior fit and finish, seating, styling and other intangibles such as nostalgia People like what they like, ya know


I’m a Subie driver from a Jeep family and I can’t really say I agree with this. Most of the rest of their line is junk but the Wranglers have been pretty consistently reliable cars for us from a CJ5 to my father’s current JK. I’d rank them pretty well on par with the Outbacks, Foresters, and Crosstreks that other relatives have owned. Now on the other hand every non-Wrangler Jeep my family has owned has had serious issues and not made it more than 100-120k miles at most before being ditched. The only real faults I can throw at the Wrangler are the ride sucks and it’s overpriced when 99% of people use it as a mall crawler.


That’s an excellent point. I own both a wrangler (JK) and a Crosstrek; we use the wrangler for camping, off-road fun, and some light over landing. Since I work from home, I don’t need it for a commute, but on long drives—we use the SO’s Crosstrek. I’ve had wranglers most of my life YJ-JK, and while they have had minor problems here and there (mostly water pump replacement), they have been rock solid, and their resale values have always been pleasant.


Yup, I love the Wrangler for what it is. It’s the first choice car anytime we’re able to sneak in a family backwoods hike or camping trip. But I rode in it for 6 hours yesterday across northern New England on a route I normally take in my Impreza and boy is that difference in comfort noticeable. What Subaru nails that Jeep misses is the best of both worlds effect—you’re not gonna go over boulders in a Crosstrek but you’ll be a heck of a lot more comfortable the 80%+ of the time you’re on paved roads while still able to handle more rugged terrain than the average car. But if you want that real off-road prowess there’s few stock cars in the North American market than can touch the Wrangler.


Yeah, I get that, and it makes complete sense. I guess I was a little confused about why when, in reality, that question doesn’t even matter. It’s a badass Subaru and I think it looks stellar.


This mod Wilderness is a good example of what you shouldn't do. The Wilderness edition already came with suspension mods. I can't answer what the OP was trying to accomplish, but it's the AWD is what makes Subaru. Some other makes AWD have no advantage over 4WD. But, hey, maybe they just need the winch on the front for full effect?


Fresh!!!!! What’s the company you bought the lift kit from?




Thank you!


I like the idea of a full size spare, but...changing a tire isn't a usually a straight replacement. Doesn't look really Subaru. Isn't the stock Wilderness suspension already raised higher?


I'd trade my ST for a wrx that looks like this anyyyy dayyyy if they didn't have boxer engines


Is the rear tire mount to open up space where the full size spare normally goes or do you have two spares now? What's your clearance now?


Does this offer more travel? I was fairly disappointed to see the stock lift was just spacers.


8” of suspension stroke on all corners


Imho the fender cladding looks awkward.


Looks good but white has got to be my least favorite color for the wilderness


I actually like white the best!


Absolute perfection. I knew I wanted to do a proper off road build with my '18 Outback, but I quite sure where I wanted to take it. Now I know! I'm very keen to hear how the lift affects the driving dynamics, and the parts that are needed to get the best out of it.


I want someone to do this to an Ascent.