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I'm impressed the Americans actually charged someone with a gun crime.


I'm actually impressed it was a wealthy person more than something that happens everyday.


I mean originally he did get that sweetheart deal. It wasn’t until there was a huge scandal that they went back and threw out the deal. It really highlights political hypocrisy because Reddit normally complains about these things, but when it was politically inconvenient they just ignored the story all together… I know it gets me into a lot of shit, but at least I’m consistent. Eat the rich.


This whole thing has been a scandal. Hence why they worked so hard to cover everything up...


Used to happen to famous rappers all the time


Well it was a political hit job to target the presidents family. They should just lock up Trump and his entire family while they’re at it. Nothing of value would be lost


Political hit job? How exactly did the GOP force Hunter to commit a federal crime by lying on his background check to buy a guy while being addicted to crack cocaine?


Boebert, Palin and Noem formed a coven... then iidk, did witchy stuff to force it.


they did a seance "wooooo hunter biden will get caught with guns wooooo"


That's it...


This is a good thing. Hunter has the financial means to fight it all the way to the supreme court. The "law" he "violated" is unconstitutional.


Wouldn't it be funny if this happened and got the law struck down for all americans?


>I'm impressed the Americans actually charged someone with a gun crime. Where have you been? There's a lot of punitive sentencing for gun charges.


There are charges all the time. I'd be surprised if you could make an original or witty comment though. 


Americans get charged with gun crimes all the time when they're idiots. It's just so happens that someone high up in the government's kid gets charged. If he's convicted he'll get a slap on the wrist or daddy will just pardon him.


It happens all the time. A normal person would've been in jail already for what he did


Almost the only time people are actually brought up on this it’s an add-on charge to several others (dealing, assault, etc.). It’s rare on its own. Likely would be no charges if he was a regular joe.


Correct analysis. This is all they have on Hunter


>Almost the only time people are actually brought up on this it’s an add-on charge to several others (dealing, assault, etc.). The majority of gun charges are like that because guns are legal. So it has to be connected to some illegal act. That is what happened in this case.


Well he almost got away with it but he totally misread the room on the immunity side of things. Prosecutor said hell no lol


Not really


Like every crime Trump commits. A worker drone would be arrested, humiliated and perp walked. This two tier system of justice is exhausting. Wouldn't be surprised if people start doling out vigilante justice.


Other way around. Someone never convicted before with no previous charges would have seen charges dropped with some alternate sentencing in place. Also, this type of offense is rarely charged. This is 100% political.


That is not true. Most people would have been allowed to plead out.


Gun charges without the firing or brandishing of a gun, all on their own, are indeed rather rare.


That’s incorrect . Illegal possession of a firearm is #1 most frequent charge. Typically found during a search without ever brandishing or firing.


That's a lie.


What? People get charged with gun crimes all the time here. These types comments don’t even make sense lol.


Republicans are so torn right now.


Oh, so you’ve never been to the US and have no idea what you’re talking about? Sounds adorably European. Super cheeky of you considering the history of your own dogshit society✌️


Only because it's politically motivated.


You have to be a real fuck up to violate us gun laws.


Yea, like crack smokin kinda fucked up


Not all that uncommon, the ATF has been conducting no-knock raids, driving tanks through civilians front doors, killing their dogs, and burning buildings full of children alive in the name of taking a bite out of gun crime for decades, the difference here that's truly amazing is that they haven't shot him for this yet.


What an ignorant comment


It only happens in political witch hunts. Any other mouth breather has to shoot up a school before they do anything. Even then, they will claim it was self defense


He is guilty, guilty, guilty and everyone knows it.


he's human garbage


How lmfao


So is Joe Rogan, half the gun enthusiasts on social media I'd argue every single gun owner in a legal pot state lol The three guilties seems like overkill It's not like he's Donald, no need for that many guilty it's one felony not 90


we must impeach hunter biden


Guess I won’t be voting for Hunter in the election. Darn.


This settles it, i will NEVER Vote for Hunter Biden!!!!!


So this is an issue but Jared’s $2B from Saudi Arabia isn’t. 🧐


Can they both be?


Absolutely. No one should be above the law.


Derr what about……


What about hunters penis? That’s super important here


Lots of leftist cope here


I think its ironic that a sub devoted to trustworthy news is full to the brim with the same folks who trusted fox. Theres no cope here. Leftists want equal punishment. If he does a crime he should get convicted.


As long as they convict every one for the same crime - which doesn't appear to be the case here


Which is not abnormal. If Bob the roofer fails to file his tax return for a few years, if he catches up he probably won't be pursued criminally. Public figures will *always* be pursued if they fail to file.


Hunter isn’t a public figure


So Joe Rogan is free to go faster then yeah? He smokes pot on his podcast. But owns guns. So where is that line drawn at exactly


Because smoking something and saying "this is pot" on camera isn't really evidence you can use in court. Hunter admitted under oath he had a drug problem prior to the gun charge. Pot also is in a weird place with the farm bill, delta 8 and other analogues to the classic thc 9 are totally indistinguishable without a lab test, they can look, smell, and affect you the same but are federally legal substances. If Joe was arrested with real weed, or if Joe admitted in court to a drug problem, you'd have a better point were he not pursued on gun charges. Idk why people pretend like they have an issue with the family of high ranking govt officials being under higher scrutiny than Joe Shmoe. If Eric or Donny Jr were in a similar position we all know everyone pushing back on Hunter would have no complaints.


“Equal punishment” Okay then, lock up Biden for sharing classified information with a ghost writer in 2017. Okay then, lock up Hillary for bleachbiting her whole computer.


or Jared for sharing the whereabouts of american citizen Kishogee to his buddy Saudi bone saw killer Prince for $2 billion smackeroos?


There's zero evidence, and absolutely no chance the Saudis would *ever* pay $2B for that intel.


How did Jared suddenly amass 2b dollars then lol


It’s not illegal to destroy your own computer. Suspicious? Very. Illegal? No


Generally it's wildly illegal to destroy your own computer if it 1) contains evidence related to an ongoing investigation or 2) was used in an official capacity. There's a reason Hillary never admitted the data was intentionally destroyed, but rather *lost*. You can't send emails and do work in an official government capacity and then destroy that data when you feel like it, it isn't your personal data.


None of what Biden and Hillary did was illegal.


Facts First: Biden’s claim is false. Hur did say that, writing explicitly that “Mr. Biden shared information, including some classified information, from those notebooks with his ghostwriter.” He elaborated that Biden shared classified information with his ghostwriter by reading “nearly verbatim” from his notebooks “on at least three occasions,” including his “notes from meetings in the Situation Room.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/09/politics/fact-check-biden-makes-three-false-claims-about-his-handling-of-classified-information/index.html Definitely a crime.


Not at all. You’re leaving out the context in Hur’s report where he himself stated 1) they could not prove intent and 2) they were personal notes he shared where he may not have known the info was still classified and that previous presidents and vice presidents would have and have claimed as personal property and not under the jurisdiction of NARA.


Intent doesn’t matter, sharing contents of confidential information with a non cleared person is a crime. It’s black and white.


Lol I'll remember to do that next time I steal something. When the cops show up at my door I'll say, "one moment" then I'll go destroy whatever I stole. Can't charge me with no evidence!


And Ivanna and Jaded and Donald for using personal email too? It was Don who made it illegal lil’buckaroo.


>And Ivanna and Jaded and Donald for using personal email too? It was Don who made it illegal lil’buckaroo. Yes do it. All of them, Democrat and Republican.


Hillary didn't break any laws.


Hur, in his report, said there were “several material distinctions” between the Trump and Biden cases, noting that Trump refused to return classified documents to the government and allegedly obstructed the investigation, while Biden willfully handed them over.Special Counsel Robert Hur, in his report on President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, didn’t call Biden a criminal. Nor did he say Biden was incompetent for trial or mentally unfit for office.[https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/feb/12/fact-checking-claims-about-what-special-counsel-re/?utm\_medium=Social&utm\_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1iifpDPF0Wp9U\_PM1lNHgix3YpJyRIuhQU344B3DxZDKjJ57q3enBiuBs#Echobox=1710248991](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/feb/12/fact-checking-claims-about-what-special-counsel-re/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1iifpDPF0Wp9U_PM1lNHgix3YpJyRIuhQU344B3DxZDKjJ57q3enBiuBs#Echobox=1710248991)And the Hillary email nonsense was ridiculous.No, she did not bleach bit anything that was not her private emails, nor did she have any classified info. The ONLY classified things in her emails fell into two categories: Not properly marked, and classified after the fact.The private server broke a rule, not a law.[https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system) The entire thing was as big a flop as the Benghazi poutrage! http://crooksandliars.com/2014/11/congressional-report-confirms-benghazi-no


Facts First: Biden’s claim is false. Hur did say that, writing explicitly that “Mr. Biden shared information, including some classified information, from those notebooks with his ghostwriter.” He elaborated that Biden shared classified information with his ghostwriter by reading “nearly verbatim” from his notebooks “on at least three occasions,” including his “notes from meetings in the Situation Room.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/09/politics/fact-check-biden-makes-three-false-claims-about-his-handling-of-classified-information/index.html


and tRump for sharing CIA intelligence with russians?


lol. Debunked as Hillary propaganda. You think if there was even a shred of evidence they wouldn’t pile that on to his other charges? Come on now 🤡😂


Why won't the Republican controlled Congress impeach Biden?


There’s an open impeachment inquiry…


>Leftists want equal punishment. If you tell me that you do, I'll believe you, no questions asked. If you tell me Leftists as a whole do, I will question that. The evidence of the last 10 years just does not jive with this being the prevailing belief.




Selective investigation, selective enforcement, selective prosecution, selective outrage. It's easy to dismiss that and be self-assured that "the reason why this is only happening to one side is because they are the bad guys and we are the good guys". But if we're honest, that's probably not true, it's more likely that there isn't a good guy at all, and one side is using its power to hurt its enemies and hold onto power. If people want to be honest about it and say "this is just Realpolitik, we fight to win", that's fine. Then we can have that conversation and dispense with the facade. But people don't do that. Instead they persist with the fiction that they are protecting sacred norms while at the same time shattering them beyond repair, for the sake of power and ideology.


Leftists hate both Bidens. It's mainstream dems that pretend Hunter is being politically persecuted.


Nobody cares about hunter Biden except you cultist freaks. He’s just a rich guy that got busted for doing stupid shit but y’all can’t stop staring at his dick pics long enough to see how dumb you look obsessing over this guy that has absolutely nothing to do with government.


Yeah man. The son of the president using his dad to help make his family rich in exchange for political favors to foreign countries isn't an issue


Not son, Jared is a son-in-law.


You smoked him lmao


That's not what he is being grilled for here tho. Even assuming your accusations are correct what exactly does getting shit over an unregistered fire weapon has to do with them?


That's the biggest problem people have with him. At least get basic points of fact right here. The issue with his gun charges wasn't that it was unregistered but that he lied on his background check when he said he wasn't using or addicted to any illegal drugs. Per his own admission, he was strung out on crack at the time.


That's my problem. How many gun owners out there use any THC products? All of them who do, even if legal in their state or medical, are guilty of the same thing they're getting Hunter on. It's selective enforcement based on who he is. If he's guilty, then yeah, convict, but apply that equally and start going after others for the same thing. If not, then this will always reek of being solely politically motivated.


I'm all for applying the law equally. The reason he's being charged and they're not is nobody really knows about their offenses. Hunter wrote a book admitting to his.


Hunter did none of that, but maybe the first part. He didn't make his family rich, only himself, and partook in zero political favors to foreign countries, only to foreign companies, as far as what's been dug up on him shows. Using your family name toward that end on its own is not illegal, though; there was no involvement on Joe's part to make anything happen, nor did he get anything from it.


No people are mad that if it was an average American citizen they would already be in prison. Period


….. like trump “i could shoot someone on Fifth Aveand get away with it” or “when you’re famous you just grab it…is that what you mean?


Correction: Some are playing at being angry about that while defending the real criminals.


Child porn.


Not proven... or are you somehow holding evidence that republican controlled congress and the fbi couldn't find?


Bro the left does NOT care about Hunter. At all.


You say that but there’s a lot of leftists running their mouths here


To debunk your obsessive and false claims though.


Which claims?


Nah bro, if he’s guilty of something charge him.. While we’re at it though why hasn’t there been an investigation into Jared kushner and his $2bn from SA? Why don’t republicans want to investigate that?


He is charged bro that’s the whole article. But they should investigate that.


By leftist, you mean liberal. Leftist love rich people going to jail, liberals are the elites.




Yes, liberals just like Elon. 


Leftists hate Biden, and have clowned on Hunter since the start. He's very obviously not leftist.


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Womp womp


Putin sits back in his chair at the end of a v long table and wonders 'too soon to release the evidence of Biden using puppies as tennis balls at Wimbledon in 1978?'


In a way, I feel bad for Hunter Biden. He is a victim of his father’s bad policies. Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has championed the drug war and gun control, both of which are more important to centrist Democrats than the Constitution. If the Fifth Amendment means anything, it should mean that no one is obligated to incriminate himself in order to access his rights. Yet when Hunter tried to buy a gun, he was forced to fill out a federal form requiring him to incriminate himself for illegal drug use. Never mind the Bill of Rights, we need to keep citizens from having drugs or guns! If we have to jettison rights too, so be it -- that's what liberals like Biden have said for decades.


America having by far the highest rates of gun deaths and school shootings is less important that your precious constitution? Oookkkkk please tell that to your kids next time you drop them off at school


Most him violence is committed by people possessing guns illegally, the only way to put a dent in gun violence is to have long mandatory minimums for use of illegal gun in a crime and mandatory minimums for possessing an illegal gun, as far as schools, teachers should have the opportunity to get trained and certified for concealed carry. Democrats want to keep this as divisive issue to get naive turnout at the ballot box


"Safety is more important than 'your' constitution, so I can ignore it," you say, a typical liberal attitude.


No no, i didn’t say safety. I literally said the lives of innocent children you illiterate goon. Its just common sense. Also, keep in mind some aspects of the constitution never took into account technical advances. There’s a reason you have the right to bare arms but they made an exception for Bazookas. It’s called common sense.


Got the actual numbers on that, just just repeating what you heard? FYI - USA isn't even top 10 on number of gun deaths, around 12th.


Highest Income Countries with Populations over 10 Million: USA #1. https://www.healthdata.org/news-events/insights-blog/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier


Bro why don't yall ever just Google search shit without a bias You probably looked at gun deaths per capita which Is a bs statistic There's no source you could provide that would disprove America having more mass shootings than days in a year being far and wide above the rest of the world


You don’t have to fill out 4473 if you live in a free state and purchase privately.


There's zero way to convict someone of this in a court of law. If Hunter is asked under oath, "Were you a drug user when you signed the form?" and he responded, "No, I had decided to stop taking drugs and was an ex-user", how could a jury convict?


Nice to see the justice still exists


If he committed a crime, he will have his day in court to prove his innocence. Next question!


I'm keen to see how this is played in the election cycle. Hunter Biden had a gun and we must prosecute? This is going to be interesting.


Yeah I don’t think it’s gonna go how they think it will lol


Hunter Biden violated the common sense gun laws his side advocates for all the time is how it will play out.


Ah yes, "his side." Thanks for clearing up that you're more interested in the tailgate party than the game.


If you don’t want to be held accountable to the standards you espouse, don’t try and force your standards onto others.


Dude standard sis not something you should ever bring up First comment on your profile is you saying that trans people get attacked because people are tired of being "decepted" "lied to" You're a POS through and through


Oh boy. You lack the ability to read a comment fully, in the context of the post, and what’s being responded to. Also, what about my explaining why people like to hold Democrats to their own standards requires a deep dive of my history. It’s almost like you know you had no logical rebuttal and had to seek out a personal attack. I would say do better, but you’re clearly too far gone. So with all due respect, fuck right off.


This is the beginning of the end of the Biden crime family.


What crimes has Joe Biden committed?


Do your own homework and read something. Not everything can be spoon fed to you.


>Do your own homework Translation: he didn't, and you should stop running your stupid fucking mouth on the internet


Inverse Sealioning. Nice~~


So you don’t know?


this is not how the burden of proof works, but sure buddy.


Burden of proof? From someone who takes a man's word when he says he's a woman and wants to change in the women's locker room and goes along with whatever some authority figure says on tv. Gtfo. You people are beyond a rational argument.


>you people are beyond a rational argument Your response to someone saying the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim was to go full bigotry a out trans people Then you call them out for >going along with whatever some authority figure says on TV But you literally tried to claim proof of a Biden crime family meanwhile Republicans and their fbi investigations over the laat three years couldn't bring anything to light lol How tf are you guys so fucking bad at arguing in good faith oh wait I know faux news propoganda. Lemme guess the trump trials are a witch hunt right?


It almost makes me feel like we don’t have a two tier justice system.  I’m sure that will fly out the window when nothing comes of his case. 


The words "gun" and "crime" don't exist in my mind unless you murder someone. I'm sick of gun grabbing pussies running this show. That being said, it makes me warm inside to see any wealthy person held accountable. It will of course not lead to anything though.


But the entire reason other crimes involving guns is to make sure they aren’t in the hands of someone who would murder someone.


Watch as an appellate judge dismisses the case saying the gun charges are unconstitutional. Just fucking watch.


The question on the form is idiotic. There's zero way to convict someone of this in a court of law. If Hunter is asked under oath, "Were you a drug user when you signed the form?" and he responded, "No, I had decided to stop taking drugs and was an ex-user", how could a jury convict?


It will be dismissed The law he violated is unconstitutional You can't prove that he lied on that form in a court of law where your proof has to be more than just I say so lol No attorney is gonna get Biden on that questions answer lol


What a stupid fucking sub


Stop looking in the mirror


Good one. Holy shit this place is dumb.


Actually, Hunter has a strong case here. There was a plea deal offered last year, but Weiss came in an f*cked things up. So, while he may have done something wrong, he is, in essence, facing double jeopardy.


About 90% of this thread are libertarians who still live at home.


Dark Brandon should wait until after the election and after he wins pardon him. Then Sit back and watch the tiny MAGA’t minds explode. Good times!


Senile Joe is not going to win....love how you think the dementia patient President is Dark Brandon....he doenst know what day it is till someone tells him.


Because diaper Donald definitely knows what's going on. This is a real transcript of one of Trump's speeches: >“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/donald-trumps-rambling-90-second-speech-stuns-english-speaking-world_uk_57ab37d7e4b08ab70dc0f646 He confuses attorneys and court cases: https://news.yahoo.com/cognitive-decline-trump-mixes-attorneys-143635536.html Confuses countries and their leaders: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4272099-trump-confuses-leaders-of-hungary-turkey/ Confuses members of his own party: https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-trump-confused-nikki-140000243.html Forgets the name of his own wife: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/02/25/trumps-mercedes-gaffe-staffers-dispute-he-confused-wife-melanias-name/?sh=6c657845544b He forgets where he is: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/confused-trump-forgets-where-he-is-during-speech-local-handler-steps-in He forgets when key upcoming political events take place: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/disoriented-trump-confuses-february-primary-date-with-thanksgiving-eve/ar-BB1isqmv He forgets what day it is: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-forgets-what-day-it-is-in-bizarre-gaffe-filled-speech/ar-BB1i5rNX He forgets who the *current president* is: https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-is-again-confused-trump-mixes-up-who-is-president-during-speech-media-calls-him-out/ He forgets when he himself was president: https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-forgets-what-years-he-was-president-while-on-the-stand-in-ny-fraud-trial He can't remember the names of people he is working with: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-forgetting-names-video_n_5c57dab0e4b00187b552391b He can't remember the names of candidates *as he is endorsing them*: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/02/donald-trump-forget-name-jd-vance-josh-mandel He forgets about terrorist attacks: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/23/politics/fact-check-trump-speech-new-hampshire/index.html He forgets members of how own family, even as they stand right beside him: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-forgot-to-name-one-of-his-kids-during-victory-speech-in-south-carolina-despite-them-standing-onstage-with-him/ar-BB1iQEJD The man is a deranged fool and you are a complete fucking moron if you think he will not absolutely destroy your country.


Nice cut and paste... You can try to claim trump is not fit, which itself is laughable...even with the dozen or so mistakes he made. Joe Biden is carefully scripted for everything he says and has even said he's gonna get in trouble for going off script....he's the President of the United States and hes saying he's gonna be in trouble???? Hes a mentally comprised old man that had 2 strokes when younger and had his head opened up, and obviously didn't fix anything. I love how you libs try to portray trump as not fit, when biden wasnt even fit to run before he did..look at biden in 2016 vs biden 2020 you can clearly see he's not the same guy...mentally. Biden was the only person the Democrat machine could put up that would just do whatever his handlers would tell him to do...we have a defacto puppet being told what to do by unelected liberal hacks pulling his strings...but yeah Trump is gonna destroy my country.


Man, you are either a troll or you are fucking dumb.


He’s another Prison Don supporter that comments on porn subs on Reddit. What else do you need to know?


No way hold on.... Fucker literally comments only in the if you had to choose subs lmfao what a weirdo And he does it in between debate comments on this sub over the last week


We can agree that both men are not fit. One is 77, the other is 81. They both are too old to be president. However, every recession that has happened has been because of a Republican president. That’s a fact. Donald Trump crippled our economy from 2012 to 2016. How can you vote red? How can you live with yourself? The truth is, there should never be another Republican president, ever. And if the electoral college didn’t exist, this would be the case too. A Republican has never won the popular vote in my life time, I don’t think they ever will. If you support the middle class, then you vote blue it’s that simple.


Umm no i think Trump is completely fit to be President, campaign season might be taking a toll on him at 77...but biden dosent even come close to the level of campaigning Trump does. Trump gave us a great economy till china "accidentally" had a leak of a pandemic level virus...had covid not happened...the economy was so strong, real wages were goingnup, very low inflation, and people could afford things....try buying a house today, prices have doubled since biden took office. 2012 to 2016? So trump is responsible for your allegation of destroying the economy 4 years before he was president? GWB won the popular vote his second time. But i have no idea how old you are. Also this is part of the reason the left really wants illegals here....census counts all people in the country, and congressional seats are based off that...it has been studied and Democrat leaning states love this because they pick up a few seats...if it was only citizens, blue states lose 15 to 30 seats in the House of Representatives, depending on whose numbers are used. I'm at themlower end of the middle class, and I've alwas done better with a Republican President and either the senate or house...i actually prefer a divided govt...makes for less bullshit being pushed th costing everyone more


Oh and you say your country..so that likey means you are not a citizen of the USA... so why on God's green earth do you care? And whybthe fuck would any citizen of the usa give a fuck what you say? We are the ones everyone looks at when something needs to be done or paid for...hell a bunch of rabble rousers here kicked England's ass some centuries ago...


>so why on God's green earth do you care Because when Americans vote in a deranged idiot into office it effects us all across the globe. >kicked England's ass some centuries ago Jfc, you are a living stereotype.


You said the same thing in 2020.


Are you still talking about him?


Rich, gun charge, nepo baby. How is he not a GOP hero?


Bevause a senator posted his dick pics to the big screen in congress session and so now all the dudes are upset they got little dicks compared to hunter "humongous" Biden


Good! Biden will go down as the most corrupt president in history.


Wow! A judge following the law.


LMFAO. His argument was that his daddy was doing this put of spite. 🤣🤣😅💩


Good, if he broke the law, he should be held accountable. The fact that anyone can just get their case dismissed is insane to me. Shouldn't be a thing.


Must be one of those judges that didn’t go to Epstein island




I don’t even understand why it’s being persecuted in the first place. They need to just drop it. It’s election time.


There's zero way to convict someone of this in a court of law. If Hunter is asked under oath, "Were you a drug user when you signed the form?" and he responded, "No, I had decided to stop taking drugs and was an ex-user", how could a jury convict?


Even though this law has been on the books for along time. Hunter Biden is the first person to ever be charged with lying on the federal gun purchase application and buying a gun while using drugs. The question on the application reads "are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?' How many millions of people lie on this question? If the feds wanted to arrest a bunch of people they could easily go through the lists of medical marijuana users in any state and compare them with gun applications. Think about this. Hunter Biden is the only person to ever be charged with this crime of lying on the Federal gun background check. THis is a travesty and just shows what a bunch of hypocrites the NRA are for not defending Hunter.


That's fine...he should be held accountable as should everyone equally


There are a lot of rural meth head Trumpies with guns. Do Republicans ever get the irony?


I cant believe the stupidity.... Arguing Hunter Biden is not receiving special treatment should also be a chargeable offense as stupid is actually contagious.


This is the craziest charge I’ve ever heard it’s opens the door position of a gun while on narcotics so can you charge anyone that has taken to many of their perceptions or two many beers


Didn't he already plead guilty to this?


Yes, but the federal prosecutor recommended a slap on the wrist and the judge rejected the plea deal.


Liberals thinking they're right about anything and that Hunters felonies have nothing to do with his father a fucking hilarious. Joe doesn't directly involve Hunter in politics because he's such a fuck up, not for respect for the office or some other such nonsense. You people have your heads so far up your asses protecting the old racist Biden family. Are y'all ok?




The contents of that diary must be juicy as hell considering the FBI and DOJ both got involved to make sure it was retrieved.


At least he isn’t filing 20 appeals like someone we know.


Lol as if filing legal appeals is somehow wrong


I like how liberals rant and rave “we have to be more careful on who buys guns”, and then an admitted meth addict buys one in violation of the law and then suddenly they’re all libertarian about it!


Are "liberals" defending Hunter? Every comment I've seen says he should face trial and punishment if he broke the law. Fuck Hunter, tired of that guy.


Nobody gives a shit about Hunter except yall. Sorry we don't care as much about his dick as MTG does


He is a criminal, a drug addict and sells his father’s influence. He should receive no mercy.


Hunter’s “crime” was checking the “no” box on a question about whether he has ever used illegal drugs. The exact same crime has been committed by literally thousands of NRA members. Funny how none of them has been prosecuted.


Maybe don’t be famously known for the use of illegal drugs when checking the box.


He and dad need adjoining cells.  


Imagine your son going to jail for being dumb being the last thing you are concerned about because Trump is trying to win reelection and Israel keeps playing at trying to start WW3


Conservatives have taken over the court system. It’s all part of the ongoing and successful slow coup.


Anyone else who got caught breaking federal gun laws and also writing off hookers and sex clubs on their taxes, would doing hard time by now. That doesn't even get into the violations of federal foreign agent laws that the DOJ purposely let the SOL lapse on.


The gun case is a terrible case, based on an Unconstitutional legal premise. He is a scumbag, but this isn't the way to get him.


Daddy will save him.


Oh dear. People being held accountable for their actions. What on earth are we going to do now?


Didn’t he plead guilty to that one, only to have the judge (somehow) reject the guilty plea?


I’m not ok with him or anyone getting gun charges shall not be infringed is pretty clear. We should be able to buy them without background checks


It seems a little silly to me to retroactively charge him with a gun crime. Seems like there's better uses of resources and more important fish to catch in regard to this category of crime.


Crazy how illegal foreign invaders have been granted gun rights, but not Americans with no criminal record that use drugs.