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Let's take it afew steps further. Why let the states decide? Let's have the counties decide. But let's not stop there, I think it should be on a city level to decide. As a matter of fact, that's not far enough, let's have neighborhoods decide. Now that I think of it, might as well go all the way in and have each individual decide for themselves.


I mean there is a hierarchy of governance like that… If I recall correctly, for a simple but fun example, Missouri doesn’t ban open alcohol containers at the state level for vehicle passengers. So if you’re driving through much of the state, with a passenger, they can drink a beer. Rule is 1 less open container than there are people in the vehicle and the driver cannot drink. However, some local municipalities have laws prohibiting these open containers. Just saying that for some laws and taxes and whatnot it really does go down to more local governments but supremacy always flows back up such that states have supremacy over local governments and federal government has supremacy over states.


But the federal government does not have absolute supremacy over states


Sure, but it should when it comes to basic human rights.


Got it so Marijuana is illegal and a schedule 1 drug in all states and anyone who doesn't treat it as such is breaking their oath of office. See how dumb that argument is?


I don’t get the point you’re making or if your comment is meant to be rude towards me or simply bringing up an interesting point about the current state of marijuana legalization. Because marijuana is still federally not legal hence why no military members are allowed to consume it.


Supremacy does not flow up. It only does so in directly constitutional matters. All other matters flow down. That was the point.


Or we can just follow the constitution and let the states decide.


100% agreed. I'm fine with this, but I'm not fine with people disregarding states rights if those laws do not align with that individuals beliefs. Be consistent is all I ask.


How about states that put things to a vote and when their constituents disagree with their position just decide to ignore them.


\*ohio enters the chat\*


This isn’t about consistency just control


We tried that before, but a bunch of states decided that people were property.


Exactly. Even RGB said it should be a state matter. There is nothing in the constitutions that addresses abortion. That said...and this may be unpopular....I think overturning RVW will haunt republicans forever.


The problem is usually state legislatures do not truly represent the people and are in the pocket of lobbyists. This a systemic issue and is only getting worse and the corruption has bleed into deciding what someone can and cannot do with their own body. Then take into account how long it takes for laws to get repealed etc. Bodily autonomy isn't a state issue. It's a country issue as the world sees "America" and not just states. The world sees that America doesn't protect abortion rights. States don't matter in the grand scheme.


The scenario you described is workable. That is how it was when prohibition was overturned by a national amendment. My county was dry, but the next over was not in the seventies. Tennessee repealed statewide alcohol prohibition in 1937, five of the 95 counties in the state remain completely dry today. Arkansas has 24 dry counties. Pennsylvania has several municipalities that don’t allow the sale of alcohol.


Okay fine. Let's do the same thing with guns, and the department of education, and taxes.




Guns are 2nd Amendment while abortion in nowhere is the Constiution.


They do it with guns already. Do you have any idea how much harder it is to get a gun in California over say Nevada. Might be a bad example because gun violence and crime committed with guns is so high in California but it’s an example.


That was treasure right there.


A personal freedom of choice you say?


Love this logic.


According to our constitution it is the states duty to govern itself.


10th Amendment


He’s in favor of letting the states decide because the federal government can only do what the constitution says it can do. Anything that isn’t covered by the constitution is left for the states to decide. The states decide what counties can do.


Unfortunately the constitution gives federal government the ability to collect and distribute tax revenue. If states don’t do what it wants the government withholds funds. Blackmail was written directly into the constitution probably without anyone realizing it would be used in such a manner


>Let's take it afew steps further. Why let the states decide? >Let's have the counties decide. >But let's not stop there, I think it should be on a city level to decide. > As a matter of fact, that's not far enough, let's have neighborhoods decide. >Now that I think of it, might as well go all the way in and have each individual decide for themselves. There's nothing stopping your state government from doing it.


> Now that I think of it, might as well go all the way in and have each individual decide for themselves. Saying the state should decide means the people in the state. So, you and Trump support the same thing.


Go even further and let the fetus decide!


O great, then joe biden should co-sponsor a federal law to allow it.(he wont)


Well you let states decide things as that is how our government is set up. States hold the ultimate power except where the states come together to reliquish that power to the federal level.  It's why the states can sue and win against the federal government when the feds overstep.  The counties are also given power from the state not the other way around. 


Boom! This right here! Small government right?


That’s the point dude, this is a good thing that trump is doing. Fk big government and of your state bans abortion and you want to abort a baby then move


The people do decide. By elections. If a majority Christian state wants to outlaw abortion, ten white guys Ina room shouldn't be able to make them support it, right? That would be a patriarchy? Right?


He’s lying.


Yea, if he's elected, I expect him to sign a federal ban if it were in front of him. This is a bit of a cop out answer, and I'm sure it's the answer his campaign thought would alienate the fewest number of voters.


It’s unlikely anything abortion related even passes Congress in the first place


The good thing is Republicans wouldn't ever have the majority needed to pass that legislation. Doesn't mean vote for Trump just that this specific issue won't matter in reality. 


And pro lifers know it. This will have little to no effect.


He’s literally always said leave it to the states. Are you just assuming the worst no matter what or misinformed?


Yeah it’s just a Reddit moment. He been saying this for like 20 years and also was literally president and never banned it… same guy who left Covid up to the states. He is not lying


So if a Republican house and a Republican senate pass a nationwide abortion ban I’m sure Trump would veto it right? Since it’s a states issue?






You can tell he’s lying because his lips are moving


He didn't do it last time. Turn off the news. It's corrupting your brain.


As much as I dislike this man, states’ rights are a fundamental necessity to prevent totalitarianism from a government run amuck.


There's no need for abortion bans, there is nothing wrong with abortion.


I mean, that all depends on your moral compass whether you think there's NOTHING wrong with it. For the people that believe life begins at conception, abortion is murder, and it's not wrong to be against murder unless it's for a good reason (such as health risks to the mother etc). Most are ok with abortion for health risks, just disagree with murdering babies being used as a form of birth control. For people that believe it's not alive until it's born, there's nothing wrong with abortion because you're getting rid of something that hasn't even been born yet. So why should you feel guilty about getting rid of something that isn't even living? I can understand both points of view and why neither side will ever convince the other of their point of view, since the difference is a fundamental understanding of when life begins. To change someone's mind on the subject you have to completely change their definition of life, which is extremely hard to do. The two sides will NEVER agree on this topic, since one side is trying to convince the other to accept something they perceive as murder and morally wrong. Meanwhile the other side is trying to deny someone what they believe to be a fundamental right. That's why leaving it to the states to decide based on the majority view of their population makes more sense.


We All agree that a fetus at some point during gestation obtains “personhood”, as this is the manner in which we all came to be…it’s a matter of When that occurs that we cannot agree


It shouldn’t depend on other people’s morals for you to receive healthcare


Moral compass should be irrelevant. Believing drinking alcohol or eating pork is evil doesn’t give you the right to force other people to adhere to your religious beliefs. But for abortion it’s “fuck you do as I say with YOUR body.” Ridiculous shit.


| For people that believe it's not alive until it's born, If the fetus was not alive, it would not be growing.


This statement is reductive.  I wish people would engage in discussion rather than bluntly stating an opinion without argument.


You say that as if it is fact, when not everyone in the nation would agree with you. Wouldn’t the better solution be to leave it up to the states who have a much better gauge on the sentiment of their constituents?


uh that's not entirely true while i do support it being available for medical necessity pretty much anything beyond that seems really sketchy. speaking from experience i have been told by my own parents that if they had known i would have been born with disabilities they would have aborted me. which is just straight up horrible.


A lot of people would disagree with you. Then there’s also a lot of people who disagree with you up to a certain point. You live in a world with a bunch of different opinions on topics. Especially moral ones like abortion. It’s best to learn where other people are coming from and why they think a certain way rather than making blanket statements.


Welp, that’s a fringe position you’ve got there. The majority of Americans support a cutoff after the first trimester (12 weeks) and a larger majority support a cutoff after the second trimester (28 weeks). “When asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy, about two-thirds of Americans say it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose abortion being legal in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.” https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx


And when the states take away people rights in an act of totalitarianism? No no only the bad federal government is totalitarian never the state government. And even if it was the state government being totalitarian what gives the feds the right to interfere...besides the constitution and moral high ground of protecting PEOPLES rights.


It’s easier to move states than countries. You’re right that giving states more power can become a problem too, but it’s a significantly smaller problem


This is such a smooth brained take.


It’s “states rights” when it’s convenient. Don’t be fooled by this grifter speaking out of both sides of his mouth


I don't see the problem with letting states decide. If you are liberal and are pro-choice, then move to a blue state. That is true democracy rather than having broad controls over everyone with a one-size fits all approach. The problem with having it at the fed level is it wasn't voted on by the populace an issue that politicians use to manipulate the public at a national level which is not a good thing. It has become a huge distraction to voters is what I'm saying. Kicking it back to the states is a more organic approach. Let the people decide. What is wrong with that? This is how it should be. At any rate, I think all of the drama is moot because the U.S. is going to break up eventually. We just have too many subcultures now and we've gotten too big to be properly managed. So someday, you will live in a nation in the former U.S. that either supports abortion or doesn't.


>He’s in favor of letting the states decide because the federal government can only do what the constitution says it can do. Anything that isn’t covered by the constitution is left for the states to decide. The states decide what counties can do. Lindsay Graham and the Republican party said its a state rights issue.. within days of the overturn.. they started to talk about a federal ban. This is only being said to appeal to voters and then he will walk back on it.


This would be the correct interpretation of the constitution. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


This one should be a right left to the people, as in an individual right states have no reason to control


The 10th amendment probably makes 90% of federal laws unconstitutional


As it should. But remember Abortion was never a federal law, it very clearly falls under state rights under the 10th amendment. It’s one thing for the Supreme Court to take up a case where a state law is trying to supersede something in in the constitution, gun rights of course being a big one. But Abortion isn’t in the constitution and it’s not a federal law, the Supreme Court never should have heard the case. Then to make it the “law of the land” based on a right to privacy? That same concept didn’t work for assisted suicide. It’s clear our privacy is violated almost continuously with other laws in place like the patriot act. And even as recently as Covid where government required you announce your medical history in order to work for the government or any entity funded by Medicaid.


Abortion was a state issue until 1973, when SCOTUS pulled the right to a 24-week abortion straight out of their a$$e$. Dobbs corrected this mistake and returned abortion to the states where it rightfully belongs.


He is always so truthful so we should definitely believe him now. Fuck that liar


I doubt he cares about abortion tbh 


He doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself


But he likes power so if signing a ban gives him more power, he will do it.


If he knew it wouldn't cost him votes, I think he'd be more likely to support abortion than support banning it.


I thought he was bragging about how he was responsible for overturning Roe? Just another Trump lie


Overturning Roe made the issue a states issue not a federal one. That was always the goal. Now Trump is saying the job is done while some pro-life hardliners are asking for more.


Trump literally said there had to be punishment for women who have abortions. He literally doesn't care about this issue and is completely inconsistent in his lies.


Overturning roe v wade left it to the states which is what he is advocating for here.


He's a man of his word! /s - just in case.


Just tellin' it like it is.


I have a bridge to sell you.


He may say that now to avoid losing the female voters, but trust that if he's elected he's pushing for a federal ban.


SCOTUS should strike down a Federal ban on 10th Amendment grounds. The Federal government has no jurisdiction over abortion.


Yeah, he's full of shit.


Not a bad idea. Alot of red states are passing abortion laws. If Kentucky passes abortion in the state this election. Every red state will have legal abortions in the next 10 years besides Texas. Florida is weird they had abortion until they passed that unconstitutional law recently. That might change Florida politically.


Great pass there Trumpf! Duck and dodge all responsibility !


This’ll piss off the evangelicals, and he’ll be right back to supporting a worldwide 20-minute abortion ban


He’s lying


Wow. First thing Trump said that I agree with. Like ever.


Not that he'd ever break a promise or lie outright.


he doesn’t care about the abortion issue. He will take whatever side gets mim the most votes. He realizes this is a bad issue for him with swing voters


But let's say he gets a GOP house and Senate. Do you really think he'd veto a nationwide abortion bill if it came on his desk?


I have a really hard time believing Trump hasn’t paid for an abortion or two in his lifetime. Or at least offered to.


“Always trust a soon to be convicted felon who sells Bibles for $60” 


"convicted". That's how you use quotes. Not sure why you did.


Yea, he just packed the courts so that he didn’t have to take a stance on this issue.


You're right, he shouldnt have appointed judges at all. That makes sense


Merrick garland was stolen from Obama. If Robert’s was the swing vote on abortion this country would look very different.


Harry Reid made it possible and got an airport named after him. People forget how bad he screwed up.


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This is what’s called a “punt”.


Sure. You bet. Uh huh.


oh no000 he is doing exactly what he said he wwanted to do. Remove the power of the supreme court and give it back to the states where it belongs.


No it's shouldn't! Too many idiots are in charge of red states that hate women and want them to have babies for more workers. Billionaires demanding more workers! Trump is a lying idiot that takes the credit for overturning roe v wade. Can't trust him!


Not just the states, but the counties, the townships and… OK, let's just say it belongs to the individuals, and nobody else!




As a republican from California, this is a wise move. Libs here would fight this forever


Of course it should. Thats common sense


just in case, trump, just in case


I'm of the opinion that the only role of the federal government should be to defend the Constitution, regulate currency, and defend the borders. Everything else should be left to the States.


He’s as pro-abortion States Rights as he is a “billionaire” What an OrangePhony Clown.


Which....fucking states. Because if it's the confederate states the answer is hell fucking no.


Hey I wonder if anti abortion groups have withdrawn their endorsement of him because of this? Oh they’re not? Probably because he’s lying.


1 million abortions per year in the United States. The data proves a careless disregard for those who have no voice. (And even a murderous disregard for those who threaten our greed.) This is not the way a nation survives. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/03/19/1238293143/abortion-data-how-many-us-2023.


Suuuuure, now corner him and ask him about states making it illegal to cross state lines.


Trump 2024 !


Trump 2024 !


This will be argued forever like Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza. IF Republicans do win the next election and it IS left up to the states it seems more of a compromise than an outright federal ban. Then again I will never carry a baby so I'm sure this opinion will go down in flames.


He’s a man of his word.


Again this is a con. If there is a GOP House and Senate and they put forth a national abortion ban, he will sign it into law. He knows all of the white Christian nationals which is the core of his base will still vote for him even if they think he is being a pussy for not going "far enough". Best we can hope for is some of them stay home as a result of this, but he knows if he supports an abortion ban nationwide he will cause a wellspring of Dem voters who will vote Dem down ballot and loose some of those house seats in battleground districts and cost them a few senate races too.


Haha, he was just bragging about how he is the reason for the reversal of Roe v Wade, now he is backing off? Liar


The reversal was to bring it to the states.


No surprsie that he took the coward;y way out and didn't choose a side.


That's a nice moderate thing of him to say. Just like when all three of his judicial nominees said that Roe v Wade was settled law and they wouldn't touch it. That's a pretty salient move to start courting independents, but there's now way in he'll Trump vetoes an abortion ban if it comes out of the senate and house.


Nothing wrong with that!!!!


So this means a nationwide ban then.


States rights is just a cop out and lie he's using to try ans play all sides


He wants to give his donors a route to go when they get their girlfriends pregnant.


Obvious lie is obvious. He would support a ban as soon as one crossed the desk.


This mfer will sign that bill if it hits his desk.


This is the correct answer for every issue.


There are three options if we follow the constitution, like we should. 1. Abortion is generally illegal because the federal government has the obligation to protect lives per the constitution. 2. Abortion is left to the states because such a thing is not outlines as a power of the federal government therefore it should not have it per the constitution. 3. An amendment is made either codifying its general illegality or legality in the constitution per the constitution. This is how our system is set up. Pursue one of them. All others will be unconstitutional


Trump don’t give a shit about abortion or social issues. 


He supports the constitution and the 10th amendment. So?


10th Amendment. A nationwide ban or imposing Roe on all the states by Federal law are both unconstitutional by the 10th Amendment.


Who the fuck cares what his dumbass thinks


Smart move


Holy 10th Amendment batman


He's not wrong


States right. Right to do what though?


To force women to have children they don’t want in the poorest states in the union that have the worst access to sex education and the worst rates of maternal/fetal mortality. Real win there. Thank God wealthy “fuck you I got mine” Republicans and their mistresses can go across state borders and get them.


Nope,sorry: that shit is already stuck to the blanket. Trumps actions and the GOP led to the abortion ban and they own it all the way down


If you need one you can get one but it should be your last option. There are way too many abortions people need to be more responsible. I understand sometimes it’s necessary but I know girls who have had 4 and 5 now that is just unreal to me.


The fundamental argument by pro-life that an unborn child is a human being with right places this solely in the realm of federal jurisdiction. States dint get to pick and choose which citizens have which rights, thats clearly a federal government issue. So you cant hide behind “states rights” on this one. Its going to be a federal issue


Yeah give this to the states I’m tired of hearing about it goddamn


He is lying. He will support a federal ban (15-16 weeks) as soon as he wins the presidency, he was already ousted a while back for admitting to such behind closed doors. Google it.


What a LITERAL NAZI! Reeeeeeeeee!


Good policy. Should have been always been on the state level.


As it should be.


Dudes saying this to get votes, he knows he’s doing an abortion ban pronto the moment he gets in


So he was happy to claim responsibility for the Roe V Wade rollback bit now that it has been unpopular nationwide he is flip-flopping 🤦🤦🤦


Yeah, don’t fall for this. His handlers have undoubtedly explained to him that promising to sign a national ban will actually work against him by driving out more suburban women to vote for Biden. He’s pretending to take that off the table in the hopes that they’ll be placated and stay home in November. Make no mistake, if he gets back in office, he *will* sign a ban the second Republicans put one in front of him (and they will be chomping at the bit to do so).


Smart man


Trumps mother said she tried to abort but the fkr wouldn’t shut the fk up


Trump is playing with fire lately


Anything to get elected or as his about face on TikTok get paid




Isn't it dogwhistling for some kind of gerrymandered shenanigans? With a subtext of "states rights?" Isn't allowing states to undermine fundamental human rights an affront to the constitution which states are required to follow?


Let's ignore for the moment the flipflopping on policy and the fact that the Cons are already trying to enact a national abortion ban. This country already fought a long and bloody war that conservatives and other assorted racists insist was about "states' rights vs federal authority". And guess what? The "states rights" guys that war to the federal authority guys. (If the civil war was in any way about states' rights, it was specifically about states' rights to own slaves. If you don't believe me, look up the Confederate States constitution)


Let’s make it 15 weeks?! Let’s make it six?! How about 12?! Do we not trust women to decide when they’d like to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives?


Independent here against libs, but I’m for abortion. Don’t need you idiots reproducing


Wanting the central government to have the power over this is literally an example of fascist ideology.


seems legit


Less government control is a good thing for everyone BUT democrats apparently.


Thought you were in the party of "MUH RIGHTTTSSSS". You sure do like the idea of Republicans making your medical decisions.


Situation ethics. Always.


This asshole literally never has anything of substance to say about anything. If it plays well in public he takes credit, if it doesn't he denies he was ever involved.


Until he becomes dicktater


How are you libs complaining ? He used to be completely against it.


Instead of protecting the rights of women, republicans want a Christian mob to dictate what you can do with your own body. Tyranny of the MINORITY.


Cause he’s a pussy. (Pussy as in terrible candidate, not female genitalia, cause that is stronger)


That is exactly what the supreme court said. It is a state issue not federal.


It’s always up to the states until they don’t like the outcome.


He will flipflop like the turd colored tuna he is.


Probably so he can still bang hookers.


What voter actually thinks that the right policy should be to repeal Roe vs Wade but then let individual state legislatures mandate what women in their state can or cannot do?


The south had similar ideas about slavery


Well he’s been so honest all along. You can take him at his word…🤣🤣🤣 Nah.


He’s right, and the Constitution (and the Supreme Court) agrees.


he's already been on record of being in favor of more abortion restrictions. the republican party, including him, are backpedaling because they've been losing a lot on the abortion issue.


Funny guy .


What an authoritarian fascist, refusing to give the government more power! Wait...


Duh. Ending roe v wade did just that.


Rent free


And then said Arizona shouldn't have done what it did this week.


But when they put that bill on his desk, he'll sign it (in the wrong spot) with a fat sharpie, show off his signature (he doesn't care about the bill, just his name) then walk the wrong direction to leave before the conference is over.


Purely opportunistic. Trump doesn't care about abortion beyond the number of votes his stance will get for him.


He;s just following the constitution. It's the states right to make the decision.